The Running Thread - 2019

I’m in Uptown by the river and my house is pretty elevated, so it should be OK. But my backhouse has flooded twice with all the rain we’ve been getting. The sandbag guy is going by my house tomorrow to line the backhouse because of course I’m out of town.


Apparently it stormed this morning in NOLA at a rate that was much higher than the pumps can handle, so of course places are flooding... The one thing that should be of most concern to NOLA for this storm isn't as much the rain, since the pumps should be able to keep the water levels somewhat decent. The bigger issue is the storm surge which at the last update is predicting to max out at 20' along the river. Thats a 4' surge since the river is at 16' at that gauge currently. The scary part of all of this is the levee is built to 20' at that point as well. Something to keep a eye on, and the poor folks down river may have to deal with a 1927 flooding situation.

I have some exciting news to share- I'm expecting a baby! Ran my 1st marathon in January and have my 1st baby in December... Big year! :)

CONGRATS!! I have zero advice on the running part for you, but once the baby comes and you get back to running, buy a Bob stroller! They are awesome. If you live in a highly populated area you could easily find a used one on some sort of facebook page. They have that big of a following.
QOTD: If you could pick anywhere to live for purposes of running, where would you go and why?

ATTQOTD: I really love a lot of things about Louisiana, but summer is not one of those things! I think I would head somewhere west where the weather is favorable more days than not. I dont mind some 80's and I dont hate the 30's either. Places with hills and trails... I think out west is my best chance of finding something like that.
Apparently it stormed this morning in NOLA at a rate that was much higher than the pumps can handle, so of course places are flooding... The one thing that should be of most concern to NOLA for this storm isn't as much the rain, since the pumps should be able to keep the water levels somewhat decent. The bigger issue is the storm surge which at the last update is predicting to max out at 20' along the river. Thats a 4' surge since the river is at 16' at that gauge currently. The scary part of all of this is the levee is built to 20' at that point as well. Something to keep a eye on, and the poor folks down river may have to deal with a 1927 flooding situation.

LOL, yeah. My post about that didn't age very well. I got the NOLAReady alert about the river this morning - it's expected to crest 20 feet late Friday/early Saturday. They already closed all of the levee gates, but are still expecting flooding in Uptown higher than any point in the last half-century.

Magazine is/was a disaster earlier today - there were people kayaking to Bulldog and Tracey's for beer and Breaux Mart for supplies. Looks like they were able to drain the CBD pretty quickly, but yeah ... I feel for the folks down river because it's going to be a rough one. It seems like the storm from this morning is just kinda hangin' around down there.

This is where I am - so luckily I have a buffer from the port and the truckway and a pretty high wall along the river, but the flooding in the Irish Channel today was definitely disconcerting to say the least.
@run.minnie.miles CONGRATULATIONS! I ran through both pregnancies. With my first, I had to stop early in my second trimester because I had severe groin pain (ended up being pubic symphysis diastasis). I ran up to 3 days before my water broke with my second. I have to say I slowed down a lot; I was basically walking. And I felt like I had to pee every 1/4 mile with the baby bouncing on my bladder. I also did ellipticals and yoga. Listen to your body. :)
It is possible that when your belly grows heavy, you will appreciate the lightness of being in water so I recommend pool aerobics or running!
Thanks! I want to run as long as possible, but I definitely will consider joining the gym in the city where I work to have access to a pool. I love swimming.

Congrats!!! I have no running advice. Are you tucking a pillow between your knees when sleeping on your side?
I wasn't, but I tried this for the first time last night. It's not better today, but I probably need to give it more that 1 night.
I second this. I slept on my side and with a body pillow most of my pregnancy.
I might break down and buy one of those weird shaped pillows.
While I’m not pregnant- I’ve been sleeping on my side and it was giving me some pains. I bought a foam knee pillow off Amazon for like $13 and it is the best thing ever. It’s a lot less bulky than using a pillow but that’s because I sleep between two dogs that have to be touching me at all times while sleeping.
Did you have hip pain before adding the pillow? I'm sensing a trend...
CONGRATS!!!!! I don't have much advice - I really struggled with time on my feet while pregnant and had a lot of hip, knee, back and foot pain. I wound up spending a lot of time in the pool for exercise, which was great: that helped me keep moving comfortably. I guess my best advice is just to listen to your body and give it what it needs!
I'm hoping to stay on my feet as long as possible, but this might be the excuse to get back in the pool!
CONGRATS!! I have zero advice on the running part for you, but once the baby comes and you get back to running, buy a Bob stroller! They are awesome.
They definitely seem to get the most recommendations! When I'm outside, I'm mostly on gravel, so I'm not sure what I'll end up doing. Honestly, my husband (most supportive guy ever) might be on baby duty while I run. We'll see!
Congrats! I ran through my first pregnancy and then walked and then had to stop because of gestational hypertension (it was seriously super high). I was back on the treadmill for a 2 mile run right after my 6 week postpartum check-up. It wasn't easy but it wasn't too terrible.

With my second pregnancy, I basically stopped running pretty early in (blood pressure again). It was harder to come back from that one.
Wow! You all know how to make a girl feel special. Thanks for all of the warm wishes. I'm a very nervous/excited/anxious lady these days, so probably not my last question. ;)

My favorite thing about this group is the comfort of knowing that we can share life's highest and lowest moments with each other and be met with compassion. My heart goes to everyone who has dealt with very difficult mental health struggles and suicides so close to home. I'm very inspired by the thoughtful responses people continually offer to the group.
Attqotd: probably where I am at as far as running goes. Overall throughout the year it never gets really hot and humid, or really cold. It does get below 0 at night at times in winter, but there never have been too many days in a row where the weather was too **** that outside. The trade off is that the altitude does affect performance. But I will gladly trade it to not have to deal with humidity ever again. If It meant the chance to have a garden and some fruit/nut trees I might change my tune on humidity, but I wouldn’t leave my job and lose living and playing here to have a garden.

I do need to buy some running snowshoes for this winter, though, but then it will probably be a low snow year.
ATTQOTD: If I could pick anywhere to run, it would be somewhere at a beach near Charleston, HIlton Head or Savannah. Really enjoy the flat terrain, warm water, soft (nonrocky) sand, and steady ocean breezes. Great food too.

Haven't been to New Zealand yet and reserve the right to change my answer at a later date.
I have some exciting news to share- I'm expecting a baby! Ran my 1st marathon in January and have my 1st baby in December... Big year! :)

I share this to ask if anyone has good pregnancy running experience? I was getting along just fine (although much slower), but have been hit with some major hip pain in the last couple days. It came on the morning after a walk (not even a run!) and I'm wondering if it's from sleeping on my side.

Does anyone have experience with this? Please tell me it gets better?

Congratulations! I didn’t become a runner until my daughters were 19 and 21 years old, so I have no advice for you on running while pregnant!
Haven't been to New Zealand yet and reserve the right to change my answer at a later date.
Shoot, I didn’t think about other countries. then I am going with Chamonix. It’s gorgeous, and over one ridge is Italy and another is Switzerland. It’s also the first place I saw someone in ski season running up a ski slope. I thought “that looks terrible, let’s check this scene out.”
QOTD: If you could pick anywhere to live for purposes of running, where would you go and why?

ATTQOTD: I really love a lot of things about Louisiana, but summer is not one of those things! I think I would head somewhere west where the weather is favorable more days than not. I dont mind some 80's and I dont hate the 30's either. Places with hills and trails... I think out west is my best chance of finding something like that.

So, I'm the opposite of you because I LOVE running in Louisiana ... it's not the heat and humidity that gets me, it's the potholes!

I like that there's always something to distract me while I run, and of the local races I've run this year (RnR NOLA 10K, Crescent City Classic, Crescent Connection Bridge Run) - they've been the BEST on-course race experiences I've ever had, and dollar-for-dollar are the best value.
ATTQOTD: I'm thinking somewhere by the ocean. I really like running along Lake Michigan, but I could do without the harsh winters here, so maybe California or Hawaii.

@run.minnie.miles I saw your announcement on Instagram the other day - Congrats!!! I didn't start running until after babies and my pregnancy stories tend to scare people, so my only advice is just to listen to your body and do what's comfortable for you.
ATTQOTD: I’d have to design my own—some magical place with low humidity and comfortable temps year-round, along with scenic views of mountains on one side and the ocean on the other side. Also, clean and unlocked restrooms every 3-5 miles and refreshingly cool water fountains every mile.


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