Taking Winnie on a Wonder Cruise - A February Mexican Riviera Trip - All wrapped up 6/14

Ohhh did any of the group have? Assuming same as parks?
I don't think so. We didn't hang out a lot together during the day. Pam and her mom were doing their own thing most of the time, as were Teresa and her husband. In the daytime we mostly hung out with Jill, Karin and Tom.
Yum! I always appreciate a drink special that is properly mixed- for example a real Long Island- super tasty when mixed properly
I doubt that Disney would make a Long Island DOTD! :laughing:
One to wear one to lose.
I love turkey, but probably would have gone with the Mahi as I don’t exactly live near quality fish
The Mahi was another choice for me, but I didn't like the sides which is why I ended up with the shrimp.
Umm wow- that just doesn’t work at all!
You'd think she could have moved around the stage!
This looks good, other than the dressing looks super weird, but homemade dressing is soon different than mass produced
I've learned that I actually like my Stove Top stuffing, or any other kind that comes in a bag/box from the grocery store.
I literally would order any of those, other than maybe the almond cake. Good night for me for dessert!
I had a little trouble deciding. I kind of wanted the Flourless chocolate cake, but didn't want something that chocolatey.
Annnd good to hear it was good!
Yeah, it was.
Super cute! I hope when we get Makenna on a Disney cruise that there are still cute towel animals 😁
I'm sure that they will continue the towel animals. Everyone likes them.
Day 4 - Feb 28

We got up several times during the night for potty breaks; 1AM, 3:30AM, and 5:30AM. At 5:30 I decided to get up. I wouldn't be able to see the sunrise from my balcony again so I decided to get dressed and go up to deck 10. For me, to get proper sunrise photos you have to be there waiting before the sun even starts to poke it’s head out. Here’s me walking past the funnel vision on my way to the front of the ship.


As I settled in for my photo shoot, the sun was just coming up on the horizon. There was one other photographer there who was obviously on the same mission as I was.


For the first 10-20 minutes the ship was stopped outside the harbor facing east, so I was right at the front of the ship taking these shots, along with the other photographer. Neither of us spoke to each other and it was silent other than the sound of the ocean and the click of camera shutters on a very slow speed.



I got some good preliminary shots, but we started to enter the port just as the sun was peeking up. I was afraid that I wouldn’t get good pictures as we pulled into port, but actually I think they came out better with some extra stuff in there.




Here’s a look at the Mazatlan harbor that we were pulling into. BTW this picture was taken on Auto mode while the others were taken on manual.


For any photo geeks out there, for most sunrise photos, I start with the largest aperture and usually 0”3 for the shutter speed. As the sun rises and there is more light I have to speed up the shutter. Eventually when I get to 1/3000 the sun is high enough in the sky that the sunrise is over. More photos.


Another shot off the front of the boat.


At this point I thought that my view of the actual sun rising had been obstructed by the first mountain, but it turns out that when I had given up and started to return to the room, I caught a glimpse of the actual sun rising. I thought this one was interesting with the beautiful sunrise behind the polluting factory.


I also liked this shot of the port “waking up”, various boats were getting ready to meet the various passengers on the cruise ships that would be docking.


On the other side of the ship I saw the port. This is a familiar sight for me. Long Beach is a port city and the Port of Los Angeles is just over the bridge from Long Beach. Stacks of containers are very commonplace where I live. I mean not at my house or anything, but you can see them from downtown, and other areas that I regularly travel through.


Before we pulled into the port, the ship had to turn around, it was interesting to watch.




Here’s where we came from:



After that I went back to the room to get my purse and head to the Cove Cafe for my coffee. Then we just chilled in the room until going up to Triton's for breakfast.


I started off with more coffee and some V8.


One of the things that I love about Triton’s is the platters of pastries they bring by for you to choose from.


I chose this one, a raspberry filled danish


Fran went with the Blueberry Muffin


I went with the Two Eggs cooked as you please (I chose over easy), and added white toast, bacon and hashbrowns. My only complaint was with the toast. Evidently they cooked a lot of it at once and must have had it covered in a warming tray because it was kind of soggy even though it looks toasted.



I also went with the French Toast Platter.


She ordered the Eggs Benedict, and asked for extra Hollandaise.


After she finished her Benedict, she ate a lot of what I couldn't finish, which was at least half of what I ordered.

When we got back to the room, Fran laid down for a nap and I went up to the adult pool area and sat in the hot tub for about half an hour. I came back to the room and took a shower. I also helped Fran take a shower too before going to lunch. We changed the dressing after the shower. The doc said it was fine to get the wound wet, it would help to clean it out. So far we were doing pretty good, we had changed the dressing every day.

We went back to Triton's for lunch for the second day in a row. This time we weren’t nearly as hungry as the day before.


One of the reasons that I really wanted to come here for lunch today was that they were serving a Merguez appetizer. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Merguez, it’s a Moroccan lamb sausage, I had it in Cous Cous in France about thirty years ago and have been chasing it ever since. It’s not very well known and hard to locate. This was kind of an interesting preparation, they prepared it almost like Bangers & Mash. But it was still good!


Fran ordered a cup of the Clam Chowder. It was pretty good, she ate it all.


She got the Chicken breast Spinach Salad.


I got the Gnocchi and asked them to hold the olives. It was very good, but such a huge portion I couldn't finish it. I had the server douse it in Parmesan Cheese, he didn’t expect me to want that much, I had to ask him two extra times to add more!


Lunch ended with a Mickey Bar.

This completely did me in. Evidently the Ice Cream was too much dairy overload. I could hardly keep my eyes open as we made our way back to the room and we went back and took a nap.
Loved the story of the sunrise pictures! I only do sunrises during winter here when it’s at 9 am!

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Merguez, it’s a Moroccan lamb sausage, I had it in Cous Cous in France about thirty years ago and have been chasing it ever since.

I am surprised that even in Southern California it’s so elusive. Here it’s popular for grilling in the summer and you can even get it in supermarkets.

I had the server douse it in Parmesan Cheese, he didn’t expect me to want that much, I had to ask him two extra times to add more!

That’s the correct amount of Parmesan! I don’t understand why people are so skimpy with it!!

I loved reading about both your meals and day dream about our meals on our upcoming cruises!
Loved the story of the sunrise pictures! I only do sunrises during winter here when it’s at 9 am!
I seem to only do sunrises on cruises. At home I can't see the sun come up because I have a 14 ft wall facing east. Plus I am trapped in bed by adorable kitties who sit on my lap. This was me in bed a couple days after returning home. It's like this almost every morning. Those are my legs under the covers on either side of the cats.


I am surprised that even in Southern California it’s so elusive. Here it’s popular for grilling in the summer and you can even get it in supermarkets.

There is a FB group called Long Beach Food Scene, I even asked there where I could find Merguez. The best answer I got was the meat market at the Grove in Los Angeles. A while back I had Fran order some from a seller in Seattle. The problem was that you had to order in 3 lb increments. Not only did she get me 3 lbs of Merguez, she ordered 3 lbs of bratwurst, and several other kinds of sausage. I froze them all and it took us nearly 4 years to eat them all, so I won't be asking that again.

That’s the correct amount of Parmesan! I don’t understand why people are so skimpy with it!!
I loved reading about both your meals and day dream about our meals on our upcoming cruises!
I'm so glad that I finally have a target date for our next cruise. It will be October 26, 2024 on the Fantasy. I just need them to release the next set of dates. We were able to figure out when the next time would be based on the dates they just released last week.
Believe it or not......DS turns 23 this year. Where does the time go???

Yeah. He's doing his honours year at university this year.
And.......he's done Japanese to university level. So, I kinda HAVE to take him to Japan if I want someone who can translate to go with me. :rotfl2:
How is he 23 already?!?!?!?

Jill in CO
I'm so glad that I finally have a target date for our next cruise. It will be October 26, 2024 on the Fantasy. I just need them to release the next set of dates. We were able to figure out when the next time would be based on the dates they just released last week.
We have to celebrate my birthday the night before. :)

Jill in CO
Even more basic.
W in WDW???
We got up several times during the night for potty breaks; 1AM, 3:30AM, and 5:30AM.
Exhausting night. :(
Here’s me walking past the funnel vision on my way to the front of the ship.
It's lit. Did they actually have something playing at that time of day?
There was one other photographer there who was obviously on the same mission as I was.
A fight ensued. Eventually I subdued the interloper and cast him off the ship. His wail of dismay was cut off with a splash.
Neither of us spoke to each other and it was silent other than the sound of the ocean and the click of camera shutters on a very slow speed.
As it should be. ::yes::
I think they came out better with some extra stuff in there.
I agree! Adds depth.
I start with the largest aperture and usually 0”3 for the shutter speed.
Surprised you can hand hold at that speed. You've got steady hands, Alison.
I think this is my fave of the bunch.
I thought this one was interesting with the beautiful sunrise behind the polluting factory.
Very. A commentary on man's impact on nature, perhaps?
Stacks of containers are very commonplace where I live. I mean not at my house or anything,
I started off with more coffee and some V8.
The V8!!
One of the things that I love about Triton’s is the platters of pastries they bring by for you to choose from.
I chose this one, a raspberry filled danish

Fran went with the Blueberry Muffin
I'll go with your choice here. Easy pick for me.
She ordered the Eggs Benedict, and asked for extra Hollandaise.
:eek: Now why do I keep forgetting to do this??????
I went up to the adult pool area and sat in the hot tub for about half an hour.
Ahhhhh.... :cloud9:
One of the reasons that I really wanted to come here for lunch today was that they were serving a Merguez appetizer. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Merguez, it’s a Moroccan lamb sausage, I had it in Cous Cous in France about thirty years ago and have been chasing it ever since. It’s not very well known and hard to locate. This was kind of an interesting preparation, they prepared it almost like Bangers & Mash. But it was still good!
I'm sure you've mentioned that before.
Fran ordered a cup of the Clam Chowder. It was pretty good, she ate it all.
Love a good clam chowder.
I had the server douse it in Parmesan Cheese, he didn’t expect me to want that much, I had to ask him two extra times to add more!
Lunch ended with a Mickey Bar.
An acceptable ending. ::yes::
Evidently the Ice Cream was too much dairy overload. I could hardly keep my eyes open as we made our way back to the room and we went back and took a nap.
W in WDW???
Getting closer....
Exhausting night. :(
Do you see a pattern here? By the end of the cruise I was happy to go home if not only to get a good night's sleep.
It's lit. Did they actually have something playing at that time of day?
I think it had a screen saver type thing. That's usually what it was playing when I would get my coffee in the morning as well. They didn't start movies until around 9 or 10AM.
A fight ensued. Eventually I subdued the interloper and cast him off the ship. His wail of dismay was cut off with a splash.
Nah. I'm a peaceful photographer.
I agree! Adds depth.
Surprised you can hand hold at that speed. You've got steady hands, Alison.
Huh. I just hold my breath before pressing the shutter. I also rested my arms on the ship's railing.
I think this is my fave of the bunch.
::yes:: Mine too!
Very. A commentary on man's impact on nature, perhaps?
Whoa. That's deep.
You know I clarified that just for you.
I'll go with your choice here. Easy pick for me.
:eek: Now why do I keep forgetting to do this??????
I'm sure you've mentioned that before.
Probably, like Magdalene mentioned in such a large market like the greater Los Angeles area, something like that should be easier to find.
Love a good clam chowder.
It was good!
An acceptable ending. ::yes::
Which? The Mickey Bar or the nap?
Getting closer....
I’m gonna go with V.

That’s half a “W” and I can’t get much more basic than that!
Do you see a pattern here? By the end of the cruise I was happy to go home if not only to get a good night's sleep.
I think it had a screen saver type thing. That's usually what it was playing when I would get my coffee in the morning as well. They didn't start movies until around 9 or 10AM.
Huh. I would’ve thought it would just be dark.
Nah. I'm a peaceful photographer.
:) :flower3:
Huh. I just hold my breath before pressing the shutter. I also rested my arms on the ship's railing.
Ahhh. Was wondering if maybe you placed it against something. But everything is vibrating.
Whoa. That's deep.
Comes from being perpetually shallow.
You know I clarified that just for you.
Which? The Mickey Bar or the nap?
Meant the bar…. But yes! Both!
Hi Alison! Happy to be joining in and I have loved binging the first half of your report today. What a lovely trip for the two of you and so well deserved after an incredibly draining and stressful year.

And then we hit the sack. With only three hours sleep, no naps for me, and glasses of wine, and more food than I normally eat in one day, maybe even two, I was ready for some sleep.
I bet you were!
Tonight was formal night and I really wanted to get some pictures. I always pay for the unlimited photo package, and then it becomes a game to see how many photos I can actually get.
I love the beautiful pictures of the two of you!
It was our day in Cabo, and since it is a tender port (you need to climb onto smaller boats to get to shore), we opted to stay on the ship. We enjoyed a nice lunch in Tritons and decided to check out the ship a little afterwards. We explored the adult area which was closed at the time. Now it’s called After Hours. It used to be called Route 66, but now it had a classier vibe to it.
Your lunch looked fabulous! You did well managing all those three course meals. I think I would be in a happy food coma!

This completely did me in. Evidently the Ice Cream was too much dairy overload. I could hardly keep my eyes open as we made our way back to the room and we went back and took a nap.
We got up several times during the night for potty breaks; 1AM, 3:30AM, and 5:30AM. At 5:30 I decided to get up.



For me, to get proper sunrise photos you have to be there waiting before the sun even starts to poke it’s head out.
When you know, you know!!

Yup. Thats a proper sunrise.

Neither of us spoke to each other

Seriously??? I wonder if this is because of Covid. It's very rare that togs don't speak to each other.

I got some good preliminary shots,

Gorgeous colours.......

I think they came out better with some extra stuff in there.

I like the ones with the foreground interest more. Gives me other things to look at.
Great shots!!!

For any photo geeks out there, for most sunrise photos, I start with the largest aperture and usually 0”3 for the shutter speed. As the sun rises and there is more light I have to speed up the shutter. Eventually when I get to 1/3000 the sun is high enough in the sky that the sunrise is over. More photos.

Proper photobabble! Love it!

I thought this one was interesting with the beautiful sunrise behind the polluting factory

I wonder if this will be one of those shots that we look at in years to come and go "what were we thinking???". I really hope so.

Triton's for breakfast.

What a great spot for breakfast.

a raspberry filled danish

Yum! I love raspberry (and cherry) danishes. I would have chosen the same.

warming tray because it was kind of soggy even though it looks toasted.

Wow! That is serious toast fail. It can't be that hard to make toast on an as needs basis. But I guess there are so many people on the boat.

I also went with the French Toast Platter.

Yum! Yum!!

Triton's for lunch

Tritons twice in the one day. Soooooo amazing!

Merguez, it’s a Moroccan lamb sausage,

Interesting! That's quite an effort you have to go to for the Moroccan lamb. I'm not sure they explicitly call it merguez here but we have a number of butchers that stock spicy Moroccan lamb sausage. I'll have to ask my butcher friend and see if it is the same.

I had the server douse it in Parmesan Cheese, he didn’t expect me to want that much, I had to ask him two extra times to add more!

Hmmmmm. I don't understand why servers don't know that we like a little pasta with our parmesan.
DS would approve. :)

Loving the food porn.
I’m gonna go with V.

That’s half a “W” and I can’t get much more basic than that!
You can just wait until I launch it. The trip is in three weeks from today. My plane will just be landing about now.
Huh. I would’ve thought it would just be dark.
:confused3 I do remember it having the text "Funnel Vision" sort of rotating in and out on itsef.
Ahhh. Was wondering if maybe you placed it against something. But everything is vibrating.
Well when those really slow shots were taken the ship wasn't moving at all. The engines are in the back (underneath my cabin). Like I said it was silent.
Comes from being perpetually shallow.
Hi Alison! Happy to be joining in and I have loved binging the first half of your report today. What a lovely trip for the two of you and so well deserved after an incredibly draining and stressful year.
:welcome: So glad to have you here.
I bet you were!
It's kind of par for the course for the first day.
I love the beautiful pictures of the two of you!
Your lunch looked fabulous! You did well managing all those three course meals. I think I would be in a happy food coma!
It sure was nice eating up a storm! Since we've been home I'm back to my meager eating pattern. It's not as fun when you have to make it yourself! :laughing:
Here’s me walking past the funnel vision on my way to the front of the ship.

I'm guessing funnel vision is 24/7?

Ohh I like the silhouette-ness of these!

I thought this one was interesting with the beautiful sunrise behind the polluting factory.

Totally interesting- push through sun!!
This is like a post card!

One of the things that I love about Triton’s is the platters of pastries they bring by for you to choose from.

I love that too! I often have a classifc croissant, or pain du chocoat

I also went with the French Toast Platter.
this looks like a nice portion of savory, to go with some sweet.
it’s a Moroccan lamb sausage, I had it in Cous Cous in France about thirty years ago and have been chasing it ever since. It’s not very well known and hard to locate.

they prepared it almost like Bangers & Mash. But it was still good!

This does look very Bangers and Mash!
I know Dorian would be ordering this- he grew up eating lamb.
She got the Chicken breast Spinach Salad.

this looks very good, I enjoy pesto/marinated cheese (assuming that's what those squares are?)
It was very good, but such a huge portion I couldn't finish it.
Gnocchi is tricky that way - it's so filling!
Lunch ended with a Mickey Bar.

When you know, you know!!

Yup. Thats a proper sunrise.
I believe that I learned that from you. I think it was a trip to Sydney where you drove north and stayed a few days in a cabin or am I confusing your trips?
Seriously??? I wonder if this is because of Covid. It's very rare that togs don't speak to each other.
I generally don't strike up conversations with folks I don't know, so if he was the same I'm not surprised we didn't talk.
Gorgeous colours.......
I like the ones with the foreground interest more. Gives me other things to look at.
Great shots!!!
Yeah in retrospect I do too.
Proper photobabble! Love it!
You are one of just a couple people I know who would appreciate it.
I wonder if this will be one of those shots that we look at in years to come and go "what were we thinking???". I really hope so.
I remember preparing for my trip to NZ many years ago and reading something about the sewer systems that were revamped so that they no longer drained out into the sea, and had one of those "what were they thinking?" moments. Obviously they had one too or they wouldn't have corrected it.
What a great spot for breakfast.
Well it was either that, the buffet, tiny pastries at the Cove Cafe, or room service.
Yum! I love raspberry (and cherry) danishes. I would have chosen the same.
Unfortunately they rotated the pastry choices, otherwise I would have had one every day.
Wow! That is serious toast fail. It can't be that hard to make toast on an as needs basis. But I guess there are so many people on the boat.
What I finally deduced is that they had one place on the ship that cooked things and they were delivered to the prep kitchens in large trays. I believe in Triton's, they had chefs who would finish the plates by combing the items. Most likely they had a small kitchen that could make the eggs to order, but most was cooked in bulk. When we finally went to the buffet, we found that you could get everything that was served at Triton's there as well. You just had to fetch it yourself.
Tritons twice in the one day. Soooooo amazing!
Well it was the only place you could be served and not have to serve yourself. I prefer to be served. :snooty:
Interesting! That's quite an effort you have to go to for the Moroccan lamb. I'm not sure they explicitly call it merguez here but we have a number of butchers that stock spicy Moroccan lamb sausage. I'll have to ask my butcher friend and see if it is the same.
Every new store I go to, I check their meat counter, and I keep coming up empty-handed.
Hmmmmm. I don't understand why servers don't know that we like a little pasta with our parmesan.
DS would approve. :)
I don't know either. Who wants just a little sprinkle?
I am trying to learn Japanese and have the highest respect for everyone who learned that language at university level!! I have done an online evening course for 1.5 years now and can barely say my name and where I am from…

Hello!! Hope you've been well.

I can't remember if I responded to this or not! Really getting old. 🤦‍♀️

I expect you're much more fluent in Japanese than me. I think I know how to say good morning and thank you. That's about it. ;)
Hello!! Hope you've been well.

I can't remember if I responded to this or not! Really getting old. 🤦‍♀️

I expect you're much more fluent in Japanese than me. I think I know how to say good morning and thank you. That's about it. ;)
Hi there! Was happy to see you, too! And yes, my skills are about 1000% better than yours!!

(Meaning I know about 100 words, not just two! 😉)


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