Tim Tracker-why exactly did...

On the other hand, how could a company that is spemding billions to retheme a ride due to it including an animatronic bunny who seven decades ago appeared briefly in a movie that is now widely viewed as racially offensive, continue to have a relationship with a couple who have a much more recent record of spouting racist and homophobic remarks?
1. It’s hardly billions with a B.
Disney also can’t take the high road regarding that ride. It’s still open and they continue to sell merch.
I wonder who complained about them so many times that they got dropped by two companies? I'll still watch them.

These guys do a good job of covering this:
I think what they had to say in this video about the Trackers was spot on. The came from very little and honestly neither one of them were very cultured or didn't have a expanded world view. The two videos that have caused controversy were from their younger days. They went to a party that had a theme is racially insensitive and the other video Jenn was drunk and said something dumb, but not hateful about being gay. I feel their apology was sincere and they went above and beyond to make amends.

They have grown-up a lot since they've started vlogging. They still come off sometimes as unpolished, but what they lack they make up in hustle. They worked hard and sacrificed a lot to get where they are. I think the vitriolic hate comes from pure jealousy and the specific hate Jenn gets seems to be from mean-girl types. It's interesting that some in the small-media community think they know who is behind the campaign to try to essentially ruin them.

I met the Trackers earlier this year at the Riviera gift shop and Jenn was super lovely and Tim was being helpful. I do get super annoyed with Tim constantly correcting Jenn, but that's their dynamic. I think they are genuinely nice people who found something they love and feel grateful they get to share it and have had so much success from it.

For me it's just a either you watch them or you don't. I usually start watching more when I'm about to go on a trip or one of their videos autoplays when I have YouTube on in the background. They have undoubtedly influenced things I've done at Disney and the Orlando area. Best thing they introduced me to was Discovery Cove. I wouldn't have known about it otherwise.
I feel their apology was sincere and they went above and beyond to make amends.

I believe that the haters refuse to give them a chance to change.….they don’t want them to change. They just want to go on and on about something that she said a long time ago. Someone asked “how do you know Jen changed?” I didn’t respond because she had laughed at my comment so I could tell that we wouldn’t be having a nice dialogue, but I wanted to say “How do you know that she hasn’t changed?” As Dr Phil would say, “Put some verbs in your sentences, what can she do to ‘change’ or make up for something she said ten years ago?”

There is a video from Delish about Universal. Two girls walk around Universal trying various snacks and drinks. IMO, their behavior is embarrassing. They act drunker than they are and it’s uncomfortable to watch. You know what I did about it? Nothing. I just didn’t watch anymore of their videos. That’s all you have to do if you don’t like a vlogger. Just stop watching their videos and move on.
I think what they had to say in this video about the Trackers was spot on. The came from very little and honestly neither one of them were very cultured or didn't have a expanded world view. The two videos that have caused controversy were from their younger days. They went to a party that had a theme is racially insensitive and the other video Jenn was drunk and said something dumb, but not hateful about being gay. I feel their apology was sincere and they went above and beyond to make amends.

They have grown-up a lot since they've started vlogging. They still come off sometimes as unpolished, but what they lack they make up in hustle. They worked hard and sacrificed a lot to get where they are. I think the vitriolic hate comes from pure jealousy and the specific hate Jenn gets seems to be from mean-girl types. It's interesting that some in the small-media community think they know who is behind the campaign to try to essentially ruin them.

I met the Trackers earlier this year at the Riviera gift shop and Jenn was super lovely and Tim was being helpful. I do get super annoyed with Tim constantly correcting Jenn, but that's their dynamic. I think they are genuinely nice people who found something they love and feel grateful they get to share it and have had so much success from it.

For me it's just a either you watch them or you don't. I usually start watching more when I'm about to go on a trip or one of their videos autoplays when I have YouTube on in the background. They have undoubtedly influenced things I've done at Disney and the Orlando area. Best thing they introduced me to was Discovery Cove. I wouldn't have known about it otherwise.
I happen to agree 100% with you and am so upset they have not been invited to and will not be a part of the opening ceremonies. IMHO jealousy is most definitely behind this. I watch several different Disney vloggers and they too have many cringe-worthy moments.
Smart vloggers like DFB never show their faces or at least could not recognize them if I tripped over them. As for T and J I will say it again, once they are comped to the extent that they were and are, they lose veracity. It comes with the territory.
Hopefully, ALL vloggers or anyone else who has made their way to the top understand the basic principle in life, pretty much once you have made it, there is always someone going to come after you and knock you down. It's that way in everything. The green monster comes out in people and they look for flaws. Because nobody is perfect very few if any remain unscathed. So god forbid you cheated on a test or smoked in the boy's room in high school 30 years ago someone will come after you, and take you down.

I always look at these vloggers and You Tube personalities and think, " So what's in it for the long term for you?"
The longevity for one of these "jobs" is not great and even the younger ones like PC DEV and JoJo start to wear on you after a while. I wonder, do they see themselves riding around Disney in a Lark when they are 70 still reporting on the inane and the mundane like the change in a font on a window on Main St? What's the "five year plan"?

In the past the "stars" had protection from the media and by the media but now we are ALL the media and able to research and report on the last time you ran a red light or did not cross at a cross walk with much embellishment and little to no restriction. I do not know which is more appropriate, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone," or "Karma is a witch ( obviously abridged)". Trackers annoy me, I am not going to lie but the cancelling of everyone and anyone annoys me more on principle.
I received four notifications that people have laughed in response to my posts. I really don’t get it. It has the vibe of a playground bully. I know that they will most likely laugh at this one too because that’s what bullies do. I think it’s disrespectful and rude and in ten years on this board I’ve never laughed at anyone and I never will. I don’t understand the toxicity toward someone who has a different opinion. If we disagree I still respect your opinion. Anyway, best of wishes to all, even those who laughed.
I received four notifications that people have laughed in response to my posts. I really don’t get it. It has the vibe of a playground bully. I know that they will most likely laugh at this one too because that’s what bullies do. I think it’s disrespectful and rude and in ten years on this board I’ve never laughed at anyone and I never will. I don’t understand the toxicity toward someone who has a different opinion. If we disagree I still respect your opinion. Anyway, best of wishes to all, even those who laughed.

Or, did they "like" your post? I see 4 likes, with a thumbs up, on your previous post.
The notification said that the person reacted to my post with Ha Ha
Oh, I see what you mean about page 2. (I was just looking above at your post #83, which only had likes and no Ha Ha.)
I received four notifications that people have laughed in response to my posts. I really don’t get it. It has the vibe of a playground bully. I know that they will most likely laugh at this one too because that’s what bullies do. I think it’s disrespectful and rude and in ten years on this board I’ve never laughed at anyone and I never will. I don’t understand the toxicity toward someone who has a different opinion. If we disagree I still respect your opinion. Anyway, best of wishes to all, even those who laughed.
It doesn't have the vibe of a bully. If you are going to put strong opinions out in the public then you need to be able to deal with the reactions-good and bad. An emoji is a mild response compared to other things I have seen.
It doesn't have the vibe of a bully. If you are going to put strong opinions out in the public then you need to be able to deal with the reactions-good and bad. An emoji is a mild response compared to other things I have seen.

It was repetitive. The same person was laughing over and over again. I woke up to four notifications from the same person this morning. Even when my opinions are strong they are kind and considerate of others. I’ve always expected for that to be reciprocated but that doesn’t seem to be the case with a couple of people. However, I would agree that if my posts had been rude and confrontational then I should have expected the laughs from those who disagree.
I always look at these vloggers and You Tube personalities and think, " So what's in it for the long term for you?"
The longevity for one of these "jobs" is not great and even the younger ones like PC DEV and JoJo start to wear on you after a while. I wonder, do they see themselves riding around Disney in a Lark when they are 70 still reporting on the inane and the mundane like the change in a font on a window on Main St? What's the "five year plan"?

Not to mention that the sites they post on (Youtube, etc.) are constantly tweaking the advertising algorithms to keep more money in their pockets, and less in the pockets of influencers. I followed a guy who was huge in the Lego world for a while, and he basically had to quit after the last time Youtube changed their algorithm because it meant way, way less money for him, to the point it wasn't worth it anymore.

Everyone wants to be a Youtube star, but as far as I can tell, there's no job security in it. Between the bots changing how you get paid, the fact that there's always some nut bar coming after you to knock you down or dox you, and the fact that when you're no longer young and cute you become irrelevant (I always want to scream at the screen, "Ageism is a thing, people, and it will happen to you so you'd better have a plan B), it's not a job I'd want.
Not to mention that the sites they post on (Youtube, etc.) are constantly tweaking the advertising algorithms to keep more money in their pockets, and less in the pockets of influencers. I followed a guy who was huge in the Lego world for a while, and he basically had to quit after the last time Youtube changed their algorithm because it meant way, way less money for him, to the point it wasn't worth it anymore.

Everyone wants to be a Youtube star, but as far as I can tell, there's no job security in it. Between the bots changing how you get paid, the fact that there's always some nut bar coming after you to knock you down or dox you, and the fact that when you're no longer young and cute you become irrelevant (I always want to scream at the screen, "Ageism is a thing, people, and it will happen to you so you'd better have a plan B), it's not a job I'd want.

I totally agree. It is amazing to me and I get it that the younger people don't see the forest for the trees but TT is 40 at some point Peter Pan needs to grow up because even though it exists at WDW, in reality there is no NEVER NEVER LAND.
I’m not going to use the names but there were different people. I know that they were both on my posts on page 2. Post numbers 27, 32, 34, 40 all on page 2.

I really think it's impossible to know exactly why someone puts a like, laugh, sad, etc. I'm not saying you took it the wrong way but in many cases it would be nearly impossible. So don't worry about it. I do see where people did laugh because they possibly felt that you're comment was preposterous(to them) or over the top. Hey, that's their opinion.

As far as the Trackers go, I dropped them after I saw that video(well after the fact) but the constant comp'd videos were beginning to wear on me. And when I add in the fact that they're making a good amount of money -it did seem that some of the videos were less genuine and more thrown out there just to keep a revenue stream going.
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I received four notifications that people have laughed in response to my posts. I really don’t get it. It has the vibe of a playground bully. I know that they will most likely laugh at this one too because that’s what bullies do. I think it’s disrespectful and rude and in ten years on this board I’ve never laughed at anyone and I never will. I don’t understand the toxicity toward someone who has a different opinion. If we disagree I still respect your opinion. Anyway, best of wishes to all, even those who laughed.

Congratulations. You triggered that person good.


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