Strep throat ????


Finally going Back!!
Aug 28, 2000
Hi all,

Question: Can you have strep without having white spots in the back of your throat or a fever (I don't usually get fevers)?

All opinions welcome.

Thanks, Sore throat and coughing Pam
You might have tonsilitis instead of strep throat. They have similiar symptoms, both make you feel lousy, but strep is a little more tricky to your system. Go to the dr and let him/her check you out. I hope you get to feeling better soon.:)

I know it not the tonsils, they came out long ago.....

thanks for quick response
Oh. I had my tonsils out 7 1/2 years ago. I have some symptoms that remind me of strep or tonsilitis, but it's usually just my allergies burning my throat. I hope you don't have strep. Good luck in getting better.:)
Yes you can. Both of my children get it that way. The only way that I can tell is if they are hoarse or coughing.
I had strep throat late last year. The funny thing was, I didn't even have much of a sore throat. I was somewhat surprised when the doctor told me I had strep. One thing the nurse did tell me when I was leaving. She told me to throw away my toothbrush and buy a new one. She explained the reasoning was that you could run the risk of reinfecting yourself. I had never heard this before, but went ahead and threw it out and bought a new one.
I had strep throat 2 weeks ago:( I did have the white spots and the fever though. I was actually relieved when he said it was strep. I was SO afraid that it might have been mono like DD had last year, because it was the worst sore throat I ever had in my entire life. I couldn't swallow at ALL without extreme pain. I was actually happy to have strep throat, in my thinking, it wasn't as bad as mono.


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