This is Us- Season four

I was actually not at all happy with the episode at the beginning - too many new people all at once.

But I loved it by the end! - I'm so glad they introduced Jack as a happy, successful adult before they walked us through the difficult news when he was a baby.

I still don't really like the military lady. But I agree with the above that she is either already connected to Nicky or will be.

Excited to see where it goes next week.
I thought the military lady was Nikki's daughter.

At first I thought the baby may be Deja's but she met him at the cookout, so the baby was already born.

I knew right away that was Toby and Kates baby. I guess I knew he would have some sort of issue since he had such a rough start as an infant.

I like how Kevin is forming a relationship with Nikki.
Yes, you're right, some of them do. Usually the ones that have less episodes than the old standard of 22-24. The last season of This Is Us ended in early April, which is about a month earlier than most shows, but only had 18 episodes.

I think the old 24-episodes-per-season thing is starting to go the way of the dinosaur. Quality over quantity.

At one time I guess the standard was even higher, like 30-39 episodes a year. I only noticed as the tv listings show the season and episode number. These were early 1960’s shows. There were a lot less shows/networks back then of course. I can’t even imagine how many people must be employed writing for tv shows now as compared to back then.
[QUOTE="kimblebee, post: 61106366, member: I got a warning before the episode that it contained nudity. Did I miss that?

How did you miss it it was young jack jr. at the very beginning laying on the bed nude on his stomach. I didn’t see the warning and said when did this show start showing skin. Had no idea who he was than either so it through me off.
I thought it was an okay episode. I would have preferred if the new characters had been introduced over time instead of all at once. I felt like I was watching the pilot episode of a show. The way they tied it into the existing characters at the end was good. The only thing I really didn't like were the scenes with Jack and Lucy only because it is going to be really hard to sustain a storyline set 25 years in the future simply because we don't know what 25 years from now will be like. I think it will just seem like it is in the present time because of the technology/cars/etc available for them to use to shoot the scenes.
The military woman (cassidy i think?) is definitely going to be Kevin's wife. I don't know why, just thought so the first time she came on screen. I was expecting her video call to be to him at the party they were all at in last season's finale.
How does the dog and the plate tie in?

I really liked this episode. I was guessing at first that the baby was Beth lol

I didn’t see it coming at ALL that that was Jack jr. Kate and Toby are going to be grandparents <3

I wonder how Beth and Randall will take it that Deja’s potential boyfriend has a daughter. I wonder how the constituents will take it.

We. need. more. Kevin.

I got a warning before the episode that it contained nudity. Did I miss that?

Overall, a great start to season four (!?!).
The plate is from the morning he dropped it with his breakfast, so he had to go to the diner to eat and that is when he met Lucy.
Absolutely LOVED this episode from start to finish. Probably my favorite in a few seasons. I love the twists and turns. I always tell my kids to be kind to EVERYONE because you never know how they will impact your life. Exactly like was stated at the beginning of last night. Gave me goosebumps. Just LOVED it.
How does the dog and the plate tie in?

I really liked this episode. I was guessing at first that the baby was Beth lol

I didn’t see it coming at ALL that that was Jack jr. Kate and Toby are going to be grandparents <3

I wonder how Beth and Randall will take it that Deja’s potential boyfriend has a daughter. I wonder how the constituents will take it.

We. need. more. Kevin.

I got a warning before the episode that it contained nudity. Did I miss that?

Overall, a great start to season four (!?!).
Adult Jacks butt was shown in the very beginning while he was in bed - not sure what the point of that was.
I will have to watch again to catch everything. Was watching with family and know missed stuff. Same as New Amsterdam it was all over the place.
How does the dog and the plate tie in?

I really liked this episode. I was guessing at first that the baby was Beth lol

I didn’t see it coming at ALL that that was Jack jr. Kate and Toby are going to be grandparents <3

I wonder how Beth and Randall will take it that Deja’s potential boyfriend has a daughter. I wonder how the constituents will take it.

We. need. more. Kevin.

I got a warning before the episode that it contained nudity. Did I miss that?

Overall, a great start to season four (!?!).
Sorry for not clarifying, I meant without the dog knocking the plate off he would have never met the girl. That's what gets me about the show, its the little things you almost miss that make the show compelling for me at
I don't think she is Nicky's daughter. I think they will all bond, while trying to help her issues and Nicky's.
You could tell at the end of show when Nicky is getting arrested (and when she saw him standing outside the broken window) she knows him.
Huh? How? She's married to someone else.

They could be divorced. The flash forward was about 10-12 years in the future.

I read that the actor who is playing Jack Jr. is legally blind himself.

Also, it didn’t click in last night but Jack is following in his mom and grandmas footsteps by being a singer.
I don't have too much to add, but I loved the episode and am looking forward to seeing more of the connections being made.


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