The Sound of Music


Sea Level Lady
Sep 10, 2015
ABC broadcast this near Christmas for the umpteenth time the other night. Since when is it a Christmas movie? Or is it just because it’s wholesome family entertainment?

And “My Favorite Things” is somehow a “Christmas song”???!!!! Why, because it mentions snow and packages tied up with strings that are totally unrelated to Christmas???!!!

I blame Barbra Streisand (or her early producers) for that. The song was included on her Christmas album in the mid 60s.

It’s similar to ABC showing The Ten Commandments around Easter. Even when Passover isn’t near Easter, ABC still shows it on the Saturday before Easter.
But I do enjoy watching The Sound of Music. The other night I watched from beginning to end, the first time in many many years. Usually I catch it part way through.

I especially like the Reverend Mother lip syncing her way through “Climb Ev’ry Mountain.”

But I don’t like how they made The Baroness out to be almost a villain. She was a more sympathetic character in the Broadway musical, plus got to sing too.

Ooops, look like the video I selected won’t play here. Sorry. Search on youtube.
The Nazis are after us. The Nazis are after us. .LET'S SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING.

Edit. Ok I got carried away and failed to answer the main thread theme. No. The sound of music is not a Christmas movie. In fact the movie never mentions the holiday. But despite these things, the movie has aired at Christmas time every year since 2002. Nor is My favorite things a Christmas song. There are a couple of things associated with Christmas time in the song, but most are associated more the season, be it winter spring, or summer.

As for the 10 commandments and Easter, the biblical events of Easter occurred during passover. The reason the dates differ today traces back to the 4th century when Christian and Jewish scholars converted their dates to the solar calendar differently. Complicating things even more is some Christians use the Julian Calendar and some use the Gregorian, which has 14 leap days inserted in the 16th century to bring it back in line with the actual solar cycle. So even the Christian Holidays differ among Christians. So give the 10 commandments a pass on that one.

You know come to think of it, I'm going to celebrate Eastern Orthodox Christmas. That way we get all our Christmas presents for 70% off!!!! Whoops. Now I got carried away and went off on a Tangent.
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Unpopular Opinion I hate the song my favorite things
Even more unpopular opinion. I HATE the Sound of Music. It just does nothing for me. I have seen it on stage several times. I have watched the movie a couple of times. I can't stand either of them.
Wholesome family entertainment. Not a Christmas movie.
Broadcasters are looking for cheap, safe programming over the holidays.
Case in point, "A Christmas Story". It clearly IS a Christmas movie, and probably the worst movie ever made. Absolute bomb at the box office. It has become a cult classic because Turner Broadcasting decided to run marathons of it on Christmas because it was cheap and safe.
I have the DVD. I can't remember the last time I watched it, but I enjoy it every time I do. I know he hated this movie, but Christopher Plummer is an absolute dish as Baron von Trapp. No wonder Maria gave up the nun thing.
True, but he was a ginormous PITB before Maria worked her magic on him. I never could figure out what Baroness Schraeder saw in him. He was insufferable.
NBC was showing it for a couple of decades. I guess it's gone to Disney after the purchase of 20th Century Entertainment.]

He was insufferable, yes- but Maria saw that he was in tremendous pain. Baroness Shraeder saw dollar signs in him. I am a Captain Apologist, hahaha.
IIRC, she was pretty rich herself. He must have been pretty fun as a bachelor in Vienna but she read the writing on the wall and said auf wiedersehen. The Captain was a much better person and father with Maria, but that's his arc in the story.
I love the movie. Unfortunately did not get to see it on Sunday. We always watch Ten Commandments when it is on as well. I am not crazy about the first hour or so and the last few years always seem to fall asleep and miss my favorite parts the ten plagues, crossing the Red Sea, and getting the Ten Commandments.
But I don’t like how they made The Baroness out to be almost a villain. She was a more sympathetic character in the Broadway musical, plus got to sing too.

The Baroness was played by actress Eleanor Parker. She was in the 1950 Women-in-Prison flick "Caged" where she portrayed a doe-eyed innocent sent to The Big Doll house for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and emerged as a bitter, cynical, tough-as-nails "broad" angry at the world.

She acquired the knowledge to easily send wannabe nun Maria packing in short order, to a place from which there is no return, at the first hint of her victim, er, intended husband, showing attention toward Maria. Too bad she didn't.

Yes, in the stage production, The Baroness was more likeable.


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