The Running Thread - 2021

QOTD: What is your current running routine? Days/week? Targeting monthly mileage? Following a training plan? Morning v. Evening?

7 days a week! I've got my 2021 km goal for the year so I need to do 3.5 miles a day. Since it is only January, I'm sticking to the every day plan no matter what mileage my long run is. Getting ahead is good considering I know there will some weeks I can't get the miles done for one reason or another. I am following a training plan that is a mix of my own (I added the strength training and hill workouts) and an old dopeybadger plan. Three days a week involve speed runs/hill workouts/long runs. The other 4 days are easy runs with strength training.
Most of my runs are after work (early evening). My every-other-week hill workouts are 4am runs. My Saturday long runs are usually morning runs (NOT 4am!).
QOTD: What is your current running routine? Days/week? Targeting monthly mileage? Following a training plan? Morning v. Evening?

ATTQOTD: Currently run 2-3 days during the week and on the weekend I run both days...usually with my long run being in the day I have the most "spare time" on the weekend. I am trying to keep my months over 100 miles so I shoot for ~25 mile weeks.

In about two months I will be switching over to a training plan for my September 50 miler so my weekend runs will be increasing significantly in late spring and summer and will definitely include running both days on the weekends.

Just finished a @DopeyBadger plan 2 weeks ago. Last week was forced recovery with no running (only made it to Friday..LOL) and this week has been a slow and steady reintroduction of 5 days a week.

I haven't found my next race to train for; looking for something in spring/summer. However, I plan to restart my Dopey training plan in August for MW2022.

My weekly mileage ranges between 25-50 miles spread over 5 days a week.
QOTD: What is your current running routine? Days/week? Targeting monthly mileage? Following a training plan? Morning v. Evening?

ATTQOTD: Currently running 3x/week, usually run before work on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I've set a basic framework for myself that I'm trying to follow, but I'm not at all strict about it since I don't really have running goals for the year. I have been doing long runs, so I think I could potentially be ready for a half with pretty short notice, so fingers crossed runDisney announces Princess as being in-person and reopens registration! (Not really, I'm not even doing local races at the moment, probably won't be comfortable doing in-person events for a while)
QOTD: What is your current running routine? Days/week? Targeting monthly mileage? Following a training plan? Morning v. Evening?
I am finishing my first @DopeyBadger plan which was focused on increasing my speed. I run 5 times per week, mostly at lunchtime on weekdays since I am currently working from home and on mornings during the weekend. Since one of my goal is 2021km in 2021, monthly distance should average around 170km.
ATTQOTD: I'm trying to get back onto a good training schedule in hopes of possibly doing an in-person half in April. Ideally I want to be doing 2-3 days during the work week, running after I get home from school and then a longer run over the weekend. However Wisconsin winter weather (and my reluctance to go to a gym right now) along with the stresses of work/home right now are making that a lot harder for goal is for next week to be my big restart.
QOTD: What is your current running routine? Days/week? Targeting monthly mileage? Following a training plan? Morning v. Evening?
With no races anywhere in my future, I'm in base mode: 2 4ish-milers, 1 speed or hill day (I alternate each week), and 1 long run each week. Long runs I do in the morning, but I prefer short runs in early evening, when I'm done with work. Long runs are in an every-other-week, build-up, cut-back cycle of 6-9 miles. I tried doing a run-every-day streak for January, but my aging body said "NOPE" after 21 days, so I'm giving it a rest today and will go back to my normal schedule.
QOTD: What is your current running routine? Days/week? Targeting monthly mileage? Following a training plan? Morning v. Evening?
For most of the past year I have been a 6 days/week runner. I don’t make monthly or yearly mileage goals, other than to follow my training plan. I am in my second recovery week from Virtual Goofy, and have been running easy miles this weeks. I keep going back and forth with what plan to use - do I try one of Garmin’s Half plans (and then add a few more easy miles to make sure I’ve got the endurance to run a marathon the week after my planned half??) or do I re-use a previous DopeyBadger plan??
I run both in the morning and after work. If I go to OrangeTheory before work, I will run after work; otherwise I run in the morning. On some days I have a mini-running group that I still meet with to run some miles after work. Saturdays are morning runs.
I am finding everyone's running schedules so interesting- thanks for sharing!

ATTQOTD: I am currently running ~5 days/week, usually 3-4 miles/run. The majority of my runs are done while my kiddo is sleeping (afternoon nap or evenings), but weather permitting, we are getting a few stroller miles in! (Stroller runs are usually only 2 miles... looking forward to warmer weather and longer runs this spring!) I'm averaging 60-70 miles/month, but I'd like to be more at 70-80 miles, possibly higher.

I seem to have more random aches and pains these days, and almost all of them come back to toting a baby/toddler around (sore hips, ankle pain). Walking around barefoot and and carrying a kid up and down stairs 50 times/day probably isn't the kindest to my body.
ATTQOTD: “current” running routine is NIL, zero, none. I look forward to getting back out there come the summer.

My routine this past summer was pretty enjoyable. 3-4 days per week. Monday 5km (or treadmill/hill workout), Wednesday and/or Thursday (5km or two 3km runs), and a longer 8-11km on Saturday. Weekdays in the late afternoon/evening after work, Saturdays in the morning.

Who knows what kind of routine, if any, I’ll be able to get into once little one arrives.
ATTQOTD: Right now I'm not running, but getting *some* cardio back, and strength training 6 days a week. Once March gets here I'll be on a 5 day/week plan with a weekend long run. Currently, the baby/toddler takes about a 2 hour nap in the morning, so I do my best to get all of my exercise in during that time because she is NOT content to hang out in a play yard, and it's not safe for her to roam the basement freely. If I miss that morning window I am extremely unlikely to get my workouts in because evenings are non-stop pickup/drop off/dinner/homework/MAYBE get to see the husband time.
QOTD: What is your current running routine? Days/week? Targeting monthly mileage? Following a training plan? Morning v. Evening?

Right now I'm just concentrating on consistency since I'm not really training for anything. I try to get in a minimum of 4 runs/week with a target of 5 or 6. I have been running during the day to break up work as often as I can with the weekends for longer runs or trails that I have to drive to.

As it stands I have a few trail races that are approved over the next two months and a half that was deferred from last May to this May that is currently scheduled for in-person.

We are starting to see more races back in person with either limited or staggered fields so I am hoping I can start doing road races again in March. My current last one was 12/24/2019.
ATTQOTD: “current” running routine is NIL, zero, none. I look forward to getting back out there come the summer.

My routine this past summer was pretty enjoyable. 3-4 days per week. Monday 5km (or treadmill/hill workout), Wednesday and/or Thursday (5km or two 3km runs), and a longer 8-11km on Saturday. Weekdays in the late afternoon/evening after work, Saturdays in the morning.

Who knows what kind of routine, if any, I’ll be able to get into once little one arrives.

Is this your first? You'll find a routine that works best for you! Just be kind to yourself!
I will never forget the feeling of my first walk (~2 weeks pp)- it was the first time I felt "like myself" again. And ever since then, I know that moving is my best form of self-care. And for other people, not be concerned about miles or movement in the first months is a better form of self-care! You'll figure it out- running is always here for you when you're ready again!
ATTQOTD: I was trying to do a run streak, but I had to miss a few days due to pain and weather. So I'm just trying to run as many days as possible right now. I do one longer run (no more than 6 miles) a week and have started working back in "speed" workouts. I'm so dang slow I'm not sure what I'm doing could be called speed intervals :rotfl2:Not training for anything specific at the moment. I have several virtual runs to complete still and I'm registered for a half in May that was postponed from last year. Not sure yet if it's happening this year... I'll get serious about that in March.
Is this your first? You'll find a routine that works best for you! Just be kind to yourself!
I will never forget the feeling of my first walk (~2 weeks pp)- it was the first time I felt "like myself" again. And ever since then, I know that moving is my best form of self-care. And for other people, not be concerned about miles or movement in the first months is a better form of self-care! You'll figure it out- running is always here for you when you're ready again!

Yes it is our first!
Thank you, this is a reminder I seem to need too often about being more kind to myself. I’ve been worried about getting back to normal, so I appreciate your words of wisdom 😊
ATTQOTD: I'm cutting down a bit (a lot?) on running this year as need to spend more time doing other things for the moment!

So current "routine" is - try to squeeze in a quick run (1.5-2 miles) most days, with a short walk after to cool down. Maybe run slightly longer distances on weekends (would be happy with a 5km distance).

Try to hit goal of 2km/day each month, but also try not to get too upset if I don't meet this goal!
ATTQOTD: Did my virtual Goofy at the beginning of the month and have backed off on my weekly run mileage since then. Currently doing 3x/week, usually a couple of 5-6 milers and then a longer run on the weekend (8mi or so). I really think 4 days a week is perfect for me, but feel like I need to give myself some recovery time from Goofy. I only run in the morning.
I also get on my bike usually 3-4 times a week, and try to get in the pool at least once a week as well.


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