The DDA Trouble Free Zone Part 19

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Tammi- I thought of you this afternoon....our friends joined us at service...She had to give her 10 yo a cell phone for Christmas because dad won't let the kids call her when they are with him.....I said a prayer that your ex wasn't that way.
Thanks, Theresa. No he isn't. And if he was I could take him to court for it. Your friend should check her legal papers. There is probably something in there about providing uninhibited access to the other parent, meaning he can't keep them from contacting Mom.
OK, we're off to see what treasures Santa left. Nicholas has to go wake up Alyssa. Enjoy your morning!
Here's Santa's letter:


Thank you so much for your letters, I always enjoy reading them because you are honest with me.

I hope you like what I have left for you this year…you are harder to figure out than most kids because you ask for so little.

Abi- Thanks for the story, I left the original with you because I think others will want to read it too!!

I am sorry mom isn’t feeling well…I miss your birthday cake but popcorn was a great alternative.

Merry Christmas!!


What do you all think??

Great letter! Do you type it and print it out? Santa has done that a couple of years here. This year he hand wrote the note about the cash situation. Dang it takes a long time to write left handed when you are right handed! :lmao:
I'm sitting in the living room with just the Christmas lights on the tree. This is one of my favorite activities this time of year. The dog is sitting on my lap. It is 7:26 here. Chuck & the girls are still snug in bed. After doing the Santa thing this morning since my girls stay up later than me now that they are adults, I couldn't fall back to sleep. I've had my shower and am just enjoying the peace & quiet before everyone else wakes up.

We will open presents this morning, Chuck will make homemade waffles for us for breakfast, and we'll watch the parade. After that, Becky will start building her lego kit (we got her a 1000+ piece Batman car this year), Katrina & I will start putting together my Eagle puzzle, and Chuck will sit back and relax. We'll have our traditional ham dinner late this afternoon. We may make some cookies today. Chuck really wants to make spritz cookies and they haven't gotten done yet. I'm hoping that Katrina & maybe Becky will do some scrapbooking with me sometime today.

I'm really looking forward to my Christmas day. We do have about 1/4 inch of snow on the ground. That's not great but it is better than nothing. It really doesn't look much like a regular Christmas in Michigan.
Well, the fun will start soon. Becky is up and just went across the hall to wake up Kate. They will start singing Christmas carols to wake Chuck & I up in a few minutes. Merry Christmas to all!!!!! I need to get the wrapping paper from Becky so that I can wrap the last couple of gifts that I forgot I had.
Good morning, DDA! And Merry Christmas!!:santa:

I need a nap. I went to the bathroom at 4 AM. Before my head was back on the pillow, DS had flown out of his room like he had been shot out of a cannon. 4 AM!!:scared1: I told him to go back to bed. At 4:55 DH says "DS can't sleep." Well, neither can I if people are talking, going in and out of doors, turning lights on, and whatever else the two of them were doing! At 5:45 DH came in and asked me what time I was planning to get up. So I got up. DS had his presents opened and his stocking emptied in less than 20 minutes. Now he is holed up in his room building some sort of mega coaster out of his new train track pieces.
Merry Christmas DDA!!!

Well I'm still waiting for the rest of my family to get up. The parents are showered and ready, I made coffee, fed the dog, walked the dog, put the rest of my ornaments on the tree, and now I'm getting ready to tell my granddaughter to wake up her brother!!!!

I know he's sleepy cause he stayed up way too late, but it's Christmas!!!!:santa: :santa: :santa: :santa: and there are a lot of packages under the tree that I have no idea what is in them!!!

I'll be back later.....:santa:
Vicki - Well, if you guys wanted to move your trip to the first week of February we would be happy to meet up with you!;) We are leaving in 38 days!:banana:
Good morning, DDA and Merry Christmas to you all. Although the sun is trying to poke through the clouds it is going to be overcome in a bit and we are to have lots and lots of rain today. Good thing we planned nothing other than Boma for breakfast in about 90 minutes and then back here to play games and cook Christmas dinner!

We had a passerby take a picture at YC the other night when we were at the Yachtsman Steakhouse for dinner (yummy!) but the quality is not very good. I just LOVE this picture and have been trying to make it better. I don't know what it is going to look like, but if anyone knows of a way to improve the quality, please let me know!

Merry Christmas, Elin!:santa: Sorry your Christmas is going to be soggy. Sounds like you are going to make the best of it! Breakfast at Boma is yummy!

I am certainly no expert on photos, but the photo printer at Sam's has options for "color", "brightness", and "contrast". I made a 5x7 print for our friends that I lightened up a little bit and it made a big difference. You might just need to play with it after you get home.
Well the boys have opened their presents & we have eaten the breakfast casserole. It is now time for me to get ready for work. We will then head over to bil's for Christmas with dh family. We will be having the traditional prime rib for dinner.

The boys already have the playstation hooked up & are glued to the tv lol It was a nice relaxing morning, I just love watching them open their presents.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day, MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL!


Getting ready to go to my Daughter's house to open presents and then have ham and lots of other food. Have to stay to watch the Eagles. Will be back late tonight.

Have a good day all :goodvibes
Hi Elin...

I tried to run it through my editing software....but didn't have much luck. Have a wonderful day!!


Good morning, DDA and Merry Christmas to you all. Although the sun is trying to poke through the clouds it is going to be overcome in a bit and we are to have lots and lots of rain today. Good thing we planned nothing other than Boma for breakfast in about 90 minutes and then back here to play games and cook Christmas dinner!

We had a passerby take a picture at YC the other night when we were at the Yachtsman Steakhouse for dinner (yummy!) but the quality is not very good. I just LOVE this picture and have been trying to make it better. I don't know what it is going to look like, but if anyone knows of a way to improve the quality, please let me know!

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