~The Daily Grind~ 4/7/10

Has anyone had an angieogram before? If so whats it like? Have to have one on Monday or Tuesday.

AR - DH wants to know if you are just going in for the day for the angiogram for the day or are they having you stay overnight? He's been through this and very similar procedures more than a dozen times and says it truly isn't uncomfortable. The drug(s) they give you to relax you really help! You do feel a warm flush throughout your body when they inject the dye, but it is temporary. If you want to talk with him more, just let us know....:hug:
ZTH~ when do you start BHC? When I think of that I get the opening credits to Boston Legal in my head! I dont think Ive ever seen 4am at any Disney park! To be young again!
Pam~ as of right now, we dont know if Im staying over night or not, think at the moment just planning on day trip.
Spelling is going to be all butchered but there is a possible problem with the "Left Ventricul Artery", which they explained was the closes to the chest and could be why Im feeling what Im feeling.
I feel pressure and winded when Im rushed like its having to beat harder."They" did talk of a possible stint?
I forgot that your DH has been through this alot. I may take the offer up.
All I can say is nothing had better not mess with the Baltics!:goodvibes
Ok - the days are merging together now!

Crashed on the sofa at 10 p.m - beyond exhausted. Woke two hours later and tried to go to bed - but now can't shut my brain off. I'm just still mad at the world.

Rita - PM-ing you. :hug:
Lisa, I hope all went okay with your DD.:hug:
ZTH, congratulations on the job! Sounds fun!:yay:
PBF, :hug: on having such a crappy day dealing with the school system.
AR, :hug: for your upcoming procedure.


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