The Girl Cave

Sorry, guy intruding here, but how do I get a girl's attention and show her I like her and wanna go out with her?

Well last year there was a guy that I thought was trying to send me those signals. He was always coming and sitting by me at musical rehearsals, joking around and talking with me, "stealing" my stuff at the lunch table, sometimes teasing me, and basically just spending quite a bit of time with me. After all of this, basically everyone I talked to thought we were going to become a couple, so we all thought these were all things he was doing to show he liked me. I'm usually not good with relationship advice so I don't know if this will help at all but it's real life examples
Honestly, I am not the greatest person for advice, but I will help... 1 - Have good manners. Open doors, compliment her, etc. 2 - Cultivate good conversation skills. Really listen, stay interested in y'all's conversations, and remember what she says. If you can remember stuff she says, she will feel very respected and appreciated.3- Be responsible. Don't act too obnoxious and immature and don't show off too much. She could get the wrong impression.4 - Respect her and her decisions. Let her expresses herself and be herself around you. Make her feel comfortable but don't be too creepy!!! ;) 5 - Don't flirt with other girls. She will get the wrong impression and take no interest in you.6 - Take the initiative!!!! Don't be overly nervous and don't make her feel like she needs to take the lead! I hope this helps and I wish you the best of luck!

Thanks. I'll probably try that. :)
I'm no hair expert, but I'm going to recommend a product I use.

Do you get avon? if so, look for Advance Techniques, frizz control, lotus shield. It's a little orange bottle and the cream inside it is white/clear. It works wonders on my hair. Nothing I've tried works as well as this. It's for all hair types, and you can also get the shampoo and conditioner.

I'll look into it! thanks :)
Hey! So, I just wanted to ask you guys something, what nail polishes do you use. ? I've been wanting some new nail polish. I do live in Canada, so I may not be able to get some kinds. I Love the Sally Hansen brand! I have a few OPI Bottles too. So what are your guy's favorite brands, or colours!?? :)
the brand doesnt really matterto be but omg i love Sally beauty shop<3
im always wearing either black or pink nailpolishh
Hey! So, I just wanted to ask you guys something, what nail polishes do you use. ? I've been wanting some new nail polish. I do live in Canada, so I may not be able to get some kinds. I Love the Sally Hansen brand! I have a few OPI Bottles too. So what are your guy's favorite brands, or colours!?? :)

I used to always paint my nails midnight blue and wear the color until every single speck of it was flaked off, but the bottle dried up and thinning the polish out doesn't help, so now my nails are always painted "Nice Color, Eh?" by OPI or scarlet.
my friend does this cool thing where she puts newspaper print on her nails it looks so sick ! and one friend did archie comics:)

I've done those before!! They're really cool to do!
That's a good video for them. :) the same user also does some other really cute designs.

I used to always paint my nails midnight blue and wear the color until every single speck of it was flaked off, but the bottle dried up and thinning the polish out doesn't help, so now my nails are always painted "Nice Color, Eh?" by OPI or scarlet.

Yea, I usually leave my nail polish on for a long time too. :)
Oh my gosh, I'm doing the news print nails! :rotfl:
I love the news print polish idea! I'll have to try that the next time I get a pedicure. :)


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