Thread about Disney 28,000 cast member video ad removed per suggestion


Retired and going to Disney.
Oct 28, 2000
Thread about Disney 28,000 cast member video ad removed per suggestion by TLSnell1981.

I should have thought about it before posting.

I was touched by the cast member(s) losing her Disney job.

I wasn't thinking about being political, but now I can definitely see it is.

That just wasn't where my head was at 0100 in the morning.

I apologize.

And I found the DISboards posting Guidelines.

Board Guidelines:
Please take a few minutes to read our board guidelines.

Because of the large number of complaints of personal attacks related to these subjects and the inability of many people to keep a civilized conversation when discussing these hot-button topics, politics and religion will no longer be appropriate topics on our forums. Political or religion based posts or threads will be removed, and repeated violations of this rule can result in an infraction.
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Probably to avoid to get points / reprimanded by a moderator?

But why make the thread about me?

No. Everything is politics nowadays.
Especially paid ads that include the politicians. 😉

That is the problem. There are plenty of issues that never were considered political until a few years ago. Since when did public health become political? Simply baffling.
I think for the US, public health is and will stay political till there is universal health care and a couples of decades after.

Covid just intensified it. And it is an election year.
“But why make the thread about me?”

He didn’t make the thread about you, he mentioned you because you were the first one to point out his post. Ray is a very nice person and there’s no need to pile on him like this. He took the ad down.
There was no need to put her name in the title. He could take it out right now if he wanted to.


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