The ABCs of Starting Over- OR to KY Roadtrip + WDW 50th Ann. Trip 9/28-10/4; Day 6 and REPORT COMPLETE!

It was almost unbearable. K-stan got that hot too and no one could really be out in it much. It literally burns your nose if you breathe in that way.
Not a problem we have here in Ireland :rotfl: Truthfully I don’t think I’d survive heat like that! How long did you live there and did it ever get easier to cope with the temperatures?
Toilet paper. :) but see that you got it in the end
Eventually! Brain was not in gear. I could blame the menopause, sleep deprivation or the cold ( please don’t let it be covid) I’m currently fighting but really think I was just having a mental block :rotfl:

I love that photo too and do wonder if it should be a contender for my little trinket corner/display from this trip.
I vote yes!
Congrats on booking your cruise. I'm with pkondz, third times the charm.

This update was just WOW! So many gorgeous photos with so many colors. I got hot just reading about the heat. It also made me think of part of "The Four Winds" book. They crossed the dessert at night and just barely made it with the gas and water. They missed out on the beauty due to the danger.
Prior to this trip I spent countless hours researching what there was to see and do along the way. Death Valley offers dozens of hikes, side trips, sights, etc… Given our limited time I had to pick and choose wisely. It wouldn’t matter.
I can't believe the temperatures there. Any excursions would have to be short for sure.
The drive itself was filled with surreal scenes that looked like Star Wars movie sets. Truly, some of the places looked like the Black Spires of Batuu. What struck me most were the incredible colors! Yes, there were loads of earth tones and naturals, but some areas had the most amazing palettes.
It is like something from another planet!
Our next stop was Artists Palette. It is absolutely gorgeous! But with temps like this, there was literally no way to get out and immerse ourselves. We had to take in what we could from the car because in 122 degrees I was quickly getting a bit light-headed even with extra hydration and cooling off in the car before trying. So, from the wienies’ vantage, enjoy:
122 degrees???? Yikes! It is a good thing your car didn't overheat....
On our way out of the National Park, I saw something rare and amazing- a stream in the desert!! There was no way I wasn't going to stop for this. Believe it or not, there are even a few fish that can live in these!
You are certainly seeing things very few people ever do.
It also made me think of part of "The Four Winds"
I have never heard of this book but our first home was located at the Four Winds. Obviously a different Four Winds as it’s named because it would blow you away at times. Wind coming from all four directions 🤣💨
:laughing: You mean you didn't have that???

Nope!! But we had about 14 versions of Route 66. LOL!
Right. On the major routes, maybe not so much. But off the beaten path? ::yes::

Yes, that. :)
Wow! Look at how green that is!

I did boost the sats on this one, which made the green look truer to RL, but the sky comically oversatted. If I'd had more time I'd have dialed down the blues and kept the greens but didn't run that one through LR or PS.

Did you take it off?

No, but moved it to the OUTSIDE of my shirt.
So I was right with my first thought.
But not being a heli pilot, I didn't know if it might have to do with engine performance or pilot comfort.

It may ALSO affect fuel to air ratio just as much making it doubly BAD. Pilots can always open windows (in private single engines at low altitudes and helis) to cool off.
I mean....that seems totally valid.

Yeah, kinda.
Wow, really? I had no idea it was that rapid. Yikes!

Yes, it really is. The lows can be chilly and it heats up to broiling in no time.
That just looks like a classic "road trip" photo to me.

I think my Monument Valley one is better.
Wow, 122! I've never experience that. Can't say I'm in a hurry to do so, either. Those little pops of turquoise are really cool, though. Beautiful.

IT was life sucking. Really it kinda killed the adventurous spirits in us a bit.
I had no idea that was the case. But that's pretty scary.

Death Valley is one of the parks I haven't visited yet. This is making me want to go in, like, February.
WAIT!! For reals?! You guys will LOVE it!! And that is a PERFECT time to go!! Do the museum for sure, and Artist's Palette is amazing!

Well done, sir.
Always the creative one around here. Well, and you too.
Not a problem we have here in Ireland :rotfl: Truthfully I don’t think I’d survive heat like that! How long did you live there and did it ever get easier to cope with the temperatures?
I'd imagine not!! LOL!! Land of the emerald fields, and cool misty climes. :)

We lived in K-stan for just shy of 10 years. That's a lotta cold winters and blistering summers. Over time a little. I coped by just not going out when it was extreme. We didn't have AC the first few years, but did get it eventually. When the pipes burst (we have central hot water heating) we simply had to move out for a bit until they could be fixed.

Eventually! Brain was not in gear. I could blame the menopause, sleep deprivation or the cold ( please don’t let it be covid) I’m currently fighting but really think I was just having a mental block :rotfl:

OH how I can relate!!! I've had a sniffly nose for over a week. I think it's just allergies at this point.
Congrats on booking your cruise. I'm with pkondz, third times the charm.

This update was just WOW! So many gorgeous photos with so many colors. I got hot just reading about the heat. It also made me think of part of "The Four Winds" book. They crossed the dessert at night and just barely made it with the gas and water. They missed out on the beauty due to the danger.

I just don't know. I'm really down and cynical about it, esp with the new(est) variant. We're going to have them forever, so we'll be at the mercy of government shut down whims rather than just letting folks take the risks they themselves are comfortable with even with vaccines. We've been told life would get back to normal "if we just do xxx" so many times I don't believe it anymore.
I can't believe the temperatures there. Any excursions would have to be short for sure.

Absolutely! Late(r) Fall and early Spring are much better times to go.

It is like something from another planet!

IT really such a unique area!
122 degrees???? Yikes! It is a good thing your car didn't overheat....
The AC was definitely getting a workout and you're right, I hadn't thought of that, but I"m sure glad it didn't!

You are certainly seeing things very few people ever do.

And the stuff coming up even fewer!
O is for: Oh Barstow!

Death would not find us that day, but that is not to say we didn’t find Death. And with that in the rearview mirror, we put the pedal about halfway down and continued on to Barstow, California by way of Hwy 127 rather than the more-often traveled I-395. This involved a short bit of backtracking but added only an hour or so between this and the next day. It was still more than north of warm when we pulled into this iconic-town-turned-dump, but the neon is still proliferous and just as kitschy as it once was in its heyday of the 50s and 60s. Other than a a few pockets of tourist attraction-worthy sights, Barstow is a has-been, drug-infested, crime-ridden piece of desert real estate.

("With a crime rate of 53 per one thousand residents, Barstow has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 19."- a crime rate of,here is one in 19. )

There were some obvious testaments to this beginning with our motel. While very old-school, vintage Rte. 66, there is more than a flashy neon sign that meets the eye of the casual touring pilgrim of Americana. Parking in the mostly empty lot, I made my way to the check-in desk, except it’s…not. It’s a barred window with an anti-shatter glass barrier and microphone protecting the older Indian (Eastern Indian) lady from God knows what peril. I instantly felt like the inhabitants of this town of bygone era regularly wore ski caps over their faces and gun fights would break out any time and I’d be stuck in the middle of some unknown turf war over which random palm trees could be used for crack stashes and pickups.

I thought I’d paid when I’d made my reservation with my credit card as a hold, but she assured me I hadn’t. I’m pretty sure her eyes were going to get stuck in the rolled-back position when I told her I was pretty sure I’d paid. “Uh huh, I’ve heard that one before, Lady.” I gave her the card and once in the room scrolled through the bank statement online. She was right.

I was just another thug trying to bilk her out of the $50 for the room.

I’ll bet she was surprised I paid for a whole night.

$50 for the room. That should have been clue #2. As I’ve said before, Steppe can be as dense as Holiday Fruitcake. (Fruitcake. Yay or nay? I happen to love it.)

If you bothered to look at the link up there, you'll notice that not only is Steppe dense, the crime rate is the most dense in the area I chose for our motel. Naturally.

Speaking of the room, heretofore begins a sad string of less-than-amazing places we'd spend a night in. Yes, they were definitely unique and retro-y fun, but the Grand Floridian they were NOT. This was perhaps the sparsest room I’ve even encountered. 2 beds with the barest minimum of bedding, a Goodwill quality table and 2 chairs, no TV (those probably walk far too often), no coffee maker pot (maybe I had to ask for one if I’d wanted it?), a fridge, and microwave. The art was screwed into the walls. I wondered if I’d died and gone to Hell at this point.

Before we stepped into our room, I snapped a few photos of the antiques they had on display on the lot. I must admit, I do love old cars- the kind that were actual works of art, not simply a means to get from Point A to Point B. The kind you could easily tell the make and model of instead of knowing if it’s a Nissan, Honda, or Mazda until you're close enough to get ticketed or the one-fingered salute.

It was still daylight, but not too early for dinner and we’d not had a real meal since the day before. Remember that horrific excuse for Thai food the night before? We played it safe in our choice and headed for Roy’s Route 66 Café. This my friends brings "diner" to a whole new level.

If one is in search of healthy food options this is not the spot. However, if the search is honing in on greasy, cholesterol-laden dishes such as this one:

My chili burger

Or this:

Zach's Steak Sandwich

Roy’s Route 66 Café is definitely the place for you! I ordered up that bad boy which was as insidious as a local gang banger after 10:00PM and sat there like a Praying Mantis on the morning after and devoured the entire thing. Well, almost. But even a female mantis might leave the most unsavory parts. I felt no shame. I may go to Hell over that particular little episode of culinary carnage.

One might think I stopped there, too full to even slide myself to the edge of the booth and extract my engorged self. You, Dear Reader, would underestimate my tenacity. Because every act of wanton debauchery deserves a sweet ending.

No, I didn’t finish this because the edge of the table was encroaching dangerously close to my body now and it was gonna be an interesting spectacle to watch me get out. I did, and was happy at the timing of things at this point. It was just a bit before twilight and I’d have just enough time to grab the camera and head out for some shots of the neon before bed. I wondered if the extra calories would come in handy if I needed to outrun a mugger. But also wondered if I could.

I didn’t stay out long because I can have good judgement at times. And I do like a couple of the photos I did get. More just weren’t worth it. I made haste back to the relative safety of a locked door and slept surprisingly well, I think. I have no idea. It was certainly better than the next bunch of nights would have.

And that brings me to the end of Day 4, Sept 10th. I know, I'm going at a terrible snail's pace. I do apologize. I guess I don't want to just slap the chapters together since this was such an epic road trip. It takes time to write and to edit my photos. I have such limited time right now. My job, while a bit easier now than those first couple of weeks, is still very demanding and stressful for me and I can barely drag myself out of bed on my days off. On top of that, I am still unpacking boxes and have all of the normal "stuff" to take care of that is part of life. Like dead car batteries, managing my finances, setting up home here, etc.... Believe it or not, I'm halfway done now with my first travel nursing contract and am already working on getting licensed for my winter in Tucson. Contracts won't be posted for a couple more weeks, but I have run into a minor snag with the Arizona license and need to figure that out. Hope you are all well and that your Holiday Season has been full of good things so far. Drop a line to say hi, Folks! Hopefully another chapter next weekend!
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It was still more than north of warm when we pulled into this iconic-town-turned-dump, but the neon is still proliferous and just as kitschy as it once was in its heyday of the 50s and 60s. Other than a a few pockets of tourist attraction-worthy sights, Barstow is a has-been, drug-infested, crime-ridden piece of desert real estate.
You've taken all the romance out of one the iconic Route 66 destinations of the Dust Bowl migrants. ;)

We live a couple miles from Route 66, close to the origin of the famous highway. I have a feeling you will be seeing more of Route 66 - maybe?
This was perhaps the sparsest room I’ve even encountered. 2 beds with the barest minimum of bedding, a Goodwill quality table and 2 chairs, no TV (those probably walk far too often), no coffee maker pot (maybe I had to ask for one if I’d wanted it?), a fridge, and microwave. The art was screwed into the walls. I wondered if I’d died and gone to Hell at this point.
You have more courage than I have. I would be very afraid of a place like this.
We played it safe in our choice and headed for Roy’s Route 66 Café. This my friends brings "diner" to a whole new level.
I love the red plaid vinyl tablecloths. This restaurant looks like it was a good choice. :)
Nope!! But we had about 14 versions of Route 66. LOL!
I did boost the sats on this one, which made the green look truer to RL, but the sky comically oversatted. If I'd had more time I'd have dialed down the blues and kept the greens but didn't run that one through LR or PS.
What?!?!? TOTAL FAIL.

I'm so disappointed in you. So, so disappointed.

No, but moved it to the OUTSIDE of my shirt.
Ah! Yeah, okay. That would do it.
It may ALSO affect fuel to air ratio just as much making it doubly BAD. Pilots can always open windows (in private single engines at low altitudes and helis) to cool off.
Can you cool down an oven by adding in blast-furnace temperature air????
And now with the latest greatest variant (of which we'll have ad nauseum now) it'll probably be off again. Maybe Heaven will have an Italy Reproduction I can enjoy. :sad1:
I can so relate. :(
Here's hoping it will work out this fall.
Death would not find us that day, but that is not to say we didn’t find Death.
Nicely said.
But if your AC had crapped out... maybe it'd be a different story (or lack thereof.)
we put the pedal about halfway down
Come on... punch it!
but the neon is still proliferous and just as kitschy as it once was in its heyday of the 50s and 60s.
:) Okay, that's good at least...
Barstow is a has-been, drug-infested, crime-ridden piece of desert real estate.
Wow! You're really selling the place!
"With a crime rate of 53 per one thousand residents, Barstow has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 19."
Yup. Sounds like a true paradise...
I instantly felt like the inhabitants of this town of bygone era regularly wore ski caps over their faces and gun fights would break out any time and I’d be stuck in the middle of some unknown turf war over which random palm trees could be used for crack stashes and pickups.
I was just another thug trying to bilk her out of the $50 for the room.
Oh, sure. I totally see it. You look pretty shifty to me!
I’ll bet she was surprised I paid for a whole night.
(Fruitcake. Yay or nay? I happen to love it.)
Completely depends on the fruitcake. I've had some good and some horrid. Usually the latter, if it's not homemade.
If you bothered to look at the link up there, you'll notice that not only is Steppe dense, the crime rate is the most dense in the area I chose for our motel.
Of course it was. :sad2:
No TV??? I don't think I've ever seen a room without a TV!
Functional. Good enough.
Nice. :)
Okay, this place looks all right. ::yes::
My chili burger
OMG. You ate all that?!?!?!? :faint:
Zach's Steak Sandwich
Man, that looks good! And huge!!!
I ordered up that bad boy which was as insidious as a local gang banger after 10:00PM
Subtle. :laughing:
and sat there like a Praying Mantis on the morning after
Love that imagery!
and devoured the entire thing.
I. Can't. Believe. It.
That meal was bigger than you are!
I may go to Hell over that particular little episode of culinary carnage.
Heh. Similar to eating Taco Bell??
How in God's name did you eat all that food?????????????????
the edge of the table was encroaching dangerously close to my body now and it was gonna be an interesting spectacle to watch me get out.
Gee! I can't imagine how!
It was just a bit before twilight and I’d have just enough time to grab the camera and head out for some shots of the neon before bed.
Sure. When you're in the worst crime spot in America, you grab an expensive camera and wander around after dark.

Love that shot.
I made haste back to the relative safety of a locked door and slept surprisingly well, I think. I have no idea. It was certainly better than the next bunch of nights would have.
uh oh...
I know, I'm going at a terrible snail's pace. I do apologize. I guess I don't want to just slap the chapters together since this was such an epic road trip.
No apologies necessary! Totally worth the wait!
Believe it or not, I'm halfway done now with my first travel nursing contract and am already working on getting licensed for my winter in Tucson.
How is that possible?!?!? You just got there!
You've taken all the romance out of one the iconic Route 66 destinations of the Dust Bowl migrants. ;)

Yeah, I had to tell it like it is this round. ;) The graffiti was over-the-top along with boarded up storefronts. Sad. Gallup was MUCH better without giving too much away. And for a bonus we traveled on some of it that hardly ANYONE does anymore. Like as in NO one.

We live a couple miles from Route 66, close to the origin of the famous highway. I have a feeling you will be seeing more of Route 66 - maybe?

Oh! I'm guessing the Easterly end of it. :) Yes, indeed we will be!

You have more courage than I have. I would be very afraid of a place like this.

TBH, at the time, I didn't really realize how bad it was. It gave me the skeeves for sure, but I guess I"m glad I didn't know the stats til after we'd gotten out of Dodge.

I love the red plaid vinyl tablecloths. This restaurant looks like it was a good choice. :)

Winner, winner, greasy (good) dinner!


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