The 12 days of... the Disney Deluxe Dining Plan! 11/16 Update ...Complete!

Hi Everyone!

Thanks for understanding as we took a brief hiatus to enjoy the newest member of our family. DS is now eight weeks old and I'm headed back to work next week which is going to take some adjustment as I love spending so much time with my new angel. :cloud9:

DH and I are celebrating our ten year anniversary in 2012 and we always said that would be our next trip to WDW. But now we're getting an itch for a trip and we can't wait to introduce our son to our happy place. So who knows, we could be back in the Florida sunshine sooner than we thought. :yay:

Enough about that... let's get back to the reviews! :)
Day 10: Lunch at Le Cellier (Again!)

Yes, we enjoy Le Cellier so much that we ate there two times for lunch on this trip. On this day my friend was joining us and it was going to be her first visit to the restaurant. Unfortunately, she had decided to give up red meat for Lent, so she was not able to enjoy one of the most amazing steaks on property but we managed none the less.

We were sat as soon as we entered the restaurant in one of the cozy corner booths. Our server was wonderful and very friendly. She was great about helping us maximize the dining plan. Both DH and I ordered a Red Maple to drink. We had been told on previous visits that if we ordered the appetizer trio it would use up both of our appetizer credits. This server encouraged us both to order the trio so we were able to share all the delicious goodness with my friend. The crab cakes were delicious, the tomato stack was refreshing and nothing holds a candle to the cheddar soup.


For my entrée I went with the Le Cellier Mushroom Filet Mignon (with wild mushroom risotto, white truffle and herb butter saucefilet)…again…it’s just that good! DH also went with the filet for this meal. When we got our food I was so excited that I jumped right in and forgot to take a picture. I remember thinking “it’s ok, I can use the one from last week” and it was then that I realized how different my plate looked from the previous picture. This steak was a smaller portion with less risotto. Very interesting, it was still tasty but kind of disappointing on some level. The picture below is DH's filet, he substituted the cream cheese mashed potatoes for the mushroom risotto.


For dessert, my friend and I both enjoyed a little “moose” made of chocolate. DH ordered the smores and commented on how much fun they were to eat, didn’t hurt that they were also very yummy. All in all it was a wonderful lunch. One of the highlights was that my friend was so excited that she was able to order one of her favorite Canadian beers and they even put it in one (okay two, it didn’t all fit in one) plastic cup for her to take with her to walk around world showcase. It was funny because as soon as we left the restaurant she saw a topiary that she wanted to take a picture of, so she asked me to hold her beer. Let me tell you, a pregnant girl holding two beers gets a lot of “looks” from people. :lmao:



The Ratings:


Summary: Amazing as always, the steaks were cooked to perfection. My only complaint was the inconsistency in portions from our meal the previous week.



Summary: Small and cozy cellar setting with yellowish lighting. Wasn’t that busy when we were there considering it was spring break, we overheard the table next to us saying that they were able to walk up and get a table, even their server commented that that “almost never happens.”



Summary: As always, PERFECTION, I wish all servers were trained by whoever is training the servers at Le Cellier.

$119.07 (1 credit per person)



Summary: Another great value for our deluxe dining dollar. I do think that we got lucky and it was a fluke that we were able to both order a trio appetizer. Our server made a comment at the end that she had to get her manager to fix our ticket because the dining plan only took off one appetizer (as we had been told previously that it would) but since she had told us we could get it, she made sure it happened. I am not sure if her manager corrected her after we left.

On a side note, my friend who joined us still talks about how amazing Le Cellier was and how she can't wait to go back, and she didn't even try the steaks! :rotfl2:

On Deck: Day 10: Dinner at O'hana
Yay another review! Congrats on your little prince :cutie:
I love Le Cellier. I'd love to have a bowl of their soup right now!
Thanks for the time and effort to do such an excellent dining review, it is on of the best I've read.
I just came across your reviews, and I really like them! :thumbsup2

Thanks for sharing and congrats on the new addition!
Day 10: Dinner at Ohana

To give you a little history of DH and I, we met while we were both living in Hawaii and we were married in a small ceremony on the beach with our family and a few close friends standing by us. We’ll always hold a special place in our hearts for the islands of Hawaii. We were living there when “Lilo and Stich” came out and we loved that Disney was embracing the amazing spirit and culture of Hawaii. We ate at Ohana for the first time during our last spring break trip and we really enjoyed ourselves. When we were thinking of a place where we could eat with DSis, her boyfriend, and our friend we knew that we wanted to go back to Ohana. Since only DH and I were on the dining plan we wanted a place that wouldn’t break the bank for our other guests but would allow them to eat as much as they wanted of whatever they wanted.

We were sat at a large round table near the grill but off to the side from the main dining room. While this limited our view from the windows we didn’t have as much noise from all the children’s games, activities, and our singing Cousin. Our server came and introduced himself and explained the process since this was the first time at Ohana for most of our group. We ordered drinks and dove into the bread service as soon as it was placed in front of us. DH ordered the backscratcher (I just had to watch with envy) and I ordered a pineapple juice. Everyone was enjoying their drinks when they brought out our appetizers. The salad was very refreshing, the sticky wings were sticky, the noodles were tasty and my personal favorite the potstickers were gone before we could blink our eyes! We ordered seconds on almost everything while we waited for the meat to start coming around.





The meat service was hit or miss, we seemed to get a lot of one item offered to us before something else would come around. Some of the meats were very dry and needed extra dipping sauce. Everyone seemed to have their own favorite which is part of why Ohana is so much fun; everyone can get what they want. For some reason, I loved the shrimp on this trip and kept asking for more when it was offered. We all enjoyed the vegetables that came with our dinner and asked for more. (I apologize for the picture below, I usually stay away from pictures that showcase dirty plates or already eaten food, I think it's gross looking. But at a place like Ohana it's hard to keep your plate clean!) :rotfl:


Our favorite part of Ohana is the dessert, the amazing 'Ohana bread pudding served a la mode with Bananas and Caramel Sauce. As soon as they had sat this on the table we were asking for another bowl. Everyone was stuffed but it was just so yummy we overindulged!


As if we weren't stuffed from all the food and yummy bread pudding we'd indulged in, our server brought out a cupcake to help us celebrate our anniversary. I can't remember if anyone ate some of this but the candles were a nice touch and it was fun to make a wish as we blew them out. Although I'm pretty sure that DH wished that we would move back to Hawaii.


After dinner we waddled down the beach and watched Wishes. It was fun to compare this viewing spot to the deck at Narcoossee’s and sitting on Main Street. This was the only time that our friend was going to get to see Wishes and she thought it was beautiful watching the fireworks from the beach with the music piped in. After Wishes, we all headed our separate ways. Three of us took the boat to the MK to catch a bus back to our resort. DSis and her boyfriend headed back to her car in the parking lot. This was going to be our last time to see her during our trip and it was sad to say “goodbye” but we were so excited that the next time we saw her we’d get to introduce her to her new nephew!

On a side note, during the fireworks we were all teasing her boyfriend because he was being so quiet and he’s usually more outgoing. Little did we know that he had a lot on his mind that night. DSis called us as soon as we got home from our trip to let us know that after we all went our separate ways that night, her boyfriend proposed to her and she said “yes!” so DSis’s boyfriend is now DSis’s Fiance! Very exciting and we’re glad that we were part of their big night in some small way. Ohana really does mean family!

The Ratings:


Summary: Everyone enjoyed the appetizers, sides, and dessert. The meat service was hit or miss, some of the meat being rather dry and chewy.



Summary: Large open space with windows along half of the restaurant can be very noisy and chaotic when Cousin is singing and kids are running around the restaurant with her.



Summary: Our server was really nice and personable, however, he did not refill our drinks that often, we had to ask a few times to get more water. The meat service was rather sporadic as well in that we might see steak a few times before the turkey, pork or shrimp came around.

$74.53 (1 credit per person)



Summary: We were looking for a fun place to have a casual dinner with a group of people who didn’t know each other very well. This was the first time that my friend met my sister in law but everyone got along quickly and conversation was never at a lull for too long, unless we were stuffing our faces with food. The quality of food isn’t the best on Disney property but it’s a fun dining experience and we’re thinking about bringing an even larger group here for our anniversary dinner in 2012 to honor our Hawaiian wedding!

On Deck: Day 11: Breakfast at 1900 Park Fare
Congratulations on the birth of your son. Unable to sleep, I am drawn to the Dis where I was fortunate to find your review. All I can say is Yummm. Thanks for all the wonderful reviews and pictures.
Day 11: Breakfast at 1900 Park Fare

We went back and forth about keeping this ADR. On a previous trip we ate dinner at 1900 Park Fare and found the experience to be good but not the most memorable. In fact, when I think of that night what I most remember is that I didn’t feel well after hours in the hot sun and I didn’t eat that much at dinner. I was most looking forward to the characters at breakfast because I had been having them sign an autograph book for the baby during our trip. I had purposely avoided the lines for Alice and Mary Poppins in Epcot knowing we’d see them at breakfast.

The atmosphere of this restaurant is interesting, it’s really just a big open room full of tables and half booths. Because our original reservation was for three people, we were sat a table for four even though my friend decided not to join us (character buffets just weren’t her thing, and since this was her only day to go to the MK she went ahead to the park and we met up with her after we ate). After being sat and given our orange juice we were allowed to go free on the buffet offerings. There was an omelet station and several standard breakfast buffet offerings. They also had the strawberry soup and a variety of desserts. I was thrilled to end my breakfast with a side of bread pudding. :rotfl:



DH also enjoyed an omelet and other breakfast favorite but he noted that the food was “good, but nothing spectacular”. :confused3


The character interaction was great, a personal favorite was the Mad Hatter, and he was hilarious. The table next to us was a large extended family with three small children, I'm not sure if they spoke English but the children did not appear to be familiar with who he was. The Mad Hatter squatted down to talk to one of the girls and she had this bewildered look on her face. After a few moments of him talking to her she started to get up and move toward him and he opened his arms for a hug, this was when she pushed past him and ran to grab onto Tigger’s leg who happened to be walking behind the Mad Hatter. It was priceless and the Mad Hatter handled the rejection really well. :rotfl2:

The Ratings:


Summary: A pretty good variety of basic breakfast fare. I don’t think that this is a place that you’re paying money for the food.



Summary: Large open dining room with tables of all shapes and sizes, lots of carousel horses and colorful paintings on the wall.



Summary: Our server was great; she kept our orange juice glasses full and cleared away our dishes in a timely manner.

$53.23 (1 credit per person)



Summary: A fun experience with fun character interaction, we saw Alice, Mary Poppins, the Mad Hatter, Winnie the Pooh and Tigger. We felt that there were better breakfast buffets on property for the same amount of money. (Boma or Crystal Palace if you want to see characters)

On Deck: Day 11: Dinner at California Grill
Crystal Palace has always been one of my favorites in the Magic Kingdom. I wish Alfredo's was still in Epcot.
Really enjoying reading your reviews, they are very thorough (sp). I am anticipating the California Grill. You guys went to several of the places we intend to go in May 2011. We are taking our son who is 6 :eek: for his very first trip. I blinked and he grew up too fast. :) Enjoy your little one and congratulations.
Day 11: Dinner at California Grill

It seems that the consensus on the boards is that you either love or hate California Grill. We happen to be members of the love it crowd. We have made a point to visit this restaurant whenever possible because we love the overall ambiance and the food never disappoints. One of our favorite things to do is eat dinner at CG at a time when we can watch Wishes and then walk back to the Magic Kingdom for evening extra magic hours. (Usually we try to take a cat nap before dinner, but that doesn’t always happen, but we at least go back to the resort to freshen up). We arrived a few minutes early for our 8:30 ADR and were escorted up the magic elevator to the main dining room. We waited only a few minutes before we were sat at a table for four near the window with the amazing view of the MK. We weren’t right by the window, but after the party next to us left and we were about to enjoy our entrees our server moved us to the table right by the window so we’d have a better view of the fireworks. That was the nicest thing he did the entire evening.

Our server was nice, but not spectacular; he was personable but made a few off hand comments that didn’t sit right with either of us. It was nothing that ruined our evening but did leave us scratching our head and laughing a little. For example, when we ordered our appetizers I asked him about a specific kind of cheese that was listed as an ingredient on one of their flatbreads. I wanted to make sure that it was a cheese I could eat since I was pregnant. He acted like it was a trivial request and walked away to check with the chef, he was back in less than a minute (which left us wondering who he actually talked to, if anyone) and simply said “you can eat it.” He went on to talk about how pregnant women worry a lot more than they should have. I believe he made the comment “When my mom was pregnant with me she didn’t worry about drinking and lead paint and I came out fine.” It was very odd, but let’s get back to the important stuff, the food!! :goodvibes

For my appetizer I ordered the California Asparagus Flatbread. The asparagus was in season and very tasty.


DH ordered the California Rolls (jumbo lump crab with avocado and cucumber), since the crab was cooked I was able to share appetizers with DH. Both were excellent and a great start to the meal. DH also ordered a glass of Tobri James Syrah.


For our entrees we both ordered the Oak-fired Fillet of Beef (with Tillamook Cheddar Gratin, broccolini, and teriyaki barbecue). I have actually ordered this same steak on every trip to CG and have never been disappointed. DH even joked that this was his best steak of the trip, if not his best overall meal.


For dessert, I ordered the Molten cake with Florida Strawberry and lavender. I love anything chocolate and this was a great sweet ending to the meal.


DH ordered the Mascarpone and Meyer Lemon Cheesecake (whipped cheesecake and meyer lemon panna cotta w/huckleberry jam). He loved every bite!


The Ratings:


Summary: Everything was excellent and DH noted in his book “best overall meal.” We enjoyed every last bite and it gave us some energy to go hit up the MK until after 2am.



Summary: It’s a big open area with a smaller backroom that has doors (we ate in this room our first trip and while you don’t have the view of the park, you do get some quiet). The whole restaurant can be noisy and the bar can be crowded near Wishes time as people will linger or just show up to buy a drink and watch. This is a restaurant that you go to for the food and view and neither disappoint.



Summary: We’ve always had excellent service at CG and while our server this time was a little “forgetful and strange” he still brought our food and all but it was a little less magical than previous trips. However, he did score points for moving us to a table closer to the window for Wishes.

$161.77 (2 credits per person)



Summary: If it’s not obvious by now, we loved it!

On Deck: Day 12: Breakfast at Grand Floridian Cafe
That beef looks amazing, but I'm not a huge teriyaki fan. We've always wanted to try CG but nothing on the menu really grabbed us. If they'd do the beef without the glaze, I think I'd be sold! Glad you enjoyed it!!
Too bad the service was bad at the CG. Your photos look great from there, as it is one of my favorite restaurants of all time.
CG's flat breads are fabulous. They didn't have them when we were there for dinner last year, for some reason. But it worked out because we ordered the ravioli for our appetizer instead and it was SO good! :cool1:


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