Tiered Ticket Pricing ... what would Walt think?

I agree that they have reached a saturation point, and partly because they continue to build resorts to house more people without providing attractions or experiences to spread out the numbers.
That's a good point also, but only a piece of the problem. The vast majority of guests stay offsite since that's where the vast majority of rooms are. Even if Disney didn't have the hotel capacity they have, I think we'd still be seeing the same crowding problem. There would just be more traffic on the roads coming onto property since even more people would be staying offsite.

More attractions in the existing parks wouldn't reduce crowds. It might reduce wait times for individual attractions but there would be just as many people, if not more, in the park. A 5th gate would help disperse crowds some but at the same time, it would attract even more people to come to Disney to check it out so the effect might be minimal.

I think what they really need is to build elsewhere. Put a park in the center of the country somewhere. It's too bad Disney's America never got built. We would have gone to that for sure to get our Disney fix sometimes. Nothing anywhere would replace WDW but it would help. Building all of the overseas parks might help draw away some of the international guests but it's the North and South American guests that primarily pack WDW.
Building all of the overseas parks might help draw away some of the international guests but it's the North and South American guests that primarily pack WDW.
I'm not so sure, the number of Asia Pacific guests in WDW must be quite small. Obviously for me as an English speaker as my first language and a little French I can getaway with going to Paris, but WDW or DLR are the bigger draw. HK, Japan and China are pretty much a no go for Westerners unless you are willing not to be able to understand anything.
I think what they really need is to build elsewhere. Put a park in the center of the country somewhere. It's too bad Disney's America never got built.
Ha, I was thinking about this as well. Having a Disney World on both coasts would certainly make a difference.

"Here in Florida, we have something special we never enjoyed at Disneyland...the blessing of size."
Ticket Prices are high to go to Disney. I think we all agree on that. I look at the value of the entertainment the rides and the great time my family has when i go to WDW. I have to say i feel for the money we get a good value.
My opinion on the tiered pricing is the same opinion I have on the regular ticket increases: as long as attendance keeps climbing to record numbers year after year they have no reason to keep prices the same or to not increase them. The only way the prices will ever stay flat is if attendance goes down. Which just isn't happening. There has to be a price point where attendance goes down. And despite all the threats from people here and other sites, clearly people are not refusing to go and numbers are still going up. There's no motivation for Disney Parks management to keep prices at a "affordable level". If people are still going in record numbers clearly a large portion can afford it.
I have to weigh in here.

Yes, we choose our professions, and yes, with every profession there are positives and negatives. There are professions, however, that contribute to the greater good. They make society better. There are professions where the work involved may change lives, may save lives, may protect lives. Professions that involve risks and tasks many of us would shudder to consider having to do. Yes, people know this when they sign up. But given that their work contributes to all of us in ways that accounting, manufacturing, travel agent (all good professions) do not, why is it out of the question to even consider policies that show just a little compassion and understanding? These aren't 'nice to have' professions - they are necessary for the betterment of society as a whole. What would our lives really be like without the men and women who serve in the armed forces? What would our lives be like without firefighters - people who actually run into burning buildings to save others? What would our lives be like without nurses, police, and yes - teachers. Because people choose those professions doesn't mean the rest of us get to take a pass on compassion and basic human decency. Consideration of others is a quality sorely lacking - 20 minutes in a theme park is all the proof you need to know that's true.

So lets take 10 seconds out of our self obsessed lives to consider paths chosen by others and remember how grateful we are (or should be) that they did.

walt would ask for another Marlboro and move on. He probably could not care less to be honest. FYI, Walt wasn't that nice of a person...he just happened to make the "happiest place on earth".
I'm not debating, just totally curious to see what your reasoning is for saying he wasn't a nice person?
I thought I read that someplace, but I could very well be wrong.

There are some historic accounts and biographers, etc. who try to put him in a negative light but generally that has been refuted

Was he perfect? No. But for the most part he was a decent human being who wanted to advance society, and was a proud American. He definitely pushed people hard and was loyal - but if you showed disloyalty to him he took it very personal. Disney "fans" probably place him on too high of a pedestal at times but I think some of the claims against him are from people trying to knock him down
I actually pretty much agree with this and the start to this thread was a bit tongue in cheek

My goal was to discuss why people seem to feel differently about Disney and also possible discuss other ways Disney could look to curb the crowds as simply raising prices hasn't accomplished that

"what would Walt think" questions because nobody has a clue what Walt would think.

I am of the belief that it is no longer relevant to ask "what would Walk think?" For one, this December it will be 50 years since Walt passed away. As many have pointed out in this thread, a lot has happened since then. I believe (as apparently does OP) the better question is what do you think?

So lets take 10 seconds out of our self obsessed lives to consider paths chosen by others and remember how grateful we are (or should be) that they did.
I can't help but observe that "ambulance chasers" are notably absent in the list of respectful career paths (unless they are included in "self obsessed"). :duck:As a labor leader said many years ago (to a room full of lawyers): "the lawyers, with all due respect, they toil not, neither do they spin; yet they are reasonably attired. They do not add to the gross national product. They are part of the cost inherent in the task of men to live together."

Now where do I find the red carpet?
My opinion on the tiered pricing is the same opinion I have on the regular ticket increases: as long as attendance keeps climbing to record numbers year after year they have no reason to keep prices the same or to not increase them. The only way the prices will ever stay flat is if attendance goes down. Which just isn't happening. There has to be a price point where attendance goes down. And despite all the threats from people here and other sites, clearly people are not refusing to go and numbers are still going up. There's no motivation for Disney Parks management to keep prices at a "affordable level". If people are still going in record numbers clearly a large portion can afford it.

Exactly. And they are a business so I can see why they would keep raising prices as long as they can get away with it. The thing I hate far more is that none of the ticket price increases and increased profits ever translate into pay increases for cast members.

I don't think that Disney have an obligation to worry about whether or not 'the average family' can afford a Disney vacation, but they do have an obligation to their cast members and to their parks (in terms of cleanliness and maintenance) that they are currently not meeting.
The thing I hate far more is that none of the ticket price increases and increased profits ever translate into pay increases for cast members.

Never is a bit strong. I agree, with the Resorts segment profit, CM pay could be better. But in 2014, Disney and the unions representing most Theme Park CM's agreed to a new wage scale. As of July 31, 2016, new hires receive a minimum of 10.00 per hour (up $1 per hour since 3/30/2014). Over the same period, most hourly jobs saw at least an across the board $1 per hour increase in the wage scale. Tipped employees are the exception. They saw an hourly rate increase but it was not as dramatic and their increase occurs over a longer period of time. http://www.uniteherelocal362.org/wdw-ft/
I find it difficult to continue this thread without mentioning a group whom many of which can not afford to Pay for a trip into Disney World, yet are held to a very high standard. There have even been threads on these forums that discussed this. I am referring to WDW cast members.

Sure they have the benefit of going into the parks, but at $10.50 an hour they couldn't afford a vacation like most of us have had. Yet we continue to discuss how service at the parks has decreased while ticket prices increase. OK, they aren't saving lives or molding our future, but I know I would expect more pay if I had to clean those bathrooms or even walk around smiling all day in the Florida sun. Can you imagine what the inside of Mickey's head must smell like after an August parade?

Now I really have gotten off topic here, but why is it we see ticket prices increase every year? It isn't that they are paying more for entry level and front line cast members. The only obvious reason is improvements and expansions to accommodate more people and continue to set new records in attendance and profits. If they want to make me happy they could start by paying the janitorial CMs enough to clean the bathrooms so I don't notice the 160 minute wait times (or at least can better deal with them). They would make more as a greeter at WalMart.

edit: In the time it took to type that out Jaydeey beat me to the punch. Damn my fat nontyping fingers
There are some historic accounts and biographers, etc. who try to put him in a negative light but generally that has been refuted

Was he perfect? No. But for the most part he was a decent human being who wanted to advance society, and was a proud American. He definitely pushed people hard and was loyal - but if you showed disloyalty to him he took it very personal. Disney "fans" probably place him on too high of a pedestal at times but I think some of the claims against him are from people trying to knock him down
Perfectly said, Max, and exactly what I thought. Which is why I was just curious to see what the OP had to say to refute that, so I could maybe learn something.
edit: In the time it took to type that out Jaydeey beat me to the punch. Damn my fat nontyping fingers

Can I interest you in a dialing wand or perhaps an assistant?

Never is a bit strong. I agree, with the Resorts segment profit, CM pay could be better. But in 2014, Disney and the unions representing most Theme Park CM's agreed to a new wage scale. As of July 31, 2016, new hires receive a minimum of 10.00 per hour (up $1 per hour since 3/30/2014). Over the same period, most hourly jobs saw at least an across the board $1 per hour increase in the wage scale. Tipped employees are the exception. They saw an hourly rate increase but it was not as dramatic and their increase occurs over a longer period of time. http://www.uniteherelocal362.org/wdw-ft/

I am, unfortunately, prone to hyperbole :P

edit: In the time it took to type that out Jaydeey beat me to the punch. Damn my fat nontyping fingers

But your wording was much better. :)
I find it difficult to continue this thread without mentioning a group whom many of which can not afford to Pay for a trip into Disney World, yet are held to a very high standard. There have even been threads on these forums that discussed this. I am referring to WDW cast members.

Sure they have the benefit of going into the parks, but at $10.50 an hour they couldn't afford a vacation like most of us have had. Yet we continue to discuss how service at the parks has decreased while ticket prices increase. OK, they aren't saving lives or molding our future, but I know I would expect more pay if I had to clean those bathrooms or even walk around smiling all day in the Florida sun. Can you imagine what the inside of Mickey's head must smell like after an August parade?

Now I really have gotten off topic here, but why is it we see ticket prices increase every year? It isn't that they are paying more for entry level and front line cast members. The only obvious reason is improvements and expansions to accommodate more people and continue to set new records in attendance and profits. If they want to make me happy they could start by paying the janitorial CMs enough to clean the bathrooms so I don't notice the 160 minute wait times (or at least can better deal with them). They would make more as a greeter at WalMart.

edit: In the time it took to type that out Jaydeey beat me to the punch. Damn my fat nontyping fingers

The reason we pay more every year is because attendance is going up and up and up. Supply and demand. Even if attendance was consistently the same. You would still make it more expensive. Putting up the prices has nothing to do with additions or maintenance or anything like that. It's this simple. The parks are busy. We can't continue to increase attendance at this rate. Let's put up prices so we lose maybe 5% of those new visitors we are going to have this year. PLUS we get to make more money for doing he same.

Now if people are not happy with this mentality, vote with your feet. Don't go. That's the only way prices will stay the same or go down. If attendance decreases.
Now if people are not happy with this mentality, vote with your feet. Don't go. That's the only way prices will stay the same or go down. If attendance decreases.
As I've said many times, I agree, and have been doing my part....have not been since Nov. '12, and no IDEA when able to head back, ESPECIALLY with prices for everything continuing to escalate. :(


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