Something About Nothing............ #14

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Rainy on and off for us.
Going to be mid 90s this weekend in Orlando so lots of water and light clothes for us. A little rain forecast so it will be the typical muggy blistering hot summer in FL.
Getting really stoked watching the updates every week for Epic Universe.
Ah, that commute, was almost so fast, but for the huge line entering with me, long enough, I was not going to wait for another light, as blocking the intersection. Glad the line moved just enough as the light changed. Then, favorite parking spot. And quiet is the office, with me so thirsty, made tea, before I booted up.

Back to that routine three week day commute, with yay, shortest day, and a payday, is this Friday. Why a yay? Well, it is a Friday before a holiday Monday and the 59 minute rule was given for this Friday. Woot. Woot. Means Friday afternoon I only have to be online only for an hour and a minute, and will be having that double long lunchtime break Friday too. Another woot!

But as we are almost at that mid week, no jacket, even though 61 said the thermometer outside my door. Partly cloudy as I drove in that almost bright predawn time. 5:39 am sunrise, so early, and even more, as we get that ever so much closer to the summer solstice toward the end of next month.

And have my sunglasses ready for that lunchtime walk in what weather lady said, will be glorious sunshine as clouds go away, by mid morning. And ooh, so sunny this time of year, means wearing suntan lotion. Guess I should keep a face one in my desk. Even with a half hour walk, I think I could still get some pink on my face. And yay, by the time of my lunchtime walk, phone weather app says will be 78 degrees. Woot! Warm day. High in the late afternoon is 84.

With all that weather and week day routine talk, it’s a Taco Tuesday today. Right? Yes. The day we say, yay, a taco or two is on the menu today. Visit a Taco Bell, or other taco place. Well, even just think of a taco today, if not on your today menu.

Back to that tea, as still feel thirsty, and almost ready to put on my sweater jacket. Office feeling almost too cool.

And so, wishing all a Most Terrific 🌮 Taco Tuesday.

Hehe, and camel better bring his own sunglasses, as weather lady said we will be close to 90 as our high tomorrow. Yay, taste of summer type high temp tomorrow. Woot! Week of mostly high temps, all not below 80 degrees.
Have been out all day enjoying the 85/feels 94 degree weather.

Came in house for a break & see that there’s been a 3rd HHN house announcement in as many days. Feast or famine indeed. Will wait a few hours to grill out some sirloins I found deep in freezer, make a couple of ears of corn & call it dinner.

Quick good evening post. Nothing much going on around her except for the usual insurance issues.

Anyone have weekend plans? We are supposed to have rain all weekend. Dh left today for a conference in Texas. B and I are both off work tomorrow, so we are thinking about having a movie day.

Hope everyone is doing well.
Quick evening stop in!!!

Had a very busy long weekend. Drove to the city to watch gd for kids so they could have a little staycation for their anniversary. The gd and I had a blast. Favorite meals, park time, lots of crafts, movie nights and we even made some cake pops! But this Grammie was tired after that!. But we had a blast. I loved every minute of it!

Weather is still on the cool side. There were frost warnings over the weekend - there was a snow /rain mix as I was on my way out of the city Friday night. Today was supposed to rain - no rain - but still cool. The forecast for the weekend is looking a bit better. Fingers crossed some warmer temps.

Our great-grandson grandson graduated from High school yesterday evening. We are so proud of C. He has already been accepted to the University he wants to attend. His major will be Chemical Engineering. He is a smart young man and we know he will do well.

I was able to watch little J for two half days this week. Yesterday morning it was wet and rainy so going to the park was not an option. So I took him to an indoor play area called Deep Blue. It is an underwater themed play area. He loved it and had a good time.
What a great accomplishment for your gs! That is definitely something to celebrate.
Yesterday, we broke our # of tornados per year record in PITT. Creepy afternoon, repeated tornado warnings blaring on the devices. Had four of them all in. Closest set down 15 min from us @ the zoo, no animals or people harmed. Lots of big trees and property damage yet, only a F-1. However, they were moving so slowly, caused issues
Yikes! I'm glad you're safe. But how scary!
The car situation - the girl’s car wasn’t brand new. My guess is that she purchased it privately and didn’t need to show proof of insurance. The white line in this picture is the extent of the damage done to my car
Sigh...the number of people who try this mind blowing.
Made a new friend in back yard yesterday.
Nope....nope nope nope
We don’t have a basement for protection so shelter in a closet when the sirens are blaring.
I pray you don't have to find shelter.
Pumpkin - big game tonight for Edmonton, your team?
:cheer2: They did it!!!! It was great to hear La Bamba play when hearing the recap. I thought the last 5 minutes of the game dh was going to have a stroke. What an intense last few minutes of the game. It was a great battle to watch.
And have my sunglasses ready for that lunchtime walk in what weather lady said, will be glorious sunshine as clouds go away, by mid morning. And ooh, so sunny this time of year, means wearing suntan lotion.
Love those daytime walks!

Well, I should get going. It's almost bedtime. I didn't sleep well last night - so I'm hoping to get some extra winks tonight.

Take care everyone!!! @schumigirl, I'm missing your posts
I am missing schumi’s posts too.

Sounds like you had a great weekend!
Bet you had great fun seeing your babies

There should be more grandmas like you as you love to spend time with them.

I got a lovely text from my daughter in law telling me she and our son will be coming to see us soon

I wrote back and said how many days do I get to play with their baby
Aw, being a grandparent is the best. So nice for grandkids to spend time with a grand mom, and how fun, Pumpkin, to have a little and me day. Yay for Mac, to enjoy son family visit, and new granddaughter coming soon. Woot! About time, after all those boys. lol

Ah that commute was fast enough, but was 15 minutes later than I usually do. Glad no real traffic until I got to the entrance. Why the guy in front of me decided to go hard right so slow as we got through the intersection, so I was like, move. That light is not that long. But as coming through entrance saw car turn into where I park. Ack, is he parking in my favorite spot? Ah, three spots from it. Yay, backed right in, and back to routine, with booted up quick today.

And forgot my sunglasses. Good thing little one leaves at least one pair in my car. Hence I swiped hers and put it in my purse. But who did I see, as almost after sunrise I started?


Ah, cool looking camel is here, to wish all, cover those eyes when so bright out on this hump of a day feeling Wednesday. You know, that mid week point where we say, get over today, and that fabulous Friday is then a day away. Woot! Wednesday feeling here. Also glad only one more commuter day, after today too.

Tea, and almost too cool inside. But like Keisha, warm weather we are having. Sun filled today, and 89 the high. Woot! Loving the warm. Monday, predicted high is 80, and overcast. No matter, hoping no rain, for our holiday picnic family fun. Kids are house sitting, so will come up on Sunday, to do some of the food prep, so sister won’t, as comes home in later evening.

But is mid week, so those relaxing days are not here yet. And so, then back to routine I go. With a wish for all to have a Wonderful Wednesday, today.
If you take care of things, they can last forever

Off to grab holiday provisions soon before storms roll in.

Hunt for pool shock begins. Appears many now skip buying traditional chlorine due to price bump. Fools, when their liners disintegrate & their own skin peels off, they’ll wise up soon enough. Too much?

Anyone have weekend plans?
Not one but, two Dave BDs will be celebrated with an all day pool party. Equates to I have to feed the gang lunch & dinner

Jr having his BD party with friends Saturday. I’m the defacto caterer. Waiting for head count before I finalize menu

I wrote back and said how many days do I get to play with their baby
Hope you got to count on your fingers & toes

Brush up on those rusty diaper changing skills lol.
get to play gma with the little girl
was hoping for a boy for them but it’s to be a girl
I was thrilled to get a GD after being out numbered for decades lol.
Keisha, my sister uses a saline based one. Not as harsh feeling as chlorine one. There’s a well stocked pool place near her home. And yay, the heater is ready to go. Sister showed little one how to heat pool. Set for 89 degrees. Bath water I say. Woot! For your pool party. Ours will be Monday. Gotta use the suits since breaking them in, when in FLA a few weeks ago.

Walk was lovely. Warm, so sunny, bluest skies, and the should still be a full enough moon again tonight.

Ah almost ready for another walk, as in another building about a half a mile away is where my meeting is. Then joy, right into another office meeting when I get back. Will make this afternoon fly by at least.
Good Wednesday evening everyone :wave2:


Yesterday, we broke our # of tornados per year record in PITT. Creepy afternoon, repeated tornado warnings blaring on the devices. Had four of them all in. Closest set down 15 min from us @ the zoo, no animals or people harmed. Lots of big trees and property damage yet, only a F-1. However, they were moving so slowly, caused issues
Wow….those are scary pictures.

thought this one interesting, never really touched all the way down to ground
It is strange how some of the funnels form then make it half way to the ground then disappear thankfully.

Here’s to clean margins for you:wizard: and a quick recovery.
Thank you. I’am hoping clear margins will be achieved without much digging.

Made a new friend in back yard yesterday.
Those are strange markings for a black snack. As long as it is not venomous.

Robo: Sounds like you had a great Mothers Day with the BBQ and family.
I hope your appointment goes well with Mohs. It helps if you have someone you like and trust.
Congratulations on your great grandson's graduation. Chemical engineering is a very in demand field:)
Thank you Ruth. We are proud of our children and grandchildren. It is a blessing to get to see them spread their wings and fly with their education and life in general.

My appt is in July for the Moh’s procedure. The doc is young and seemed really to have a handle on things. Which of course made me feel a bit better.

Next weekend is our granddaughter's wedding. It is being held out at a lake on the beach. It's a very small wedding and then they will reside about 120 miles away from us. I actually found a dress that didn't look like little house on the prairie, LOL. I find it hard to find any dresses that I like lately.
Congratulations to your granddaughter on her upcoming wedding. Glad to hear you found a dress to your liking.

My middle came thru on Mother’s Day remembrance :)
Beautiful red roses. So sweet of your son.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Rainy on and off for us.
Going to be mid 90s this weekend in Orlando so lots of water and light clothes for us. A little rain forecast so it will be the typical muggy blistering hot summer in FL.
Getting really stoked watching the updates every week for Epic Universe.
I saw a couple of folks sharing video on DreamWorks land. If I read correctly it is supposed to open on June 14th.

Anyone have weekend plans? We are supposed to have rain all weekend. Dh left today for a conference in Texas. B and I are both off work tomorrow, so we are thinking about having a movie day
We are going to a graduation party for my younger sister K’s grandson on Sunday. then barbecuing on Monday.

Had a very busy long weekend. Drove to the city to watch gd for kids so they could have a little staycation for their anniversary. The gd and I had a blast. Favorite meals, park time, lots of crafts, movie nights and we even made some cake pops! But this Grammie was tired after that!. But we had a blast. I loved every minute of it!
Sounds like a wonderful time you spent with your sweet little granddaughter. I bet she loved every minute of the time you spent with her.

I got a lovely text from my daughter in law telling me she and our son will be coming to see us soon
So good to hear you are going to get some grandma time Mac.

My second son and his wife are due to have their baby this summer

I get to play gma with the little girl
was hoping for a boy for them but it’s to be a girl
Congratulations on the upcoming birth of your granddaughter.

Not one but, two Dave BDs will be celebrated with an all day pool party. Equates to I have to feed the gang lunch & dinner

Jr having his BD party with friends Saturday. I’m the defacto caterer. Waiting for head count before I finalize menu
Wow…sounds like you are going to be a busy cooking this weekend. What’s on the menu?

We have been having strange weather here for sure. All the supposed “April shower brings May flowers” has been reversed a bit here.

We had a whopper of a storm at 3 am this morning with thunder, lightening and heavy rain. It is getting dark out now and looks like some more thunderstorms on the way.

Been busy trying to get some areas of the back yard in shape.

I did finalize my days for a quick week long trip to Universal at end of June. It will be a nice distraction to visit my happy place before my procedure in July.

I was using a voucher from canceled travel last year in June. Had to talk to airline as when I put voucher number in it would not take. So after 20 minute waiting online it was setttled.

I have been trying to keep up with the new information on the houses being released for HHN this year.

Will be interesting to see if it is as busy this year with no Stranger Things House.

I was online and checking for resort costs for upcoming trip in June and found my resort cost for my stay in September dropped by $28.00 per night. I made my ressies in March and was surprised to see the drop. Last year I made ressie end of February for September and I don’t remember price decrease at all.

Also was told that the construction at Portofino is expected to be finished in December of this year. Could be sooner if weather helps out. Was glad to hear that as I know a lot of folks have been upset with the construction. I know it has to take place as a lot of the older resorts are in need of a refurb.

Made hubby’s favorite cheeseburgers for dinner. He loves his hamburgers.

I watch little J tomorrow. I look forward to my time with him. He is so cute and creative. Thank you Lord for little toddlers that remind us of the wonders of the world around us.

Have a great evening everyone.
Robbie, sounds like you are all set up for your future trips at UO.
Good you can book your stays now and avoid the rush for booking your stay!

The parks get so packed at times.
Seems like the crowds grow each year for hhn.

Tomorrow you will have little J and a fun day with him.
An evening drive by.

Our casual gal was working today. She had such a busy April/May so far, she couldn't work any extra shifts. But it looks like from now on she will be scheduled at least once a week. So that she stays current with how to do things and know when policies and procedures change. It's nice to have someone else on the desk with me.

Stopped in at Home Depot tonight to check out their garden center. It looks like some of the plants may have some frost damage to them. But do you think they will mark them down????? Nope...not a chance yet. I'm stopping at another one tomorrow. Using my "points" I have accumulated using their store card - and won't have to drop a dime for the rest of the flowers/veggies I want to plant. I still need to find some cucumbers and a few herbs yet that I want to try this summer.

Another cool day again. It was cool and cloudy on my walk this morning. The sun finally peeked out a little after dinner. I do LOVE our long summer days. It's currently 9:30 and the sun still hasn't set yet. Love these days. It's not uncommon for people to play a full 18 holes of golf in these summer months here.

I wrote back and said how many days do I get to play with their baby
:lovestruc Grandkids are so much fun!!!! Enjoy all the moments you get with them when they are visiting!
Not one but, two Dave BDs will be celebrated with an all day pool party. Equates to I have to feed the gang lunch & dinner
Sounds like it will be a great celebration - with great food to boot!
Goodness Pumpkin, a frost warning almost in June. I do not miss that.
It doesn't happen often - but has. We have went camping on the May holiday weekend and woke up to snow the next morning. Which is why we don't usually plant gardens or flowers until after our long weekend.
Walk was lovely. Warm, so sunny, bluest skies, and the should still be a full enough moon again tonight.
Enjoy the warm temps. It's still cool here. I had to turn on the heated seats and steering wheel after walking around the garden centre tonight. My hands were so cold when I got back to my car.
I did finalize my days for a quick week long trip to Universal at end of June. It will be a nice distraction to visit my happy place
Sounds like a great way to help alleviate some of the anxiety for your upcoming procedure. I'll be sending you lots of healing mummy dust.

Well..I should get going. It's almost bedtime here.

Take care everyone!
Robo, see they sky was bowling again for you in the overnight. We too get rain chances today. Glad want when I commuted over an hour ago, and roads did not look or sound wet. So hoping the percent of area is so small, I’m not in it where rain to fall today.

Heard some loud sounds, not sure if it’s thunder or our building. Nope, was a windy start to rain falling, but horizon looks like this:

Ooh that rain is so noisy windy. Ting ting ting goes my metal overhang. Hopefully it washes my window, as then will remove the bird poop from it. So glad I came in before this burst of rain.

And Robo, continued good thoughts your medical procedure will go perfect. Nice to enjoy some park fun just before.

Well, just a short, noisy rain shower we just had. Two so far. Hoping my odds are good for not having what the weather guy said.

Though the earth says, stay wet this time of year. Except for poor Pumpkin, many enjoying that too warm days. Sending Pumpkin some warmth, so seat heater in car not needed. Lots are planted now, as here, time of year we rarely get into 30’s overnight.

Ooh raining again. More ting ting ting I’m hearing. So glad I’m inside, and almost ready to put my jacket on. Almost too cool, even with my hot tea.

Think rain is done? Weather guy in this early morning news said chances of a severe thunderstorm mid morning, as cold front trying to come into our Southern pump of warm air. Phone says stormy at 9 am. Guess I’ll look out my window. May be spectacular to watch a storm come in, as one year, saw a really good one from the big windows in Strong Water. Best to watch under cover or inside. Unlike my one yellow lab. He loved to be in a good rain, and no matter how much I called him, nope, no coming. So, I let him be, and had a huge pile of towels by the back door, when we had him, and his sister. They were great dogs.

Lastly, we are at a Thirsty Thursday. Do your part, and stay hydrated, even if not as warm as it could be. And have a Totally Happy Thursday today.

Woot! Not only short day Friday tomorrow, but a pay day one, and the end of my week day routine, before that holiday three day weekend. Surely will make next week even shorter, and taking next Friday off. Two three day weekends back to back. Why not? End the month with a three day week day routine. Woot!

Hehe, it’s a DH and me weekend. Kids are enjoying house sitting. And older one took off, so assume both kids are going to be so lazy today. On Sunday, will ask them to go to the big box store, and pick up some food items for me. Then they better be in helping mood, as want to stock the refrigerator with food for the party on Monday. Woot! For here it’s this weekend the shore says it’s open, welcomes the summer season. Yeah, and that sea water won’t be warm enough for me, until late in August.

Good morning all. Back to routine, and tea, I go.
Good morning. I did not want to be up this early but Caspian had other ideas. Today starts a 5 day weekend for me. I wish I had thought ahead and made some plans. We are supposed to get rain today, so staying in is probably the best option.

I am going to try to get back to sleep.
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Have been on the road since before 7:30 am. Visited country grocery for one of their big meat sales today. Look at those prices! 2/3rds off the going rate here for decently thick, quality beef woohoo! Yep, loaded up on pop too lol

Next stop the opthamologist. Was there over two hours for this & that, back in August for more testing. just now dilation subsiding enough to read. I’m still not sold on the new lead guy that took over my long-term dr’s practice there when he retired.


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