Something About Nothing............ #14

Ah, older one wants cheesesteak mac and cheese. Okay, and little one will eat it too. Done, dinner decided. Off to make it.
Lynne is cheesesteak mac and cheese done in a dish? Rather than on bread? Forgive my not knowing but I’m always looking for tasty different meals suitable for our 3 generations!

Yes, Real, no roll. I make cheesesteak, with peppers and onions, then keep it in the pan, then make the mac and cheese, and then throw the cheesesteak into the mac and cheese and combine a little, and serve. It’s very cheesy, and I guess you could put it on rolls, but we just eat it in bowls. Sometimes I just add bacon to my mac and cheese, or whatever I have that little one will eat, though I can always keep her serving plain. We all like cheesesteaks and mac and cheese, so we combine them sometimes, rather than have the cheesesteak sandwich on a roll and the mac and cheese as a side serving. Filling.

Ah, Stormy Fay is long gone, and a sunny sunrise, with quiet, then, just now, with the sound of lawn mowers. A nicer, hot and steamy Saturday, that will have my car in the shop for new tires, and errands run and a pay my bill done.

Hope yours is lazier then mine. LoL

Ah yes, always nice to not move fast, and have a cup of tea in a quiet house. Car goes in the shop early this morning, so I am not sure I will have either kid with me. Maybe little one, as she wants to pick up an order that’s said to have come in, as the store is near the shop, and opens later, most likely by the time we will be done in the shop.

With that,

And, of course:

Good Saturday morning Sans family :wave2:


Good Morning Robo

Good morning Lynne :wave:

Say hi to your sister K. Miss saying hi to both of you in person. Was so nice of you both to meet and enjoy HHN with me.

I will tell K you said hi.....look forward to having a visit if our times coordinate during HHN...We were talking about our visit with you during HHN while we were on our way up to dads. We had a blast. What a fun night.

Robo drinking coffee

Have my HHN mug full of coffee this morning. Hope you’re tea is yummy.


I've been getting green beans but the zucchini isn't quite large enough to pick yet. My peppers all seem delayed too. I have bell, poblano, hot cherry and jalapeno that are all still tiny babies. We have been getting tons of lettuce though, which is good because we eat a lot of salads in general. I think the cucumbers will be ready to start picking either today or tomorrow. My herbs have exploded! I have tons of cilantro, parsley, dill, thyme, rosemary, basil and two kinds of mint.

Wow....sounds like a bountiful garden.

Went to the salon today and got my roots touched up

Now you have happy hair.

Hope he is able to come and y'all have a nice time together.

Me too....he needs to get away for a little while.

My friends tribute was so overwhelming. He was President of Southport Rugby Football Club and we estimated 1,000 people lined the route for the cortège past the club. The sun came out, police stopped all the traffic and his wife and 3 children got out of their car and walked behind him as they passed the crowd who clapped them through. He was such a dear kind man who will be very missed. Really makes you want to make the most of every day. Life is so precious.

What a wonderful send off.

Robbi - hope the memorial planning goes smoothly. Process can be so stressful

All went well just a few details to finialize.

Ah, Stormy Fay is long gone, and a sunny sunrise, with quiet, then, just now, with the sound of lawn mowers. A nicer, hot and steamy Saturday, that will have my car in the shop for new tires, and errands run and a pay my bill done.

Glad to hear the storm has passed you by Lynne

Happy birthday Elsaspiritanimal


It’s going to be another hot one here today. In the 90’s.

I need to get my desk in office organized and set up the new sewing machine I bought yesterday. Clean up emails etc.....not a lot to do, but it will keep me busy for awhile.

Have a great Saturday everyone.
Good Morning Robo, nice you have a new sewing machine, as I know you kindly sew masks for all.

At shop, little one did not stir, but I will see if she wants me to pick up if she left receipt in car. More trafficthan expected, as I guess with the rain yesterday, all out. I always give myself extra time. Was a good thing I did.

Haha, phone never told me when to leave, as it usually does, but just now, popped up, how long it will take to get home now. Um, I don’t think I see my car in the garage yet. Nor have my keys.
@Robo56 glad your planning went well. We hope to organise a family gathering - perhaps away for a night - in the Spring as an opportunity to share memories of my Dad. It was so sad having his burial with no tribute to him.

I’ve had the house to myself for the first time in months! Got so much done. Could do with a run to the tip but think we will go in the week when it will be quieter.

Hubs is back now and working on installing cctv around my daughter’s home. Sadly we’ve need of it after her ex has made a nuisance of himself - though not since we moved in!

One of our farm suppliers just put an offer on their lamb and I jumped on it so she’s delivering it later as a few to go to.

Chilli beef in the slow cooker as just us two for dinner tonight.
Good morning. Well, our plans for today got derailed. It seems like 2020 doesn't want us to take a vacation or eat Cuban food. The Cuban restaurant we were going to is closed due to some plumbing problems. Now we have to rethink lunch.

I have no idea what I will do today. I should probably do some laundry and shop for groceries.
Well, I blinked and today my ‘baby’ DS is 40 today. Time is fleeting indeed. BD socially distanced gathering at their club tonight with a make your own/tell the chef lol pasta bar. Indoor or outdoor seating on covered patio. I’m setting up camp in the furthest corner outside table

Hallmark new ornament day. I generally am not tempted having enough for 10 trees but, just couldn’t resist this bad boy! haunted mansion&oq=Haunted
. I think they look silly, but at least you can breathe.
Agreed, in a normal world, my fashion police sense has been greatly stretched this year lol

Good Morning Robo, nice you have a new sewing machine, as I know you kindly sew masks for all.
Imo Those masks are much trickier than it looks to properly make.
One of our farm suppliers just put an offer on their lamb and I jumped on it so she’s delivering it later as a few to go to.
Nice, would that be livestock or processed Just can’t develop a taste for it.
A very :bday::cake::bday::cake: to Janet`s baby boy..........



Hope your boy has a wonderful birthday today Janet.......and a lovely celebration to go along with it too!!!!


Busy day today, this is our lovely, relaxing night ahead........sangria, pizza take out and a good movie.......

Think my glass has slightly more in it.........😁 And there`s more where that came from......we often get asked why we always use a decent quality brandy in sangria.........why not!!! We always use a quality headaches with the good stuff!!

Happy Saturday.........
By day not date, 35 years ago today I was in Wembley stadium watching Live Aid. Saturday July 13th 1985.

It was an amazing show and the atmosphere was electric and probably will never be recreated again.......

The acts were a mix very good and excellent......but the highlight was by far when Queen came on.......the already charged atmosphere just seemed to quadruple when they came on and Freddie and Queen put on the best show ever! He was mesmerising.

Most of us then watched the whole show without taking a single just wasn’t a thing back one had a camera around us. We were sat up kind of near, but not close to where Princess Diana and Prince Charles best friend who’s family took me down with them‘s dad was involved in the show from Wembley who made sure we had seats and were looked after.

We never got to meet any of the stars, but we did see them as they wandered around towards the end. I can say I saw Freddie and George Michael from about 30 feet very close.

Lisa tried to get George Michaels attention to the annoyance of her dad, by yelling “George” out loud.......wrong George turned around and she’s yelling at not you......he just laughed!

But, it really was one of the most memorable experiences of my life.

Trying to get back to the hotel in Central London we were staying in was a nightmare, but what a night. My friend Lisa and I didn’t sleep at all when we got back to our rooms......

Can’t believe it was 35 years ago though!
@keishashadow congratulations for the 40th birthday baby - my eldest will be 40 in January - hope we’ll be able to party! Yes it’s grass fed Swaledale lamb from a local farm - usually have a half lamb but an offer on other cuts today. I usually slow cook larger joints but love minted lamb chops.
@schumigirl loved Freddie and Queen - saw them 3 times. Used to go to lots of concerts but not sure how I’ll feel about that in the future. Would definitely have to be seated. Our most recent was Rod Stewart outdoors on a hot summers day with a full piping band - brilliant. We were due to go to Italy to see Andrea Bocelli in his outdoor theatre this month. Of course all cancelled and not sure I will rebook for a couple of years.
Beautiful evening here so we are going out with Louie along the lane.
Good afternoon all,
Rainy right now, a shower moved it and hopefully out soon. I've been in the garden today and working on some Minnie ears. Took a break from tying up tomatoes when the rain came.

Wow, weather took a left turn, funnel clouds reported, no softball tonight
Oh wow, a tornado. Crazy weather!
Not sure how i escaped that noise for so long but it still makes me uncomfortable thinking about it. Terrifying, had no idea they ‘spoke’
It really is a horrible sound. I'm glad your dog leaves them go.
My mister grows his from seeds, starts early spring with grow lights in the basement. one of my DS needed to use washer/dryer when his was out. was alarmed, thought we were growing ‘herbs’. :hippie: All had a good laugh
LOL! I knew you were throwing out some hippie vibes....
Yes, Real, no roll. I make cheesesteak, with peppers and onions, then keep it in the pan, then make the mac and cheese, and then throw the cheesesteak into the mac and cheese and combine a little, and serve
I'm going to have to take this idea! Sounds really yum!
Ah, Stormy Fay is long gone, and a sunny sunrise, with quiet, then, just now, with the sound of lawn mowers.
It was beautiful this morning and very warm. The rain is cooling things off now.
Have my HHN mug full of coffee this morning. Hope you’re tea is yummy.
Love that mug!
The Cuban restaurant we were going to is closed due to some plumbing problems. Now we have to rethink lunch.
Oh bummer!
Well, I blinked and today my ‘baby’ DS is 40 today. Time is fleeting indeed.
Happy birthday to your son! Enjoy the party!
Hallmark new ornament day. I generally am not tempted having enough for 10 trees but, just couldn’t resist this bad boy!
Love it! Confession time.... I put up three Christmas trees. Yes, I am that crazy person and one tree is a Disney tree. I may have to get that one.
We were due to go to Italy to see Andrea Bocelli in his outdoor theatre this month. Of course all cancelled and not sure I will rebook for a couple of years.
Oh be still my heart! Andrea Bocelli! I'm so sorry you couldn't go, I would be really upset too.
Lunch turned out to be Chick-fil-A at the mall. Most of our fast food places still have their dining rooms closed. At least at the mall we could sit and eat our food. On the way home we stopped by a new cupcake place. Can’t get in the habit of doing that.

Well, I blinked and today my ‘baby’ DS is 40 today.
Happy birthday to him.

Hallmark new ornament day. I generally am not tempted having enough for 10 trees but, just couldn’t resist this bad boy!
I have a Hallmark ornament addiction. There are so many I want this year. I usually wait until the day after Christmas and buy them when they go 50% off. I just take my chances with what is still available. This year there are a few that we will be buying as soon as they are available in October.

By day not date, 35 years ago today I was in Wembley stadium watching Live Aid. Saturday July 13th 1985.
I can’t even remember what I was doing 35 years ago. I had just graduated high school and was still too young to do much on my own.

Love it! Confession time.... I put up three Christmas trees. Yes, I am that crazy person and one tree is a Disney tree. I may have to get that one.
I would put up more trees if I had room. I think I will be able to put up an extra (small) tree this year. I plan on making it a super hero tree.

We finished our project today. I was trying to come up with a way for us to store our masks. I put this on the wall next to the door where we always go out.

Good afternoon all,
Rainy right now, a shower moved it and hopefully out soon. I've been in the garden today and working on some Minnie ears. Took a break from tying up tomatoes when the rain came.

Oh wow, a tornado. Crazy weather!

It really is a horrible sound. I'm glad your dog leaves them go.

LOL! I knew you were throwing out some hippie vibes....

I'm going to have to take this idea! Sounds really yum!

It was beautiful this morning and very warm. The rain is cooling things off now.

Love that mug!

Oh bummer!

Happy birthday to your son! Enjoy the party!

Love it! Confession time.... I put up three Christmas trees. Yes, I am that crazy person and one tree is a Disney tree. I may have to get that one.

Oh be still my heart! Andrea Bocelli! I'm so sorry you couldn't go, I would be really upset too.

By day not date, 35 years ago today I was in Wembley stadium watching Live Aid. Saturday July 13th 1985.

It was an amazing show and the atmosphere was electric and probably will never be recreated again.......

The acts were a mix very good and excellent......but the highlight was by far when Queen came on.......the already charged atmosphere just seemed to quadruple when they came on and Freddie and Queen put on the best show ever! He was mesmerising.

Most of us then watched the whole show without taking a single just wasn’t a thing back one had a camera around us. We were sat up kind of near, but not close to where Princess Diana and Prince Charles best friend who’s family took me down with them‘s dad was involved in the show from Wembley who made sure we had seats and were looked after.

We never got to meet any of the stars, but we did see them as they wandered around towards the end. I can say I saw Freddie and George Michael from about 30 feet very close.

Lisa tried to get George Michaels attention to the annoyance of her dad, by yelling “George” out loud.......wrong George turned around and she’s yelling at not you......he just laughed!

But, it really was one of the most memorable experiences of my life.

Trying to get back to the hotel in Central London we were staying in was a nightmare, but what a night. My friend Lisa and I didn’t sleep at all when we got back to our rooms......

Can’t believe it was 35 years ago though!

30 feet is pretty good, I’ve been within 30 feet of 3 different Presidents.........

But who am I.............

Lunch turned out to be Chick-fil-A at the mall. Most of our fast food places still have their dining rooms closed. At least at the mall we could sit and eat our food. On the way home we stopped by a new cupcake place. Can’t get in the habit of doing that.

Happy birthday to him.

I have a Hallmark ornament addiction. There are so many I want this year. I usually wait until the day after Christmas and buy them when they go 50% off. I just take my chances with what is still available. This year there are a few that we will be buying as soon as they are available in October.

I can’t even remember what I was doing 35 years ago. I had just graduated high school and was still too young to do much on my own.

I would put up more trees if I had room. I think I will be able to put up an extra (small) tree this year. I plan on making it a super hero tree.

We finished our project today. I was trying to come up with a way for us to store our masks. I put this on the wall next to the door where we always go out.

View attachment 508694

like your masks!!!

A year after live aid, I had a mortgage, bought my own flat at just shy of 20. Was in full time employment in the Explosives industry working towards my first degree, the English Literature degree and planning to become a journalist.........that didn’t exactly happen, but, I won’t complain how things turned out though.....pretty good!

I was quite self sufficient by 18. But things are different for others.....

Still plan to try Chick-Fil-A one day....

Sangria going down well tonight........and starting to watch dvd’s of Person of Interest from the beginning again......They’re so good! And we get to see areas of New York we recognise.......

Hope Keisha‘s son party goes well tonight.......sounds like it will!!

Very full from pizza earlier......but a couple of chips and dip now.....always nice!
@schumigirl that’s interesting as I too bought my first house aged 20 - I left college and joined ICI Pharmaceuticals (now Astra Zeneca) on a traineeship and they put me through all my journalist training. I loved my work and loved the company - was there for 33 years but was ready for that very early retirement I was fortunate to get. Still drive my children crazy making notes in shorthand that no one else can read!
@schumigirl that’s interesting as I too bought my first house aged 20 - I left college and joined ICI Pharmaceuticals (now Astra Zeneca) on a traineeship and they put me through all my journalist training. I loved my work and loved the company - was there for 33 years but was ready for that very early retirement I was fortunate to get. Still drive my children crazy making notes in shorthand that no one else can read!

What a coincidence!!

I ended up doing an Explosive Ordnance Engineering degree and then we moved for Tom’s business. So never quite got to use it, as by then we’d had Kyle and I didn’t want to leave him with strangers.

I don‘t regret doing either degree. I occasionally use the English Lit degree in writing and the odd stint at the University, where one of my friends runs a department. All for fun of course.......

I did the English Lit degree off my own back, but the company paid and accommodated my Engineering degree. But, the way it worked out I never really used it. But, Kyle came first.

So I technically retired at 27 35, and then 40 for good......don’t regret a thing.

Hope you had a good day today.......:wave2:


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