The DDA Trouble Free Zone Part 8

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Thank you. He feels counseling would be a waste of time, as his heart wouldn't be in it. But I am taking the kids.
legalslave said:
Hi all. I just scanned in the autograph pages I made for my co-worker who's going to WDW late September. I had to start all over again as the ones I made for our December trip were lost in the hard drive crash. Some of them would not print out in this format correctly (Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, Goofy, Eeyore and Tigger - Piglet didn't print quite right, either), but there's plenty for you to get the idea. I borrowed Kate's four parks design to use on the inside cover page. The pages are actually set up so that there's 1/2 inch of white on the left side for punching holes to place the pages in the 5 x 7 scrapbook. Hope you like them!




they look good
Tammi67 said:
Well, everyone, I may not be posting as much as usual, although I will keep up with the thread, as it's an escape from realty. John has told me he wants a divorce, and as you can imagine, I am devastated. I am scared to death of what this is going to do to our kids. He has taken them out for the day and he wants to "talk" to them tonight. They have absolutely no idea. No, our marriage has not been blissfully happy lately, but I had no idea that it reached this point. I have not told my parents, which is a phone call I am dreading. If any of you who have been through this, especially with little kids, can offer me some advice, I would really appreciate it.

Tammi, I am so sorry! :grouphug:

It sounds like he really blindsided you this weekend. I would really hope that he would consider counseling before he just throws in the towel.

Though I can't give you an adult perspective, I can give you a child's perspective on things (my mom was divorced twice).

You are in my thoughts and prayers!
Tammi67 said:
Well, everyone, I may not be posting as much as usual, although I will keep up with the thread, as it's an escape from realty. John has told me he wants a divorce, and as you can imagine, I am devastated. I am scared to death of what this is going to do to our kids. He has taken them out for the day and he wants to "talk" to them tonight. They have absolutely no idea. No, our marriage has not been blissfully happy lately, but I had no idea that it reached this point. I have not told my parents, which is a phone call I am dreading. If any of you who have been through this, especially with little kids, can offer me some advice, I would really appreciate it.
All I can say is :wizard: :grouphug: and prayers that it will work out for you and the kids
bear74 said:

What did you put in the goody bags for Alyss'a Jojo birthday party?

I used paper popcorn bags and each child received a bag of animal crackers, a canister of playdough, and an animal-shaped cookie cutter.

Amy :)
Love your autograph pages June, and please know you and Scott's family are in our thoughts and prayers as well! :grouphug:

Amy :)
Tammi67 said:
Well, everyone, I may not be posting as much as usual, although I will keep up with the thread, as it's an escape from realty. John has told me he wants a divorce, and as you can imagine, I am devastated. I am scared to death of what this is going to do to our kids. He has taken them out for the day and he wants to "talk" to them tonight. They have absolutely no idea. No, our marriage has not been blissfully happy lately, but I had no idea that it reached this point. I have not told my parents, which is a phone call I am dreading. If any of you who have been through this, especially with little kids, can offer me some advice, I would really appreciate it.

Tammi - I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this. I can't offer any advice I'm afraid but just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you and your kids :grouphug:
Tammi, I'm so sorry. I haven't been through a divorce myself, but my daughter was divorced when her kids were 11, 10 and 7. Her ex is a compulsive gambler, and he left her and the kids to go to Arkansas to live with a woman whom he met online! He was back in New York in a very short time. He never paid child support, visited very little, and may as well have not had kids. Now he thinks they should still have respect for him.

From that experience, and watching the difference in the way my boss handled her divorce, and the way her ex handled it, my advice would be to try to remain cordial with your ex and try to still be united as far as the kids are concerned. The bitterness and lack of attention from their father was the thing that hurt my grandchildren the most. Make sure your kids realize this is no one's fault (even if you think it's his - try not to talk bad about their father no matter how you feel). I know this will be hard, but try to do it for your kids' sake. Also, get counseling for yourself, too - AND GET A GOOD LAWYER!!! - preferably a woman! Call your local bar association for recommendations for a matrimonial/family law attorney (don't use a general lawyer for this), unless you have recommendations from friends. I would just go for a consultation first and get a feel for the person. You must like and trust her to do what is best for you and your kids. If you feel like she (or he is in any way not on your side, get a different attorney). Don't pay a retainer until you are satisfied you've got the one that will do the best job for you.

Remember to keep on being the best you that you can possibly be (this is NOT your fault). We are "all amazing women" here on the DDA. Keep coming here and venting and letting us know how things are going.
June - Your pages are great :thumbsup2

Denise - love the bikes - and it looks like the trips do too :thumbsup2 {ps I'm also secretly impressed that I can now tell Davis and Rees apart :blush: }

We've had a great day today - our friends bought their baby over and we had a bbq to officially christen our new back yard. It was toasty hot - we played a board game outside while the food was cooking then when we had eaten our fill we came inside for a cool down and another game. We've been having a heat wave recently - I reckon it must be the good weather you guys all had a few weeks back... which of course means if you're all feeling the cold now then we have that to look forward to :sad2:

Our boiler is still broken... hopefully a man is coming to look at it tomorrow pm... we had to have ice cold :cold: showers again this morning - and there will have to be another tomorrow before work... there was so much screaming going on I'm surprised the neighbours don't think we've killed each other! I hope it's a quick fix and can be done tomorrow...

Well DH has fallen asleep on the sofa... and there's only world cup football on tv... might have to go read me some more trip reports :)
A question...

I posted this over on the UK board but would welcome your inputs too :)

As you know we're off to the World in November this year and I really want to upgrade our MYW tix to APs... which means we get to go again in 2007, but can't go during our fave time - the first two weeks of November.

So... when should we go?

Tell me your favourite time of year for a visit... what the crowds are like... and the weather... and why it's your favourite time.

We'll probably be doing 10-12 nights and most likely staying off property but that's up for discussion...

Can't wait to hear your suggestions :)
KMH1 said:
I used paper popcorn bags and each child received a bag of animal crackers, a canister of playdough, and an animal-shaped cookie cutter.

Amy :)
I think I bought the treat bags when I bought the napkins and plates cant rember right now. I was thinking of putting animal crackers, cotton candy and circuis peanuts in them.

Games I think we might play pin the nose on JOJO or the tail on Goliath. any other ideas. I think their will be 8-11 kids.
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