Tell me how you find the time and motivation to run


DIS Veteran
Dec 15, 2014
I would love to get into a good running routine, but with working full time, 3 kids (10,10 and 3) and sports i feel like i have no time.

Here is my typical day - up at 5:30 or 6:00 am I do work out to videos because it is too dark out that early, work is 7 or 8am, until 3 or 4, get the kids, home work, practices, dinner and then it is dark out and soon bed time.

how or where can i fit in the time to run? I know I am not alone in the craziness of life and family, but I am sure many of you find the time. Am i missing an opportunity? I really should take advantage of the weekends when i do have some free time, preferably first thing in the morning.

I probably should set some little goals and just try to run on the w/e and then maybe a day during the week.

Any advise or life experiences is appreciated.
Do you have a treadmill? I have three kids also (a five year old and twin three year olds) and I usually rely on the treadmill for runs during the week. I know your kids are older but I have found setting mine up with a snack and an activity or something gives them something to do and I can get a run in (hopefully as uninterrupted as possible). My husband watches the kids so I can get my longer runs done on the weekends outside.
I run in the early morning when it's still dark. I'm up at 4:00-4:30 to go for a run. I wear a head lamp and the NoxGear Tracer360 to make myself visible in the dark. I only have one kid currently and he's only 4.5 months, so he doesn't have the sports requirement yet, but I also don't want to miss time with him when he's awake in the afternoon/evening, so I make sure I get my run in early.
Single, full-time working parent of a teen here... in all honesty, no way could I have found the time to train for longs distances when my kid was little. Back then, I ran daily, but short distances on the treadmill while he slept, or outside with him in the jogging stroller. It works now because I can leave him home alone while I run after work and weekend mornings. Beyond that, it's accepting that not everything is going to get done and some things have to be sacrificed. I'm not a social butterfly, so I don't have time taken up by going out with friends, etc. Chores (laundry, grocery shopping, etc.) get done on weekends. My son is responsible for his own laundry and vacuuming/emptying the dishwasher/dusting/etc. when I need help.

It absolutely can be done, but it takes making some decisions about what stays on the schedule and what doesn't, I think, plus help and support from the rest of the people in the house!
I don't have kids, so I can't really relate to your situation...

Motivation to run for me comes from wanting to be healthier and look better/control my weight (it's vain, but it's true). It also helps me if I sign up for a race - I paid for it, so I'd better be ready.

I do my runs during the week before work - I have a treadmill at home and I also have a gym at work where I can use the treadmill. I don't like running in the dark but I know it can be done with proper equipment (head lamps, etc). Longer runs are on the weekends.

Can your husband/partner or someone else watch the kids for you a couple of times each week for 30-45 minutes so you can run? I know it's easier said than done, but it's important to take care of yourself in addition to taking care of the kids.
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I will echo @Ariel484 in that I have no kids but I run for all those reasons. Also because I really like food and while running isn't an excuse for going totally wild it does help when you want a special treat. Signing up for races is really important to me as well. I dreaded going out yesterday but I did it because I knew I had a race this weekend.

I will run before work during the summer (because it's hot) or after work in the winter (because it gets dark early) and I wear a reflective vest and a Petzl Tikkina Headlamp. This of course depends on your neighborhood and how comfortable you are being out in the morning. Another option (depending on the sport) may be to run around the area your kids have practice. When I played soccer some of the parents would go over to the school track and jog while practice went on. That way they were near their kids if they needed them but still got their runs in. Perhaps you could start by just trying to run on the weekends if your significant other can watch the kids for a bit and see how that goes. If you're enjoying it you may be more willing to sneak in some time in an area you otherwise thought inconvenient.
I've got one 2.5 year old. I run 6 days a week (not on Wed) all outside. My weekdays look like this:

5:15am - wake up
7:00am - leave for work
4:45pm - get home from work
5:00pm - start run. Runs last anywhere from 60-120 min (average around 90 min)
8:30pm - in bed

Sometimes my wife works late or inclement weather causes me to shift my schedule. I wake up as early as 2:45am to start a run. I generally have to do this maybe 3-4 times a month during the weekdays.

For weekends, my runs last 90-150 min and generally start at 7-8am. However, during football/basketball season my wife works at 7:30am on Saturdays so then I have to be finished before then. So sometimes as early as 3:00am runs then. With dark running I wear bright clothes, a bike light attached to my vest, and a new tracer 360 visibility vest (haven't used it yet, but honestly I'm impressed with it).

My wife's rule: My running can not impact the activities of others in the family. If we have a weekend commitment, then the weekend commitment is solid and I have to find a different time to run. If we have a dance class or something similar on a weekday, then I have to move my running. Thus, there are many weekdays/weekends that I end up running at 2:45-4:00am in the morning or past 8pm at night just because of other commitments.

I couldn't do this without my wife and MIL though. They pitch in a ton and enable me to be able to pursue my dreams. My motivation in running comes from my goals as well as knowing that if I continuously ask for favors on watching my daughter than I better darn well make my training worth it.
I have 2 girls -- 5y and 19months -- I work full-time, as does my husband (and he travels for work weekly). I run 3 days/week -- and am lucky to work from home, and run 2x during the week (~3miles each) during my lunch break. When I worked in an office, I also worked out at lunch, or at the very beginning of my day. I then do a long run on the weekend, while my husband hangs with the kids. I also recently joined a local running club who meet on Thursday evenings at 7pm, so even though its dark, we wear reflective gear and I feel more safe running in the dark as part of a group.
I feel ya. I do! I work full time and my kids are 5 and 9. We have soccer, dance, theater and girl scouts going on right now. Our schedule looks very similar to yours.

I try to get in 3 runs a week. This means a longer run on the weekend and two 30 minute runs during the week. On the week nights that I run, either my husband cooks dinner or dinner is cooked in the crockpot. Thats how I free up the time to get it done. Seriously, running is the reason I started meal planning. Mondays we don't have any after school activities so thats an easy run night for me. The other night it just depends on the week and the schedules. And some weeks one of the runs doesn't happen and thats just life. I find that if I schedule it in ahead of time I can usually make it happen though. Part of it is about making the commitment and doing what you can to get it done. DH knows i need to get my runs in and he's pretty supportive of it. The small sacrifices I make to run (going to bed early on a Friday night so I can get up early to run) dont feel like sacrifices because I like running and I want to run. I need it.

Right now I have a treadmill which makes it nice with it getting darker outside earlier now. Before I had the treadmill I had to just get out there in the dark with my head lamp and get those weeknight runs done.

I'd say set some realistic goals for the number of runs you can do each week and the length of those runs. Then put them on your calendar like they're an appointment and do everything you can to get them done.
Do you have a treadmill?

I had one which was about 16 years old, it was dying and rather loud so we got rid of it recently. I had it set up pretty good where i could watch the morning news and run. Due to renovations in the house the room/office i had it in is now going to be a bathroom, so my only option would be putting it in the basement. I guess if i could set up an area with a TV and have it not be so dingy that might work.

5:15am - wake up
7:00am - leave for work
4:45pm - get home from work
5:00pm - start run. Runs last anywhere from 60-120 min (average around 90 min)
8:30pm - in bed

I end up running at 2:45-4:00am in the morning or past 8pm

You sound like my boss who gets up at 4am to run on the treadmill and then runs after work. Fortunate for her she has a husband who handles everything with the kids. She is big into full marathons. That is definite dedication and obsession. I wish I had a tenth of your OCD for running. I know once my 3yo is a little older it will be easier to leave her with the older boys for a half hour. I have a supportive husband who will certainly handle the kids so i could run on weekends.

It also helps me if I sign up for a race - I paid for it, so I'd better be ready.
I like this idea.

(going to bed early on a Friday night so I can get up early to run)
I would love to be in bed for 9:30, but my husband loves to stay up. I think i'll try that this weekend. I love how i feel when i run and i just don't get that same feeling from doing workout videos.
I have 3 kids but they are older (18, 13 and 13). My husband and I run together and both work full time. We get up at 4:30 and run two days during the work week and then do long runs on Saturday mornings, but unlike you, we can leave our kids alone. When they were younger though, I did splurge and buy a good treadmill and I would run at night in the basement on the treadmill after the kids were in bed.

I'll also second that having a race on the calendar is a great motivator to get out there and do the training.
Our boys are ages 9, 16 and 17 and life is crazy. :)

The treadmill is key. It's not perfect. It's in the basement (so yeah, I'm running with signs that say "man cave" around me) and it can get a little boring. Or it can get hectic. While running, I've witnessed entire school projects being constructed, watched them play video games I don't understand and engaged in conversations regarding just about every family topic you can imagine. (Hard to make decisions about who gets my car and what time curfew will be when you're at mile 12!) But it's there and it's wonderful to have available at any time. And I can chrome cast youtube videos of Disney races when I'm running without interruption.

I also participate in a lot of local races - 5Ks with my kids, half marathons, 10-miler last weekend. I try to average 2-3 races per month, and participate in a Winter Run Series to keep it going throughout the year. Fall is great for half marathons - I ran three half marathons last month, have two next month and one in December. I participate in a summer triathlon and our youngest is my swim "coach." For most of these, I'm back home in the mornings before our teens are even awake.

Also, I'm an assistant coach for our son's cross country team. So it helps to get in even a little bit of extra mileage while simultaneously participating in one of his activities. Running and talking about running with the kids and other coaches is a fun motivator.

Overall, I'm just happier when I run. I feel stronger when I do, and crabby when I don't.

P.S. One more thing - and this really depends on where you live and whether your area is good for outside running. Our location is really ideal for it when the weather cooperates - so my outside runs are very motivating because of the scenery and the surroundings. Many of our local races are along my regular running route. If you have or find somewhere near your home that fits that description, that might help too!
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I love that there are so many people in the same situation. I have an almost 4 year old and work full time. My husband trains for triathlons. So here's what our week looks like. M-F we wake up at 5:45am and out the door to drop kid off at daycare by 7am. Commute. Work 8-5pm, get kid at 5:30, play together, cook dinner & eat, bath-time, kid goes to bed at 8:30 sometimes 9 if stubborn.

Monday: Husband runs outside at night (he's a big dude and can run in the dark, I fear for my life in an urban's the truth) while I cook dinner.
Tuesday: I run at the gym 3-5 miles (5 min drive from home) at 8:30pm on a treadmill. Husband stays home. I'm asleep around 10.
Wed: Hubby goes to swim practice at 8pm. I stay home.
Thur: I run at gym 5-7 miles at 8:30pm-ish on treadmill. Hubby stays home. Asleep around 10:30.
Fri: Anyone runs who wasn't able to run in any of the days above. Or we have "lazy" night.
Sat: Take kid to swim practice at 8:45am, come home, run long run during her nap, enjoy rest of weekend.
Sun: Hubby runs/bikes, unless we are busy and then he would have ran/biked Sat evening.

To be honest. There are days I don't have any down time at all. I wake up and am in full mom mode, I drive, I am in full work mode, I come home and cook full dinners, I do chores, I go run, I do chores, I do chores, I go to bed. But then on my relax nights...I RELAX...and I let the house get kinda messy too and I microwave crud for dinner! So I have crazy days and easier days. It's a balance.

Helpful things for me:
A) Having a partner running too seems like it makes it harder, but actually knowing I have to run on "My days" makes me make sure I run on them. Because if I miss them...I have to wait until another "my day" comes up again. Plus we support and egg each other on.
B) I only run 3 days a week. It's probably not the best for me in terms of being the best athlete ever, but it works for my sanity and my family and I've found there are good plans for any # of days you choose.
C) Starting to carve time for myself to run forced me to realize I had a lot more "wasted" time in my day that I did not realize. How many nights would I have just been sitting watching tv at 9pm? I watch less tv now, but I LOVE tv...sacrifice I guess.
D) RACES...Sign up for races! Make it a family event. Bring them as your cheering squad.

I can't wake up and run's just not my thing, so I just do the night thing.
It's hard to get in those runs sometimes and I only have one child (8 DD). My usual routine is:

Monday, Wed: Get home around 5:30/5:45. Head to gym around 6:30 to cross train. Dinner is something quick usually.
Tues, Thurs: Get home around 5:30/5:45. Go run IF husband has made it home from work. If not, saddest trombone and no running
Friday: off
Saturday/Sunday: Long run if Husband has the day off. Otherwise, that saddest trombone plays again.
I started running for Disney races, so I pretty much just run on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I usually get up early and run about 5:30 AM during the week and time on the weekend for my longer run varies. During the week I run, then get myself ready for work and do lunches and get the kids to school so getting up early is the only way I could make it work. When the weather is nicer, I can run after work, but I don't really do that in Summer. I don't really like getting up to run that early, but I keep telling myself that's when the Disney races start.
Otherwise, that saddest trombone plays again.

I totally forgot about that! I have a sad trombone at my house too! Haha

Hubby sometimes can't get in ANY weekday runs because of his work :( Life happens and you just have weeks like that sometimes. Gotta just do the best you can with the lil bit of time you can find.

And I forgot one more thing....running/walking even a little bit (even 30 minutes) actually gives me more energy for the next few days. It weirdly makes it easier to keep going running when my fitness is up. You may be sore and feel sucky at first (I did!) but once your fitness improves...I feel so much better ALL DAY! I have more energy to get all the other crud done in my life, I don't feel as wiped out when it's time to run. But that takes time to work up to feeling that way. Soldier through it!!
One more thing from me, too! Because our schedules change so frequently with work and all the stuff the kids are doing, I don't have a set run schedule. I have a master list of the mileage I'm trying to complete for each week. Before the start of each week, I look at the calendar and figure out when I can schedule my running for just that week. It can be morning, mid-day (my work schedule can be flexible sometimes) or end of the day. It can be 4x a week or 6x a week. But it's just for the upcoming week, based on all the variables on the family calendar.
I totally forgot about that! I have a sad trombone at my house too! Haha

Hubby sometimes can't get in ANY weekday runs because of his work :( Life happens and you just have weeks like that sometimes. Gotta just do the best you can with the lil bit of time you can find.

And I forgot one more thing....running/walking even a little bit (even 30 minutes) actually gives me more energy for the next few days. It weirdly makes it easier to keep going running when my fitness is up. You may be sore and feel sucky at first (I did!) but once your fitness improves...I feel so much better ALL DAY! I have more energy to get all the other crud done in my life, I don't feel as wiped out when it's time to run. But that takes time to work up to feeling that way. Soldier through it!!

Definitely! Get in the miles when you can. I try to go walk at lunch each day for 20-30 minutes at lunch. I usually average 1.5-2 miles. I've noticed even this little bit has helped me tremendously especially when it comes to battling hills. Downtown Seattle is one hilly place.
I just watched a mom and dad get in a run during a baseball game. They would do a lap and stop to watch a minute and then go again. I've gotten in runs and walks during practices.
My kids are older and I'm a WAHM in a DS company. In the past I've run during sports practices. My DH runs sometimes during lunch at work-he has a desk job. My motivation to run is because I love it and how it makes me feel. I love that my body can actually do something like run which is pretty amazing considering that I have severe RA. I'm beyond blessed to have finally found a treatment that works.


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