The Greatest Hits: A Trip Like This Needs a Soundtrack!-A July 2012 TR Upd. 5/5!

I'm JUST reading your trip report now after stumbling across it.....and oh my god. I already love it!! Can't wait to read the whole thing!! You're so lucky to find a guy who appreciates your love of Disney ;D
Ps...just read about John's arcade addiction and had to comment! I SO get your frustration. My best friend has an arcade addiction as well and going to Disney with him was a nightmare in more ways than one. He literally blew $200 something in the arcade and spent hours in there....HOURS. I just don't even know...

Lucky for me, we went with a group so I wasn't stuck watching! :rotfl:
Where are you???
I'm hopeing everything is ok!!!!
We're doing fabulous!!!! We had a great birthday cruise...
I'm writing a fun trip report on
Now we just found out the my precious daughter just made the Disney College Program.... :woohoo:
She'll be there from May to Jan... We're so excited... :banana::banana::cool1:
I sure hope you come back to us... We are all missing the wonderful information and pictures of our trip!!!!
Please come back to us and post!!!!
We miss you!!!

I've just found your trip report and wanted to say hi :wave:. I've got a lot of catching up to do but enjoyed your introduction. I'm very curious about the cupcake ratings. Can't wait to see what your favorite is.
I just read through the entire report so far! You guys really had a great time! :goodvibes

I love going in One Man's Dream so much! All the models and everything. Wonderful pictures!

We had a blast! I hope you enjoyed everything so far! :)

Me too! It's so amazing!

...And that is why we are twins. WINNING! (It also must include an annoyingly sassy hand gesture. I can't remember if Courtney did anything like that, but I feel like we need to.)

YES YOU DO OMG. If I could have that as my WEDDING CAKE I seriously would. They are THAT GOOD. I think I know a perfect time for you to try one! ;)

I want a Disney pillow pet so badly! I can't even deal with how cute they are. Also, I recently learned that there is a LADY pillow pet (as in, Lady and the Tramp) and there's a really good chance she'll be coming to live with me here soon.

Omg. Homegirl was squeezing your leg? What in God's name? That is just beyond weird. She honestly didn't know she was doing it? I'm baffled.

It's so weird to think that Thomas Kinkade is dead. His paintings are unbelievably beautiful. I mean, that Little Mermaid one... :faint: I just love it.

Those games look so cute! I want to do that! Did you have a choice of scenes that you could act out?

Walt Disney. :worship: There will never be anyone like him. I just don't even know what to say about him! So much love for that man.

Can't wait for more!!!! :hyper:

I'm sure she had some kind of sassy move to go with it. I now feel obligated to incorporate a little bit of that crazy mess Tierra into our routine. I CAN'T CONTROL MY EYEBROW.

I think I know what you mean... ;)

I love love loooove my pillow pet. I think I might get another one on my next trip, because I use my current one so much that it's starting to get a little bit lumpy!

Yeah, it was strange. Like, she was getting some high thigh action. I felt a little violated.

I know, I still can't believe it either. Plus, get this- I recently saw that there was a Jungle Book painting released from the "Thomas Kinkade Studios"...meaning, someone else painted in his exact style and they just put his name on it postmortem. I thought that was kind of weird.

Yeah, you can choose from a bunch of different scenes!

He is seriously so perfect. He has had such an impact on so many lives...incredible!

YEAH, all caught up! And I'm pretty sure my musical knowledge within and outside of Disney just grew because of that speed-reading. And it adds a nice ambiance to the reading. Nice low music + TR = Pure Magic! Can't wait to read more! :mickeyjum

Yay! Timmy, I'm so glad you are enjoying the music that accompanies the updates. It's so fun picking the songs! :goodvibes

Sorry I've been MIA from your TR for so long! Ugh, I definitely did NOT intend for that to happen, but I'm caught up now! I'm apologizing now because this comment is going to be absurdly long. Don't feel like you have to respond to everything, since I know you have tons of other comments to get through! :rotfl:

I'm a wee-bit obsessed with the MSEP sooo don't even worry about it... I actually cried when Mickey pointed to me and gave a thumbs up about my Anniversary pin last trip. No biggie, I'm just 5 years old.

I never saw MMY! Wompwomp. But I would've probably died seeing the Lanterns from Tangled. That was my iPhone cover FOREVER until it finally chipped and I replaced it with an Up iPhone cover. I love that scene so much.

That's highly unfortunate about the bloody man. I would have run away, too. :crazy2:

Okay, I know I'm going to be back in less than a month, but for some reason your AK morning is making me want to be in Disney World SO BAD right now. Though I guess considering it's Christmas week, maybe not so much, but still. I have just such distinct memories of getting to AK super early and riding EE and ahhh, I'm just wanting to be there right now!

EE is my absolute favorite, so I'm with you on Asia's decorations!

HAHAHA I love your photo of you post-ride. My hair never ever behaves in Disney World due to the humidity, and evidently in Disneyland it's the same story (we experienced ridiculous humidity there). I usually just give up mid-way through out trip and wear a hat, haha.

I would have punched that guy in the face if I'd heard him screaming like that... Well not really but I would've been close to it! UGH. Some people just seriously amaze me and are beyond ignorant. It's just annoying when they ruin a ride for other people, you know? This just seems over the top ridiculous though.

RANDOM but, little story. I basically lose it the second I hear any part of the Up soundtrack. The music just absolutely destroys me. I heard it in Disneyland at one point and held it together, so at least I've made progress from sobbing uncontrollably to tearing up a little up when I hear it.

ANYWAY, it suddenly dawned on me, I wonder who composed the music... and I had a strong feeling it was the same guy who did the music for the TV show LOST... and the movie Star Trek. AND I WAS SO RIGHT. He is the absolute MASTER as making music that will have you bawling your eyes out. UGH, that man. Anyway, that's my story, haha.

SO jealous of meeting Dug and Russell! This is one of the things I'm most looking forward to on our next trip!

Friendship boats are at the top of my love list. They are such a wonderful and relaxing way to go to DHS!

Bummer about the Carrot Cake Cookie! I totally love it, but can also very much understand why someone wouldn't, too! At least you tried it though so you can take it off your "must-do" list! :)

OMG The Shining. Have you ever read the book? The movie scares me, but the first time I read the book I had nightmares! It's very different from the movie but so so scary.

I love trading Vinylmation and pins! I did Vinyl trading for the first time on our trip in DL and can't wait to do it again in January in WDW!

YAY! I'm so happy I'm caught up again! Craziness of life and all, and I'm caught up! WOOOHOO!

Don't apologize, I have been MIA from the DIS for over two months! Ughh! I can't believe I've been away so long, and I have SO MUCH to catch up on!

I'm so glad I have a fellow MSEP enthusiast who relates to my obsession. There's just something about that parade.

Ohhh my gosh MMY was so amazing, especially with those lanterns! I love that scene too!

I completely agree about EE and about people who ruin rides...those two things are at very different ends of my emotional spectrum.

The Up soundtrack is SO FREAKING AMAZING. Seriously, I am right there with you when it comes to openly weeping anytime I hear it. That guy really is amazing.

I haven't read The Shining, but I'd really like to. I love Stephen King! Salem's Lot ruined my life for a solid month. I couldn't sleep at all. Like, I almost had to get put on nerve pills. Yeah, I'm crazy.

John loves trading Vinyls so much! Pins are definitely more of my forte, but it's so fun watching him trade!

Yay for catching up! Now I just need to update and go catch up on your new TR!! :goodvibes

Just stopping by to wish you a Merry Christmas!


That's so pretty! Thank you! :)

Oh my! I laughed so much at your ToT picture! John is sitting there like nothing is happening. Completely relaxed! I could never have looked like that on ToT!!!

Also, I had a very strange encounter after seeing One Man's Dream on our recent trip. But I haven't gotten to that part in my TR yet so I don't want to spoil it!!! :goodvibes

On a side note, it was my first time watching the film and I completely bawled like a baby. Not even like, a dainty tear, but full on sobbed. I am such a sap! (and my DH likes to rag me on it)

Can't wait to read more. I throughly enjoy your TRs. :thumbsup2

HAHA John is ALWAYS like that in ride pictures! I just don't get it! He is literally completely unfazed! I don't get it!

Oooh I am intrigued by this strange encounter... :scratchin

Hahaha yeah, definitely no dainty tears during that film. It's so amazing!

Thank you so much! :)
Caught back up and enjoyed reading about your adventures as always. Looking forward to more.

I'm so glad you're still enjoying it! :) I will be posting an update VERY soon!

What a fun day at DHS! I really like your pins you got. One of these days I'm going to just take the leap and get into pin trading.

The story about the girl on ToT is too funny! And I could really relate to the story about the 5 year old boy. :sad2: On our last trip, my son (who's 4) kicked some rocks near One Man's Dream onto the walkway before I could stop him. 2 CMs were nearby and quickly looked at him. But before they could say anything, this Momma had her son picking them up and getting a scolding. :lmao:

You definitely should! It is so much fun, and so addicting! You will love it!

Haha I think kids are going to be kids, I was just so surprised by the CMs reaction. He was like, REALLY mad. It was strange!

To hoping 2013 is a wonderful year and brings many more magical moments (and Disney trips)!


Thank you Timmy! I love that, and I love that Quasi is getting some attention! :thumbsup2

Spent bits of yesterday and today catching up on your TR! So hilarious. I even had to read some parts out loud to Howard! Since I was reading from a LONG time ago, I didn't take notes so I don't have anything specific to comment on so sorry about that! Looking forward to more more more!!!

Haha yay! I'm glad you were able to catch up and I made you laugh some! :) I am going to update soon, I promise!

Hope you had a great Christmas Joni and have heard from John frequently :)

Great day at DHS, I love One Mans Dream too!

Thank you! I had a wonderful Christmas, and I heard from him...quite a bit. ;) Stay tuned to find out why!

Isn't it the best? I love it so much!

So I'm a major TR lurker, I read many to ease my "I'm not at Disney depression" and I've read all of yours in the last 2 weeks, I know I need to get a life but some people go to bed and read a book, I go to bed and read the DIS and usually regret how late I stay up :confused3.
Anyway, I love your reports, I love that you seem to write what you think and have such a great sense of humor. My kind of people. So anyway, just wanted to stop by and say Hi and tell you I love your reports and can't wait to read more :cool1:

I totally understand...who needs books when you have the DIS?! Anyway, :welcome: and thank you so much for reading along! I'm so glad that you enjoy my reports. I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long, but the updates are going to be rolling in soon! :)
I'm JUST reading your trip report now after stumbling across it.....and oh my god. I already love it!! Can't wait to read the whole thing!! You're so lucky to find a guy who appreciates your love of Disney ;D

:welcome: I am so glad you are enjoying my report! Sorry for not updating in so long, but I am getting ready to start up again!

I am VERY lucky to have John, for many reasons. But his love for Disney is definitely one of those reasons! :thumbsup2

Ps...just read about John's arcade addiction and had to comment! I SO get your frustration. My best friend has an arcade addiction as well and going to Disney with him was a nightmare in more ways than one. He literally blew $200 something in the arcade and spent hours in there....HOURS. I just don't even know...

Lucky for me, we went with a group so I wasn't stuck watching! :rotfl:

Ughhh what it is with guys and those arcades?! I just don't get it! :rolleyes2

Where are you???
I'm hopeing everything is ok!!!!
We're doing fabulous!!!! We had a great birthday cruise...
I'm writing a fun trip report on
Now we just found out the my precious daughter just made the Disney College Program.... :woohoo:
She'll be there from May to Jan... We're so excited... :banana::banana::cool1:
I sure hope you come back to us... We are all missing the wonderful information and pictures of our trip!!!!
Please come back to us and post!!!!
We miss you!!!

Hi! I'm back, and everything is great!

I'm so glad you had a nice trip! I can't wait to read all about it! And CONGRATULATIONS to your daughter for making the DCP! That is so exciting! :hug:

I am getting ready to start updating again, I promise! Sorry for the delay!

Thanks for checking in on me! :)

I was just wondering how you were, too! Hope all is well!

I am great! I hope you are well too. Thank you for checking in on me! So sorry for the absence! I'm getting ready to update and explain everything! :)

I've just found your trip report and wanted to say hi :wave:. I've got a lot of catching up to do but enjoyed your introduction. I'm very curious about the cupcake ratings. Can't wait to see what your favorite is.

:welcome: Thanks so much for reading along! I hope you enjoy the report! :)
Hi everyone! Let me start off by saying I am so so SO SORRY that I have been gone for so long. :guilty: As a matter of fact, the song choice for my update has absolutely nothing to do with the update itself. It’s all about the deep remorse I feel for abandoning my beautiful wonderful amazing DIS buddies for two months! I hope that you accept this musical dedication and my deepest apologies. :flower3: I promise, it won’t happen again!

So I guess you’d like to know why I’ve been gone for so long? I promise, I have a pretty good excuse! Those of you who follow me on Twitter (@Joni_Russell) already know this, but John has been home since the day before Christmas Eve! :cloud9: I didn’t really announce it in advance because I wasn’t really sure when he would make it home, but he was able to take a very long leave starting on December 23rd! It was so amazing having him home for Christmas, and these last two months with him have been such an unexpected blessing. :love: Unfortunately, he has to head back to Afghanistan on Sunday. Obviously I’m not thrilled about this at all, but luckily he will only be gone for a couple of months this time. So anyway, that’s why I’ve been MIA for so long! I have spent the last few months completely wrapped up in time with John!

However, with John getting ready to head back and my next Disney trip only NINE DAYS away, I realized it was high time to get my butt back on these boards and updating! :scared: Thank you so much to all of my friends who have reminded me and pushed me to update. You guys know I need a little motivating sometimes! I seriously love all of you! :grouphug:

In other news, as I mentioned above, my next trip is only nine days from now. My sister and I will be staying at Art of Animation from March 2nd- March 7th for our first ever sisters only trip! I am really excited about that, and I’m also excited mom and I are going back to Disney too! :woohoo: We are going to be taking our second annual mother/daughter trip from May 28th-June 2nd! We will be staying at POP Century, and it will be a combination of my mom’s Mother’s Day/birthday gift. I actually surprised her with the trip on Christmas. She is beyond ecstatic! I am so excited, and I’m also thrilled that I am getting some use out of my Annual Pass!

Anyway, that’s pretty much what’s been going on with me. I’ll stop rambling now and get on with an update. I think you guys have waited long enough!

"I'm Sorry"- Brenda Lee

July 9, 2012

I’m sorry (I’m sorry)
So sorry (so sorry)
Please accept my apology

*That one goes out to all you patient DISers out there who haven't given up on me.*

When I left off, John and I were enjoying a fun evening in DHS. We had been playing around in The Magic of Disney Animation. It was starting to get late and I was getting pretty tired, so we decided to get ready to head out. Before we went, however, we had to make time for one of my favorite Disney activities- Animation Academy! Ever since we stumbled across the drawing class a few years ago I have loved it, so I was dying to draw one picture before heading back to the resort!

We were a little early for the next class, so we sat down to wait and relax a little.

John was getting sleepy, but I had to take a picture of his Donald Duck hat!


I love the fairies from Sleeping Beauty. They are so endearing, and I love that they are absolutely terrible at homemaking, just like me. That cake and dress they make are a hot mess, and I respect that. Merryweather is my favorite, of course! Barbara Luddy, the voice of Merryweather, was also the voice of Lady in Lady and the Tramp, as I’m sure you already knew. I love her voice!


After waiting about fifteen minutes we were let into the drawing room and I raced kindergartener-style to a good seat so I’d be ready to draw!


John, like me, takes this whole drawing thing pretty seriously. He was in the zone.


Because I’m a creep, I snuck a picture of our artist. I wanted you guys to be fully immersed in this experience.

Speaking of our artist, he was one of the cool ones who lets the class vote on who they will draw. He asked us to raise our hands if we had drawn certain characters, so we could pick one no one had drawn before. He started out with the pretty generic ones like Minnie and Donald, so naturally lots of us raised our hands. However, as he started getting into the more obscure characters, I noticed there was this one group of tweenage girls who raised their hands EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Literally, every time. :confused: He named several characters that I really wanted to draw, but then this group of girls would raise their hands and say they already drew that one. It started to get a little ridiculous. Don’t get me wrong, I love Animation Academy, but there’s a lot of other stuff to do at Disney World. I feel like these girls need to branch out a little bit on their next Disney vacation and try new things, like going on a ride or eating a cupcake...just sayin’.

We were finally able to find a character that no one had drawn, including the obsessed girls. Well, either they hadn’t drawn it or they lied in order to avoid an angry drawing class mob. Either way, we were ready to draw!

I thought it would be fun if I showed you what I drew step by step, so you could try to guess who it is! Sound fun? If you’re not really on board, feel free to scroll to the bottom quickly and eliminate any of the building anticipation.

Here’s the first step...a ball with some lines in it.


Any idea who it is yet? I'm guessing no! Let’s keep going!




There’s something starting to take shape there, but what is it?




It’s getting a little bit clearer....




I bet someone has guessed it by now!




DEFINITELY now, right?




Almost finished!



Here’s the finished product!


It’s Carl from Up! Did you guess it? How many pictures did it take before you got it? I’d love to know!

I was pretty pleased with my Carl. I thought he turned out alright!


John’s was nice too, although he looks kind of disappointed in this picture! Haha, he holds himself to incredibly high standards.


After our time at the Animation Academy John and I were both exhausted, so we decided to head back to the room and turn in. Plus, DHS was super crowded that night! I took a picture to document this, and I ended up with a few oddballs looking directly at my camera.


I felt like Lilly Moscovitz from The Princess Diaries- “Not YOU! I don’t even know you!” :mad:

On our way out of the park I took an obligatory balloon picture. Not my best.


We made it back to the friendship boats at about 10:15, and got off the boat at the Beach Club at 10:40. On our way back to the room we stopped to admire the beautiful Stormalong Bay. I was so excited to go swimming the next morning!


When we made it back to the room we were both exhausted, so we watched a little TV, I updated my trip journal and ate some salt water taffy from Cape May Cafe, and we both fell fast asleep!

Here’s our end of the day wrap up!

Awesome animal sightings at Animal Kingdom
My first experience on Muppet Vision 3D
My unplanned and delicious cupcake at Pizza Planet

The “fudging” nerd on Expedition Everest
Dropping my camera and breaking the flash trigger​
I'm thrilled to have you back and posting again, I can't wait to read more and I can't wait to hear about your upcoming trip. However, I can't think of a better reason to be absent from the dis and your loyal fans :cool1: Coming from a military family I know how bad it sucks when your loved ones are away, but I can't imagine if it were my DH. Mine was gone for 9 months working in Arizona (we're in Iowa), and that was miserable but we flew to see each other a few times while he was gone.
First of all, yes, Tierra must be included. Otherwise, she may just lose her sparkle. :scared:

Secondly, I AM SO EXCITED THAT YOU ARE UPDATING AGAIN!!!!! I mean, obviously. I've been begging for this for about a month now. :lmao: I am sorry that John has to leave soon, though... but thank God he won't be gone as long! AND I'm so excited for you to go back to Disney soon! AND in May/June!!! :woohoo: ;)

Merryweather is my favorite fairy, too! Her voice is so unique and awesome. AHHHHHH you drew Carl! That's amazing! It was around the third or fourth picture that I figured it out. Awesome. I didn't realize they did Pixar characters, too! Although I don't know why. DHS is pretty heavy on the Pixar! (Side note: I actually told you how many pictures it took me to guess before I read that you asked that. So yeah, twin telepathy at its finest.) Your Carls are awesome!

(Um... I used the word 'awesome' one too many times, didn't I?)

I feel like a game could be made from this. Take a picture of literally nothing but a crowd of people and see how many of them look at your camera. It has potential.

Ahh, Beach Club pictures. So beautiful! One day I WILL stay there.
Merryweather is my favorite fairy, too! Her voice is so unique and awesome.

She is my absolute favorite fairy too!! So spunky! I actually considered getting a tattoo of her a long time ago. I'm glad I didn't go through with it. But if I did get a Disney tattoo it would be of her.
I'm so happy that you were able to spend so much time with John. I will be keeping him and you in my prayers as you have to be separated for a few months again. Yay for the upcoming trips though!

How adorable that you go to draw Carl! I haven't been there that often to have done many characters, but of course, we've done Donald twice out of the like, three or four times we've been there! At least it was a different expression. I still have fun though even though it does kind of stress me out while I'm there.
Yay Joni is back:cool1:. I'm glad you got to spend so much time with John though. Prayers for you guys while he is gone again. I have never done the drawing class before. I should probably try that sometime soon. Have yet to try TSM as well, i know it is a crime :guilty:, but that is something I am changing on my upcoming trip.
I'm so happy to have you back updating, I love reading your trip reports!

I'm glad you got to spend some quality time with your husband! Its also great that you have Disney trips to look forward to to get you through the time he is away!!

Looks like we will be down in Disney at the same time, we leave in 5 days and will be there from Feb 26th-Mar 6th. HAVE FUN!!


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