Star Wars Weekend Tips ~ 2011 Update

First let me thank all of you for sharing your stories.... This time next week Me and my wonderful family will be smack in the middle of SWW :goodvibes!
I have one question...when when I go to the tables at SD to sign my DD and DS up for Jedi training do I have to have them with me ??? can they just hang back with their dad??? or do they have to "walk fast to SD" Thank you for all your help !! :disrocks:
First let me thank all of you for sharing your stories.... This time next week Me and my wonderful family will be smack in the middle of SWW :goodvibes!
I have one question...when when I go to the tables at SD to sign my DD and DS up for Jedi training do I have to have them with me ??? can they just hang back with their dad??? or do they have to "walk fast to SD" Thank you for all your help !! :disrocks:

They have to be with you.
I wanted to thank you for encouraging us to make time for the Behind the Force show/talk. I thought that my kids might be bored, but they loved it. We saw the Behind the Force show 2nd weekend with Ashley Eckstein and the guy who does Yoda's voice for the Clone Wars. They were both awesome. He can do any voice under the sun. At the end of the show they showed a preview to Clone Wars Season 3, which was a real treat. Not to mention the comfy seats and A/C!

All of your advice was spot on, and so helpful in planning a great SWW day!

I'm so glad to help, any little knowledge that I've acquired during my years at SWW I would gladly share to make others a more enjoyable experience. Isn't Tom Kane awesome, these voice over guys are so talented. So I guess you'll start planning for next year...;)
Ok, here's my "brief" weekend 3 report: Today (Sat) we arrived at DHS at 5am, the line for Billy Dee Williams was long as expected, all the way down to the boat docks (the ones that go to the resorts) my son got in line for Ray Parks. Cool thing that happened was that Mulch, Sweat and Shears were doing sound, lights and fireworks check for Summer Nightastic dance party by the hat. So we got to listen and see all the cool effects. So we ended up with 2nd session for Ray Park, my son went in line again and got 3rd session for Dave Filoni and my daughter and I ended up with 2 stanbys for Billy Dee Williams (#31 and 32) not bad at all for the huge line.
At rope drop went straight for Jedi Mickey and R2MK. Minnie came out first at 9:30am and I asked the CM if I could let people go in front of me since I didn't want Minnie just Mickey and he said that they were not allowing it but if they didn't see it happen it was Ok :confused3
Anyways we let people go in front and got to meet Mickey and R2MK first when they came out at 10:15am, it was a long wait that I wouldn't do at any other time but first thing in the morning, the su was brutal but we got alot of cool pics not only with Mickey and R2 but Minnie came out as well all together.
Snack and water time and my kids went to see Ashley's show while I got spots for the parade, I'm not sure if I've said this but there's a spot outside of the Backlot Express where you can move chairs all the way to the rope and it's perfect 'cause you get shade, you get to sit in a chair and the cars that carry the stars stops right in front.
After parade went to see Stars of the Saga Q & A show, Billy Dee talked about Robot Chicken and they showed a really funny clip, he also said that he's doing more Robot Chickens next week, the pre show of this show is so funny, you have to see the stormtroopers explaining how the Fp's work, you have to see it, look for it on youtube if you can't come.
Off to meet Ray Park, cool guy and each year he seems to get buffer, went to Billy Dee Williams and we got in with our standbys, met the man, he wasn't very talkative, still friendly, signed our things, got a picture...relax time inside Backlot Express and lunch, then Dave Filoni, great guy, then off to get a spot for Hoopla.
Ok, I know it's been said like a million times but Disney needs to change the location for Hoopla, I got a spot at the ropes at 5:30 which ment that I saw 2 JTA and PMC before Hoopla. After the last JTA the CM asks everyone not to move while the fix the ropes closer to the stage (of course people start inching their way) and then it's a push and shove situation to the ropes, I saw little kids getting pinned to the ropes and people wouldn't take a step back when asked to. There was a family next to me that had waited a long time and ended up leaving cause they couldn't handle the heat and the crowds. It really needs to go to Premiere Theater or the Indy stage, it's just too popular for the small space by ST.
Hoopla was great, I always give props to all the performers that thru all their costumes and make up give it their all for our enjoyment.
That's it, next weekend it's going to be the: Time to say goodbye to all our Star Wars geeks M.I.C. see you real soon...well you guys know how it ends.
We were there Sat/Sun weekend 1 and it was almost unbearable, were there Fri weekend 2 (5/28) and it was better but still crowded IMO. I would say about an 8 or so out of 10 on that friday, the charecter lines got long quickly and if you have kids you can't really get to see Hoopla without waiting an hour and half or more before the show b/c all the adults crowding in and standing in front of them. We wasted time trying to see the show with getting a spot an hour before hand and it was just that, wasted time.

I was there last Sunday (May 30), yesterday (Friday 6-4) and today (Sat. 6-5). Just my impression, the least crowded was last Sunday, the most crowded today (Saturday). YMMV, it is hard to gauge different days by being different areas at different times, etc., but it seemed really busy today. Yesterday was gay day so that added a little.
Were any of you in attendance on Friday (6/3)? And if you were, did you get any pictures and/or video of the parade? DS was in it with all the Jedi kids, but since I was walking behind him in the parade, I wasn't able to get any pictures (other than holding my camera up over the heads of the parents and shooting in his general direction! Got some interesting shots when I forgot it was on zoom... some nice elbow shots!)
Disappointing yes, but they were staying true to charecter, if DV had started cheering and high fiving then other fans would have been upset. You can't please everyone. \

I'm not convinced that standing at the end of a cue line posing for pictures with tourists is true to character for lord vader, but i guess we have to draw our imagination lines somewhere.
We are arriving at wdw one day early, which means we will make the last day of sww on 6/13. My ds would love to participate in the padawan challenge. However he can't walk FAST. My understanding is he has to be there so neither my dh or I could go on ahead before him and sign him up... correct? If we are waiting for the opening and make our way to the sign up do you think it will be filled already? I'm just not sure how quickly these fill up. Thanks.
We are arriving at wdw one day early, which means we will make the last day of sww on 6/13. My ds would love to participate in the padawan challenge. However he can't walk FAST. My understanding is he has to be there so neither my dh or I could go on ahead before him and sign him up... correct? If we are waiting for the opening and make our way to the sign up do you think it will be filled already? I'm just not sure how quickly these fill up. Thanks.

I think that if you were at rope drop, as close to the rope as possible, and went directly there to sign up you would be fine. Most people are rushing to sign up for Jedi Training. Padawan Mind Challenge will fill up most likely by around 9:30.

When we went on Friday 5/28 my kids signed up for Jedi Training and then went to sign up for Padawan Mind Challenge. It was about 9:15 when we got there, and about 1/2 of the slots for each show were taken. We opted for the 5:45 show because we wanted to get a good spot for the parade, so the 11:00 wasn't a good time for us.
This sounds like so much fun!!

You have to be a fan of Star Wars, you get to enjoy and appreciate much more if you've at least seen the movies once...We love it, it's our favorite special event at WDW; even with the heat and crowds...of course, it wouldn't be a bad idea to move SWW to February or March.
Thanks for bumping I'm going to have to read from the beginning.
I am sure that some of this might be answered elsewhere, but I was getting confused between 2009 and 2010 procedures...

1) a. Are there fastpasses available for autographs? b. What time would you recommend being in line at the gate to get these (how many- 1 per person?) c. Any other details about autograph fast passes?

2) a. Is there Jedi Training sign-ups online or at the park only? b. What time would you recommend being at the gate for to ensure getting one of these (is there a specific time slot for this that you would recommend)? c. Is the sign up located by the Drew Carey Sounds Dangerous attraction? d. I understand that the child must be with you when you sign up, but do they need to be at the gate early as well?

I have friend attending and I did not know the answers.
I am sure that some of this might be answered elsewhere, but I was getting confused between 2009 and 2010 procedures...

1) a. Are there fastpasses available for autographs? b. What time would you recommend being in line at the gate to get these (how many- 1 per person?) c. Any other details about autograph fast passes?

2) a. Is there Jedi Training sign-ups online or at the park only? b. What time would you recommend being at the gate for to ensure getting one of these (is there a specific time slot for this that you would recommend)? c. Is the sign up located by the Drew Carey Sounds Dangerous attraction? d. I understand that the child must be with you when you sign up, but do they need to be at the gate early as well?

I have friend attending and I did not know the answers.

I usually arrived at 5am to get a fastpass for the actor, I was able to get one everytime. You can get one fastpass and one standby ticket per actor. When I got the first FP I just power walked around and got back in line for another actor. A standby ticket doesn't guarantee you'll meet them, if they have enough time and there's no more people with FPs left then they'll take some standby people.

Can't help with the second question.
Thank you for the information about the fast passes.

Anyone have info on part 2?...
2) a. Is there Jedi Training sign-ups online or at the park only? b. What time would you recommend being at the gate for to ensure getting one of these (is there a specific time slot for this that you would recommend)? c. Is the sign up located by the Drew Carey Sounds Dangerous attraction? d. I understand that the child must be with you when you sign up, but do they need to be at the gate early as well?
Thank you for the information about the fast passes.

Anyone have info on part 2?...
2) a. Is there Jedi Training sign-ups online or at the park only? b. What time would you recommend being at the gate for to ensure getting one of these (is there a specific time slot for this that you would recommend)? c. Is the sign up located by the Drew Carey Sounds Dangerous attraction? d. I understand that the child must be with you when you sign up, but do they need to be at the gate early as well?

a. sign ups are at the park not online
b. be there at rope drop and go directly to JTA sign up, the lines can get crazy for this an in a matter of 15min all slots are full during SWW. Earlier in the day are best because of the weather
c. It was last year, we don't know how it'll work this year during SWW
d. They need to be with you for sign ups, so Yes they have to be there at rope drop.
Hope this helps.


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