This Is Us- Season 3

Cabanfrau, that's what I get from trusting my memory instead of looking it up!

Oh I absolutely get it. Your comment made me stop, think and then think again -- who did we just see as Beth's mother? I really hadn't made the connection until your comment, and then I doubted my own doubt until I really thought it through.
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My new theory: she is blind. That’s why her eyes are open but she doesn’t seem to comprehend what is in her line of vision. That’s why Randall has to announce who he is.

That's an interesting theory, but it doesn't ring true to me, personally, given that scene. A mom can typically tell her kids' voices, but even if she couldn't, him just saying "It's Randall" should have been enough. The fact that he elaborates further by saying "It's Randall, your son." really makes it seem that she has some degree of confusion or memory loss going on. But she can certainly experience those symptoms without them being linked to Alzheimer's, so the information given in the interview could still be quite correct. :)
I agree the fact he says it's Randall your son, has to mean she has some kind of memory loss, whether it's dementia, Alzheimer's or brain injury. Nothing else would make sense. In my dad's last couple of day's he couldn't open his eyes anymore, we would just hey dad, it's so and so, we wouldn't elaborate we were his daughter or son, there was no need to because his memory was fine.
I think his saying it's Randall, your son is just a callback to his thoughts and emotions about what his mom could understand after the car accident years ago -- and his fears about what she will be cognizant of in her diminished capacity due to her illness and possible medications today.

Personally my speculation is we're seeing in home hospice care with pain management treatment happening. I've seen the idea floated that it ends where we started, with a Big Three birthday celebration. Seems to fit the style of these writers pretty well.
I'm going with "out of it due to heavy pain killers" too - because that was in the flashback.

I've been re-watching (as I was considering in my post the other day) and realizing just how much foreshadowing there really is in this series! The example I happened to notice Wednesday was back in season 1. - Tess is the one to tell them all that William is "gay, or at least bi" and later in the episode Randall and Beth are talking about trying to get to know Jessie, and one of them says it's good practice for when the girls start bringing home boyfriends, and the other says "or girlfriends" and they talk about that a little. I just think there are a lot of little things like that - stuff we wouldn't think anything of at the time that connects later.

Maybe it's the writers's consolation prize to us for making the series so short :laughing: - we can all keep analyzing it by watching it over and over.
I'm going with "out of it due to heavy pain killers" too - because that was in the flashback.

I've been re-watching (as I was considering in my post the other day) and realizing just how much foreshadowing there really is in this series! The example I happened to notice Wednesday was back in season 1. - Tess is the one to tell them all that William is "gay, or at least bi" and later in the episode Randall and Beth are talking about trying to get to know Jessie, and one of them says it's good practice for when the girls start bringing home boyfriends, and the other says "or girlfriends" and they talk about that a little. I just think there are a lot of little things like that - stuff we wouldn't think anything of at the time that connects later.

Maybe it's the writers's consolation prize to us for making the series so short :laughing: - we can all keep analyzing it by watching it over and over.

Seems so obvious with the way you connected the dots -- and yet I never noticed a thing!
I really don't think they would bring in another actress to play Kate at the end. In fact, I think that's exactly why we don't see Kate in the future scene, because eliminating her from this scene leaves things wide open for them in terms of her appearance later. If Chrissy Metz loses weight, they have the option to portray her character (assuming Kate is still living) as having lost weight, or they can make her seem like she hasn't. But if they show her now, then they are forced to try to make her look just as she did in this flash forward, even if she loses an amount of weight that might make that difficult. Plus, I do think they like to have us guessing about a few things at all times, and they've already shown one relationship that worked and told us that 2 of the big three are living, so it makes sense to me that they'd leave us hanging about those things in regards to at least one major character.

But goodness knows that while I have accurately guessed a few This Is Us things over the last 3 seasons, I have been gobsmacked by some as well, so time will tell. It will be a fun wait. :)
I don't know is this has been discussed on this thread before. Dan Fogelman (This is Us creator) has a movie on Amazon called Life Itself. I watched it last night and really enjoyed it. It's gut-wrenching, so, if you're jonesing for a This Is Us- style cry, I highly recommend it.

Edited to add: Just saw that it has horrible reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. Oh, well, glad I didn't read them before I watched it.
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I just read that Jennifer Morrison (Emma Swan in Once Upon A Time) is joining the cast for a major recurring role in season 4.
He is one good looking man.

Inquiring minds want to know..was he with Sophie or Zoe? Or was it another mystery woman who looks like she might have his kid in about ten years?

To be honest, he was surrounded by a bunch of smoking hotties. Couldn't tell if they were all his or not.
Did anyone else see the movie, Little? Justin had a small part in that. Hilarious!!



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