Stoller-Combi or Snap n Go?


Aug 6, 2002
We're going to WDW in June with our 3 month old baby. For the parks, would you recommend that we take our Combi stroller, or the infant carrier with the Snap N Go frame?

Just can't decide and, having never taken an infant to WDW before, don't know what to do. The full stroller seems easier (no 5 point harness), but I read one post noting that it's easier to take the infant carrier in restaurants. Any experience with this or suggestions?

we've been debating this, and are taking the stroller. I just don't think a carseat is very comfortable for long days in the park, I prefer the idea of baby being able to stretch out and get really comfy in the stroller.

I do agree it would be easier in restaurants, but those times are quite brief compared to the rest of your day.

I see you are taking a Baby Bjorn, we are planning on using that in restaurants, and have also been told that some restaurants have special high chairs for non-sitting babys (kind of like a carseat)

that won't happen till Oct. But we find the Snap N Go to be the best invention ever. DD uses her infant carrier as a car seat, feeding seat, and a regular carrier, so she's comfortable in it as well when we use it as a stroller. Ours has it's own canopy, so that blocks the sun. Its also easy to transport the baby from the car to the park to the room to sleep, etc. The only things I would be worried about is someone stealing the baby carrier right out of the Snap N Go, and it will be a little awkward on the bus because you can fold the stroller, but you will be forced to carry the carseat everywhere. I'm sure that would not be fun. If you take a regular stroller, just make sure it is lite, it fully reclines, and baby can lay comfortably.
I think you're better off with the Combi and a Baby Bjorn or another type of soft carrier. We're still using our Combi for 3 1/2 yo DD and we love it. As you know it's really light weight and easy to manuever. I've read that some restaurants will allow a stroller inside if the baby is sleeping. I think the 3 in 1 systems will be difficult on Disney transport especially the buses. One of you will have to hold the carrier while the other deals with the base. Whereas with the Combi/Baby Bjorn system you can have the baby in the soft carrier (leaving both arms free) until you get to the park and then put the baby in the stroller. When your baby needs mommy/daddy time just put him/her back in the soft carrier.
I just went last month with my three month old. I had the snap and go car seat carrier stroller. I liked it. It was convient for the buses. I did not have wake her up for a restaurant or attraction. I did also have a baby carrier which I used for when she was awake and we waited in lines. I had a man comment to his wife look hun you should of gotten a carrier for the baby. :p There baby was a little older.
The main thing I'm concerned about with the carrier/Snap n Go is that the baby will just be so hot. It seems like with a stroller, he could stretch out more and be a bit cooler. Since you've gone the carrier route, what do you think? Do you think it would still be a comfortable choice for the mid-June trip?
I would take the snap-n-go because you cant take strollers into resturaunts, so you want to be able to take the car-seat in with you. Be sure to bring a carrier too though.


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