The Most MAGICAL Trip Of Them All! "EVERYTHING'S PERFECT!" Oct. 2012 UPDATE 1/11


DIS Veteran
Jun 10, 2008
Boo to You and You and You and You.
:hmghost: Happy Halloween. :hmghost:

Welcome, foolish mortals, to the Haunted Mansion.

I'm Jess!


Your host.

Your ghost host.

You have just stumbled upon my eighth and newest trip report on disboards.

Theres no turning back now...


I didnt mean to frighten you prematurely.

Its really not so scary and I would love to welcome all my guests as we relive one of the most MAGICAL, the most INCREDIBLE, and one of the most LIFE CHANGING trips I have ever had at Walt Disney World.

Sound interesting? Then lets get started!

Our tour begins here in this gallery, where you see paintings of some of our guests as they appeared in their corruptible, mortal state.

Aka lets do some introductions!



*Before confusion arises, this is my Halloween costume. I am not officially a Disney princess. :laughing:

Like I said, my name is Jess and I am your ghost host, your Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party princess, and your Disney obsessed storyteller for this report. I have been going to Walt Disney World since I was less than a year old, and have been back 25 times since! It has become the biggest part of my life, and I always have been and always will be a Disney girl. :)

I am a sophomore in college, and I just got accepted for my DISNEY COLLEGE PROGRAM! I'm sure you will hear lots about my acceptance (life-changing trip. *cough* ;)) and my DCP countdown/journey throughout the course of this trip report. I got accepted for Spring Advantage 2013 for CONCIERGE! That means that I will be LIVING MY DREAM, PERFORMING MY DREAM JOB, and LIVING IN DISNEY WORLD from January until August. I don't know what resort I'm working at yet, but I should be able to find out in December. I cant even explain to you how excited I am about life right now. I have been wanting to do the Disney College Program since I was 10 and I am finally going to work for the place that means absolutely everything to me. I'm hoping this experience will get my foot in the door so I can continue to work my way up in the company. This is the beginning of the greatest journey I will probably ever experience! I'M SO EXCITED. OH MY GOD.




My Mom was my travel companion on this trip, as per usual. This was our 4th mother daughter trip, and it was definitely our best yet! My Mom loves Disney just as much as I do. She is incredibly supportive and understanding of everything, and I can always count on her for any situation I come across. She is THRILLED that I am doing the DCP next semester, and I'm pretty sure shes just as excited as I am!



I met Miranda last semester at college when we worked on wardrobe crew for the musical together. We found out that we both loved Disney and we INSTANTLY became friends. She is currently on the Fall Advantage 2012 Disney College Program in Food and Beverage Services. She works on Sunset Boulevard at Disney's Hollywood Studios and works at Rosie's, Eddies, Anaheim Produce, etc. She was actually promoted to a GT on her College Program (which means she deals a lot with the restaurants' money) and I'm so proud of her! She begged me to come take a trip down to visit her in WDW, and I'm SO happy that I did! This trip wouldn't have happened without Miranda, and I will always thank her so much for convincing me to leave in the middle of school and get down to Florida for this weekend. SUCH A GOOD DECISION!

As for other details...

The trip took place on October 4th-8th, 2012. This was my first time going to Disney World in the fall since I was in middle school. I was ECSTATIC. It was also my first Food and Wine Festival experience, and I couldn't WAIT to go to the Halloween Party again after so many years. Then on top of THAT, it was the perfect time for me to escape from an extremely stressful semester of school. Oh my God. IT WAS SO PERFECT.

We stayed at Caribbean Beach Resort with Miranda's lovely cast member discount. THANK YOU, MIRANDA!!!


And pretty much this was one of those trips where everything just went right. Like if good something could happen... IT DID. I just have so many stories to share with you and I can't wait to get started!


Hurry back... Hurry back... Be sure to bring your death certificate. We've been dying to have you.


Continued in Next Post
I love how when one TR ends, another seems to start for you! :) Can't wait to read along; this is going to be a pretty epic TR considering what I saw from your tweets during your trip!
:banana::banana::cheer2:CONGRATS ON GETTING ACCEPTED TO THE DISNEY PROGRAM!!:banana::banana::cheer2:

I am looking forward to reading about your life changing trip!
I'm so subbing! Congrats on getting onto the DCP! This looks like a great trip and I can't wait to read more!
Yay you started this trip report!!!!!! Based on your twitter posts this does sound like it will be an AMAZING trip!!!!!!
I AM HERE and I CANNOT wait to hear all about this trip!

And I LOVED all of the Haunted Mansion quotes :-)
I'm so excited to read another one of your trip reports! Can't wait to hear more about the college program too! YAY!!:cool1:
You will have to let me know what resort you are concierge at. :) I am staying at Animal kingdom Concierge in JAN.
Joining in! I love your Belle costume, and I can't wait to hear about your trip and your DCP plans! :yay:
Lurker alert!:) Just say the link from the last report you just finished. I will try to be more vocal and less lurker. I always enjoy your reports!
Yay!! I love your trip reports! And can I just say you SHOULD be a Disney princess?!? I'm surprised corporate didn't stop you in the MK and offer you the job right there! You look great!:thumbsup2

Can't wait to hear more about the college program! I've always wondered about how much credit you get? Does it set you behind in your program to graduate? Were do you live? Is it nice?

Can't wait to hear more!
Can't wait to get this trip report on, Jess! And BTW, you look exactly like Belle in that costume. It's like you were in the movie!


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