The Many Adventures of...A Family With a New Baby! Jan - Dec 2016! New 11/7!

We love the breakfast at TH - last time though we tried to not linger too long and get on the safari standby as we had a FP+ for the night time safari right at sundown - that seemed to work out well but it is nice to take your time before knowing you have a FP for the safari

Aria had picked a donut, fruit loops and bacon
- perfect!

That must be tough with the combo allergy as I am sure they are quick to sub in soy for people that have dairy issues - that was good they were able to make the special Mickey waffles for you though :thumbsup2

that's great you had the bonus DISmeet and looks like a really fun meet with Chip and Dale - always nice to be the last for a set with a character

Good thing you got that meet in with Rafiki since he no longer meets!

We love the boneyard but you are right that it can be hard to keep an eye on kids with the set-up of the bridge over to the other area!

Seems like a productive morning!
I just read the intro, but I wanted to let you know that I'm following along! I have read Dugette's recaps of your trips together, so I already knew how adorable Aria was! Looking forward to hearing about Maya's experience at Disney, and a big congratulations on baby number 3!

Thank you so much! On all of it, glad to have you here :)

I love Tusker House - I've only done lunch though, not the character breakfast. Looks like fun, and Aria is hilarious with her new camera. I can get why that would be a bit frustrating, though.

The Boneyard looks like so much fun for kids. Maybe next time we go we will check that out - I don't even know where it is!!

Aria making Maya feel better on the ride is way too cute. Looks like it worked!

It is a really great breakfast typically! And yes the camera was driving me crazy lol. Aria is awesome with Maya, still is!

The Boneyard is a must do, there is a whole digging area that I try to avoid because it gets little rocks in your shoes lol, but Aria enjoyed it too. Maya would eat the rocks so I think we'll stay away from it on the next trip too. It's at the entrance to Dinoland if you're coming from the tree (not from EE). On the left hand side before you get to Triceratop spin. You can't bring in strollers, I think I attempted to once when Maya was sleeping and they wouldn't let me, but there's a little stroller parking area just outside the entrance.

We love the breakfast at TH - last time though we tried to not linger too long and get on the safari standby as we had a FP+ for the night time safari right at sundown - that seemed to work out well but it is nice to take your time before knowing you have a FP for the safari

- perfect!

That must be tough with the combo allergy as I am sure they are quick to sub in soy for people that have dairy issues - that was good they were able to make the special Mickey waffles for you though :thumbsup2

that's great you had the bonus DISmeet and looks like a really fun meet with Chip and Dale - always nice to be the last for a set with a character

Good thing you got that meet in with Rafiki since he no longer meets!

We love the boneyard but you are right that it can be hard to keep an eye on kids with the set-up of the bridge over to the other area!

Seems like a productive morning!

Oh I love TH BF too, it's been a top 5 fave I think. I used to rush through for Safari at 9am (and have never had trouble doing that) but this time it was nice knowing we'd be able to walk right on no matter how long we took. I always struggle to find 3 FP for AK (especially with little ones). I'm sure that'll change with all the Avatar stuff and RoL though!

I read that about Rafiki, boo! But Aria never really knew who he was lol.

Yeah I can only imagine having three that run around!! That'll be me in a few years, and if I attempt WDW solo parenting then it'll be interesting!
Following along! Your girls are adorable. :) My daughter just turned 1 on 11/4 and we're also expecting another one also due in April! We find out tomorrow if it's another princess or a prince this time.

Can't wait to see more pictures from the trips!
Ohhhhh my goodness I was SO FAR BEHIND!!!! Sorry, the DIS was just totally unusable for me for awhile because of the freaking ads. I finally installed an adblocker, so I'm back in business and I found out you have been busy with updates!!

I remember how cold it was that trip. I don't know about you, but I was constantly stressing that Delilah was not warm enough! She didn't really have a jacket, and I hadn't realized just how cold it was going to get, so I had to rely on layers, a blanket, and body warmth in the carrier.

Sorry this trip was so tough with the eating issues and everything. I worried from the moment we booked our first trip with Delilah that it would be awful with a newborn. Had she been anything like Paxton was when he was 3 months old, it probably would have been a very long time before we ever went back. lol He was so tough, spitting up CONSTANTLY. I'd have to change his clothes several times a day, nurse surrounded by towels in the middle of the night so he didn't ruin the sheets, and carry a dozen bibs and burp cloths wherever I went.
Speaking of rides, I just read through Leshaface's TR and noted that she road (at 22 weeks preggo) TT and something else... makes me think that might be okay? IDK. TT is just like an every day drive for me LOL. Oh Star Tours! Eh I don't need to ride that one and I know you guys love it so Aria will love riding twice on that. If Maya miraculously makes 32" though (I need to measure her still, with shoes on) I could see doing the Speedway.
I remember she said that her doctor had just been to WDW and TOLD her that she HAD to go on Test Track and Star Tours. :rotfl: I know that her doc okayed everything and told her she'd be totally fine and not to worry about it - just go have fun. (I also remember saying, "your doctor is probably going to experience an influx of new patients from the DIS". :laughing: ) For what it's worth, I've said for a LONG time that Test Track is not any worse than my bus commute, which NOBODY has ever told me to avoid during pregnancy, no matter how many times I asked. :rolleyes: I can't remember what else she rode on that trip, but probably more "restricted" things too and her DS is happy and healthy. :thumbsup2
Following along! Your girls are adorable. :) My daughter just turned 1 on 11/4 and we're also expecting another one also due in April! We find out tomorrow if it's another princess or a prince this time.

Can't wait to see more pictures from the trips!

Aw thank you!! Happy birthday to your little one - did you find out what you're having??

Ohhhhh my goodness I was SO FAR BEHIND!!!! Sorry, the DIS was just totally unusable for me for awhile because of the freaking ads. I finally installed an adblocker, so I'm back in business and I found out you have been busy with updates!!

I remember how cold it was that trip. I don't know about you, but I was constantly stressing that Delilah was not warm enough! She didn't really have a jacket, and I hadn't realized just how cold it was going to get, so I had to rely on layers, a blanket, and body warmth in the carrier.

Sorry this trip was so tough with the eating issues and everything. I worried from the moment we booked our first trip with Delilah that it would be awful with a newborn. Had she been anything like Paxton was when he was 3 months old, it probably would have been a very long time before we ever went back. lol He was so tough, spitting up CONSTANTLY. I'd have to change his clothes several times a day, nurse surrounded by towels in the middle of the night so he didn't ruin the sheets, and carry a dozen bibs and burp cloths wherever I went.

That's okay, things get like that! for some reason Photobucket opened up at work so I actually was able to get all caught up including seeing PHOTOS yay! LOL.

It was chilly, but I haven't gotten to the real cold in my TR yet as the early part actually got pretty warm (75-80 for a couple days!). When my IL's showed up around Day 6, it got really cold and I think that's when you were there. We had that big fleece blanket around Maya but she also was in the wrap A LOT (my poor back!) so that kept her really warm.

She did spit up a lot. I've blocked out a lot of that from my memory I guess, but she had major blowout diapers and spit up constantly. Like 10 poops a day. This was not fun at Disney. I came home from this trip thinking to myself I had fun with Aria, but very, very little fun with Maya and I would be hard-pressed to go at that age again (and here I am now, planning my next Maternity Leave trip LOL!). The only reason I am considering it is that I am ever an optimist and figure that this baby can't be any worse, right?!?!?! (plus my stock pile of Neocate that we'll switch to if we think she also has allergies).

I remember she said that her doctor had just been to WDW and TOLD her that she HAD to go on Test Track and Star Tours. :rotfl: I know that her doc okayed everything and told her she'd be totally fine and not to worry about it - just go have fun. (I also remember saying, "your doctor is probably going to experience an influx of new patients from the DIS". :laughing: ) For what it's worth, I've said for a LONG time that Test Track is not any worse than my bus commute, which NOBODY has ever told me to avoid during pregnancy, no matter how many times I asked. :rolleyes: I can't remember what else she rode on that trip, but probably more "restricted" things too and her DS is happy and healthy. :thumbsup2

LOL yes her doctor did. If I didn't have Maya along, then I would 100% jump on that, but since we'd have to RS those and switch off, I will probably still skip them. If they were new rides that I've never been on, I would be more excited about it, but it isn't the end of the world to skip TT and ST. My favorites are Dinosaur, BTMRR, 7DMT, Splash. Out of all of those, Splash would be the only one I might consider riding but even still, not necessary.
LOL yes her doctor did. If I didn't have Maya along, then I would 100% jump on that, but since we'd have to RS those and switch off, I will probably still skip them. If they were new rides that I've never been on, I would be more excited about it, but it isn't the end of the world to skip TT and ST. My favorites are Dinosaur, BTMRR, 7DMT, Splash. Out of all of those, Splash would be the only one I might consider riding but even still, not necessary.
Makes sense - I'd actually thought that it's nice that the "new ride" (FEA) isn't restricted. I agree that Splash seems like the least of an issue - they can't exactly have an E-Stop like the coasters. The most I remember is a log-jam and that's not any worse than Pirates.
I wanted to post an update over the long weekend but it just was pretty crazy at home. I ended up doing a huge purge of clothes (long time coming) because I had quite the deficit for the December WDW trip and I pay for the side trips out of my own "fun" money (i.e. generally not joint trip budget, if Andrew has anything to say about it lol). After my huge purge, I am only $200 away from the total, so I would call that pretty good.

We had a HUGE to-do list this weekend, which included decorating some areas of the house for Christmas, coming up with our Holiday Party menu and pre-cooking a few things for it that we know freeze/reheat well (our southwestern chicken egg rolls which are deep fried, crisp up perfectly in the oven, and I also made mini-Rum cakes). I had to wrap Maya's presents from us (her birthday is this coming Saturday!), Andrew worked out in the yard, then he decided to buy a DVD case and take down a shelf of 400+ DVD's and put them all in the case, alphabetically, so that was our Friday night haha.

With our solar renewable energy credits (we added solar to our house about 2 years ago, and it's been amazing! If you have any questions please ask, but we are actually making $$ from the system) I ordered a new mattress as ours is too old to even state. That is coming this Wednesday, which, to any normal person would mean that we would throw away the current king size. But no, since we are taking up more room with Baby #3, we ended up using the weekend to re-do our 3rd floor finished attic into two guest suites, with a king size bed in one and a queen size in the other. Originally there was a Full in one and a desk/twin/sometimes a blow up in the other.

Until Wednesday we are sleeping in the attic bc we relocated the king up there, which was no easy feat, so there was no way we were going to bring it back down. Anyway I'll load photos once it's all cleaned up, because NOW it's a mess because it's also where we store Christmas decorations hahaha. Which was our Sunday fun - decorating. We have a huge holiday party the 1st Saturday of December every year, which leaves the weekend after thanksgiving to generally decorate, get tree, clean, cook, etc, but I wanted to get a head start on what we can.

Phew. Back to the TR!!


After our fun at the AK, we headed back to our room. The weather had warmed up quite a bit and it was about 75 with a little breeze. That meant pool weather!!

We quickly got changed and headed to the BLT pool, only to find signs out saying the pool is closed, for the next few days, which would encompass our whole trip! I believe the work began earlier than scheduled because I did NOT know about this beforehand. That was really disappointing, but of course we could use the Contemporary pool so we headed over there.

It was very easy to find some chairs, so we did that and then went around to check out the pool. I don't think we'd ever been to the Contemporary pool before? I had always stayed at the BLT one since it had a little slide for Aria plus a bigger one and was right there. Anyway this pool was great, although the breeze blew in a TON of leaves that we noticed some CM's attempting to clean out of the pool to no avail.



The water slide was a bit big according to Aria, but since it wasn't enclosed she did decide to try it out. After one time down she declared it was the best thing ever and went down a good 20 times. The pool was so empty (note the lifeguard with a jacket on lol) so that was really nice. However, with the little chill to the air, we didn't want Maya getting too cold so we mainly took turns holding her outside the pool. Also, she was in a REALLY bad mood the entire time.


Oh we did enjoy some drinks from the pool bar, but I got a frozen mango margarita that was delicious, but too cold lol.


Some water camera shots:



Warmed up in the hot tub




After a bit we decided to head back and take warm (hot) showers or baths and get cleaned up. I thought maybe a bath would cheer up Maya (she loves the water) but after about 3 minutes in that big bathtub she was done :( Poor thing wasn't feeling well and was overtired. After getting dressed, I put her in the wrap and we were able to relax for a bit before dinner.



Both Aria and Maya were dressed in Minnie outfits. Soon it was time to head to dinner at Chef Mickeys! So nice it's just a quick walk over to the Contemporary again - I think that is a huge reason I love BLT so much, the proximity of my favorite restaurants!! (California Grill is top of MY list, Chef Mickeys top of Aria's list!). Aria was loving the twirl factor of her dress so she twirled the whole way there lol! We left the stroller in the room.



Going across the skybridge


Despite the popularity of the restaurant there was no wait and we went right in to the photo with the plate. :)


She continued twirling until I told her she needed to stop before she knocked someone (or their plate!) over lol.


Maya stayed asleep through all of this!!

We were seated in a new area for us, generally we're to the right past the buffet, but this time we headed left. I had to wait for a chef to come out for the allergy options, so Andrew went up to grab Aria a plate then went back for himself. Aria had chicken nuggets, corn dogs, ketchup (very important, according to her!!), corn and carrots.


Oh you can also see the infant high chair they have here! While Andrew was getting his food, Chef Goofy came over!



The chef came and Andrew stayed at the table while I went up to see what sort of food was available to me. The chef didn't hear me the 1,000,001 times I stated I don't eat meat, as he was quick to point out the carved meat station and a few other meat-centric things that were dairy & soy free. While I was gone, Mickey came over, so Andrew took the following pics. Aria has Minnie's and mickey's on her dress so she was eager to point them out (and they are kissing on her shoes).


And some hugs


I did end up having a few options though. I did ask ahead about dessert since I assumed there'd be nothing out that I could enjoy, and at one point asked if there were mashed potatoes or anything like that.

There was an herbed chicken breast, vegetable soup (which was really good, I got seconds!), focaccia bread, a salad, pasta salad. Pretty decent options with good flavor which was nice. (IF you do eat meat, their carving stations are apparently safe too, I should know as he pointed it out a lot lol).


Donald came over next!


I think he told her to twirl for him



During dessert, Mickey came back over, I guess noting that I was back, so that was really nice!


Also, after a 2-hour long nap, Maya was awake! Andrew took over holding her while I got a bit of a breather and was able to take off the wrap!! He fed her a bottle as she was definitely hungry (I had pumped before putting her in the wrap).


And then something amazing happened. The chef came over with two bowls - a dairy free ice cream for dessert with cookies AND - mashed potatoes!! He said they didn't have anything made up, so he apologized for the wait but he had to cook the potatoes and then make up a dairy free recipe using olive oil. Let me tell you, these tasted AMAZING. I have since recreated dairy free mashed potatoes and even Andrew would agree they rival any potatoes you could find with sour cream, butter, cheese, cream cheese, etc. SO GOOD. So awesome of the chef, I wrote Disney about him when we returned home.


Even though the timing was funny (i.e. Aria had already finished dessert lol) I enjoyed these slowly. We were still awaiting Minnie's arrival anyway!

Goofy stopped by again


continued in next post!



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And then the main lady herself, Minnie!!


Minnie danced with Aria



Then I got in there with Maya too



A quick napkin twirling



Minnie popped back over for one more hug! <3


And finally Pluto made his way to us


And then we headed back to the room! What a fun dinner it had been, and even Maya was pretty happy once she woke up and took a bottle.

All smiles back at the room (excuse my Tinkerbelle PJs lol)

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Even better, tonight she slept 8PM-4:15AM, ate quickly and fell back asleep for another two hours (i.e. back to normal from what she was doing at home!). It felt AMAZING to sleep 8 hours straight (because you know, I went to bed as soon as she did hahaha, once again no fireworks for us).

Coming up next - EPCOT with Garden Grill PPO BF, then dinner at California Grill!
Love all the twirling!

Glad that despite the whole "not-eating-meat" thing getting lost you did find food you liked there. I was pleasantly surprised with how much we liked the food at Chef Mickeys - I always heard about how bad it was and often cold, etc. - but I thought it was tasty, good variety, and everything seemed to be fresh/warm/hot

That is so awesome what the chef did - to go to the effort of having to boil more potatoes, etc. - so great!

Glad you enjoyed the meal!
I love the girl's dresses, especially the animal print ones on AK day. So cute!

Thanks!! I've held onto those too, I love them :)

Love all the twirling!

Glad that despite the whole "not-eating-meat" thing getting lost you did find food you liked there. I was pleasantly surprised with how much we liked the food at Chef Mickeys - I always heard about how bad it was and often cold, etc. - but I thought it was tasty, good variety, and everything seemed to be fresh/warm/hot

That is so awesome what the chef did - to go to the effort of having to boil more potatoes, etc. - so great!

Glad you enjoyed the meal!

CM is one of Andrew's favorite bc he loves the food there, lots of meat options for him lol! I'm excited to return with Dugette and family! Character interaction has always been great too.

The chef went above and beyond, and I really appreciated his efforts!
Wow, I got so far behind!! I am not a big fan of the Dis notification system these days!!

First of all, I am always surprised by how many people assume Feds get paid maternity leave (I'm a Fed too). NOPE!

Love Aria's dress for CP -- Pooh is one of my favorites! And Maya's Snow White dress is adorable!!!

We tried BBB on our last trip -- and arrived for our appt on time, and it was PACKED...and waited, and waited, and Ellie was not feeling it, so we ended up just canceling and leaving. I figured if she wasn't gung-ho, save the time and $! I think she would have enjoyed it, so maybe next time...? Aria looks adorable after BBB!

Great BLT room!! Oh, and shopkins -- those entered our life recently at Ellie's 5th birthday - could they be anymore chokable?! But she loves them!

Happy 1st Birthday to Maya! What a fun party! Such a fun theme!

We love the Pangani trail! Only discovered it after having kids -- but it's a new favorite! And, we still haven't done the boneyard! It was closed last time!! It's definitely on the list for Feb-Mar, both girls will love it!

And we are considering solar -- so would love to chat about your experience!

PHEW -- all caught up!! :-)
Wow, I got so far behind!! I am not a big fan of the Dis notification system these days!!

First of all, I am always surprised by how many people assume Feds get paid maternity leave (I'm a Fed too). NOPE!

Love Aria's dress for CP -- Pooh is one of my favorites! And Maya's Snow White dress is adorable!!!

We tried BBB on our last trip -- and arrived for our appt on time, and it was PACKED...and waited, and waited, and Ellie was not feeling it, so we ended up just canceling and leaving. I figured if she wasn't gung-ho, save the time and $! I think she would have enjoyed it, so maybe next time...? Aria looks adorable after BBB!

Great BLT room!! Oh, and shopkins -- those entered our life recently at Ellie's 5th birthday - could they be anymore chokable?! But she loves them!

Happy 1st Birthday to Maya! What a fun party! Such a fun theme!

We love the Pangani trail! Only discovered it after having kids -- but it's a new favorite! And, we still haven't done the boneyard! It was closed last time!! It's definitely on the list for Feb-Mar, both girls will love it!

And we are considering solar -- so would love to chat about your experience!

PHEW -- all caught up!! :-)

Yeah, there is zero maternity "leave" and it makes me so mad. I have been negative sick leave since Aria was born, and that isn't an easy work around for doctor's appoints and all that.

I haven't bought shopkins or regular legos or anything else for Aria since Maya started being mobile (in fact pretty srue I bought those before Maya was born lol). Now they are all relegated to her room only. She does love them, but yes major choking hazard!! I feel like Maya puts things in her mouth WAY MORE than Aria ever did!

Love BBB, that is too bad Ellie wasn't into it though!! Maybe next time :) Yes the Boneyard will be a blast for them, I look forward to seeing Maya toddle around it.

RE: Solar, I'll send you a message :)
So there's been lots of Garden Grill talk over on the June '14 DIS meet TR @Dugette and I are working on, but now I'll finally get to post the photos and info about our experience there in February!

2/1 We had a PPO GG reservation, FP's for the Character spot, Test Track and Spaceship Earth, and dinner at California Grill

This morning, we felt much more refreshed as Maya slept over 8 hours straight, woke up around 4:15 to nurse then fell back asleep for 2 more hours! Our morning didn't require too much prep as the park bag had been pre-put together, we didn't need to shower (had done so before dinner the night before) so we were able to sleep until 6:45 and managed to get to EPCOT by 7:30 to check in for the PPO ADR.

Here's our park setup, although this is when we were leaving the BLT and heading out to the car!


While I am someone who has proclaimed MANY times I'll never own a Minivan, we both agreed this one was awesome. Not pictured here (we figured this out a couple days further along), we could lift up the stroller and put it in totally unfolded! So awesome. And now that #3 is OTW, it's a high contender for a car but we're paying off the Expedition first.


While going through security and waiting to enter, Maya actually fell asleep in the stroller, yay. We stopped for some photos as the day was just beautiful!



As we headed to Garden Grill, we noticed there was NO ONE else around. No one else was going to GG! This was when it was fairly newly reopened for breakfast (for a few years it was only open for dinner). We were the only stroller to park in the parking area (CM wouldn't allow us to bring in the stroller w/ sleeping Maya), but Andrew carried in the carseat and she stayed asleep for a bit. Anyway, when we went to check in, again NO ONE around! LOL. It was very strange, I actually double checked my ADR time to be sure it wasn't for 9 or something! Soon someone came out and seated us in a booth though!

Since we were the only people there, Mickey, Pluto, Chip & Dale came over to welcome us so to speak! Around that time we noticed a couple other families arriving too.


This all happened so fast my photos are terrible haha



Sorry Pluto, totally cut you off


Oh there you are!


Aria went back down the line giving hugs to everyone again


I informed the waiter of the allergies, and he said they had no dairy alternatives but Soy milk :( so coffee was out for me since I don't drink it black. Eck. Then I got to watch all the yummy food come - that sticky bun! YUM! Andrew and Aria both like savory morning food though, but I made them take a couple bites just so I could live vicariously through them!!


Look who is awake!!


So things got a little annoying here with the food. The waiter informed me the only thing dairy/soy free was the meat, but I don't eat that. I could only salivate at the tater tots and sticky bun and mickey waffles with chocolate sauce that no one else even wanted, waiting for a chef. He came over, and informed me that ALL Disney "allergy friendly" waffles have soy in them, thus he couldn't make me those. Umm...wrong! I informed him that I had them yesterday, and also proceeded to look online, but he was adamant that they do. So he offered to make me a scramble type of thing as my meal. Not wanting to argue, I agreed and waited. Considering eggs was NOT a listed allergy, I was a bit concerned he intended to make this odd sounding "scramble" for me, but figured I'd wait and judge it later. Anyway

Maya was being cute


I ate some fruit and juice. The girls were matching and we were trading off holding Maya, I think I decided to hold her for now so Andrew could eat, so that we could swap when my food came out.


Soon Chip came back over - I was unsure whether the characters would come back one by one after our awesome welcome, but they did!! (You can also see Aria's plate, she enjoyed some fruit, eggs and tater tots)



And Dale!


Aria gave him a kiss


Mickey is always awesome!


And Pluto too, phew! I looked around and noted that only 20% of the tables were full, so I think the characters were just quickly making their way around!


Pluto played around for a bit though


My mash up thing arrived.


It was...interesting. Actually to be honest, it was about the most disgusting thing I'd ever eaten at Disney World. However, my mom would probably love it as it's right up her gluten free, vegan alley (she serves food like this at her house). The breading stuff was a bean based GF bread. Inside was various veggies. I asked for hot sauce, and the tabasco just about did me in (worst hot sauce ever invented IMO).

Anyway, this is NOT where ppl should go with an allergy. Or maybe it was just the day's chef who ignored my dairy/soy allergy and decided to cook with Top 8 allergen-free? IDK. I did appreciate the chef making something special for me, but left very disappointed (and frankly, hungry).

But look, Dale came around again and I took Maya up to meet him.



(She had been drinking a bottle the last time around with the characters).

Soon after we paid and headed out.

Coming up next - LwtL and other EPCOT adventures!

LwtL was open, so we visited that ride next. We still had the car seat but surprisingly they let us take it on and put it on the seat.


I love how they change up the ride every time we go!


Andrew chatting with Maya



The Monkey Tail tree!


I read that recently WDW's LwtL tomato tree made the World's record for # of tomatoes produced on one plant! I don't think it was this one, but it was here!


Then we headed over to Nemo's area. I used the sling since I didn't expect Maya to fall asleep again and the wrap was bugging me and I was tired of wearing it.


Considering this line always seems to be empty, Aria has a tendency to run through it! Today was no exception


I'll save you from my blurry ride photos, but we headed up to visit the Manatee next


It was breakfast time! It seems like 9 times out of 10 the manatee isn't here when we visit so this was cool to see. Aria was enthralled. Or maybe making sure she stayed put in her tank.


A quick Bruce photo and then we headed out. Guess who was passed out?!


I have never loved this ring sling (funny enough it's called a Maya sling). I just can't figure out how to make it comfy. However I have been meaning to pull it out again for our upcoming trip because of the baby bump, a regular baby carrier won't work, although I hope not to have to carry Maya around as much as this trip! (She napped well in the stroller at DL, btw).

Our Character Spot FP was up so we headed there next.


Aria kept getting down on the floor when characters tried to come down to her level. I think she thinks she is taller than she is lol!



We took a family pic though


Andrew took my photo and you can see Maya's little angelic face here


Goofy was a little awkward


Aria was more concerned about meeting Minnie, so that meet was short lol, poor Goof!


Minnie wanted to twirl!




After that fun we headed next door to Club Cool!


Aria was absolutely LOVING the chance to drink lots of soda!! Next we went to Mexico for a trip on Donald's Boat Ride, as we had a FP for TT coming up (aria's first time!!).




Maya finally woke up - after a 1 hour 40 minute nap!! Phew!! And now it was time to feed her, so I went back to TT with Andrew & Aria to grab a RS, then went on my way to find a bench to feed her.


She LOVED it!! Ride photo:


Reminds me of @khertz's photo of Paxton! lol! Aria was there, promise.

While they rode, I had wandered around trying to find a spot to sit on a bench. I found a quiet one closer to Ellen's Energy Adventure, but about 5 minutes in, a whole school group decided to sit right next to me - about 25 15 year olds. Kind of awkward, but I had my nursing pillow and cover on and thankfully Maya didn't notice. She was hungry! It seemed like the kids were from South America, and I actually got a number of smiles and nothing awkward from them, so that was nice. (I'd have gone to the BCC as it isn't too far, but you can't bring in the stroller and I had a lot of stuff I didn't want to leave in it nor carry with me).

Anyway I got a text they were done, and soon Maya finished up so we switched off, this time Andrew got the task of a diaper change lol.


Aria was in charge of our car


We won one of the trials!


And another! woohoo, we actually won the ride!


We met back up with Andrew and Maya and headed off to use our last FP at Spaceship Earth. This is a ride that only has a line now due to FP+, IMO! And today was no exception, we saved about 25 minutes having that FP.


Some ride pics, as I sat with Maya <3



the camera did catch us all (we're on the left of Mexico and Andrew & Aria are to the right of Florida)


And then we headed out! That's about the perfect park day for us, 8-1, then pool time and a nice dinner! So those are coming up, another day <3

Loved your review of chef Mickeys! We are trying dinner there for the first time in April. We are also doing Garden Grill breakfast so excited to hear about that!
Hi Lauren!

Im here and am loving your TR so far! I loved the pictures of the POLY room and your BLT 1br. I stayed in a studio at BLT a couple of years ago and absolutely loved it! I love all the pictures from the character meals and all the food! Everything looks great. How special that Aria was able to spend her birthday in Disney, in what better place, MK!

Looking forward to reading more of your TR!
Loved your review of chef Mickeys! We are trying dinner there for the first time in April. We are also doing Garden Grill breakfast so excited to hear about that!

Thank you!! I love CM despite all the negativity, hope you have a wonderful dinner in April! And GG is really fantastic as long as you don't have allergies lol!

Hi Lauren!

Im here and am loving your TR so far! I loved the pictures of the POLY room and your BLT 1br. I stayed in a studio at BLT a couple of years ago and absolutely loved it! I love all the pictures from the character meals and all the food! Everything looks great. How special that Aria was able to spend her birthday in Disney, in what better place, MK!

Looking forward to reading more of your TR!

Hi Alison, thanks so much for coming over!! Our rooms were amazing, we really loved each one (our next move is to a 2BR at the Beach Club!). It was a wonderful birthday for Aria, I hope to go back maybe for her 6th? or something since her AP renewal will cover that time frame in 2018 (2017 we're doing Great Wolf Lodge for her birthday :) )

Plus maybe Maya will need a fun 2nd birthday trip! haha
Your pictures of the Contemporary pool are getting me more excited about our stay at BLT. I think that Rory will love having that slide as well as the BLT one, and maybe Lola might even be able to go down the small slide you mentioned.

Chef Mickey's looked like a lot of fun, and it's good to hear a positive review of the food. I feel like usually the reviews are so negative that I don't even consider eating there. We have never been.

Good to know about Garden Grill and the lack of allergy-safe breakfast food. I guess we won't be headed there any time soon! How nice that it was so empty and you got a nice welcome!

Love the ride photo of Aria on TT lol.


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