Something About Nothing............ #14

Hate bug bites, Keisha. Had a bug bite in my arm, and it swelled some. Took allergy medicine, and seems the swelling has gone down. Think I’m allergic to some bug bites and really swell up if a bee sting.

Tea as house now feels a bit cool, even though rest of family complaining it’s too warm. So ready for lizard weather here. Rain to come now Friday, Saturday and Sunday. In other words, not a nice weather weekend
Think I’m allergic to some bug bites and really swell up if a bee sting.
I have a theory that, over the last decade, run of the mill bug bites (mosquitos even) have morphed into often developing into big welts & infection.

I developed an allergy to wasps after being stung repeatedly in my late 30’s, after one flew down into my bathing suit Wound up in ER with breathing difficulties, never a reaction for me prior. Within a day had signs of blood poisoning in that area, back to ER I went.

I’m very cautious now. Carried epipen for years. Problem is they are so sensitive to heat etc., decided better to just always have Benadryl on hand. Be careful, as the reaction can often increase for you over each bee sting.
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Another beeutiful day in my ‘hood. one of those amazon warehouse auction sites popped up 3 miles from my home. Uh oh :) I predict a long & happy relationship

already picked up one of those beach tarp things I had been eyeing for 2/3rds off. so much easier than hauling one of those heavy umbrellas. Hope to get a lot of use out of it this summer. Today, off to grab what appears to be new in box carpet scrubber for youngest DS. He ahem needs one after watching my dog so many times:rolleyes1.

If not, we get our just desserts…20 lashes with a wet noodle.;)

I’ve read that a couple of times…now, time to go cook bacon instead of the yogurt I was aiming for today. is that the one at islands? Sounds fancier than last I looked at menu. When there that time period, always departed on Mother’s Day, proper. Never had a chance to try it.

I’ve some that were downright nasty at other places, had sworn off them until you recommended.

Isn’t it nice to have a long enough vacation that you can just putter around as the spirit moves you? I’ve envied you and Mac for having that sort booked. :thumbsup2

Tree pollen is thru the roof here this week. I just checked for giggles, grass pollen is high in MCO right now. Was wondering if something was indeed blowing in the wind that was triggering you.

Hope you enjoyed that bacon…….much better than yoghurt! It was Amatista we went to again, Islands is almost identical though. It was very good!

Yes, grass pollen is the one that kicks my butt in the UK, so I’m guessing the same over here is affecting me for the first time.

Love a donut burger!!

I have never experienced hay fever but I’m sure is it a lousy thing to have

Schumi enjoy your morning sunrise!
It makes the park day more relaxing

Thanks mac…….I do like my early mornings watching the sunrise, it’s much later than we have sunrise in the UK, so its lovely to see.

Quick morning stop in :wave2:

I am enjoying the sunshine this morning. I even had to put my sunglasses on to drive to work! It's been a hot minute since we have had sunshine like this! I will be soaking it all up.

I did get to the gym last night. I am trying something new on the dreadmill. Walking at a steady incline (of 5) lol. My lower back and legs definitely feel it today. I had to break up the 30 minute session into 2. I did two 15 minute sessions with a 3 minute break (slower pace and no incline) then finished off with a another 15 minute fast walking session. I am needing to up the intensity. I will slowly work my way up with no breaks and higher incline.

Enjoy!!! It sounds like your having a wonderful time! I can't wait to hear your trip report!

OOOOOO. That could be dangerous.

Yikes!!! I am waiting for pollen season to arrive here too. Older ds and I are always medicated. I have pills stashed for us everywhere. home, vehicles, desk purse ::yes:: I would rather have it stashed everywhere and have it go past it's best before date...than NOT have it when we need it. It has come in handy having it in my stash spots. It seems the whole summer is pollen season - especially if we are out in the bush or out camping/fishing.

WOW...sorry you didn't get the money. I would have given our seats up for that amount.

Well, I should shuffle more papers.
Have a great day everyone!

Nice job on the gym pumpkin…….and yes we’re having a blast!

I’ve never needed much in the way of meds until last couple of years, fingers crossed it doesn’t get worse.

I have a theory that, over the last decade, run of the mill bug bites (mosquitos even) have morphed into often developing into big welts & infection.

I developed an allergy to wasps after being stung repeatedly in my late 30’s, after one flew down into my bathing suit Wound up in ER with breathing difficulties, never a reaction for me prior. Within a day had signs of blood poisoning in that area, back to ER I went.

I’m very cautious now. Carried epipen for years. Problem is they are so sensitive to heat etc., decided better to just always have Benadryl on hand. Be careful, as the reaction can often increase for you over each bee sting.

It’s funny, I never developed hayfever till about 8 years ago, changes in farming around us and higher production of rape seed which is a massive irritant, I blame that for most of mine along with grass/tree pollen. Not fun.

That must have been a scary thing…….

Such a lovely day today, well, every day has been lovely so far. Enjoyed dinner at Coopers Hawk Winery tonight, it was beautiful and somewhere we’d go again.

Popped up to Bar17 in Aventura Hotel, still not a fan…….now chilling in room with new bottle of wine. Another late-ish night for us.

Watching tv and howling at the adverts for medications, they always make us laugh…..side effects include “fatal death” lol…….and that’s only one of the serious ones! Might stick to the illness instead……..

Still not decided what we’ll do tomorrow…….will decide tomorrow…..
Ah, good thing Schumi is drinking, given how warm it is there. Just in time to be a Thirsty Thursday today. Hope Schumi finds something interesting today. And enjoyment too, including some drinks from Strong Water.

Our sunrise is getting earlier and earlier. But I’m still up before the sun. Now about an hour and a quarter earlier, is my first look out the window as I get up. It’s not very bright out. Cloudy conditions all day, said the early morning weather news. But, yay, getting to finally see those warmer weather conditions. Still will see 70 degrees by late afternoon.

So, still a routine week day for me. So tea and screen. And back to oatmeal, as did not miss our sandwich and salad dinner last night. Oh, and a request for mashed taters, so we had them too for dinner last night. Nothing leftover, so easiest breakfast is what is usual for week day breakfasts. Oatmeal is not my favorite, but it does the job to make me feel full enough, and you can add sweet, fruit and more milk to make it more tasty.

Thus, with hope that all are having good health, and happiness, stay hydrated. It’s good for your body, and well take time today, to have that drink to sip thinking wahoo, Friday is tomorrow. Eh, even if Mother Nature saves her wet weather for Friday. Guess the ground needs some more quenching it’s thirst. So, it’s a Most Terrific Thirsty Thursday wish to you all.

And yay, good to hear from MonyK and great pictures of those chickens. Yeah. My neighbors were very sad to see the one chicken got caught up in the roost and hung itself. Broke its neck too. Sorry to hear you lost one of yours. Nice news about the kids and ooh all the rain you are having.

Yay for Pumpkin back to the gym.
couldn’t find my deep woods off spray, did rub on some skin so soft that usually does the trick in a pinch fo Rome. Let’s just say I look as tho i have the measles on my legs Older but, obviously, not wiser I am.
Hate the bug bites! Dtr and hubs can stand in swarm of mosquitoes and not get a bite but they’ll fly 18 million miles to find me! Skin so soft doesn’t work for me and found out (hard way) I’m allergic to it!
Benadryl on hand.
We have the liquid tubes you rub on the bites all over house and in bag. Son and I both swell hugely with any bug bite. Works great. Didn’t have my bag tube this past week (lol we treat the Benadryl like chapsticks) and got bit by something on drive home from work. Swelled huge welt over quarter of back, scabbed over -thought I’d have to get abscess drained but finally went down-no idea what got me!
Watching tv and howling at the adverts for medications, they always make us laugh…..side effects include “fatal death” lol…….and that’s only one of the serious ones! Might stick to the illness instead……
Sounds like you guys are having fun! Never did make it to Aventura bar! Prefer Swizzle lounge at CB or Strongwater over any other place. And always forget we have the wonky medical advertisements. They ah e to list every single symptom anyone might have experienced during trials so it does always sound horrible.

Didn’t sleep at all last night so working from home today vs hour comments each way-don’t do this often as it’s not really great in my job but once ina while isn’t going to hurt
Hate the bug bites! Dtr and hubs can stand in swarm of mosquitoes and not get a bite but they’ll fly 18 million miles to find me! Skin so soft doesn’t work for me and found out (hard way) I’m allergic to it!

We have the liquid tubes you rub on the bites all over house and in bag. Son and I both swell hugely with any bug bite. Works great. Didn’t have my bag tube this past week (lol we treat the Benadryl like chapsticks) and got bit by something on drive home from work. Swelled huge welt over quarter of back, scabbed over -thought I’d have to get abscess drained but finally went down-no idea what got me!

Sounds like you guys are having fun! Never did make it to Aventura bar! Prefer Swizzle lounge at CB or Strongwater over any other place. And always forget we have the wonky medical advertisements. They ah e to list every single symptom anyone might have experienced during trials so it does always sound horrible.

Didn’t sleep at all last night so working from home today vs hour comments each way-don’t do this often as it’s not really great in my job but once ina while isn’t going to hurt

Strong Water for us is the best bar in the whole of Universal Orlando and possibly the whole of Orlando, Bar 17 is not somewhere I’d recommend anyone to go visit apart from seeing the views. We went up last night just for some pictures, nope…..not for us.

Yep, having a blast thanks…….glad you’re doing ok.

Another hot and sunny day ahead for us…….weather has been so glorious for us, still Not a drop of rain anytime……..:)

Time to go for breakfast…
The weather has actually been amazing here in Orlando since I got here on Tuesday. I actually got chilly last night at Epcot before the sun had even gone down. It’s been in the 80s with a stiff breeze and low humidity for Orlando at this time of year. It’s actually warmer and more humid back home in Texas. It’s supposed to start the climb to real summer temps on Saturday here.

I spent an hour staking out my spot for pics of Spaceship Earth last night. I bring a seat cushion in case I need to kneel with my tripod for pics. Had the cushion on a curb and had a really comfy seat and rest for me knees, legs, and back after carrying around camera stuff for 2 days. It took me a while to get the tripod angle and height correct, because I wanted a really close in kind of abstract shot. I took pics for about an hour and a half with the various light patterns and moved the composition some without moving the tripod. So glad I bought that lightweight carbon fiber tripod. It’s amazing at holding the camera. I had the camera aimed up toward Spaceship Earth at about a 45 degree angle with one of our heavier lenses. The mount never moved or slipped even once. I have over 300 pics of just Spaceship Earth to weed through once I get home.

Will probably just take sunset pics at our hotel, Animal Kingdom Lodge, tonight, since we have to be on the bus to Animal Kingdom at 5am for the wedding. The parking lot won’t even be open yet, so we have to go over on a bus. Will definitely have to go to bed early. All those people who complain about park hours changing make me laugh. Animal Kingdom moved their hours to open a half hour earlier, which means my friends’ wedding has to start earlier. She didn’t complain once. Just apologized to us about having to leave the hotel earlier.

Husband and son should arrive tonight too. I won’t be doing as much photography once they get here. I try not to bore the family with my picture taking. Although, if we had another camera body, my husband would gladly join in.

Heading to Magic Kingdom today and then Disney Springs to buy treats for us and others and ice cream for myself.

There’s some strange noise coming from the savanna outside my room. I don’t know if it’s an animal noise or some sorting of tribal horn. I have been hearing off and on since I arrived.
That must have been a scary thing
honestly, happened so fast I didn’t have time to be scared, was more shocked than anything as so weird.
Popped up to Bar17 in Aventura Hotel, still not a fan…….now chilling in room with new bottle of wine. Another late-ish night for us.
Burning that candle, eh Lol love it
We have the liquid tubes you rub on the bites all over house and in bag
Oh no, not you guys too! I’ve run out, can’t find the ones I favor. White stick sort of thing with roller ball, pen shaped. Is there a brand you can recommend?
Bar 17 is not somewhere I’d recommend anyone to go visit apart from seeing the views. We went up last night just for some pictures, nope…..not for us.
it’s going to sound terribly cheap but, we’ve never been approached by a server there. were rather surprised TBH. Not sure if it’s because we gravitate to the side opposite the bar, proper or not. We always joke they don’t ‘want our kind‘ there
I spent an hour staking out my spot for pics of Spaceship Earth last night.
Wow, that’s dedication. Shamefully, haven’t lugged any of our ’good’ cameras on park trips for years. in my defense, those lenses get so heavy after a few hours. the one time I miss having a pack horse née stroller lol

bought our MNSSHP tix this year at at ‘amazing’ AP discount:bitelip: Suck it up butter cup.

Have been on hold with WDW for 1.5 hours. Noticed that one of our complimentary 1 day park tix went MIA in MDE account & need to arm wrestle with them yet again on this issue. every now & then the system will grab one of those we have floating around (granted for park issues/RoTR) instead of using our AP.

Pretty sure they haven’t restarted adequately to wear people down, I’m in for the long haul lol

have a great day all :)
Quick morning stop in :wave2:

Unusual morning for us. We have been on constant contact with bil since late last night. The town where they live (it is situated on the edge of Great Slave Lake and along a major river the routes water from the south into the Great Slave) have been under evacuation notice. His fiance works in HR for the health authority there, so she is required to be there, so he stayed because of her. So far their home has not been flooded out. But his house with his ex-wife is now flooded as well as the downtown core which includes the RCMP detachment and firehouse and the old hospital are all flooded. There is a new community center that has not flooded (yet) and the new hospital/health unit have not been flooded yet. the new heath unit/hospital are the command center. Sigh. Oh and the airport is under water now as well. Just keep my bil in your thoughts that their home will be ok.

So far our previous homes (we lived there for 7 years before moving to where we currently are) have not flooded. All the river side properties have flooded (including dh's parents property they built) . They are expecting another big push of water to hit again sometime today.

I wonder if they will try to blast the ice at the mouth of the lake/river to help the ice/water get through.

Other than that...not much else new. I was hoping with some sunshine yesterday there would have been some leaf explosion on the trees...but sadly...nothing yet. My lilac tree is sooooo close to popping out the leaves. I thought maybe with the snow that the lilac buds might have froze, but when I was looking at it last night, I think they will be ok! If the sun keeps shinning today, I think the spring pop will happen today!

Got to the gym last night. It was nice and quiet - just the way I like it

Well, I should try to get some paper shuffling while my phone is quiet and hopefully can focus on work instead of all that is going on around me. Usually I don't have trouble tuning out regular life stuff...but this one, has me a little fluffed up.

Have a great day everyone.
Will say a prayer for your BIL and all the others effected by the flooding, Pumpkin. Scary, and sad when buildings are underwater. Lives are more important though, and hope no one hurt or died from the flooding.

Afternoon is crawling, but had a big lunch with fries and chicken tenders in our air fryer. I’m still stuffed.
Pumpkins - Oh my goodness, that is scary stuff, wish them all well

in honor of national limerick day (had to keep it clean, darn it:blush:)

Bucket list places abound,
But they’re not that easily found.
Antarctica’s pricey,
And Egypt is dicey.
Maybe save them for next time around

(and visit Universal :banana:)
The weather has actually been amazing here in Orlando since I got here on Tuesday. I actually got chilly last night at Epcot before the sun had even gone down. It’s been in the 80s with a stiff breeze and low humidity for Orlando at this time of year. It’s actually warmer and more humid back home in Texas. It’s supposed to start the climb to real summer temps on Saturday here.

I spent an hour staking out my spot for pics of Spaceship Earth last night. I bring a seat cushion in case I need to kneel with my tripod for pics. Had the cushion on a curb and had a really comfy seat and rest for me knees, legs, and back after carrying around camera stuff for 2 days. It took me a while to get the tripod angle and height correct, because I wanted a really close in kind of abstract shot. I took pics for about an hour and a half with the various light patterns and moved the composition some without moving the tripod. So glad I bought that lightweight carbon fiber tripod. It’s amazing at holding the camera. I had the camera aimed up toward Spaceship Earth at about a 45 degree angle with one of our heavier lenses. The mount never moved or slipped even once. I have over 300 pics of just Spaceship Earth to weed through once I get home.

Will probably just take sunset pics at our hotel, Animal Kingdom Lodge, tonight, since we have to be on the bus to Animal Kingdom at 5am for the wedding. The parking lot won’t even be open yet, so we have to go over on a bus. Will definitely have to go to bed early. All those people who complain about park hours changing make me laugh. Animal Kingdom moved their hours to open a half hour earlier, which means my friends’ wedding has to start earlier. She didn’t complain once. Just apologized to us about having to leave the hotel earlier.

Husband and son should arrive tonight too. I won’t be doing as much photography once they get here. I try not to bore the family with my picture taking. Although, if we had another camera body, my husband would gladly join in.

Heading to Magic Kingdom today and then Disney Springs to buy treats for us and others and ice cream for myself.

There’s some strange noise coming from the savanna outside my room. I don’t know if it’s an animal noise or some sorting of tribal horn. I have been hearing off and on since I arrived.

it’s been beautiful soniam……last week when we arrived it reached 101f, very hot, so this week has been perfect in the high 80’s. And yes, it’s to get hotter again……can’t complain. Loving that little breeze though especially today…..

Have a blast…….

honestly, happened so fast I didn’t have time to be scared, was more shocked than anything as so weird.

Burning that candle, eh Lol love it

Oh no, not you guys too! I’ve run out, can’t find the ones I favor. White stick sort of thing with roller ball, pen shaped. Is there a brand you can recommend?

it’s going to sound terribly cheap but, we’ve never been approached by a server there. were rather surprised TBH. Not sure if it’s because we gravitate to the side opposite the bar, proper or not. We always joke they don’t ‘want our kind‘ there

Wow, that’s dedication. Shamefully, haven’t lugged any of our ’good’ cameras on park trips for years. in my defense, those lenses get so heavy after a few hours. the one time I miss having a pack horse née stroller lol

bought our MNSSHP tix this year at at ‘amazing’ AP discount:bitelip: Suck it up butter cup.

Have been on hold with WDW for 1.5 hours. Noticed that one of our complimentary 1 day park tix went MIA in MDE account & need to arm wrestle with them yet again on this issue. every now & then the system will grab one of those we have floating around (granted for park issues/RoTR) instead of using our AP.

Pretty sure they haven’t restarted adequately to wear people down, I’m in for the long haul lol

have a great day all :)

Yes, I think I’m too old to burn that candle at both ends, but I keep trying……lol…..

Don’t let them beat you down!!!

Quick morning stop in :wave2:

Unusual morning for us. We have been on constant contact with bil since late last night. The town where they live (it is situated on the edge of Great Slave Lake and along a major river the routes water from the south into the Great Slave) have been under evacuation notice. His fiance works in HR for the health authority there, so she is required to be there, so he stayed because of her. So far their home has not been flooded out. But his house with his ex-wife is now flooded as well as the downtown core which includes the RCMP detachment and firehouse and the old hospital are all flooded. There is a new community center that has not flooded (yet) and the new hospital/health unit have not been flooded yet. the new heath unit/hospital are the command center. Sigh. Oh and the airport is under water now as well. Just keep my bil in your thoughts that their home will be ok.

So far our previous homes (we lived there for 7 years before moving to where we currently are) have not flooded. All the river side properties have flooded (including dh's parents property they built) . They are expecting another big push of water to hit again sometime today.

I wonder if they will try to blast the ice at the mouth of the lake/river to help the ice/water get through.

Other than that...not much else new. I was hoping with some sunshine yesterday there would have been some leaf explosion on the trees...but sadly...nothing yet. My lilac tree is sooooo close to popping out the leaves. I thought maybe with the snow that the lilac buds might have froze, but when I was looking at it last night, I think they will be ok! If the sun keeps shinning today, I think the spring pop will happen today!

Got to the gym last night. It was nice and quiet - just the way I like it

Well, I should try to get some paper shuffling while my phone is quiet and hopefully can focus on work instead of all that is going on around me. Usually I don't have trouble tuning out regular life stuff...but this one, has me a little fluffed up.

Have a great day everyone.

Yes, wish everyone well Pumpkin, how awful!

Pumpkins - Oh my goodness, that is scary stuff, wish them all well

in honor of national limerick day (had to keep it clean, darn it:blush:)

Bucket list places abound,
But they’re not that easily found.
Antarctica’s pricey,
And Egypt is dicey.
Maybe save them for next time around

(and visit Universal :banana:)

lol…..guess the woman from Nantucket limerick is off limits too :rotfl:

Back in our suite to shower and change……had an on-site day today so we both enjoyed champagne for breakfast……much nicer than wasting it with fruit juice and calling it a Mimosa…….lol…..

No idea what we’ll do tonight…….they promised us a storm today, but it hasn’t appeared yet…..not looking like it will either.

Had a lovely day in the parks……EP lines were a complete walk on, so we did a few full lines just to get some pictures as they were short too otherwise it’s EP all the way.

Will head off to Club Lounge soon for a glass or two of red……then decide what to do tonight, but no driving now.

Happy Thursday…….
Went for a walk over lunch to soak up some of the sunshine. Drove to a little shopping complex to walk around there. It was a nice little break. I was surprised there was no wind. That area is usually windy. I will call the a double win!

Did lose a chicken a couple weeks ago. Princess Tiana. Think she mistook a jump or got frightened and tried to jump to far
It's nice to see you stop in again. Sorry to hear about loosing one of your brood. It sounds like you have a great graduation trip planned.
I developed an allergy to wasps after being stung repeatedly in my late 30’s, after one flew down into my bathing suit Wound up in ER with breathing difficulties, never a reaction for me prior. Within a day had signs of blood poisoning in that area, back to ER I went.
I have been saying the same thing. I react differently now than I did when I was younger - even to pesky mosquito bites. I am always packing allergy meds :laughing:
Such a lovely day today, well, every day has been lovely so far. Enjoyed dinner at Coopers Hawk Winery tonight, it was beautiful and somewhere we’d go again.
It does sound fabulous!
The weather has actually been amazing here in Orlando since I got here on Tuesday. I actually got chilly last night at Epcot before the sun had even gone down. It’s been in the 80s with a stiff breeze and low humidity for Orlando at this time of year. It’s actually warmer and more humid back home in Texas. It’s supposed to start the climb to real summer temps on Saturday here.
Enjoy all of the moments! You will have to post the pictures once you are done with your editing magic on them,
Have been on hold with WDW for 1.5 hours. Noticed that one of our complimentary 1 day park tix went MIA in MDE account & need to arm wrestle with them yet again on this issue. every now & then the system will grab one of those we have floating around (granted for park issues/RoTR) instead of using our AP.
I hope you got it sorted. I would be keeping close tabs on a " ticket" like that as well. I do have 2 non-expiring Canadian discounted tickets yet. I see them in my MDE and check frequently when I see other posts about funny things happening in the app.

Well, not sure what I am going to do to keep busy this afternoon. It will be a long one.
Pumpkin will be thinking of BiL and sending positive thoughts his way. Hope everything works out ok!
Yeah it’s a 2 year belated grad trip but pretty excited. Got our qUSS Arizona memorial tickets last night (they are gone within seconds) so we will spend morning kiddo flies home at Pearl Harbor-as it’s evening flight should work out ok. Booked a tour at Kualo Ranch today -pretty excited to see where they filmed Jurassic Park!
Schumi is living my dream life right now. Sounds like weather and parks are perfect…

Keisha will have to hear the R rated limericks sometime :rotfl2: What are your dates for HHN lol?

Lynne-our air fryer is in heavy use-along with instapot. Instapot mac n cheese last night. Won’t make it any other way now as it’s so fast and easy!

Soniam those pictures sound gorgeous!! Soft spot for SE as EPCOT was “my” park for my DCP waaaayyyy back in early 90’s…
I hope you got it sorted. I would be keeping close tabs on a " ticket" like that as well. I do have 2 non-expiring Canadian discounted tickets yet. I see them in my MDE and check frequently when I see other posts about funny things happening in the app.
Oddly enough the tix specialist suggested to set up a ‘friend’ in MDE where we should dump all our transferable tix. Seems odd but, idea is they won’t accidentally be used by the system when the person linked to them enters a park (Wanting to use other tix media, whether an AP or part of a multi day tix).

turns out the system is geared to use the smallest tix up first. Um, yea, sure, makes no sense. At least it did get sorted out
Got our qUSS Arizona memorial tickets last night (they are gone within seconds) so we will spend morning kiddo flies home at Pearl Harbor-as it’s evening flight should work out ok. Booked a tour at Kualo Ranch today -pretty excited to see where they filmed Jurassic Park!
Loved them both! recommend doing the boat over to the Arizona asap in the am before it gets crowded, then backtracking to tour the rest of the area. they had rules in place where I was glad to have my clear plastic ‘concert/sports’ bag to zip thru security. Details on website.

also, love Kualo Ranch, there’s so much to do there as to tours.

you will have a great time.
What are your dates for HHN lol?
shooting for 3rd week in September, possibly another long weekend in October. How about you this year?
Last edited:
Mr Mac was not interested in what I planned for dinner
He had a craving for Mexican food so off we went for it at 6:30

They have the best street tacos !

Sounds good mac…..I wish I liked Mexican food……but this lizard is not a fan…….lol……hope you and mr mac enjoyed it.

We had such a lazy night tonight……club lounge for a couple of hours and then decided not to head into the park as we just didn’t feel like it……we have plenty more nights. So spent some time in Strong Water for a couple of drinks and dessert.

Now sitting jammies watching some tv and chilling……:-)


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