The "Newest" Moms Hangout...

so we had our doctors appointment. we had to see the nurse practitioner, which is fine, but I had never met her before and she was really rude and it was like she was inconvenienced by us being there. Anyways, she told me to use the nasal aspirator when I heard yucky stuff in DD's nose, but not to use it too much or else it might make her more stuffy. And that if she does have phlegm that she will either bring it up by coughing or vomiting or she will swallow it. I don't feel a lot of piece of mind after the appointment.

I feel that the people, doctors and nurses, at my doctors office aren't very consistent in what they are telling patients. I had asked about water for formula and one nurse was adamant that I boil it and then when I asked another nurse she said tap water was fine. Same thing goes for DD's feeding. Another nurse practitioner said that I should feed her when she is hungry. She will know when to stop. Her actual doctor said that I should not be feeding her too often and to make sure that there is at least 2 hours in between feedings. Sigh... I'm so confused. I guess I am just the kind of person that needs to know all the information I can about something and when there is not a set rule or guideline I get frustrated. I just want to be doing what is right for DD.

Sorry, thanks for letting me get that out! :goodvibes

I called and set up my appointment for WIC for next Tuesday. The person I spoke to on the phone said "um" more times than actual words :laughing: I hope that I get the paperwork that she said that she's sending!
Adi.. Thanks! I havent posted over there yet... But I TOTALLY lurk all the time. :lmao: Thats where I have gotten most of my ideas for what I am making. I got all my patterns from You can make this.. I have about 4 different simply sweets going right now. They are just too easy.. and CUTE!
That happened to me Tuesday and Wednesday morning (we do one bottle a day usually, DH feeds her at the 5/6 am feeding and I pump). I usually get 8-9 ounces, and I was only getting 6 or less those two mornings. I made an effort to drink more yesterday (carried water with me everywhere and actually drank it) and today I was back up to my usual 9 ounces!

Hope she gets better soon so you can sleep - and I totally understand home being a tougher job. I'm jealous sometimes that DH goes to work! Though I love being home with Isabel some non-mommy/cleaning/cooking time would be awesome!

I'm still down. I'm trying to look on the brightside, my oversupply issues may be over. I looked on kellymom and an article there says that .5-2 ounces total after 15 minutes of pumping is normal. I'm still getting 4 ounces after 10 minutes, so I'm not too worried. I have been drinking like a fish and peeing like I was pregnant :rolleyes1, but no increase.

We actually slept pretty good considering we were up so much...we would only be up for about 5 minutes. We've had worse nights! :goodvibes

I was just thinking the other day that tomorrow I have to send DH on a long walk so I can get some real cleaning done. The tub needs done and the kitchen floor and I WANT to do it! :faint:

so we had our doctors appointment. we had to see the nurse practitioner, which is fine, but I had never met her before and she was really rude and it was like she was inconvenienced by us being there. Anyways, she told me to use the nasal aspirator when I heard yucky stuff in DD's nose, but not to use it too much or else it might make her more stuffy. And that if she does have phlegm that she will either bring it up by coughing or vomiting or she will swallow it. I don't feel a lot of piece of mind after the appointment.

I feel that the people, doctors and nurses, at my doctors office aren't very consistent in what they are telling patients. I had asked about water for formula and one nurse was adamant that I boil it and then when I asked another nurse she said tap water was fine. Same thing goes for DD's feeding. Another nurse practitioner said that I should feed her when she is hungry. She will know when to stop. Her actual doctor said that I should not be feeding her too often and to make sure that there is at least 2 hours in between feedings. Sigh... I'm so confused. I guess I am just the kind of person that needs to know all the information I can about something and when there is not a set rule or guideline I get frustrated. I just want to be doing what is right for DD.

Sorry, thanks for letting me get that out! :goodvibes

I called and set up my appointment for WIC for next Tuesday. The person I spoke to on the phone said "um" more times than actual words :laughing: I hope that I get the paperwork that she said that she's sending!


I so completely understand. I wish sometimes people would just say that there really isn't a black and white/one way only answer instead of acting like their answer is the only one. Does that make any sense? :lmao:

Like my ped was all, "don't cosleep with the infant, it's dangerous" and in the next breath he said, "though we did it with our last baby." So at least he admitted that there isn't only one "right" way.

I started reading The Help, I know this is a long shot (like we have time! HA) but have any of you read it?
What is it? A novel or a help-ish type book??

I'm back from my shopping adventure. My kid is so rotten. He is SUCH a flirt! It's so gorgeous outside, I am so ready for the beach! I had him in sweatpants and the poor thing kept pulling them up. It was funny.
What is it? A novel or a help-ish type book??

I'm back from my shopping adventure. My kid is so rotten. He is SUCH a flirt! It's so gorgeous outside, I am so ready for the beach! I had him in sweatpants and the poor thing kept pulling them up. It was funny.

lol It's a novel. It's got this huge buzz. I'll tell you guys about it later....gotta actually do some work! ;)
hahaha work? what is work?

There is a mountain of laundry in both bedrooms, a shower (or two hehe) that could use a scrub, a mess of assignments.. and I'm looking at baby bedding!

Ya guys wanna vote? :rotfl: I can't decide between two. Hoping DH will hate one or the other. Then I'm going to buy the dang thing so I'll stop looking!
Adi.. Thanks! I havent posted over there yet... But I TOTALLY lurk all the time. :lmao: Thats where I have gotten most of my ideas for what I am making. I got all my patterns from You can make this.. I have about 4 different simply sweets going right now. They are just too easy.. and CUTE!
You totally should post over there! I LOVE Carla C's patterns :) I have never used a commercial pattern, and don't think I ever want to. I lurk more than I post lately, but I love the girls (and one guy) over there join in!

hahaha work? what is work?

Ya guys wanna vote? :rotfl: I can't decide between two. Hoping DH will hate one or the other. Then I'm going to buy the dang thing so I'll stop looking!

I'd love to see, and vote if you want, on what you are debating between!

I'm still down. I'm trying to look on the brightside, my oversupply issues may be over. I looked on kellymom and an article there says that .5-2 ounces total after 15 minutes of pumping is normal. I'm still getting 4 ounces after 10 minutes, so I'm not too worried. I have been drinking like a fish and peeing like I was pregnant :rolleyes1, but no increase.

Hopefully you will go back up - kelly mom made me feel better when i used to only get 2 ounces from each side, then I went up to 5 from each side for a week ro so and then was at 4 each side for a while til earlier this week, was happy to be back up today, though it took a couple of days being down before it came back up. As long as you are getting enough to feed your LO that's ok - plus since she's eating food now, maybe you are making less, because she's demanding less?

For BFing mom's - I was wondering when you got your monthly visitor back. I know everyone is different, but I am just curious. Isabel is 5.5 months and I'm thrilled the visitor still hasn't come back, but I expect it will return sooner than later.
Adi,I am torn between these two:



I added the paint chips from the paint companys website. I don't want to repaint the room so I was trying to find something that matched the existing paint color. Still not sure, but thinking it would work if you accented it right.
My question to the moms is this... Did your child have phlegm and if so, what did you do for it.

My first DS had a lot of that when he was little. He would wake up coughing and seemed to gag a lot. Especially after he ate, but I think it had something to do with the milk still coating his throat. Is it just after she eats or does it seem to go on all day? She may be too stuffy to breathe clearly and drink so she chokes a little. I'm sorry the NP was rude to you. I feel like sometimes the nurses see me coming and roll their eyes. I'd rather pay the co-pay and feel better. I also only see a small amout of the doctors out of the whole practice (15-20) that actually pay attention to what I say. And they score points with me for actually speaking to my child.

Adi.. Thanks! I havent posted over there yet... But I TOTALLY lurk all the time. :lmao: Thats where I have gotten most of my ideas for what I am making. I got all my patterns from You can make this.. I have about 4 different simply sweets going right now. They are just too easy.. and CUTE!

Yes, you belong over there for sure. ::yes:: I lurk a lot there too but I'm terrible at sewing shirts so I just admire everyone's work.

I'm still down. I'm trying to look on the brightside, my oversupply issues may be over.

I hope it works out for you. I have had issues with supply since I starting nursing with my first son. I had one nurse tell my doctor I was asking for pills to cut down my supply... WHAT? He looked at me like, oh really? I said I have no idea what she's talking about! I mentioned I was uncomfortable sometimes and she took it as me asking for meds. My doctor I saw on Tuesday asked if I was going to quit soon since this has happened before. I said I have about 2 months to go, I think I can make it work. But we have been giving the sippy cup more and more preparing him for the cutoff.

I threaten to go back to work every once in a while. Or go to work with DH and he says he wouldn't trade me because it would be WAY too hard.

I love going out with my dad. He tells me everytime, I don't know how you do this! The loading, the unloading, the packing, the unpacking! He's ready for a nap when we leave! :yo-yo:

Welcome, Kiki Mouse!

Patsy, I like the second one. Is that a critter's pattern? I can't remember the name...
For BFing mom's - I was wondering when you got your monthly visitor back. I know everyone is different, but I am just curious. Isabel is 5.5 months and I'm thrilled the visitor still hasn't come back, but I expect it will return sooner than later.

I got mine back when she was 9 mos old though I was supplementing 2 bottle a day and had stopped pumping about 3-4 weeks before that.
Katie will be 11 mos old April 14, and I haven't had a visitor yet.:goodvibes

I must have had a huge oversupply! I never pumped over 10 min, and usually got 8 oz. I have gotten up to 16! I haven't pumped since Mon. She just quit taking bottles at daycare a few weeks ago, and I told them not to worry about it anymore. She does take some whole milk in a sippy cup with her meals. I've been really full by the time school is out, but I've made it ok. Katie is all about nursing when we get home, so she takes care of me pretty quick!:rotfl:

I can't wait to read for fun again. I have a huge pile of work to do for my portfolio (internship) this weekend. I need to have it in the mail by early next week. The teacher said to give her 3 wks to grade it, and graduation is May 8, so I don't want to cut it too close. Then I can concentrate on the statistics class, which isn't so bad now that I understand the software. I have Stephen King's new book on my dresser, but I'm not going to start it until after WDW (60 days!!!!!!):yay:
For BFing mom's - I was wondering when you got your monthly visitor back. I know everyone is different, but I am just curious. Isabel is 5.5 months and I'm thrilled the visitor still hasn't come back, but I expect it will return sooner than later.

I was one of the unlucky ones who got it back immediately EVERY TIME.:scared1:
Advice needed please!!!

DS has recently started having bad gas. Causing him to fart and cry alot. He is only calm when I am constantly patting his back after a meal but it isn't after every meal. I started adding mylicon to his bottles and that seems to help but I don't want to to have to do that forever. That is alot of medicine everyday and I'm afraid it may affected him negitively though it says safe for every feeding. I'm not sure if he doesn't like his formula (Nestle Good Start Gentle Plus) I have been using anymore or the bottles. I have tried changing the bottles. I have used madela, playtex ventair, evenflow glass bottles, Nuke Orthropedic, and smoothies bottles. Is there a way to find out if he is sensitive to the formula or that he just is sucking down too much air with his bottles? I think he is just sucking down to much air from the side of his mouth by passing the air vents as he eats cause he was not having any problems with the formula before. So it doesn't matter what bottle he eats from if he still is getting air but I still don't want to rule out that it may be the formula. How do I figure out how to stop his gas.

Should I try the soy version of Good Start?
Should I just add the mylicon to every bottle to help keep his gas under control? He is happier with those bottles.
Advice needed please!!!

DS has recently started having bad gas. Causing him to fart and cry alot. He is only calm when I am constantly patting his back after a meal but it isn't after every meal. I started adding mylicon to his bottles and that seems to help but I don't want to to have to do that forever. That is alot of medicine everyday and I'm afraid it may affected him negitively though it says safe for every feeding. I'm not sure if he doesn't like his formula (Nestle Good Start Gentle Plus) I have been using anymore or the bottles. I have tried changing the bottles. I have used madela, playtex ventair, evenflow glass bottles, Nuke Orthropedic, and smoothies bottles. Is there a way to find out if he is sensitive to the formula or that he just is sucking down too much air with his bottles? I think he is just sucking down to much air from the side of his mouth by passing the air vents as he eats cause he was not having any problems with the formula before. So it doesn't matter what bottle he eats from if he still is getting air but I still don't want to rule out that it may be the formula. How do I figure out how to stop his gas.

Should I try the soy version of Good Start?
Should I just add the mylicon to every bottle to help keep his gas under control? He is happier with those bottles.

Your pediatrician should be able to help you with the possibilities of switching formulas. Plus, they will probably give you samples instead of buying one of the giant cans. Give them a call and let them know!

We only ever used Playtex Drop-Ins for Lucas, so that is the only bottle I know ANYTHING about. They have wide nipples, though, and bags that you can press the air out of. They might be worth a try.
Hey so i havent been on the boards very long but im a single mom to a 7 month old boy, devyn. his first disney trip will be for his 1st birthday..lucky guy!!lol. He is my joy and my miracle. after all i was on bedrest for 5 months he was born 8lbs5 oz, was 20 pounds at his 6 month check up! hes huge. hes already wearing 18 month/24 month clothes and hes not even one. I would love to hear any parents that have taken a baby around 12 months to disney and how it worked out for you all! any tips at all!
Hey so i havent been on the boards very long but im a single mom to a 7 month old boy, devyn. his first disney trip will be for his 1st birthday..lucky guy!!lol. He is my joy and my miracle. after all i was on bedrest for 5 months he was born 8lbs5 oz, was 20 pounds at his 6 month check up! hes huge. hes already wearing 18 month/24 month clothes and hes not even one. I would love to hear any parents that have taken a baby around 12 months to disney and how it worked out for you all! any tips at all!

Hey! This is our old thread. We started a new one here:

I also have a pretrip report (in my signature) which is all about taking a baby that age. We're going in August so I'll have plenty of tips for you. :thumbsup2

Come join us on the new thread!


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