Something About Nothing............ #14

Chat to us pop up has gone.....few folks complaining about it on the tech board.

DLPN......I eat most sandwiches with a knife and fork......not with soup I hasten to add......I have crowns. Enough said :rotfl:May have a grilled cheese sandwich tomorrow lunchtime now.......maybe with sweet pickle.......mmmmm......

Larissawbb....that is a lot of folks testing positive in one area.....yes, surreal is the right word. Glad you can work from home!

Bobbie.....glad you’re getting out and about.....will do you good if you can ignore the madness around us right now! I wish my mother would get an iPad, but doubt it’ll happen......she’s too set in her ways......she only recently agreed to “think about” us getting a satellite system for her......she’s got basic tv and freeview right now.....she prefers to read! Continued good wishes to you.....

Lynne, yes it is so sad for the students, but hopefully they’ll understand. It’s a big bad world out there.

mac......hugs to you too where you are......hope you are well and headaches have gone.......

Charade......most rumours here tend to be true right now. It is so worrying. Yes, older folks and technology is an education in itself.....I spent hours last time I was up to see my mum teaching her to work the new mobile.......its quite a basic internet, no camera, nothing fancy.....calls and she has mastered “basic”

So, dreading shopping. Think we may have to visit more than one or two stores.

Most of our grocery stores have implemented, and rightly so a limit to all purchases. No more than 3 of any item. I usually buy Kyle around 8 cartons of OJ a week, we have a stock at home, so will buy a couple and that’ll do.

Early times for the vulnerable and elderly, I think over 70’s.

Vacations talk seems so unimportant now.

Almost bedtime here.......maybe go up when my recently topped up glass of wine is empty 🍷.......thank goodness we won’t run out of wine or liquor!!!

Sending many hugs to all.......
A person in my small town has tested preliminary positive. i wonder how long it takes for confirmation.
Ugh, I'm sorry. And sorry for that person and his/her family and contacts. I don't know how long it takes for the second positive but it's is a few days. Our state health website initially had columns for presumptive positive and confirmed positive, but they've since taken the presumptive positive column off.
We've had our first death in PA to the coronavirus but we don't know any details yet.
My small town has 12 confirmed and many more who haven’t been able to get tested yet. Our local hospital set up a triage tent outside for those with Corona symptoms. We are working from home and the whole thing feels surreal.
I'm sorry to hear that. We have a testing site and I passed there today and the parking lot was pretty full. I'm still not 100% how they are operating it, but I believe you have to first have a referral to get tested, then go to the testing site.
I am feeling a little better today.
I'm glad to hear you're feeling a little better!
The more that I am reading and talking with people who are more in the thick of it I think I am going to start buying stuff for more long term.
Did your government put you on two week lockdown? We can go out for groceries or other necessities, but they want people to stay home. I do have at least a two week supply of food here, but our grocery stores are still open. A lot is hit or miss with supply, but at least they are opening "senior hours" so my dad went this morning to grab some milk and bread.
I have been buying just fresh stuff and go to the store as needed, but I have this feeling things are going to cha
I really hope it doesn't change. We're getting some fresh things also, but we do have supplies ready for when they tell us to not go out at all, or if we get quarantined.
Mcrose I haven't noticed anything on instructions from our government here. I did get a letter from my health insurance company that we couls call a 24 hour tele line for questions and anwers. I hear you on just getting out and going for a ride.
I've been trying to keep up with our state health department, city department and keeping an eye on testing sites and what the procedure is to get tested, in case we need it. I also got emails from two local hospitals with instructions for each on what to do if you feel you may be sick. One hospital does their own testing, rather than the cdc, which I don't know much about. They are advertising they can get results faster because it's their own test. ???
I understand I am usually a very upbeat person, but have found myself a bit in the dumps today! Popping on here helps!!
Yes, it's a struggle sometimes. I'm mostly worried about my husband at work and my youngest who works part time at the grocery store.
Well, the rumor mill is at full speed. The big story that is going around Is that the person in our town tested preliminary positive in another state, but came back to work anyway. If this is true then he/she has been exposed to many, many people. The place where this person is a large employer in this area. I hope we get the full truth soon.
Oh no! Another example of someone who doesn't listen?! UGH!! They had to send someone home from DH's work today because she was sick and coughing all over the place. They had to sanitize her work station. It's very scary. I hope you get some answers soon.
I like grilled cheese and tomato soup, sometimes I dip my grilled cheese in the soup other times I’ll put the sandwich on a plate and pour soup right on top, you probably don’t hear of people having to eat grilled cheese with a fork and knife to often.....!
That is different but sort of reminds me of jakes version with a donut
don't think Charlie will go back to school this year. It sounds like once the mandatory school days was lifted they can keep them out. Our school district is doing on line stuff. Charlie has to do all his work by Fridays each week and that will count as attendance. I am glad to see they will get more credit. I feel bad for the seniors doing AP classes I have a feeling the testing will be cancelled. There is a good chance of no prom, or graduation. I read on another thread the May 2nd SAT is cancelled. Liv will be able to finish up on line and get her degree mailed.
I’d love lesson plans to be provided. Maybe they aren’t concerned re elementary level

it’s a shame the sr year festivities have come to a sCreaching halt
Sending you :hug: but at ten feet away
Lol that’s the spirit. How r u feeling today?
hope we get the full truth soon.
Last thing we collectively need is false news
May have a grilled cheese sandwich tomorrow lunchtime now.......maybe with sweet pickle.......mmmmm......
Haven’t had a grilled cheese sandwich in months. All this talk has me thinking to try one tomorrow dunked in soup lol
So, dreading shopping. Think we may have to visit more than one or two stores.
Target was weirdly empty yesterday. Even GD commented on it
Did your government put you on two week lockdown? We can go out for groceries or other necessities, but they want people to stay home. I do have at least a two week supply of food here, but our grocery stores are still open. A lot is hit or miss with supply, but at least they are opening "senior hours" so my dad went this morning to grab some milk and bread.
People here are really still not taking things seriously. That suggestion needs more teeth in it Finally closing all bars at 8 pm tonight may put a crimp in things
Ta daaaaa😀

Keisha,, cute!!! I’m always amazed how she’s grown......and nice soft toy......yes, dunking your grilled cheese would be a good idea with your dental issues........I’m having grilled brie, cranberry and turkey tomorrow lunch. Plain grilled cheese we’ll keep for another day.......

Bedtime went down well know you just have one of those nights.......but, tomorrow is another day.

Have a great to bed........ :wave2:
Aww. Hope is a sweetie with a smile. Thanks for sharing Kfish, and hope life has been good. Nice to hear from you, and hope you can pop in more often.

Hey Buckeev, hope all is well with you and your family.

FB3A3B98-8106-49EA-9437-03CB2859CD0B.jpegOoh, rainy and foggy this morning, but warmer, as 44 outside. And the temp is rising, in the 60’s this afternoon. Yeah, and with the rising temps, more rain to come. Get those ☂ ☔ out and ready.

What? I guess with all not traveling, the news just said pot hole filling will not done now, only will come out to fill an emergency one. Yeah, when so many complaining car damage. Sigh. I guess one good about teleworking, is less time to knock the balance off the car tires.

So with all this rain, quite fitting, don’t ya think? Why yes, a thirsty Thursday is upon us. Drink up, good for you.


May this thirsty day find all drinking happily, and being healthy. Well wishes to Bobbie, hope you are healing with less pain, and hope Cam is feeling even better today.

Good Morning homies.
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She is a cutie Kfish……..

Beautiful Thursday here......

Sun is shining and some of the lawn has been mown....down by the pond it`s still to wet and soggy. Apparently. I wasn't down that end today...….I stayed up beside the house.

Big load of laundry on the line and they`ll dry as the sun is right on them. We sat with the bifold doors open at lunch and it wasn't cold, sun was perfect streaming in on us.

We needed a chill time after the grocery store. We had less than half our cart full again, we were in the minority. All stores now have a limit on every product. No plans to go back out till at least Tuesday.....if we have to.

My niece`s friend in London was knocked over (by a person not a car) and that same person took her shopping cart and went in the store! Unbelievable.

The world really has gone crazy!!!



Have a great Thursday wherever you are...…..:wave2:
Good Morning!

At work today. Office is still closed to the public so it will be another quiet one. Rainy start to the day but it will be warm today and tomorrow.

Have heard that some of the stores are starting to restock. Guess the supply chain is catching up from all the panic buying.

The drive thru testing sites in this area had to shut down because they were running out of tests. They opened 2 of the 3 back up today.

Not sure what I will do for dinner. Tonight would have been our Mexican dine out night. Since dining rooms are closed, I may just pick something up on the way home.

Thank you everyone for the tips and the well wishes. I am feeling a little better today

Glad you are on the mend.

Oh no! Another example of someone who doesn't listen?! UGH!! They had to send someone home from DH's work today because she was sick and coughing all over the place. They had to sanitize her work station. It's very scary. I hope you get some answers soon.

Oh no!! That is scary.

By the way, Hope is 8 months old already....time flies!

What a beautiful baby!! Love that smile.

and hope Cam is feeling even better today.

Thank so much! I am feeling better.

My niece`s friend in London was knocked over (by a person not a car) and that same person took her shopping cart and went in the store! Unbelievable.

Now that is ridiculous and scary. People have gone nuts for sure.
Yeah, Schumi, the uncivilized shoppers aways amaze me. No excuse for what happened to your friend’s niece. Scary and rude person.

We are still having bare shelves and no rain checks are being given at the stores, either. I am thankful what I need I have been able to get. And even more thankful that where I have gone, not that crowded.

Yay, the rain has moved out. Then tomorrow in the close to record high temp, we roll the rain dice again. Chance of rain and a thunderstorm with the mostly cloudy Friday is predicted.

Oh, and yes,

And Spring wishes to all the homies. Smile, longer days for many of us.
Went out at lunchtime. Confirmed that the stores are not stocked. Worse today than yesterday. Bought another chuck roast to grind into hamburger since none to be had. Haven't seen chicken in over a week.
On a happier note, weather has cleared and it is gorgeous and hot. 80 degrees today.
My niece`s friend in London was knocked over (by a person not a car) and that same person took her shopping cart and went in the store! Unbelievable.
Oh my goodness! That's terrible!
This is bringing out both the worst in some people and the best in others who are trying to help. People's true character is showing.
I'm still annoyed at the spring breakers who were interviewed saying outrageously stupid things. They are using really poor judgement and I hope now that some beaches are closed in Florida they can go home and re-evaluate what they think.
Went out at lunchtime. Confirmed that the stores are not stocked. Worse today than yesterday. Bought another chuck roast to grind into hamburger since none to be had. Haven't seen chicken in over a week.
Are there any smaller or family run stores near you? Our larger stores, Walmart, Sam's, etc. seem to run out quicker than the smaller mom and pop stores. Our local smaller stores had milk, bread, meats and toilet paper stocked earlier this week. I don't know how long that lasted, but it was better than Walmart for sure.

Stay safe everyone!
:wave2: Stopping in for a quick chat and check in to see how everyone is doing.

Things are still crazy here in Santa Land. We have now closed our front office. We are still open, but to practice social distancing, all business is done over the phone. Orders and payments are done over the phone, Credit cards or your account only. Customers call when they are here to pick up their material. Stay in their vehicle while we are loading their material, then once they drive out of our bays they can strap down their loads. I work for a steel company and we sell structural steel and smaller grade steel for welders, tin fabrication etc etc etc. Basically an essential service in some instances, so someone will always be on call even if everyone is ordered to their homes. But for now, I'm at work, and thankful that I have a little office that no one walks into. Most customers are ok with the new protocol, others have gotten angry, said a few foul words and hung up on me. Oh well...we can't please every one.

It seems like some teachers are now sending assignments to students through the google classrooms they were previously using before all our schools were closed.
@mckennarose ...I live in Canada. Jasper is in my back yard and we can see the mountains on a clear day. In certain grades, there are some diploma exams that are set by the government and those core subjects students need to pass those in order to graduate. So as of right now, they are working at getting another way to get those exams as well as the students still learning to be able to write those to graduate. I just feel bad for those graduating this year - my niece already had bought her " prom " dress and was very excited about being the senior and just doing all the fun activities that they get to do with prom. Now that won't be happening.

I'm making a list of items to get for groceries when we go out. I do have a pretty good stocked pantry. But as I continue to cook at home, some are being used up. So hopefully I can find what I'm looking for. So far, it seems like our grocery stores are fairly well stocked if you get there early in the mornings. If there isn't what we need, I'll go early morning and go to work late. I'm again, grateful for a job that allows me flexibility like that.

@schumigirl what a rude person. Knocking someone over. They were lucky that was not me. I would have probably decked her lol. And I think I will be stopping to pick up a few of those beverages for me. The dh doesn't drink, but I do like to have one every now and then. With all the craziness, it seems like " more often " than not :drinking1
@keishashadow your grand daughter is adorable. How are your chickens doing. I love hearing your stories about them
@Lynne G at least with working from can stay in comfy yoga pants...heck even your housecoat and pj's if you want lol.
Well...I should get to work on a few more papers. Trying to keep my desk clear of any left over work just in case we get the orders not to go to work. I just want to have everything cleared so I can stay home knowing that my part is done.

Stay well everyone!!! And here is a new picture of the grandbaby. She is growing sooo fast


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So our governor just announced that all non-life sustaining businesses close by tonight at 8. They will begin to enforce it on Saturday. They put out a list of what life sustaining means, but I'm sure DH's company will try to figure out how to keep working, ugh! He called his supervisor and he said "our business is essential". Hubby told him the terminology changed from "essential" to "life sustaining". This is frustrating.
Hi everyone quick drive by...We got our first confirmed case in our city today...Now I am expecting there were more each day! I feel it is inevitable that it will be knocking at our door. I have two teens that still go to work with the public. Brian will be working from home he can telecommute with his job. I am going to start increasing my supplements and eat as good as I can just in case.

Went to my local natural store today and even they were low on stuff. Brian went on a supply run and got what we needed, glad they put limits in the stores.

I heard PA has joined with CT NY NJ to increase closures. All types of salons have closed, all businesses and activities except for necessity stores and restaurants on take out have closed.

I think hearing that the automobile factories are trying to find away to make medical supplies over cars is reality biting in the but!!

I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. If anyone you know comes down with this may all the best thoghts and prayers be with you and them. :goodvibes :grouphug:
I work for a steel company and we sell structural steel and smaller grade steel for welders, tin fabrication etc etc etc. Basically an essential service in some instances, s
My mr makes the steel lol. Many specialty types, including defense and medical. They will continue operations.
So our governor just announced that all non-life sustaining businesses close by tonight at 8. They will begin to enforce it on Saturday. They put out a list of what life sustaining means, but I'm sure DH's company will try to figure out how to keep working, ugh! He called his supervisor and he said "our business is essential". Hubby told him the terminology changed from "essential" to "life sustaining". This is frustrating.
We have the list, I think his company is trying to put themselves into another category that is considered life sustaining, when they also fit into a category that isn't life sustaining.
I'm printing the governors order, along with the list for him to take to HR tomorrow. Businesses can't choose which category they want to fit into.


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