The Running Thread - 2019

September Training Summary
Total Miles: 104.7 miles
Total Time: 16:15:06
Average Pace: 9:19/mi
Average HR: 141/min

The good news is that it's my first month back over 100 miles since last September. The not-so-good news is that I missed the last three workouts of the month because of schedule/life. The finish-with-good news is that I am 2-for-2 so far this month. Rock on.
QOTD: To run with sore legs or not?

Backstory, I've done a few walks with my pup over the last few weeks and continue to do so this week but Tuesday decided to run during the heat of the day with a coworker who is starting to train for a half after completing her first 5k. We did 3 miles real easy and I did not die! Woke up with just a little soreness so I took the pup for a afternoon walk of 1.5 mi and then ran a mile. Well this morning things are a little tighter... Took the pup out for a 2 mile walk, thinking the legs would loosen up. Well not exactly. Supposed to run a few miles with coworker during lunch, it's not going to be pretty at all! Wish me luck because I am planning on going for it.
QOTD: To run with sore legs or not?

Backstory, I've done a few walks with my pup over the last few weeks and continue to do so this week but Tuesday decided to run during the heat of the day with a coworker who is starting to train for a half after completing her first 5k. We did 3 miles real easy and I did not die! Woke up with just a little soreness so I took the pup for a afternoon walk of 1.5 mi and then ran a mile. Well this morning things are a little tighter... Took the pup out for a 2 mile walk, thinking the legs would loosen up. Well not exactly. Supposed to run a few miles with coworker during lunch, it's not going to be pretty at all! Wish me luck because I am planning on going for it.

I agree with everyone else that if it's soreness as opposed to a specific sharp pain, I will go forward with the run. If the soreness is so bad that I can't maintain my form, I will just change it to a walk but at least still get the miles in. I find that moving tends to help the soreness ease up more quickly.
QOTD: Pretty much echoing everyone else on go with how it feels, soreness vs pain. Last week for some reason, I had pain in my low back and knee. One day, I tried running and they were both bad, so I slowed it to walking. Two days later, I felt the same pains, I tried running again and I was fine working through it.
QOTD: Agree with others that soreness is ok to run on, but pain is probably not. One way I figure out whether its an appropriate amount of soreness is whether I could complete the workout as designed. If I'm sore, but can maintain consistent splits/pace, then I'm right where I should be in training. If I'm sore, and my paces fade or my splits are wildly inconsistent, then I know I'm probably reaching too far in terms of what my body can handle on that day. The "fade" in paces is like the canary in the coal mine. It's the first indication that the feelings you're having might be more worrisome. Especially if you string together several runs with fades.
QOTD: To run with sore legs or not?

Backstory, I've done a few walks with my pup over the last few weeks and continue to do so this week but Tuesday decided to run during the heat of the day with a coworker who is starting to train for a half after completing her first 5k. We did 3 miles real easy and I did not die! Woke up with just a little soreness so I took the pup for a afternoon walk of 1.5 mi and then ran a mile. Well this morning things are a little tighter... Took the pup out for a 2 mile walk, thinking the legs would loosen up. Well not exactly. Supposed to run a few miles with coworker during lunch, it's not going to be pretty at all! Wish me luck because I am planning on going for it.

ATTQOTD: If it's normal soreness, yes. Otherwise, it's too easy of an excuse. :)
QOTD: To run with sore legs or not?

Backstory, I've done a few walks with my pup over the last few weeks and continue to do so this week but Tuesday decided to run during the heat of the day with a coworker who is starting to train for a half after completing her first 5k. We did 3 miles real easy and I did not die! Woke up with just a little soreness so I took the pup for a afternoon walk of 1.5 mi and then ran a mile. Well this morning things are a little tighter... Took the pup out for a 2 mile walk, thinking the legs would loosen up. Well not exactly. Supposed to run a few miles with coworker during lunch, it's not going to be pretty at all! Wish me luck because I am planning on going for it.

I hope the lunch run was not a slog!
I would stretch a bit and then run, sticking to the real easy pace you mentioned above. I will also suggest you stretch a bit more through out the day wherever you can squeeze in a side twist or rocking back from side to side at the copy machine or hanging with the family. I get odd looks in the office from such things, but I do think it helps.
ATTQOTD: What others have said with 2 additional thoughts:

1. If I'm sore equally on both sides, I consider it a good sign because it probably means I just over-did it it one way or another. If I'm sore only on one side, it seems more likely that it's an actual strain/injury.

2. I classify soreness/injuries as items or issues. Items require attention to make sure they don't become issues, but no change in training. Issues require a remediation plan, usually including skipping a day, etc.

My profession diagnosis from afar is that you didn't mention a specific pain spot, so this is an item that needs watching, but you are cleared to run. The bill is in the mail.
ATTQOTD: I'm one that needs to run when sore because otherwise it would never happen. That said, I always monitor how I'm feeling to make sure that sore does not become injured.

Generally speaking every time that "tired, sore, and I want to go home" turns into going home, I always feel worse than when "tired, sore, and I want to go home, but I cannot do that until after I run" occurs. The latter almost always leaves me feeling better than before.
ATTQOTD: Sometimes running on my sore legs makes them feel better. If my legs are extra achy or tired, I take it really easy and switch up my intervals if needed. 1 slow (or missed) run is better than being sidelined for weeks/months from injury.

I do think it's worth remembering that "too much too soon" soreness often leads to injuries, so it's always wise to slowly increase mileage/intensity.
Add me to the I have to run sore because I always am crowd. Usually a slow run makes me feel better. That being said only you know your body, I run with sore/tired muscles but know when a pain feels different. I only worrry about the sharp pains that are persistent or the deep down ‘I think a bone is cracking’ feeling. Then it’s time to skip a week or two
QOTD: To run with sore legs or not?

Backstory, I've done a few walks with my pup over the last few weeks and continue to do so this week but Tuesday decided to run during the heat of the day with a coworker who is starting to train for a half after completing her first 5k. We did 3 miles real easy and I did not die! Woke up with just a little soreness so I took the pup for a afternoon walk of 1.5 mi and then ran a mile. Well this morning things are a little tighter... Took the pup out for a 2 mile walk, thinking the legs would loosen up. Well not exactly. Supposed to run a few miles with coworker during lunch, it's not going to be pretty at all! Wish me luck because I am planning on going for it.
Yeah. But i have made a lot of questionable calls when it comes to my physical well being.
Thanks for all the congrats everyone.

Unfortunaety my thoughts towards Berlin's handling of me seemed to keep getting worse. In hindsight there was stuff I've seen/heard about that makes there 'You're cane is a weapon' statement either really hilarious or really strange. And definitely really infuriating. Sure you're security won't let me through with a cane. But the same security will choose to allow an ironing board and a runner with a royal staff through? And a wheelchair duo?

The more I think about it the more it feels like I got screwed for trying to cross my ts and dot my is essentially with Berlin.

I'm just in a really weird place right now where I'm over the moon about Boston and at the same time angry with Berlin. Its a weird emotional place to be.
Berlin was one big clusterf*ck with organization. I can't believe a World Major Marathon has so many inconsistencies and poor communication. It really makes me appreciate how well organized the US majors are.


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