Sungela's PJ & TR Merged! Finally an Update! Faux Disneymoon Time


I can't wait, next update 'should' be your wedding day!!!!! I hope you did eventually get some sleep. Never let inconsiderate people ruin your spirit. There will always be those that do not agree or cannot accept your relationship, but they need to learn to keep their feelings to themselves!
popcorn:: Great TR.. Congratulations on your wedding it looked very nice. Sorry about the ******* that tried to ruin it.
Well, I am glad he was taken care of and that the entire trip was magical for the both of you..

Beautiful wedding and once again congratulation you must still be on :cloud9:
Hi Sunny,

I've been lurking for awhile and read your PJ and really enjoyed it and now I'm so excited to read your TR!! :yay: I'm so sorry to hear about the insensitivity of others before your big day. Congrats and here's wishing you a wonderful marriage! Can't wait to hear the rest of your stories!

Best wishes,
wow. that guy is a wack job. talk about "mental disorders..."

i laughed when you said the wedding party had found a bar, that's funny!
Oh, YAY!! This installment was definitely worth the wait! I LOVE hearing about all your romantic gestures for Angela. You are so sweet and thoughtful ! :lovestruc I am so sorry about that jerk, but am thrilled to know he did not rally the masses to a state of idiotic agreement. Complacency is nearly as bad, but I'm glad other guests made supportive noises afterwards.

Your dress looked fabulous on you, though I missed the rockin' socks that adorned your feet in your PJ pic of the dress. Really, though, you and Angela looked beautiful for your rehearsal and RD! :hug:

Angela and I are very different in our romantic approaches: I'm really good at little stuff (like love notes in her lunchbox), while she's good at the bigger stuff (like the surprise birthday party that I'm not supposed to know anything about). And planning all kinds of little things at Disney was so much fun, and such a great way to say "I love you and thanks for marrying me."

I know, I think those socks really set off the dress! Too bad I couldn't ruin my freshly painted toes. :rotfl2:

I'm so sorry about that guy. What an ordeal to go through the night before your wedding. So what if you are two women getting married. I hope your trip gets better! Can't wait to read about your wedding.

Oh, the wedding day was so perfect, it made everything else pale in comparison!

I just went through about 20 seconds of intense polar opposite emotions reading about your rehearsal. I got so upset about the guy at your dinner that I was crying and then a couple of seconds after that I clicked on your captured video and almost peed my pants. Becky and your granny are hilarious! "they look like a very focused group.Those 2 are sitting down with their ****s hanging out!" I almost fell off my chair :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Actually, I had the same reaction! I was typing up my TR, getting emotional thinking about what happened, and then I started looking for pictures to post when I spotted the video. I hadn't seen it before, so I watched it and near died laughing. Grammy Rhoda is hilarious. I forgot to mention that when she first met Cliff, Angela's best person, at the rehearsal dinner, she said, "Oh, so this is the donor? Well, I want to see the goods." I just about died laughing then too. Oy, my family.

I'm sorry that guy rained on your parade! Some people never learned if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. Anyway- such sweet things you did for Angela. You must be very thoughtful to have done all that. Can't wait to see what happens next.

To me, that's the weirdest part: what possessed him to say something to random strangers? Anyway, I love seeing Angela smile, and I can't believe how much Disney bends over backward to make every guest feel special.

I am so sorry about the guy. Some people are just completely ignorant.

Anyways, I'm hoping to go down to WDW the last weekend in September for AC, the Food and Wine Festival and MNSSHP. You guys should join me!

Oooh, that would be awesome! There's only one problem: that stupid four-letter word, work. I start working for real at the end of this month, and I don't know about getting vacation time so soon, especially when we still have our honeymoon coming up. I'll keep you posted, though.

Great update Sunny! :thumbsup2 That guy at your rehearsal dinner was unbelievable! :mad: I'm glad your dad was able to make you feel better! :goodvibes You and Angela looked great- I especially love your rehearsal dress. Such a pretty color! Can't wait for the next installment... :surfweb:

Thanks! I loved that color too. We sort of coordinated with our wedding colors. A few people played along too (we saw a lot of green/blue ties on the wedding day).


First of all great installment! Can't wait to see more. I am sorry that crazy guy interrupted your rehearsal dinner. Unfortunately there are nutty people in the world and it is sad that people are so closed minded. Don't let that ruin your beautiful relationship with Angela. Enjoy your marriage and all the joys to come and block out the people that try to bring you down. All that matters is you and Angela. :hug:

Thank you. I'm so grateful that all of you are so supportive--it makes it much easier to remember that the guy doesn't speak for everyone at Disney.

I am glad you live in a hopefully more openminded part of the world and I do believe the world is changing too! I have thoroughly enjoyed everything so far and can't wait to hear more!! :lovestruc :goodvibes

The thing about living in the liberal Northeast is that it's easy to forget not everybody thinks this way. In the end, I think it's a bad thing for people to be so siloed; I don't know very many conservatives, and many conservatives don't know people like us. Disney is one of the few places where everyone vacations together. I guess there might be friction once in a while... I just wish it had been at some other point (although thank heavens not on the wedding day itself).

Not again!! I'm so sorry this jerk did that to you! I can't believe someone would think that kissing is wrong, but to stand up in front of people and yell and carry on like that is ok. You're a wonderful woman, and obviously very much in love, so @#*&!) that jerk and I hope you had a wonderful wedding day, with no more crying!!

Well, there was plenty of crying on the wedding day, but only tears of joy, I promise!

I was so excited there was more of my "story" to watch today!

Who were the ***B sisters, btw? I just love your gran!

It already looks like such a great time, just from the rehearsal video!

Can't wait for the next chapter! popcorn::

The honor of being a b**b sister is held by my sister, April, and one of my bridesmaids, Jess. They actually look more like sisters than April and I do: blonde, blue-eyed, with ample cleavage always spilling out (I'm pretty well-endowed, but I like to keep certain parts more private).

I swear I cried when I read your story of that guy... I mean, yes I was sad that there are people like that, but I cried because I was sooo pissed off someone would treat another person like that.... I swear if i was there (hey, this is a fantasy, I'd really just tag along to play ping pong with you ladies) I would have beaten that guys a**... plain and simple!

can't wait for another update!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want to see that dress again!

You'll see the blue dress again--on Monday, when we go to Victoria & Albert's! (You mean other people bring multiple dresses down to Disney? Why?)


I am sorry that guy made you feel bad the night before your wedding...It makes me mad when people are so ignorant....:mad: I am glad that you didn't let that ruin the rest of your rehearsal, and most importantly your wedding day....You are so sweet with all of the little surprises for Angela....:flower3: Can't wait to read more...:surfweb:

Thank you for being so sweet! I am very lucky to have great family and friends who got me through my emotional spell. And Angela is so cute that she inspires me to do cute things. :love:

I have been lurking on this board for a while looking for ideas for my DD's vow renewal. Reading about the run in with that closed minded man was so upsetting. It would have been terrible at any time, but at your rehersal dinner, I can only imagine how you felt. PLEASE remember that there are so many people with loving accepting views that oppose his. Times are changing, but not everyone has caught up yet. Blessings on your marriage.

Seriously, thank you so much. Everyone's responses have been so wonderful and supportive, and I really do appreciate it. I hope that your DD's vow renewal was as amazing as my DFTW--other than that one tiny incident, I wouldn't have changed anything.


I can't wait, next update 'should' be your wedding day!!!!! I hope you did eventually get some sleep. Never let inconsiderate people ruin your spirit. There will always be those that do not agree or cannot accept your relationship, but they need to learn to keep their feelings to themselves!

Happy wedding day, yes, but sleep? Yeah right! By the end of the wedding day, I was so exhausted that I probably could have slept through the fireworks (thankfully, I didn't, but it was close).

popcorn:: Great TR.. Congratulations on your wedding it looked very nice. Sorry about the ******* that tried to ruin it.
Well, I am glad he was taken care of and that the entire trip was magical for the both of you..

Beautiful wedding and once again congratulation you must still be on :cloud9:

I keep reliving the wedding day in my head. It was just incredible and wonderful and better than I could ever have dreamt. Disney is the best!

Hi Sunny,

I've been lurking for awhile and read your PJ and really enjoyed it and now I'm so excited to read your TR!! :yay: I'm so sorry to hear about the insensitivity of others before your big day. Congrats and here's wishing you a wonderful marriage! Can't wait to hear the rest of your stories!

Best wishes,

Thank you so much! So far, so good ;p We've been married 2 and a 1/2 weeks, and every second has been pure bliss. :cloud9:

wow. that guy is a wack job. talk about "mental disorders..."

i laughed when you said the wedding party had found a bar, that's funny!

And a recurrent theme for my bridal party. I'm so glad that we ended up with an open bar. Who knew 22-24 year olds would be such drinkers? :lmao:
There’s just so much to write about on the wedding day that I’m going to split it into pieces (I also want to drag out this sucker as long as I can).

The issue of who was up first for the wedding day had been hotly contested by Angela and me for weeks before the wedding. This was no trivial matter: we both wanted to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for the pictures, but one of us had to take the 4:30 AM shift. Because Angela and both I wanted to go in the second limo (I wanted the first look shot; Angela was afraid that she’d spent the extra few minutes paranoid that I wouldn’t show up), we eventually compromised on me waking up earlier but taking the second limo. In retrospect, this was a really stupid plan. I was freaked out about timing, but I also had loads of time to just sit around with my hair sticking to me and my makeup fading. And I could have gotten my first look pic even if I was in the first limo. Live and learn, I guess.

Anywho, I finally decided to get out of bed after my long, sleepless night, at 4:00 AM. I had enough time to eat my Rice Krispies, wash my face, change into my bra (with flower power PJ pants) and breathe deeply, before Lili and Lorena knocked on the door. Lili did my makeup while Lorena did my sister’s hair. My sister was not originally going to get her hair and makeup done, but Angela’s mom backed out at the last second and April forgot all her makeup back home, so we figured it made sense for her to get the professional treatment. I’m really glad, too; they did a great job on her.

In the history of me doing stupid, regrettable things, not saying anything about the makeup was pretty dumb. Lili asked me about thirty times if I liked it, and if I wanted anything to change, and I said no. But I thought my eyes looked too dark and the makeup wasn’t as flattering as it could be. As I mentioned before, I don’t generally wear makeup, so anything on my face at all was bound to feel a little strange. I wanted to look glam for the wedding, though, and I trusted Lili’s expertise. I was also paranoid about timing—we needed to leave enough time for Angela to have her hair and makeup done, and still be on her 7:30 limo. And I assumed that Angela’s hair would take a long time, because it usually does (our regular salon has a note in her file that she requires extra time). In the end, the timing would have worked fine, but I couldn’t know that in advance. Anyway, everyone else—except Angela—really liked how I looked. And I’m sure the pictures will be fine.

After my makeup was finished, my sister and I switched. I gave Lorena pictures of what I wanted, and explained the general feel. She did one curl, and I said no, I didn’t want real curls, just waves. She assured me that the hair would relax into waves. After she was done, though, my hair was still as curly as I didn’t want it to be.

Bridezilla’s “This isn’t what I want” face:

Now I was really starting to panic about the timing. It was after 6—was there going to be enough time for Angela to have her hair and makeup done and get on the right limo? Oy. Lorena fixed it, sort of, and put on my veil and tiara.


To be honest, it still wasn’t what I wanted, and it didn’t look the pictures I gave her. I wanted soft, romantic waves, and instead I got trussed up curls. But you could barely see my hair through the veil, and I was too freaked out about timing to have her redo it once again. If I had the day to do over, I think I would have gone on the first limo, and assumed that I had up until 7 to get my hair and makeup perfect. Lili and Lorena were really nice, and I’m glad we used Beaute Speciale; I blame myself for not being more insistent about what I wanted.

Enough griping. My sister escorted me downstairs (my mother was nervous about me walking around the All Star in nothing but a bra, albeit a full-length one, on top), while Angela and my mom started their respective hair and makeup sessions. I hung out in my parents’ room for the next hour. I finalized my toast, misting up just a little at some of the lines. I chatted with my brother (he is one of the few people, besides Angela, who helps to calm me down when I’m anxious). I called my bridesmaids (no answer the first time, sending me into a panic, but I eventually caught up with on of the guys, who knew the girls were up and primping themselves).

Meanwhile, Angela’s hair and makeup didn’t take nearly as long as mine, and she was absolutely fine to get on her 7:30 limo. My mom helped her get ready (her dress had a zipper—it wasn’t exactly hard to put it on).

Sexy leg shot:


At about 7:30, my bridesmaids popped into my parents’ room and proceeded to tell me all the sordid details of how they spent the previous night. Didn’t I state specifically in the special people instructions that they were all to be in bed by 10 PM? Instead they were out cavorting and canoodling into the wee hours of the morning. As they kept (and keep) reminding me, they were still on time Sunday morning, but I do find it highly amusing that they chose my wedding morning to enlighten me of all the sordid details. Suffice it to say, the romantic mood of the weekend had interesting spillover benefits, the likes of which were sort of appropriate for a lesbian wedding. After my incredulous laughter subsisted, they helped me into my massive gown and put on my garter.

Mature, elegant face, befitting the bride:


After some oohs and aahs, we headed out to wait for the limo. When we first got to ASM, Angela and I knew instantly that it would be annoying/uncomfortable to have to trek from our room in the Mighty Ducks you-didn’t-pay-ten-bucks-for-the-upgrade far wing of ASM to the front lobby. Thankfully, Jennifer arranged for the limo to meet us in the side parking lot.


We got to the assigned spot a few minutes early, which could only mean one thing: the limo was late. It wasn’t a big deal in terms of the overall timing, but it was already pretty hot outside. The poor boys in their tuxes were roasting:

My sister and mother were better off, in their short dresses, although the extra time gave my mom the opportunity to take off her bra (you could see it through the dress). Not so good at pre-planning her outfit…

I was beyond hot in my massive dress:

When the limo finally pulled up, I was very happy to do my patented bridal scoot inside and start guzzling water.

Dasani product placement:

And we were off to the Grand Floridian!

On the ride over, I learned more about the craziness of the night before (my poor father had to hear it all!). We also had an interesting conversation that set up one of the themes of the day: Angela’s eating habits/our perfection as a couple.

I know my wife. I know that when she wakes up early in the morning (7 AM or before), it doesn’t matter what she eats, she will be starving by 9 or 10. I also know that she is crabby if she’s hungry (like most people), and she will not be willing to do what she has to do unless she gets fed. So I had asked my sister to get Angela something to eat in addition to whatever small thing Angela had pre-bought for that morning. April got her a croissant and a chocolate-chocolate-chip muffin. In the limo on the way over, the girls decided they were hungry (because they had not read where I had specifically instructed them to eat that morning), so they opted to dip into Angela’s food supply. I warned them. I told them she’d want her food. They all said, “No, no, no. It’s her wedding day. She won’t be hungry.” So they finished off her croissant. I managed to save her the muffin at least. Readers, remember this conversation…

We get to the Grand Floridian, and that’s when my sister decided that she didn’t really want to be in the wedding. She’d been okay up to that point, yelling at me but also being decently helpful running errands. But when we got to GF and she realized that she was going to spend the next two hours doing an extended photo op, she stopped wanting to be supportive. She tried to go off and smoke, which made me pretty upset. Angela’s allergic to cigarettes, which my sister knows, because it’s an issue every time April comes to visit or we go to visit her. And April reeking of smoke, making my bride sneeze her way through our vows, was not how I wanted to spend my wedding ceremony. Besides which, we were expected in the Grand Floridian for photos. Right away. Not in five minutes. April said something to the effect of, “I wish I wasn’t in your wedding.” I might have concurred. My mother was like, “Let it go. Let her go smoke,” which was not going to happen. Considering my mother’s peanut allergy required us to have no nuts on our entire menu, you would think she’d be a little more understanding of Angela’s problem. My bridesmaids were a little shocked at April’s rudeness, but I really didn’t want to let anything bother me on my wedding day, so I brushed it off and we went inside.

And that’s when I began to feel more like a princess. I loved having little kids waving at me, tons of people pointing and smiling and congratulating me.

The flowers had been delivered, and I was thrilled: Laura did a perfect job, even better than I could have imagined.

Our handsome boys with their bouts:

Angela with her flowers (my bouquet was identical):

First, my Auntie Pessie (my maternal grandmother’s older sister) put my great-grandmother’s diamond necklace on me. I’m named after my great-grandmother (Sonia), and wearing her only real piece of jewelry, the same necklace my mother wore at her own wedding, was really important to me. Auntie Pessie has no kids, but she’s always been like a grandmother to me. We both teared up a little (take that, excessive eye makeup!). I can’t wait to see Misty’s pics; I’m going to buy one of those side by side frames so I can put the picture of Auntie Pessie putting the necklace on my mom next to her putting it on me.

All this time, Angela had been waiting impatiently behind Curtain #1 so that I could get my first look shot. Remember that whole conversation about food in the limo? Yup, Angela was starving. And her ADD had kicked in with full force, so the whole time she waited, she had kind of forgotten that she was supposed to have the big wow face on when she saw me. Instead, the big reveal resulted in a look that said, “Hi honey, what’s for breakfast?” I definitely had the wow face. She looked gorgeous, and I thought her hair was beyond perfect. We get a few shots of us exchanging our something news (God, I love Tiffany), and then Angela attacked her muffin with a fury unseen by anyone who doesn’t normally dine with her. The only other person I’ve ever met with her appetite is my little brother; family legend tells of the day when they both ate their own large pizzas and then came home only to eat all the fruit salad I’d made for a party. And yet, she’s so thin. And so enviable…

Misty took a ton of pictures of me, outside and on the GF staircase, while Angela ate. She got one great shot of me whispering to Angela what had transpired on our wedding eve (again, I can’t wait to see it, because it involves Angela gaping at me—much more appropriate first look shot than the real one). And then, before we knew it, it was time to head over to the Wedding Pavilion to sign the Ketubah and get hitched!

Coming up next: Wedding Day, Part Deux: Where’s the flower girl?
And a recurrent theme for my bridal party. I'm so glad that we ended up with an open bar. Who knew 22-24 year olds would be such drinkers? :lmao:

I could have told you that!!! Megan and I found several bars at Caryn's wedding!!:drinking1
Long time lurker just joining in! Eveyrthing looks wonderful so far. You are a great writer, and I can't wait to read more! :surfweb:
Woohoo!! :woohoo: How exciting! An awesome installment, Sunny, but we need MORE!!! And lots more pix! ;) I am SOOOO greedy, aren't I? By the way, I think your hair and makeup were absolutely gorgeous! You looked like a movie star princess!
Beautiful! Both of you! i think your makeup looks beautiful- but I understand 'cause I dont wear alot of eye makeup either and lilly talked me into fake eyelashes and lots of eye makeup- DH even asked "Do you like your makeup" It does look good in pix though!

More, more, more...please!
Another great installment! :thumbsup2 You are a fantastic writer! You had me cracking up when you were describing Angela's morning eating patterns. :lmao: And I agree with keenercam, We need more pics!!! :rotfl:
Sunny, I think I am the lovechild of you and Angela. I have your sense of humor and Angela's sense of appetite. :D

Oh, it's been such a joy reading this. Thank you for being so detailed. I haven't wanted to miss a moment!
How dare they eat the brides food!!! :lmao: Bridezilla on the way!

Great installment!! We need more pics!!

Reading your TR is like a trip to Disney!

Can't wait for a new episode to show up, just like my next trip to Disney.

Finish it way too fast.

Full of anticipation waiting for the next!
Hopefully, Sunny, you will like the pictures through the years and not mind that you wore extra makeup! You were beautiful :lovestruc I put a lot more make-up on than I was used too for my VR because with my pale complexion, I was afraid my eyes wouldn't show up, lol! I love your report - just LOVE it!!!! :goodvibes
Woo Hoo!!! Another great installment! This is getting exciting now! I can't wait to read more. Don't those girls know you do not mess with the brides food!!!! :rotfl:

Until the next installment....I will patiently wait. :surfweb:
You girls look beautiful! I think your makeup looks will show up so nicely in the pictures, you just wait. Can't wait for the next installment and MORE pictures! :rolleyes1
You both looked absolutely gorgeous! I think its so cute that you remembered to bring her food! DH was starved on our wedding day - I wish I had stowed some food away for him!

Looking forward to more!!!
this makes me want to ...encourage... my DGF to pop the question!
can't wait to read more!


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