The Running Thread - 2020

To no one's surprise, the Broad Street Run in Philly just announced that they are transitioning to a virtual run and will not hold an in-person event. Not a fan of how they didn't give a deferment or refund option, but at least part of the fee goes to charity.

For non-canceled fall races, come on Marine Corps and Honolulu marathon...
Well geez, 90% of what makes Broad Street so fun is the uniqueness of the course. Having it go virtual makes me go "blah"
Another Race Report
Hill on Earth Elimination Run, Waukesha, WI

I wasn't sure if I was going to do a race report for last Saturday since it was sort of a "gimmick" run. But since @DopeyBadger just mentioned it, why not?

The course was a very hilly 4 mile trail loop in west suburban Milwaukee. You signed up for either 1, 2, 4, or 6 loops. Each loop started on the hour and you had an hour to finish or you would be eliminated. Any time between when you finished and the group start of the next loop was your own to do anything but get a jump on the next loop.

The Silver Circle organizers did a great job keeping us all safe:
  • The race was limited to 100 people, 25 at each distance.
  • Packet pickup just before the race. Social distanced lines and no contact bib/t-shirt pickup
  • There was a 100 x 100 feet grid laid out near the start with traffic cones every 10 feet, so all 100 runners had their own private spot 10 feet from any other runner..
  • No aide stations on the course; you kept your own in your cooler at your cone (or of course carried your own). No food or drink provided after the race.
  • Wave start by row, so 10 mini waves of 10 runners each for the first loop. After the first loop we were down to 75 runners, after the second loop we were down to 50 runners, and after the fourth loop all that remained were the 6-loop runners.
  • You grabbed your own medal off of a stand under the honor system after finishing.
I signed up for four loops, or 16 miles. It was just a training run for me so I wasn't sure I would do all four loops. My @DopeyBadger training plan called for 14 miles, and I cut the last loop short and ended up running just a bit over 14. I have never run this type of race and it was strange to finish a four-mile loop and have 10-15 minutes before the next loop started. At first it was great, but after 10 minutes of resting after the third loop my body was convinced I was finished, making it a literal pain to get up and get moving again. Although I DNFed myself to the finish line timers after my truncated fourth loop, I still received a 2nd in my age group placement.

The organizers promised "soul crushing" hills. I did not have my soul crushed, but did have to walk up a couple of the steepest sections. Not exactly like running up black diamond Colorado ski hills, but perhaps blue diamond Midwestern ski hills. All in all a very fun race.

@DopeyBadger and I both ran the Do Little half marathon last fall (another Silver Circle event) and it was also a well organized. I have no doubt this years Do Little half marathon and marathon will also be done right.

I like their refund and deferral policy:
"Refunds are not permitted for any reason including, but not limited to blizzard, tsunami, hurricane, typhoon, earthquake, tornado, derecho storm, hail, lightening, thunder, zombie apocalypse, locust attack, oversleeping, birth, death, taxes, IRS audit, engagements, marriage, divorce, jail, Elvis sighting, Beatles reunion, stampede, war, peace, nuclear explosion, Packers Super Bowl win, Blob attacks, not training enough, training too much, poor prior planning or our favorite, "I forgot". Have an “excuse” you would like to add to the list? Let us know.​

While there are no refunds, you can get referrals, transfer your bib, change your shirt size, defer your registration until next year or change your distance. It is all FREE because why would anyone charge for something you already paid for?"​
Yes, runDisney, "why would anyone charge for something you already paid for?"
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Hey, all, a couple of questions related to the horrible hot and humid weather a lot of us are experiencing right now.

1. How do you distinguish between the symptoms of needing just water and those of needing electrolytes? I sometimes wonder on these hot and humid days if I'm getting enough electrolytes, and the lack is what's making me lose steam, but I don't really want to waste whatever electrolyte produce I decide to use if I don't really need it.

2. Do any of you get the feeling of one or both ears being clogged during hot and humid weather? And do you know what's causing it and if there's reason for concern? Previous to this summer, I only had this happen for really the very hottest, most humid, hardest runs that I did, so it occurred only a handful of times. However, this summer, I've had it happen at least weekly the past month or so and even had it happen during some hot and humid tennis, and I've never had that occur from tennis before. It's annoying and often takes a couple of hours to go away.

2. Do any of you get the feeling of one or both ears being clogged during hot and humid weather? And do you know what's causing it and if there's reason for concern? Previous to this summer, I only had this happen for really the very hottest, most humid, hardest runs that I did, so it occurred only a handful of times. However, this summer, I've had it happen at least weekly the past month or so and even had it happen during some hot and humid tennis, and I've never had that occur from tennis before. It's annoying and often takes a couple of hours to go away.

I don't believe I've ever had it happen due to exercise, but I do have it happen other times in my life. Have you consulted a physician? This is what I could find online in a third hand kind of way:
Could be connected to hydration status for you. But just a guess.
1. How do you distinguish between the symptoms of needing just water and those of needing electrolytes? I sometimes wonder on these hot and humid days if I'm getting enough electrolytes, and the lack is what's making me lose steam, but I don't really want to waste whatever electrolyte produce I decide to use if I don't really need it.

I don't really make a distinction. When it's hot and humid, I operate under the assumption that I am losing electrolytes constantly as I sweat. To counteract the loss, I use Tailwind during longer activities because I get hydration, fuel, and electrolytes all at once. For shorter activities, I drink water and take a lick or two of BASE Salt every 45 minutes or so.

1. I don’t know the difference except maybe if I need to use the bathroom a lot. What I do know is when I do it right. So I would try using your products when going on over an hour runs to see if you still loose your steam in similar weather. I also loose steam if I am hungry. If you want to keep your products, when not put a pinch of salt with your meal before and carry/arrange to get salted maple sirup, a date, a banana, etc. as a source of electrolytes.

2. I have that feeling when I have allergies. Are you exposed to rag weeds when you run? Also, and that is totally an hypothesis based on nothing but I get a runny nose when I exercise... basically sweating from there too. Could we be sweating from the ear canal also (the one that goes to the back of the mouth)?
And... They just cancelled the ultra I had scheduled for Labor Day. This one is especially frustrating as I think this race could very easily have been run safely. There are currently only 44 registrants with a cap of 150 for a trail run on an 8 mile loop. I was planning on running it self-sufficiently. Honestly, it’s such a small race I think they just didn’t want to hassle with the extra controls. At least they’re offering refunds... :sad::sad2:
And... They just cancelled the ultra I had scheduled for Labor Day. This one is especially frustrating as I think this race could very easily have been run safely. There are currently only 44 registrants with a cap of 150 for a trail run on an 8 mile loop. I was planning on running it self-sufficiently. Honestly, it’s such a small race I think they just didn’t want to hassle with the extra controls. At least they’re offering refunds... :sad::sad2:


This one just got all the permits for 9/12:
Only 20 spots left in the 50k though (13 currently signed up).

1. I don’t know the difference except maybe if I need to use the bathroom a lot. What I do know is when I do it right. So I would try using your products when going on over an hour runs to see if you still loose your steam in similar weather. I also loose steam if I am hungry. If you want to keep your products, when not put a pinch of salt with your meal before and carry/arrange to get salted maple sirup, a date, a banana, etc. as a source of electrolytes.

2. I have that feeling when I have allergies. Are you exposed to rag weeds when you run? Also, and that is totally an hypothesis based on nothing but I get a runny nose when I exercise... basically sweating from there too. Could we be sweating from the ear canal also (the one that goes to the back of the mouth)?

Re: 2...I don't have any allergies and no allergy symptoms at any other time. I hadn't thought about "sweat in the ear" like "water in the ear". Ha.
I don't believe I've ever had it happen due to exercise, but I do have it happen other times in my life. Have you consulted a physician? This is what I could find online in a third hand kind of way:
Could be connected to hydration status for you. But just a guess.

I haven't consulted with a doc yet about the ear thing because, well, pandemic. It also hadn't occurred often until recently.

It does seem to track with when I might be getting dehydrated, but even though I sweat a lot, I drink a lot. This occurred in one of my ears last night after an outside tennis match in hot and humid weather. That day, I had drank approximately 86 oz prior to the match and 40 oz during the match. (Although I did not have to go to the bathroom after the 2-hour match...) I find it hard to believe that I am THAT dehydrated. But who knows?

I will have to follow up on it at some point. Right now, it's mostly a huge annoyance because my ear feels stuffed, my voice sounds funny, and chewing is really loud to myself. heh
So how’s everyone doing?

I think a few other people have mentioned it, but I have completely lost all motivation to run and it’s too darn hot out to even convince myself that I’ll feel better once I do (even though I know I will). I used to love running on the treadmill but today it felt like the worst chore in the world.

One of my goals for this year was to increase weekly mileage, and halfway through July my mileage is looking awful, especially after all the strides I made in March-May.

I think I attacked this lockdown with so much gusto and “can-do” attitude that I’ve completely exhausted my motivation and positivity for the rest of the year.

So tell me how you’re doing, I can’t be the only one feeling this way....
So how’s everyone doing?

I think a few other people have mentioned it, but I have completely lost all motivation to run and it’s too darn hot out to even convince myself that I’ll feel better once I do (even though I know I will). I used to love running on the treadmill but today it felt like the worst chore in the world.

One of my goals for this year was to increase weekly mileage, and halfway through July my mileage is looking awful, especially after all the strides I made in March-May.

I think I attacked this lockdown with so much gusto and “can-do” attitude that I’ve completely exhausted my motivation and positivity for the rest of the year.

So tell me how you’re doing, I can’t be the only one feeling this way....

I’m ready to stop climbing on my bike & trainer every day. One more week and one very long day to go, and it’ll be time for a 1-2 week break.
So how’s everyone doing?

I think a few other people have mentioned it, but I have completely lost all motivation to run and it’s too darn hot out to even convince myself that I’ll feel better once I do (even though I know I will). I used to love running on the treadmill but today it felt like the worst chore in the world.

One of my goals for this year was to increase weekly mileage, and halfway through July my mileage is looking awful, especially after all the strides I made in March-May.

I think I attacked this lockdown with so much gusto and “can-do” attitude that I’ve completely exhausted my motivation and positivity for the rest of the year.

So tell me how you’re doing, I can’t be the only one feeling this way....

Motivation is falling here too - along with my mileage each month of this quarantine.

I'm still getting out an average of four times each week, but I am running for shorter distances.

I'm actually contemplating a three month break from running (or only going really short (2-3 miles) two or three times a week) and going all in on the Body Beast beachbody program. I figured there are really no races on the horizon, so what better time to do it?
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Ugh. I have to join this thread so I have some sort of accountability. I'm having a really hard time staying consistent through the summer....I do really well for 2 weeks with my workouts, and then we go camping for a long weekend or something and I do nothing for 2 weeks. All of my runs are on the treadmill right now and I'm not getting any kind of endorphin rush during my 3 mile runs (that i'm trying to do 2x a week) which is turning into me NOT doing my longer weekend run. SIL wants to do a local half marathon for her birthday in October (they haven't cancelled yet) and I WANT to say yeah, I'll do it with her, but at the same time.....if I'm forcing myself through 3 miles and not enjoying it right now, what is 13 going to feel like 3 months? My long-term goals seem out of reach right now and it sucks and I'm not enjoying the process yet.

Of course, having a 10 month old that wakes up 4x every night isn't helping things.
So tell me how you’re doing, I can’t be the only one feeling this way....
Nobody wants to hear from me, lol! I've never been more motivated to get out and run... working from home is great in a lot of ways, but starts feeling like every day is the same as the next. I look forward to going out the door to run or swim, just to move and be somewhere different for a while!
So how’s everyone doing?

Doing great other than I can't keep myself from getting in the way of myself. My motivation to run has never waned because I view running as a long term project. Focusing on where I want to be in 202X rather than tomorrow. It has also been years since I viewed running as something I had to do rather than something I want to do. I try and appreciate the opportunity that I'm given when I get to head outside and go for a run. We've been having T+Ds in the 150-160s regularly, and it hasn't really phased me. My pace is much much slower than normal (about 2.5-3 min/mile slower than my goal M Tempo), but that's the point of the current part of my training. Although, I've suffered a setback because while my upper hamstring has fully healed, now my lower hamstring is causing problems. Hoping to get healed up and ready for some serious training in late August-November. Fully expecting the Madison HM or M to be cancelled in November, but then I'll just do a time trial instead to evaluate how things went for the next training cycle. Wouldn't it be great if I could finally sub-3 in a time trial marathon! LOL! At least I would have finally done it, and knew that I was physically capable of doing it again. So just continuing to try and make the best of my current situation.
Motivation wise, I have my ups and my downs. I find it much harder to go for a run if I skipped two days instead of one. That has always be the case.

I still have a race on the horizon and might experience a bit of a down if it gets canceled but will accept to be in maintenance mode for a looong time. I will still have a training plan to avoid falling in a flat training zone. That is one of my coping mechanism: Accountability to a plan.

I also try to focus on enjoying the runs. I choose time of the day when I won’t feel rushed. I enjoy the company if DH and or a DD wants to run and adjust to their pace. I listen to the birds or look at the fireflies, etc.
So how’s everyone doing?
I got a little down for a day or two over my fall marathon getting canceled, but I do still have my Run 2020 in 2020 team on and I don't want to let them down. Given the first half of the year, I can't possibly run 2020 miles in 2020 on my own but I might do something totally un-American and make a goal of running 2020 km in 2020. That's a tiny bit of a stretch goal that I might actually be able to hit. Even if I'm not gung-ho all the time, I can't see myself stopping running because what's the alternative -- *not* running? :oops: I'm too afraid I'd never get going again.
ETA I just did the calculation and it's not much of a stretch goal, I'm on track to hit it, so, sure, 2020 km in 2020 is my new goal!
I was recovering from injuries and surgeries (not related to my injuries, thankfully) for much of the Spring so my motivation to run is very high right now. I face enough injury setbacks that any time I'm healthy enough to run pain free, I'm excited to do it.

I will say that every run is truly brutal right now in the heat and humidity. I have a hard time adhering to T&D time modifications, and I almost always pay for that with sufferfest runs that wind up being in HR zones that are too high for the type of training I should be doing. But regardless, I get up excited to run every day!


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