SW If you want to sit with your kids

People can sit how they want- if people sit aisle and window they are in the same row. By your suggested way they are farther apart.

But the reason they aren’t sitting next to each other is because they don’t want to be together. If they are in the same row, across the aisle from each other, it still allows those later passengers a chance for two seats together without any begging. They still would be getting off the plane at the same time.

If they are seated aisle and window and intend to talk across the middle person that is just rude. Whether it is reaching across the middle person to poke their spouse in the ribs when snoring or to pass stuff back and forth you are encroaching on the middle person’s already cramped space.

I understand trying for a vacant middle seat by heading toward the back and hoping the back middle doesn’t fill up, but if they announce it’s a full flight that middle seat will be taken. And if there are less options for two people to sit together there is a higher chance for the “we aren’t leaving the gate until someone moves” situations.
For those couples who want an aisle and a window on a full flight why not sit a row apart. That allows for two other parties parties of two to sit together.
I don't want us to sit that far apart. One person in between us is fine, as we can each entertain ourselves, but I like being in the same row of seats. We can communicate if necessary (although we won't hold a conversation with a stranger in the middle). We sit one seat apart so that neither of us is stuck in a middle seat, not because we "don't want to be together".

If two people need to sit together, they need to plan for that in advance. Not expect others to make it happen for them.
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But the reason they aren’t sitting next to each other is because they don’t want to be together. If they are in the same row, across the aisle from each other, it still allows those later passengers a chance for two seats together without any begging. They still would be getting off the plane at the same time.

If they are seated aisle and window and intend to talk across the middle person that is just rude. Whether it is reaching across the middle person to poke their spouse in the ribs when snoring or to pass stuff back and forth you are encroaching on the middle person’s already cramped space.

I understand trying for a vacant middle seat by heading toward the back and hoping the back middle doesn’t fill up, but if they announce it’s a full flight that middle seat will be taken. And if there are less options for two people to sit together there is a higher chance for the “we aren’t leaving the gate until someone moves” situations.
I do sorta get where you are coming from but I think the difference is there's no guarantee anyways who would opt to sit in those seats. Could be a single person who opts for the window or the other aisle seat. Well then that just leaves a middle seat anyways. I can and have heard of people who really do prefer to sit aisle and window in same row.

The way that people you are speaking about are doing now is leaving another row with 3 seats with their row being only 1 seat (the middle seat). What you're purposing (which again I get where you're coming from) is to have 2 rows with 2 seats left. So then now you're leaving less options for groups of 3 or more.

I'm not 100% positive but I think it would be pretty rare for the FAs to ask to people to move for 2 adults (assuming neither has a disability). Normally it's for a child and an adult.
But the reason they aren’t sitting next to each other is because they don’t want to be together. If they are in the same row, across the aisle from each other, it still allows those later passengers a chance for two seats together without any begging. They still would be getting off the plane at the same time.

If they are seated aisle and window and intend to talk across the middle person that is just rude. Whether it is reaching across the middle person to poke their spouse in the ribs when snoring or to pass stuff back and forth you are encroaching on the middle person’s already cramped space.

I understand trying for a vacant middle seat by heading toward the back and hoping the back middle doesn’t fill up, but if they announce it’s a full flight that middle seat will be taken. And if there are less options for two people to sit together there is a higher chance for the “we aren’t leaving the gate until someone moves” situations.

We sit that way and honestly our headphones on and watch movies. I would never carry on a conversation across a stranger. We sit that way because WE DON’T WANT THE MIDDLE SEAT. How is it different that two strangers sitting in an aisle and middle in a row ?

Last flight we did this a lady was with her hubby and another couple sat between us (hubby and friend in row together across aisle). We all talked as they were going on adults all inclusive and we were cruising.

It is not rude to sit where you want or how you want when it is open seating. It is rude for people to expect others to move to an undesirable seat for them. It is rude to expect people who paid for EBCI specifically (to hopefully get an A position) to move for someone who chose not to get EBCI to move or not sit where they want .

It’s no different if someone paid for seats on airline and paid extra for aisle and window- those seats are usually more expensive than middle seats. Not fair to ask someone who paid more for a seat to move

Also we aren’t trying for an empty middle seat as almost all flights anymore are full.
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I can't say I honestly spend a second looking at other people's seating arrangements and caring what order they've chosen to arrange themselves. I just want to sit down and relax. To police whether it's rude for two people to leave a seat between them is just something I don't have the energy to care about.
It’s okay if you want an aisle and window seat to take them, and it is only rude if you talk over the people between you or hand things over them. If you can’t open your own peanuts, or need your partner to hold your drink you should be sitting next to them. If there is a person between you give them their privacy. Assume there are walls reaching from the floor to the ceiling between seats.

It would be kind to allow more groups of two, but then you could run up against people wanting groups of three.

How about we just spend less time caring about stuff that DOES NOT matter – like how other people pick their seats on a plane? Unless you are sitting right between people you're describing, just. let. people. live. their. lives.
If you can’t open your own peanuts, or need your partner to hold your drink you should be sitting next to them. If there is a person between you give them their privacy. Assume there are walls reaching from the floor to the ceiling between seats.
There is no such privacy when flying economy. Stewardesses will reach over to deliver refreshments and collect trash, people will get up to use the bathroom, etc. It is a shared space. Saying that no one should reach over just once or twice within the context of a multi-hour flight is petty. There are not only no walls on economy flights, there are also not even exclusive armrests for both of your arms. There is no guarantee parts of your body won't be unavoidably pressed against a large neighbor. That's why so many people take pains to avoid a middle seat. Many of those who can afford it pay to avoid economy altogether.

The real villian here is not parents who board late wanting a seat with their kids, or pairs who sit one seat apart to avoid being squished in the middle, or someone who needs help opening their miniscule airline snack. It's the airlines who squeeze passengers onto planes like sardines. That's something passengers should keep in mind before condemning one another for trying to be comfortable in the economy section of a plane.
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It's the airlines who squeeze passengers onto planes like sardines.
I'm pretty sure this has been an issue for a very very long time now in terms of airlines adding more seating to get more passengers on board.

I don't blame the airline for people disliking the middle seat regardless of how much room there is. More leg room doesn't mean I won't have to get up and go to the restroom or stretch my legs thus interrupting the passenger sitting in the aisle. More pitch in the seat doesn't mean I won't have to get up and go to the restroom or stretch my legs thus interrupting the passenger sitting in the aisle.

I don't blame the airline because people who really want to sit next to each other don't plan ahead whatever that planning may be (EBCI, checking in right at 24hrs, paying the upgraded boarding, etc).

I don't blame the airline when a parent knowinging doesn't have a seat because they are flying on an airline that has no assigned seating and they purposefully hold back boarding the plane late and now have to ask people to move (if you boarded when you were supposed to you may not have found this to be an issue).

It's strange to blame the airlines when people are doing this because they actively choose to. We're talking about Southwest at the main thread topic which doesn't not have different levels of seating. You know you're getting one level of seating.
I always roll my eyes at 2 people traveling together and taking a window and aisle seat. The flight attendants announce repeatedly that the plane is full, yet they don't move. I guess they really like having a stranger sit between them.

DH and I forgot to check in until pretty late for our return trip from WDW in 2017. We were pretty much the last 2 on the plane. We actually both got window seats near the front of the plane because the aisle and middle seats were taken by couples. Score!
You know that guarantees mean that unwanted things can still happen, yes? Like if UPS says “guaranteed by Tuesday” it just means I’ll get some sort of compensation if it doesn’t arrive on Tuesday.

I *started* flying SW (pre internet) when too many times my carefully-chosen seat was given to someone else at some point between booking and boarding.

Why assume all those people are traveling together in the first place? I’m an avid people watcher, but by the time I’m boarding a plane I rarely remember who at the gate seemed to be together etc.

And why roll your eyes?

AND why assume everyone hates the middle seat? When I’m smaller I don’t mind the middle at all. I’m short and legroom is never an issue. When smaller I can take up a tiny amount of room between people and have a perfectly nice flight.

If you haven’t since then you have NO idea what boarding is like now for SW or for the legacy airlines.

SW is incredibly decent compared to the madness of other airlines. You know exactly where to stand and they tell you when. As long as the others in line aren’t playing the “it doesn’t matter what number I am so don’t worry about being in numerical order” game (funny how they don’t mind if you get behind them despite being 20 compared to their 25, eh?) it’s incredibly civilized. I never minded the previous way they had of boarding to begin with, but their former way is pretty much what legacies have become once your group is called.

SW is a vacation compared to others sometimes. Even compared to legacy first class. My ex was routinely upgraded to first. He dresses very casually. And people would step in front of him and even actually block him while he waited or walked to board when first was called. People assumed he didn’t belong there since he was wearing cargo shorts. And he knew that that’s what they were doing because they would use their voices to speak to him to chide him for moving to board when he obviously didn’t have a first class seat.

And first on a domestic flight is so rarely worth paying for.

As for meals...when meals were a given, tickets were very very expensive. When I flew in the early 80s for my 8th grade DC trip the tickets were $800 from SFO. There is zero chance I would book a flight like that for $800. If flight costs went along with inflation then I’m sure we’d all still be getting meals, but thankfully they haven’t, and I’m ok with a $400 cross country roundtrip ticket and getting food in another way.

As for well fed...you can order a perfectly lovely cheese plate or tapas box for $8-9 on many airlines (not SW) that’s better than anything I’ve gotten even in First (when then-husband was upgraded and gave me the seat) and for far cheaper.

Add to that that First seats are generally longer from back to front (so my feet don’t hit the ground) and slippery, but domestic lines don’t really give the width enough to curl up on the seat so my legs aren’t dangling, and ugh.

I hope you like your first class trip better and that it’s all that you hoped for. Maybe, though...don’t dress casually.


But if he does, have him sit in the aisle for you.

Again, decades of people watching experience have told me that I cannot rely on my interpretation of the emotions of others. Nor do I see the point in projecting my understanding onto others. I prefer to think that any supposed upset or nasty looks simply have to do with their underwear literally bunching while moving, or thinking of something sad or irritating, etc. Makes things nicer for me thinking everyone is irritated at the things happening right around them.

And I say that to people because my face is so often misread, and it makes me sad, and I’d like to help people stop judging expressions and considering them fact.

Genetics gave me RBF-extraordinaire, and it gets old old old to have people only pay attention to that and not to my kind soft voice or smile or helpfulness.
This whole Open Seat (free for all) concept is nuts. It's like riding on a Greyhound Bus in the sky.

I would only fly on airlines with assigned seating, preferably in First or Business Class.
I’m with you!

I haven’t flown since 2004. Things have changed so dramatically. I remember when flying was a thrill. Meals were expected.

In 10 days, we are flying AA First Class. We will be together, comfortable, and well fed. For me, that’s the only tolerable way to fly.
I agree.


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