Somewhat off topic

Nope, never. I want to see it with my own eyes. It would completely ruin the magic for me. I like to know the general concept of the ride, so I may read the description on the website, but never ever watch a video of it.
Nope. Ruins the ride if you already know ahead of time.

If I don't know about a ride I'll just read what it says on the website. "Dark boat ride", "coaster", etc.. I want to be surprised and take in a ride myself the first time I ride it
I watched some ride videos before I took my DD to WDW for the first time so I could get a read on what rides she'd like and which we should pass on. It had been about 8-9 years since I had last visited so much had changed and I wanted to be prepared.
I'll watch on ride videos of rides I've already ridden or if it's something that just isn't my style but it's new OR if it's in a theme park I'll probably never go to (ex. Disneyland Paris). I have, avoided as much detail as possible for FoP, though.
I have never watched a ride video BUT that kind of stuff doesn't bother me. I am all for being immersed in the magic & the Disney bubble, but not if it's going to bother you to the point where you can't enjoy yourself because of the anticipation.

Now if I was a parent & had a child with issues or fears I would definitely watch the video myself (and even with my kid if they wanted) so we could decide & be prepared.
I love ride videos. The real thing is always better of course, but I think I'm more prone to disappointment if I don't know the rough length of the ride or how many show scenes there are, etc. Especially with how short the new rides have been lately
I like watching ride videos and do it a lot, even though they make me terribly nauseous and I always kick myself afterwards. :crazy2: Just the bouncing motion of someone filming as they walk is enough to do it. But....that is sort of exactly why I watch them too. I'm extremely sensitive to rides and motion, and the thought that a ride could have some unwelcome surprise in it is far worse to me than any "spoiling" that might occur. I don't feel like it ruins the ride at all for me, in fact I think it heightens my anticipation and gives me things to look forward to. When I was little I scoured over every WDW brochure before our trip, eager to soak in each picture and detail of what was to come! Now I do it with ride videos. :D Watching a ride is never the same as actually riding it anyway.
I do watch them, especially in 4K, however I never watch something I haven't experienced in real life first. I might take a very quick peek, but never watch an entire ride through. I have remained spoiler-free on the Pandora rides. This goes for shows like Happily Ever After too. Once I see it, I will probably download the soundtrack, but until then, I'm going in sight unseen.
I just did because I hate drops. So I watched the videos for 7DMT, the rapids at AK and Thunder Mountain to see if I can ride them next time. I think I can but I need to watch the videos again.

I seriously am having so much anxiety over this that I'm having weird dreams about it.
I will watch again and again until I feel better about the drops in those.
I love watching them as it gets me so excited just build the anticipation for me; as once I see them I can't wait to see them IRL.

Although now these video have become invaluable as my child has ASD and is non-verbal so I can show him the rides beforehand and gauge his reaction and it seems to work as he loved every ride we've ever taken him on.

But I think it is a great idea for people to watch them before had if they're unsure or are anxious as once you're on a ride it's very hard to get off it if it's not right for you. Forewarned is forearmed :tongue:
Yes and no, I check rides on youtube but usually skip through them to get a taste of what it is. Small World, Pirates and Frozen are all indoor boat rides but that's it. Jungle Cruise is also boat ride but not really like the others.

Pirates in Shanghai is one of the few I fully watched.

I don't watch out of anxiety issues but more to get excited for a new ride/show. The knowing of what is ahead makes it easier to look forward to something.

And I check shows and parades to figure out where to sit/stand.
I just did because I hate drops. So I watched the videos for 7DMT, the rapids at AK and Thunder Mountain to see if I can ride them next time. I think I can but I need to watch the videos again.

I seriously am having so much anxiety over this that I'm having weird dreams about it.
I will watch again and again until I feel better about the drops in those.

I am what I consider a ride wimp and 7dmt is my new favorite

I am almost reconsidering riding fop does it go upside down like Harry Potter
I am what I consider a ride wimp and 7dmt is my new favorite

I am almost reconsidering riding fop does it go upside down like Harry Potter

Flight of Passage does not go upside down. It couldn't with that restraint system.

Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey also does not go upside down, but you do kind of hang forward or lie on your back at times, so it might feel like it.
My two DD and I especially like to watch the VR versions of rides. Both daughters (and myself) get nervous about rides/drops/speed and it gets us comfortable to the point of not being nervous about the unexpected during the ride and just being able to enjoy it. If people enjoy watching the ride videos, I strongly suggest buying a cheap VR set and watching those videos. SOO much fun.
I usually watch videos because in my case the videos are never as good as the real thing. And I get an idea what to expect.

I watch tips for high score on Toy Story Mania right before I leave to go to WDW. Last time, I got to be a "cat" one time! Whooo hoo! (I have low expectations.)
My granddaughter is watching every video she can find before her first visit in November. She is getting very excited. I am
experiencing a great deal of pleasure watching her, watch the video’s.
Yes, no, maybe, sometimes. I love the magic but I also have terrible vertigo, so if I can mentally prepare myself for the angles and drops, I stand a better chance of NOT having a panic attack!


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