~The Daily Grind~ 5/17/10

Ah, Mondays, you have to just muckle thru those Mondays that don't even come close to the normal schedule.

I received a call Sunday night at 11:30 pm, MomE was bringing her husband to the hospital via an ambulance (and he was NONE too happy about it!). I met them at the hospital, fortunately he was processed fairly quickly thru the ER, unfortunately he was admitted to the hospital. His vitals were completely out of whack, dehydrated, and heart fribbing. The thought at the time was he would be observed for 24 hours then go home. I got back home just in time to get DD up and ready for school, called out from work, went back to sleep until 8:15 am. Then picked up MomE, made arrangements for a hospital bed to be delivered to their house, had a nasty run in with one of my mother's neighbors who was peeking into their windows to see what we were doing. :scared1: WTH, and she had the audiacity to say I was unchristian like. Um, because I won't let you spy on us thru the windows, I am unchristian? :confused3 :eek: Back to the hospital to visit, talked to the hospice nurse who broke the news that he can no longer walk and going home really isn't an option. He needs more care than he can get at home. Had to select several rehap facilities for placement. Brought MomE back to her house to pick up the dog and presents she had for my DD. Home for birthday dinner for DD and all the birthday festivities that she deserves to have despite us all being tired. Happy 17th Birthday, Pumpkin.:hug:
:hug: Oh Lisa - what a day. What a jerk of a neighbor - hope you set her straight. I'm sorry you have to go through looking at places for MomE's DH, but it's good he's in capable hands.

On a brighter note, happy birthday to your DD! Time flies, doesn't it?
Wow, good to see all your progress and holy smokes, crabapple neighbor! Did I miss church the day they taught, "Thou Shalt Allow Nosy Neighbor to Spy Anytime They Feel Like It?" I'm just saying.

What a day here. Over 6 hours in doctor's offices. Took DD13 to ped. ortho. this morning. Did initial exam, seems so repetitive to me as this is the 3rd general exam we've been through. Did xrays again. Nope. Still no fractures. She needs an MRI. Duh. I knew that 3 weeks ago. Sorry. We'll get the paperwork rolling on that. OH NO YOU WON'T. YOU WILL CALL THERE AND GET HER IN TODAY. THE INJURY IS ALREADY 4 WEEKS OLD FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.

There I feel better.

So, they got her in at 3:30 today. Imagine that. We left the hospital at 7pm. :eek:

Throw in lunch with DH and 6th Grade Honors Celebration with DD 11...I'm exhausted.

DS15 and DH are watching The Office on DVD so loudly I can't take it. I'm trying to place these baseball team photo orders! So, I've pulled up Dis Radio and I'm happy again. :thumbsup2

Tomorrow is a new day. Already have my list. Have a great night, everybody.
Okay, so everyone else has gone to bed, but I have to post...I am finished! Buttons ordered, composites made and ordered, prints edited and ordered, done with 4 teams. 3 more to go, but still need a few make up photos before I can proceed.

Check those off my list. :thumbsup2
Happy Birthday to Lisa's DD!!!!!!:cheer2::cheer2:

Lisa, I'm so sorry about MomE's DH.:hug:

Pixieflip, good for you on making them do the MRI now. I hope it shows what's wrong so that your daughter can get all healed up.:hug:
Happy birthday Lisa DD!!!

Oh lisa I'm so sorry to hear about mome dh. I know how you are feeling. If at anytime you want to talk please do not hesitate to call me. I'm here for you.
Pixieflip good for you for putting your foot down on the MRI.
Let us know how she makes out.
Wow - Lisa and Pixieflip - my thoughts are with you guys. Lots on your plates...good luck!

I heard that too...isn't the 11th Commandment "It's ok to spy on your neighbor." ??? Sheesh...some people...
Ah, Lisa, Happy Birthday to your Pumpkin! Sorry to hear about MomE's DH, I hope he's comfortable.

Pam, dumb people suck. How is DH doing with his diagnosis? Can it be controlled with diet?
Pam, dumb people suck. How is DH doing with his diagnosis? Can it be controlled with diet?

Thanks for asking...he talked with a dietitian/nutritionist and will be scheduling more regular appointments with her. Controlling it with diet is the plan for starting out over the next few months and then we'll see where that gets him...or not. Fingers crossed...
Thanks for asking...he talked with a dietitian/nutritionist and will be scheduling more regular appointments with her. Controlling it with diet is the plan for starting out over the next few months and then we'll see where that gets him...or not. Fingers crossed...



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