Sore losers

I play powerball every week. Would I have been happy to win the $230 million dollar jackpot, you bet. Am I disappointed, sad or mad that they didn't call my numbers. Naw, it's a game (contest), let it go. A whole lot of other things in life to be disappointed about.
I admit it, I'm a sore loser. I don't come to this board very often, because the few times I have, I kept seeing people talk about how over the course of their 7 day trip, their family had 2 dozen magical things happen. I love seeing good things happen to my friends and family, I'm not mean or begruding "in real life" I guess. But why would I want to hear about a bunch of strangers getting all of the stuff that I wanted and wanted for MY kids? We deserved it just as much as they did. "My child got a free ice-cream because he was so polite!" Well my kids are polite!

Please don't go off on me -- it WAS a dream vacation. I am 36 years old and I'd never been. I was raised on welfare by an alcoholic mother and her physically abusive partner. My husband is 33 and he had never been. He dropped out of 9th grade because the alternatives were either join a gang or get jumped twice a week because he wasn't in a gang, and his mom was too stoned to care. It is due to our own strengths and our own hard work that we will celebrate 11 years of marriage this summer, raising two intelligent, well-behaved (mostly) kids, and are finally in the financial position where we can take a nice vacation every now and then. I never dreamed I would be able to take my kids to Walt Disney World. Never dreamed it. So it WAS magical to be there, it was enough to be there, I didn't "need" the extras.

... But if there WERE extras there to be had... and I wasn't getting any, I don't think I'm a horrible person because I ddn't want to see other people getting theirs either. That's all.
well, one bad thing this promotion brings out is the ignorance in people.

In October, my kids were able to ride up front on the monorail. When they got off, a CM gave them a monorail card for riding up front. This guy getting off of the regular part of the monorail comes flying over and gets in front of my DD4 and says "so, what do ya got there, can I have one?" At this point, it was only natural for me to want to launch this guy down a flight of stairs, but at Disney, its supposed to be a happy place, so I supress my anger. Of course, suppressing that anger was even easier when the CM gave him a card and he looked at it and realized it was not a prize from the promotion. I am sure he felt really stupid. The CM also gave my DS4 a few cards, which was nice.

anyone else run into this kind of problem, or see someone not win and get all bent out of shape over it?
I play powerball every week. Would I have been happy to win the $230 million dollar jackpot, you bet. Am I disappointed, sad or mad that they didn't call my numbers. Naw, it's a game (contest), let it go. A whole lot of other things in life to be disappointed about.

:lmao: :lmao: I was thinking the same thing. (but the Canadian Lotto) I never win much ($73 once) but I keep playing. I wish I could keep going to Disney until I won! Fun thread!:rotfl2:
well, one bad thing this promotion brings out is the ignorance in people.

I don't think it's the promo that does...I think it's WDW in general. There are always people that feel the rules don't apply to them, some that think their family is more deserving than others, etc. We've witnessed several acts of rudeness during our many visits and I've found the only thing you can do is learn to ignore them.
I hate that people feel entitled to everything that someone else has. There is always going to be people with more than you. If you spend your life worrying about what other have that you don't have you have wasted your life.
I saw the people that won the Castle Suite yesterday morning. I was in the right park, on the right ride, and the right the wrong seat. Of course there was the initial 'AAAAAAAARRRGGHHH I was SO CLOSE' that went through my head, but in all honesty, I was glad to see it happen. Do I wish it was me? Heck, ya! But I was glad to see it happen at all and I didn't begrudge the winner...heck, I wanted to go over to them and say congratulations, but I also didn't want to cause problems so we silently wished them well and DD and I talked about it the rest of the day :goodvibes

The best advice I can give you is that doing good for others makes us feel good inside (and IMO increases the chance YOU will get some pixiedust but that's a different thread). So spread some cheer while you're here...take pictures, offer information, hold a seat...whatever you can do to help out and it will make your stay VERY magical...and what an example for our kids, eh?
I have been to WDW once and Disneyland about a dozen times since the promotion started, and most of the time I honsestly don't even remember that the promotion is going on. I'm just having too much fun to think about it!

I can't see what the big deal is about admitting that you'd be a little disappointed if you didn't win anything.

Sounds perfectly normal and refreshingly honest to me.

No one's saying it would ruin their trip, but I think it would be human to feel a little twinge.
our familys dream wil be granted when we make it to disney this fall and see the kids faces light up that is a dream disney can't hand out :thumbsup2
It appears to me that the majority of the 'sore losers' are ADULTS!! Rarely do kids have their nose out of joint about this, they are so taken in by everything that surrounds them. Is it even possible to be happy for someone elses good fortune these days?
What makes winning something exciting is when you do not expect it.

That was the way I felt. We were there in Nov. stayed at the WL. And got a free upgrade to consierge level. We were happy the whole time.:banana:

We went there not wanting to win anything.
To me the moment I arrive at Disney World I have won the lottery of life! I'm with my family for 17 days of nothing but family fun. There is no place on earth I'd rather be with my family.

To me, Disney is all about those special moments. Sometimes they happen sometimes they don't. One year we arrived in MK on our first day of our vacation and a CM came up to us and asked us had we rode Splash Mtn. We said we had, but not on this trip that we had just arrived. The line to Splash was really long, but she took us through the exit and we got right on the ride. It's a memory we hold dear to our hearts.

I cannot imagine anyone being sore because they didn't win a prize? I have been so happy and excited reading all these wonderful stories of people winning special "memories" and "moments". Disney is a huge place and your chances are not that great that you will be in the right place at the right time. But..........I'm excited that the chance exists. I'm excited to know that mabye something can happen.

Please try to look at this in a positive light and not be sore. Your going to be in the happiest place on earth. Plus if you go with the negative energy, you won't be open to have good things happen to you. I really believe in positive attraction.
What the crabby yet loveable one said ;).

We were down in the fall and were hoping to win something but really were hoping to at least see someone else win. Well, we didn't see anyone actually win but we did have a couple of "magical moments". My son got a tour of the control tower in SM on his birthday and they then took us to the front of the line and he received a certificate after the ride (BTW - he was 31).

At DTD, we were shopping in Goofy's kitchen and were approached to do a taste testing of some new fudge flavors. We got to decorate paper hats and then taste test four different flavors of fudge. We received a certificate when we were done.

The main thing is to remember to be open to the little things. If we had said no when asked, we would never have had a "magical moment" at Goofy's kitchen.

One other thing we did was to find something every day to make someone else's day magical. We would give away fast passes, let someone ahead of us in line, etc.

We didn't get anything "big" (I would have loved a set of ears) but we still had the best time being at WDW.
It appears to me that the majority of the 'sore losers' are ADULTS!! Rarely do kids have their nose out of joint about this, they are so taken in by everything that surrounds them. Is it even possible to be happy for someone elses good fortune these days?

Just because I admit jealousy, doesn't mean I didn't smile when I saw the castle winners on TV! C'mon! It is not like I spent my vacation in a funk tossing melted mickey bars at fastpass winners!

As for the sore losers being comprised of mainly adults - well, yeah! My kids had no idea a promotion was even going on - I certainly didn't tell 'em that other kids were getting prizes and special perks!
I've thought about this because we were there a few weeks ago and we didn't see anybody win in 5 days. And even though I wasn't a winner, I was disappointed because the commercials do make it seem like the Dream Squad will be everywhere. I would be happy to see someone win, and except for the Castle overnight which I would love, love, love, I think I am "adult" enough to say good for them. And even with the Castle, after 1.3 seconds, I would still say good for them! :) But, I know the part of me that would like to win something is because I plan all the details for every vacation we've ever taken and to win anything at all would be a surprise for me. After surprising everyone for birthdays, anniversaries, first trips and every other reason, it would be fun to be on the receiving end. Not because I deserve it -- I love surprising people! -- but because there is something magical about the unexpected. So do I need anything extra? No. I thank God every single chance I get that I am at DW enjoying the beauty. But would I like to be a part of the YOMD? Sure, why not?
We were in Disneyland early December, it was raining pretty hard that day and it was cold. The park was very empty, every ride was a walk on all day. So naturally this was the day we were given the Dream Fastpass, probably because no one else was in the park to give it to :rotfl: ! DS and DD wore them proudly around their necks, but seriously...they never had to use it. It was still nice to get something.
OK have to admit was a little disappointed I didn't get one wish! I did see a few being given and I will admitt was totally jealous over the castle stay but hey never mind. I'm going again in May so you never know! The Dreamfast pass mind you would have been a waste on me because I don't do any rides faster than Journey into Imagination anyway so most of my rides don't have fastpasses but I would have liked something just to say I got something. Good on everyone that did though! Maybe I will join the wining group in May!


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