Step Right Up and Watch Us Stack The Genie šŸ§žā€ā™‚ļø New TR started 9/25**

So smart to start stacking up the Genie+ for the day! I do miss being able to select a time instead of having to wait around for the later times. I will have to try your trip of Ubering to the resort instead of the regular drop off, that walk is soooo long. I am so impressed you only waited 10 minutes for Hagrid's! We went for a 9:00 regular opening and were there a bit before opening and still waited two hours in January, though we were not the fastest to get there lol! FJ is never a good idea after another intense ride, lol! Butterbeer/sugar is definietly the way to calm the stomach!

Velocicoaster is so amazing, we rode twice and I wish we had a local coaster even half as good. I think it is my #1 rollercoaster ever if I just rate on ride thrill and not theming. That is such an impressive amount to get done before 11. I think I need to start getting there earlier instead of being lazy on Universal mornings, ha! ET is such a great ride, I love dark classic rides like that, they dont make them like that anymore! I always laugh at how many people take photos in front of 13 Grimmauld Place.

Jimmy Fallon made me feel pretty ill the first/only time I rode it, it was the end of a long day so maybe that was why, but I'm too scared to do it again like with Simpsons! CowFish is my new favorite, those pickles look awesome! I am getting tired at thinking of how much you have already fit into the day, can't wait to hear about your awesome stacking at MK. As much as I don't love Genie+, having tons in a row for the evening sounds like a fun time.
I decided it was a good morning to head over to Universal. Our APā€™s at Universal expired on 4/28 so it was an easy decision.
That's pretty much a no brainer!
I made sure JC, PPF were the two attractions I wanted for the day.
So I'm confused. What attraction did you get at 7AM if you got JC at 9AM and PPF at 11?
Our plan was to go directly to Hagridā€™s,
I have yet to ride that. I haven't been to universal since it opened.
I knew I couldnā€™t do Forbidden Journey right after so we did the small Hagrid Rollercoaster
I'm not even sure I can do Forbidden Journey. I did it once and it made me so nauseous.
We got to Kong right at 9am and walked right on. We really like this ride and it doesnā€™t bother my stomach. The King Kong at the end is an amazing animatronic!
I should try this ride when we go back.
Andi noticed the single rider lane was open for Velocicoaster so back over there we go. I walked much slower and she galloped over there. This coaster is way to scary for me!
I don't know if I've been on this one...I remember an area that looked like your picture, but not sure if I did the ride.
We went to ride Cat in the Hat. I love this little ride, it never is really busy and a fun time.
I should try this one next time I go back!
ET is a favorite and we headed over to ride. The pre show is back wow it is out dated but I still love this ride.
I haven't been on that ride in decades!
We went to MIB next and did single rider line and literally walked right on and got in the same ride vehicle.
I did this one once and remember it being pretty fun.
We went with the deep fried pickles, roasted brussell sprouts, and the tree hugger sushi roll. I had an original margarita with patron tequila and Andi had a blood orange one.
Sounds like a tasty meal.
During this time at 1pm I grabbed another FP at MK for BIg Thunder, yay!

We got back to the lodge via Lyft around 3pm and rested up for our night at MK. I also got another FP for Pirates!
Sounds like you're going to have a very ride filled day between the two parks!
So smart to start stacking up the Genie+ for the day! I do miss being able to select a time instead of having to wait around for the later times. I will have to try your trip of Ubering to the resort instead of the regular drop off, that walk is soooo long. I am so impressed you only waited 10 minutes for Hagrid's! We went for a 9:00 regular opening and were there a bit before opening and still waited two hours in January, though we were not the fastest to get there lol! FJ is never a good idea after another intense ride, lol! Butterbeer/sugar is definietly the way to calm the stomach
I hate that we canā€™t pick the times with the Genie+, it is so irritating!
I was surprised how fast we went through the Hagrid queue, it just kept moving! The butter beer did the trick!
Velocicoaster is so amazing, we rode twice and I wish we had a local coaster even half as good. I think it is my #1 rollercoaster ever if I just rate on ride thrill and not theming. That is such an impressive amount to get done before 11. I think I need to start getting there earlier instead of being lazy on Universal mornings, ha! ET is such a great ride, I love dark classic rides like that, they dont make them like that anymore! I always laugh at how many people take photos in front of 13 Grimmauld Place.
Andi loves Velocicoaster! It is her favorite coaster now. We found the extra hour at IOA really does help!
Jimmy Fallon made me feel pretty ill the first/only time I rode it, it was the end of a long day so maybe that was why, but I'm too scared to do it again like with Simpsons! CowFish is my new favorite, those pickles look awesome! I am getting tired at thinking of how much you have already fit into the day, can't wait to hear about your awesome stacking at MK. As much as I don't love Genie+, having tons in a row for the evening sounds like a fun time.
I have heard that from many about the Fallon ride, I think if I did more than once I would feel queasy! I have never done the Simpsons because Andi did it once and never wanted to do it again!
The fried pickles are really good at CowFish. The roll was vegetarian and delicious
So I'm confused. What attraction did you get at 7AM if you got JC at 9AM and PPF at 11?
Sorry, I should have made it more clear, I purchased the Genie+ around 7am and started looking at rides at that time but we wanted a later time for JC so I didnā€™t make my first selection until 9am.
have yet to ride that. I haven't been to universal since it opened.
It is an amazing Rollercoaster hybrid! It does have some twisting and turning parts but no huge drops or going upside down. It is about as intense of a ride I will get on.
I'm not even sure I can do Forbidden Journey. I did it once and it made me so nauseous.
I love the ride but I agree it sure can make me feel nauseous
should try this ride when we go back.
Cat in the Hat is such a fun dark ride!
I don't know if I've been on this one...I remember an area that looked like your picture, but not sure if I did the ride.
You havenā€™t rode this because it is newer that Hagridā€™s ride, it is a very scary, in my opinion, Rollercoaster you are going more than 70 miles an hour with wicked turns and upside down areas!
I should try this one next time I go back!
King Kong is a good one! You ride in a truck like vehicle on a track!
haven't been on that ride in decades!
Love ET
did this one once and remember it being pretty fun.
I always say it MIB is like Buzz on steroids!
Sounds like you're going to have a very ride filled day between the two parks!
It sure was at least 20 rides between the two!
Enjoying the fruits of Genie+ stacked style!

Andi and I enjoyed some down time at the lovely WL before heading to MK.

We took the boat over and it was such an enjoyable ride.

I think we arrived a little before 7pm. We had the JC first on our stacked list. We did take our time walking down Mainstreet!

I donā€™t care how many times you have been to MK, it always is amazing seeing the castle and Mainstreet, for the first time on each trip. It very magical even with the zillions of people enjoying it with you! šŸ¤Ŗ

MK was still very crowded and wait times were high for most attractions. JC included. We used our FP and our wait was around 10 minutes. We had a decent skipper, he wasnā€™t out of this world but made the attraction fun! I tried to get a few pictures of the different scenes. The gist of the story now is a bunch of mischievous monkeys šŸ™‰ are causing all the trouble not head hunters and cannibals! There is still a nod to Trader Sam at the end but he is no longer there.
Once we finished our cruise, it was time to fly with Peter Pan. We needed to crisscross a lot this evening! Something I should have thought about when stacking the old genie šŸ§žā€ā™‚ļø

Fantasy Land was wall to wall people especially the bottle neck area between PPF and IASW. We maneuvered our way through like a race car šŸŽ and tapped in for the ride.

What can I say, I love PPF, it is what MK and Disney are
to me!
I donā€™t feel like I have truly arrived until I do this ride. Who doesnā€™t love saying hi to Nana, the lost boys, sassy mermaids, and the evil Captain Hook! If you donā€™t like this ride, I donā€™t even know you, lol šŸ˜

Our next FP was PoTC! Another trek across the park, in my stacking excitement, I didnā€™t realize the logistics of the attractions. Andi and I are pretty fast walker and donā€™t mind too much, however, I would keep this in mind for others stacking attractions in MK. Try to arrange it so you arenā€™t crisscrossing the park the whole time.

We tapped in to Pirates and had a great ride. This is another, I have arrived on my magical Disney vacation rides! It is the best!

We got the front row. Yay!
It was now time for Big Thunder, we headed over there and tapped in and our wait was minimal. With all four of these FP rides, we literally walked on, less than 10 minute wait for all 4.
That was awesome since the SB waits were all 40 or more.

We got the front row and it was dark now. It was really a wild ride. I thought it was more wicked than usual. I felt like I was flying around my seat! Iā€™m not sure if I am getting more wimpy or what! Andi thought it was wild but not like the back!

The fireworks were starting now and we were not interested in watching. We had done the dessert party in January and that was all we needed for this current show!

It is magical seeing the fireworks from the back area by the Liberty Belle. We headed over to HM and the wait was 13 minutes which to all of us MK vets, we know this means a walk on!

Well, we started walking on and came to a complete stop, ugh!

We waited about 10 minutes and figured it was down. We were deciding our next plan of action with the Genie. We picked up a Buzz Lightyear for a little later. Just before we were going to leave the line, a lady, most likely in her 60ā€™s and her adult son decided to leave as well. He turned at the same time as her and she tripped over his foot! She went down on the hard cobblestone. She landed right on her hip! It was awful to witness! I felt so bad for her! I had Andi run and get the CM and I talked with her. She could not get up without significant pain in her hip, yikes! I think she may have fractured it! The CM came and I told her she needs to get the EMT staff. They arrived pretty quickly and we left the lady in their hands. This put a damper on our fast paced evening. Andi said she felt sick to her stomach and I just felt sad!

We made our way to Dumbo, he would make us feel better. The wait was only 10 minutes so we jumped in line. Dumbo did make us feel a little better. It was still not even 10pm yet. We walked over to Tomorrow Land to ride PM. It was down and just to note for planning, it isnā€™t open during the extra 2 hours in the evening.

It was time to have a pretzel and some ice cream šŸØ We hadnā€™t eaten since CowFish. We had been drinking lots of water, it was a hot evening. We found a little table and enjoyed our snacks. I totally forgot to get a picture. I had chocolate and vanilla swirl ice cream cup from Auntie Gravityā€™s and Andi had her Mickey pretzel from Launchpad. We shared. I took a few pictures with the special features on the MDE app. These are included when you buy Genie+.

I sent this one to my husband and said I like your spaghetti and meatballs better. He told me I was strange, lol šŸ˜
It was time for our Buzz FP, we walked right on. Andi was galactic hero again, no surprise! I got 130,000, that is pretty good for me!
It still wasnā€™t 11pm yet and we had done 6 rides with minimal waits since 7pm! We decided to ride LM, the wait was 10 minutes. It was mostly just walking the long queue and waiting about 5 minutes at the ride entrance so pretty accurate.
We love this ride, we did get stopped in front of the kiss the girl area and we love this spot! It made us feel a little better and gave us some energy to keep going!

Andi picked up one last Genie FP for IASW and it was for now.

This worked great because once we finished, it would be extra hours!

We walked on, really didnā€™t need the Genie FP. We got in our boat behind a lady and Iā€™m guessing her adult daughter??

I wasnā€™t sure because the ā€œdaughterā€ never moved, she was crashed on the ā€œmomā€. The mom turns around and says oh my gosh I know you two. I said from the Dis? She said what is that, lol šŸ˜† she was slurring and says I watch all your mother/daughter YouTube videos, for Disney dining. I told her she has the wrong mother/daughter duo. She was drunk and you could smell the alcohol šŸŗ. I didnā€™t realize we were on a party boat in IASW, haha šŸ˜†

The ride was comical because the drunk lady kept trying to wake up her drunk daughter or friend and she was passed out!
She was saying get up we need to go on the mine train, get up! šŸ¤®

Andi and I had a good laugh afterwards and thought if they went on mine train, we wouldnā€™t want to be on that train! We figured they would be tossing their Mickey treats!

So there you go, IASW, not just for children anymore haha šŸ˜‚

Well, it was finally deluxe resort guests extra 2 hours! We were tired but wanted to do a few more rides.

We went to HM and the wait said 15 minutes. The CMā€™s do check your magic band before each ride. We did wait about 15 minutes. I was sending positive vibes to the lady who fell earlier, as we walked through the queue.

I have to frame this picture! Andi was tired and caught off guard, this girl never misses the ride photos!
After HM, our plan was to ride Winnie the Pooh next and mine train afterwards.

We love WtP, it is a favorite. We did wait maybe 10 minutes, not bad. This ride is a slow loading ride and if we donā€™t have a Genie FP, we usually wonā€™t wait in the long line.
We went directly into the line for the mine train after Pooh. We did wait about 15-20 minutes. I do enjoy this ride but not for $12.00 a person! Our photo was awful with the lighting so I wonā€™t post it!

We started to head out of the park, there was still about 45 minutes left of the EMH but we were done!
So to recap we did 11 attractions this evening and the majority we can thank the Genie šŸ§žā€ā™€ļø and my wallet!

We took the boat back and it is such a pleasant mode of transportation and relatively quick.

We got ready for bed and lights out fairly quickly!

Our plan for the next day was to stack the genie again for AK!

Stay tuned for Wow AK is a zoo!!
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We took the boat over and it was such an enjoyable ride.
Love that ride. Two best ways to get to MK are that and Monorail from GF.
I donā€™t care how many times you have been to MK, it always is amazing seeing the castle and Mainstreet, for the first time on each trip.
We had a decent skipper, he wasnā€™t out of this world but made the attraction fun!
The skipper makes or breaks that ride.
The gist of the story now is a bunch of mischievous monkeys šŸ™‰ are causing all the trouble not head hunters and cannibals!
Not cool, IMHO.
There is still a nod to Trader Sam at the end but he is no longer there.
Once we finished our cruise, it was time to fly with Peter Pan. We needed to crisscross a lot this evening! Something I should have thought about when stacking the old genie šŸ§žā€ā™‚ļø
Ah! That didn't occur to me either. Then again... POTC, PP and JC aren't that far apart.
What can I say, I love PPF, it is what MK and Disney are
to me!
Who doesnā€™t love saying hi to Nana, the lost boys, sassy mermaids, and the evil Captain Hook!
You have to!
If you donā€™t like this ride, I donā€™t even know you, lol šŸ˜
Then you really know me! :laughing:
It was now time for Big Thunder, we headed over there and tapped in and our wait was minimal. With all four of these FP rides, we literally walked on, less than 10 minute wait for all 4.
Wow! Not bad at all!!
We got the front row and it was dark now. It was really a wild ride. I thought it was more wicked than usual. I felt like I was flying around my seat! Iā€™m not sure if I am getting more wimpy or what!
:laughing: Maybe the conductor was feeling a little more frisky than usual.
The fireworks were starting now and we were not interested in watching.
Not... interested...
We had done the dessert party in January and that was all we needed for this current show!
Well... okay.
Is that a reflection on how poor the show is or just that you'd seen it fairly recently?
We headed over to HM and the wait was 13 minutes which to all of us MK vets, we know this means a walk on!
Just before we were going to leave the line, a lady, most likely in her 60ā€™s and her adult son decided to leave as well. He turned at the same time as her and she tripped over his foot! She went down on the hard cobblestone. She landed right on her hip! It was awful to witness!
She could not get up without significant pain in her hip, yikes! I think she may have fractured it!
Oh, no! :scared:
The CM came and I told her she needs to get the EMT staff. They arrived pretty quickly and we left the lady in their hands. This put a damper on our fast paced evening. Andi said she felt sick to her stomach and I just felt sad!
Good of you to lend a hand, but... so terrible for her/them. Hopefully she was okay and just bruised.
I sent this one to my husband and said I like your spaghetti and meatballs better. He told me I was strange, lol šŸ˜
I love it!
Andi picked up one last Genie FP for IASW and it was for now.
I'm sorry to hear that.

I wasnā€™t sure because the ā€œdaughterā€ never moved, she was crashed on the ā€œmomā€. The mom turns around and says oh my gosh I know you two. I said from the Dis? She said what is that, lol šŸ˜† she was slurring and says I watch all your mother/daughter YouTube videos, for Disney dining. I told her she has the wrong mother/daughter duo. She was drunk and you could smell the alcohol šŸŗ. I didnā€™t realize we were on a party boat in IASW, haha šŸ˜†
:laughing: Maybe they'd visited the missing Trader Sam before coming over.
She was saying get up we need to go on the mine train, get up! šŸ¤®
Oh, boy. That would've been fun to see.

From a distance.
So there you go, IASW, not just for children anymore haha šŸ˜‚
I have to frame this picture! Andi was tired and caught off guard, this girl never misses the ride photos!
Yep. Tired for sure. ::yes::
I do enjoy this ride but not for $12.00 a person!
Yeah... I'm hoping not for me too. I'll pay if I absolutely have to, but...
So to recap we did 11 attractions this evening and the majority we can thank the Genie šŸ§žā€ā™€ļø and my wallet!
I donā€™t care how many times you have been to MK, it always is amazing seeing the castle and Mainstreet, for the first time on each trip. It very magical even with the zillions of people enjoying it with you! šŸ¤Ŗ
There really is nothing like it!
MK was still very crowded and wait times were high for most attractions. JC included. We used our FP and our wait was around 10 minutes. We had a decent skipper, he wasnā€™t out of this world but made the attraction fun! I tried to get a few pictures of the different scenes. The gist of the story now is a bunch of mischievous monkeys šŸ™‰ are causing all the trouble not head hunters and cannibals! There is still a nod to Trader Sam at the end but he is no longer there.
I didn't mind the changes.
I donā€™t feel like I have truly arrived until I do this ride. Who doesnā€™t love saying hi to Nana, the lost boys, sassy mermaids, and the evil Captain Hook! If you donā€™t like this ride, I donā€™t even know you, lol šŸ˜
Love PPF! Always a must do for me!
We got the front row and it was dark now. It was really a wild ride. I thought it was more wicked than usual. I felt like I was flying around my seat! Iā€™m not sure if I am getting more wimpy or what! Andi thought it was wild but not like the back!
BTMR is so much fun at night!
We waited about 10 minutes and figured it was down. We were deciding our next plan of action with the Genie. We picked up a Buzz Lightyear for a little later. Just before we were going to leave the line, a lady, most likely in her 60ā€™s and her adult son decided to leave as well. He turned at the same time as her and she tripped over his foot! She went down on the hard cobblestone. She landed right on her hip! It was awful to witness! I felt so bad for her! I had Andi run and get the CM and I talked with her. She could not get up without significant pain in her hip, yikes! I think she may have fractured it! The CM came and I told her she needs to get the EMT staff. They arrived pretty quickly and we left the lady in their hands. This put a damper on our fast paced evening. Andi said she felt sick to her stomach and I just felt sad!
Oh dear! I hope she was ok!
It still wasnā€™t 11pm yet and we had done 6 rides with minimal waits since 7pm! We decided to ride LM, the wait was 10 minutes. It was mostly just walking the long queue and waiting about 5 minutes at the ride entrance so pretty accurate.
I wasnā€™t sure because the ā€œdaughterā€ never moved, she was crashed on the ā€œmomā€. The mom turns around and says oh my gosh I know you two. I said from the Dis? She said what is that, lol šŸ˜† she was slurring and says I watch all your mother/daughter YouTube videos, for Disney dining. I told her she has the wrong mother/daughter duo. She was drunk and you could smell the alcohol šŸŗ. I didnā€™t realize we were on a party boat in IASW, haha šŸ˜†
Oh my goodness! Where were they that they could get that intoxicated in the MK???
We took the boat back and it is such a pleasant mode of transportation and relatively quick.
There is nothing better than the resort launches!
We love WtP, it is a favorite. We did wait maybe 10 minutes, not bad. This ride is a slow loading ride and if we donā€™t have a Genie FP, we usually wonā€™t wait in the long line.
It is such a cute ride!
I donā€™t care how many times you have been to MK, it always is amazing seeing the castle and Mainstreet, for the first time on each trip. It very magical even with the zillions of people enjoying it with you! šŸ¤Ŗ

Totally agree with you on this.

What can I say, I love PPF, it is what MK and Disney are
to me!
I donā€™t feel like I have truly arrived until I do this ride. Who doesnā€™t love saying hi to Nana, the lost boys, sassy mermaids, and the evil Captain Hook! If you donā€™t like this ride, I donā€™t even know you, lol šŸ˜

Peter Pan is my favorite FL ride. My family does not agree with me especially DH, you may not want to ever meet him.

We tapped in to Pirates and had a great ride. This is another, I have arrived on my magical Disney vacation rides! It is the best!

Yes! Pirates screams Disney.

We got the front row and it was dark now. It was really a wild ride. I thought it was more wicked than usual. I felt like I was flying around my seat! Iā€™m not sure if I am getting more wimpy or what! Andi thought it was wild but not like the back!

BTMRR is a different ride at night. It just seems so much wilder.

He turned at the same time as her and she tripped over his foot! She went down on the hard cobblestone. She landed right on her hip! It was awful to witness! I felt so bad for her! I had Andi run and get the CM and I talked with her. She could not get up without significant pain in her hip, yikes! I think she may have fractured it! The CM came and I told her she needs to get the EMT staff. They arrived pretty quickly and we left the lady in their hands. This put a damper on our fast paced evening. Andi said she felt sick to her stomach and I just felt sad!

Oh no this is terrible. I'm so glad you were there to help her. Danielle says she has to call Reddy Creek at least once a shift.

I sent this one to my husband and said I like your spaghetti and meatballs better. He told me I was strange, lol šŸ˜

This is soooo cute! I love it!

The ride was comical because the drunk lady kept trying to wake up her drunk daughter or friend and she was passed out!

OMG! I'm sure you'll never forget this ride on Small World.

We started to head out of the park, there was still about 45 minutes left of the EMH but we were done!

You did great with your stacking and got so much done. Definitely time to rest.
Wow you had the best time in MK (thanks in part to genie no doubt). I love, love love that first sight of the castle as you walk down Main Street! Totally gets me choked every single time!
I also love the classic rides and PPF is my all time favourite so at least we can still be friends šŸ¤£
Feel so sorry for the poor lady and her son. Iā€™m sure he felt awful too. Hope she recovered quickly. Such an awful thing to happen.
I laughed at the tipsy ladies on IASW though some in my family ( not me-I love it)might think they had the right idea as to it being the best way to enjoy it šŸ˜‚
Iā€™m sure you and Andi didnā€™t need ricked to sleep this night! You packed so much in. I love Andiā€™s hair btw. It looks different than in past reports. It really suits her :goodvibes
Wow, you got a lot of MK attractions done in one evening/night! It makes me really excited to take the kids since we have Genie +. But really good tip about keeping the locations of the attractions in mind!

Oh dear, hope the woman who fell is okay. That must have been terrible to witness.

Well that sounds like a memorable IASW experience. :rotfl: You kind of expect that at night in Epcot, especially during festival season, but not as much in the MK.

15-20 minutes for Mine Train is great!
You two did so much on this day, between Universal and the MK!
Love that ride. Two best ways to get to MK are that and Monorail from GF.
I really enjoyed the boat ride to the MK area, really nice and never a long wait
The skipper makes or breaks that ride.
This is very true! There are some new jokes now which I enjoy!
Not cool, IMHO.
It is okay just different, to many monkeys in my opinion
Ah! That didn't occur to me either. Then again... POTC, PP and JC aren't that far apart.
I know some do not like going back and forth, we really donā€™t mind!
Then you really know me!
Yay! This PPF is a must!
Maybe the conductor was feeling a little more frisky than usual.
Wow, it sure was wicked, must be the darkness outside, added another element
Well... okay.
Is that a reflection on how poor the show is or just that you'd seen it fairly recently?
Both, :rotfl: We were not impressed with the new show. Seeing a few fireworks from the back was better than the show! I think that is why I liked just watching the fireworks from our balcony without the soundtrack!
Good of you to lend a hand, but... so terrible for her/them. Hopefully she was okay and just bruised
We felt so bad, sure hope she didnā€™t have a fracture
I'm sorry to hear that.
Haha šŸ˜† we look at it as a time filler and a way to rest!
Maybe they'd visited the missing Trader Sam before coming over.
They sure did and had straight rum! :drinking1:drinking1
Oh, boy. That would've been fun to see.
Getting on the ride with them, no thanks!
Yeah... I'm hoping not for me too. I'll pay if I absolutely have to, but...
Iā€™m thinking in August the price per ride maybe slightly less. If you stay at a deluxe the extra night hours are great to get this ride in.
There really is nothing like it!
Love Mainstreet and the castle!
I didn't mind the changes.
It is fine just a little overboard with the monkeys šŸ™Š
Love PPF! Always a must do for me!
Same, it is hard to imagine not wanting to ride this while in MK
BTMR is so much fun at night!
It really is a different ride at night!
Oh my goodness! Where were they that they could get that intoxicated in the MK???
Iā€™m not sure, I think they came in late for the extra hours so maybe drinking at their resort first??
It is such a cute ride!
WtP is another favorite!
Totally agree with you on this.
Nothing like the sight of the castle and walking down Mainstreet :lovestruc
Peter Pan is my favorite FL ride. My family does not agree with me especially DH, you may not want to ever meet him.
My husband and son arenā€™t a fan either, ugh! Even Andi isnā€™t a huge fan, she does appreciate it being such a Walt fan. I still have to talk to her and my family :rotfl:but I totally disagree with them!
Yes! Pirates screams Disney.
This is another favorite of mine and Andiā€™s, thank goodness šŸ˜…
BTMRR is a different ride at night. It just seems so much wilder.
Wow, it sure was feeling more wild this evening!
Oh no this is terrible. I'm so glad you were there to help her. Danielle says she has to call Reddy Creek at least once a shift.
I felt so bad for her! Sure put a big damper on their evening. I believe it, so many people it is inevitable
This is soooo cute! I love it!
Ahh thanks! My husband got a good laugh at his ā€œstrangeā€ wife!
OMG! I'm sure you'll never forget this ride on Small World.
It did bring a little excitement to the boring ride :rotfl:
You did great with your stacking and got so much done. Definitely time to rest.
We did! I think we did 20+ rides including Universal this day!
Wow you had the best time in MK (thanks in part to genie no doubt). I love, love love that first sight of the castle as you walk down Main Street! Totally gets me choked every single time!
We really did. We found MK the best bang for your Genie $$. We love walking into the MK, such magical feelings!
I also love the classic rides and PPF is my all time favourite so at least we can still be friends šŸ¤£
I knew I like you! :rotfl2:The classic rides are a must to get the whole Walt Disney experience!
Feel so sorry for the poor lady and her son. Iā€™m sure he felt awful too. Hope she recovered quickly. Such an awful thing to happen.
I know! They looked so happy spending time together in the park and suddenly the fun came crashing down :sad:
I laughed at the tipsy ladies on IASW though some in my family ( not me-I love it)might think they had the right idea as to it being the best way to enjoy it
I get that! I like IASW enough but I donā€™t need to ride every trip. I wish it had the Disney characters in it like DL! Experiencing it drunk, gives it a whole new perspective haha šŸ˜‚
Iā€™m sure you and Andi didnā€™t need ricked to sleep this night! You packed so much in. I love Andiā€™s hair btw. It looks different than in past reports. It really suits he
We sure did! Thanks for the compliment to Andi! I had a hard time with her cutting her long hair but I get it. I have never had long hair and it is a lot to take care of!
Wow, you got a lot of MK attractions done in one evening/night! It makes me really excited to take the kids since we have Genie +. But really good tip about keeping the locations of the attractions in mind!
We really did! MK is a great park to use the Genie+, it makes it worth the cost in my opinion. I know with younger kids it can be a lot of walking.
Oh dear, hope the woman who fell is okay. That must have been terrible to witness.
Really sad to see! I sure hope she is doing well!
Well that sounds like a memorable IASW experience. :rotfl: You kind of expect that at night in Epcot, especially during festival season, but not as much in the MK.
It was an interesting and long ride! The one slept the entire ride and the other lady had a hard time getting her out of the boat at the end!
15-20 minutes for Mine Train is great!
You two did so much on this day, between Universal and the MK!
The evening extra 2 hours for deluxe is really worth it, if you can stay up really late!
This is very true! There are some new jokes now which I enjoy!
I enjoy the classics... but the new ones crack me up. :)
I know some do not like going back and forth, we really donā€™t mind!
I don't mind going back and forth from Adventureland, Frontierland, Liberty Square and Fantasyland... there are enough shortcuts along the way...
But Futureland to anything (possible exception, Fantasyland) is a loooong haul.
Yay! This PPF is a must!
Both, :rotfl: We were not impressed with the new show. Seeing a few fireworks from the back was better than the show! I think that is why I liked just watching the fireworks from our balcony without the soundtrack!
Haha šŸ˜† we look at it as a time filler and a way to rest!
I look at it as a good time to listen to ACDC.

They sure did and had straight rum! :drinking1:drinking1
Getting on the ride with them, no thanks!
From a distance...
Iā€™m thinking in August the price per ride maybe slightly less. If you stay at a deluxe the extra night hours are great to get this ride in.
I am and I had thought about that.
What a great evening in MK!!

I'm really struggling with what to do about G+. $75 a day for our family is a pretty big chunk of change. Stacking the evening heading into the deluxe hours worked great for you guys!!! Maybe we'll try that on our MK deluxe hours evening in August. We're planning a chill morning to hopefully give the kids enough energy to make it through the full 2 late hours, so I could easily be stacking by the pool. :-)
I don't mind going back and forth from Adventureland, Frontierland, Liberty Square and Fantasyland... there are enough shortcuts along the way...
But Futureland to anything (possible exception, Fantasyland) is a loooong haul.
Same for us but it can get annoying going back and forth! I know families with small children must get tired of trekking back and forth! I think you can plan Genie+ to keep you in certain areas but more planning with this crazy system ugh!
I am and I had thought about that.
If it works out for you and DD, I would recommend doing the extra hours!
What a great evening in MK!!
It really was. The large crowds really didnā€™t bother us with our short waits!
I'm really struggling with what to do about G+. $75 a day for our family is a pretty big chunk of change. Stacking the evening heading into the deluxe hours worked great for you guys!!!
It does add up quickly especially with a larger family! I would definitely splurge for it on your MK day, I think it works the best there to feel like you arenā€™t getting ripped off.
We're planning a chill morning to hopefully give the kids enough energy to make it through the full 2 late hours, so I could easily be stacking by the pool
That works the best, just keep stacking as many as you can! What are your dates? We are there 8/29-9/6.
Same for us but it can get annoying going back and forth! I know families with small children must get tired of trekking back and forth! I think you can plan Genie+ to keep you in certain areas but more planning with this crazy system ugh!
The one thing I'm dreading... learning the new system... again.
If it works out for you and DD, I would recommend doing the extra hours!
What great use of your MK stacking for the night! Looking forward to hearing about your AK stacking day. We are planning an afternoon start there next trip and want to stack before arrival.
I love seeing the castle for the first time each trip, I really like the new paint job! So nice to skip the long waits in the evening, in my head I always hear the "Am I...better than everyone?" :hyper: I always get the PPF music stuck in my head, you can fly! Which then makes me miss HEA! Front row in Pirates is the best, front row on any dark ride is such a different experience! Glad to hear you had short waits on your lightning lanes, I keep hearing of LL lines being longer than standby and I'm like whaaat? That has never been the case for me! Without HEA, at least we can take advantage of the short waits during the fireworks. Oh no on the poor lady, that is my worst nightmare. That would really ruin a trip. I lost my ID in Disneyland and cried, I can't imagine dealing with an injury! Hooray for Dumbo at night, so pretty with all the lights. Nothing like lights out on it's a small world :laughing: Wow at you two hanging on until deluxe hours, that is a long day! So nice only waiting 10 minutes for WtP during the deluxe hours, that line is so awful during standby! We waited 45 minutes last trip for what we thought was a short line (it was 20 when we got in!) and it went down before we got on, luckily we were past the merge point and so we got anytime passes! I bet you passed out that night, what an awesome start to the trip!
What great use of your MK stacking for the night! Looking forward to hearing about your AK stacking day. We are planning an afternoon start there next trip and want to stack before arrival.
We really did! Andi was skeptical, haha šŸ˜† but she agreed this worked well.
Iā€™m still trying to adjust to the different way of touring. I thought the stacking went well at AK, stay tuned!!
This is my fave ride too. It makes me sad that it's so busy that it's often hard to get to ride more than once on a trip. I could ride it all day lol.
Same, it is sooo Walt Disney to me! You can fly, you can flyā€¦..šŸ’•
Funny about the drunks on IASW lol
It did give the normally boring IASW a whole new twist!


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