Something About Nothing............ #14

Change of plan this morning…….


Decided to go get mid colour appointment for a cut and blow dry, she had an appointment so I grabbed it……

Couple of inches off makes a difference, it was getting a little too heavy at the sides, and don’t like it too long anyway. So very happy with my new do……

Too early for lunch, so might just go start upstairs………not fun!
Ah tea for me too, Schumi. I cannot put milk in my tea though. Lemon is mostly the only add I do. Yay for a salon visit. Glad they was an opening, so new hairdo for you today. Yay.

Tea water from a bottle today. Glad, as it’s hot enough to steep the tea, and water that doesn’t taste like city water. City water is not as bad as Florida tap water, but a close cousin tasting tap water. Icky tasting. And so, happy we have a water club, which I can get cold and very hot water. I like our home tap water, as it’s from a spring that a neighboring township provides it from, via the local water company.

Thus, commute was fast, and dopey me, as went to check the weather for a second on my phone, and bounced under my car. Tried to reach it, but thought if I just pull straight back, can just pick it up. Yay. Smart homie. No stretching needed.

And what day is it? Yay that perfect hand held food day, where Mac can enjoy her Taco Bell meal.

That’s right homies, time to say wahoo, have a taco or two today too, on this Taco Tuesday.

Ooh still up in that predawn morning. Dry day. Unlike that storm coming tomorrow. See smart homie. No need to commute tomorrow. Our wonderful Wednesday will be rain showers in the morning then, the temp drops, not enough, thankfully, to give us just very cold feeling rain. But also thankful as that storm will continue North, giving that New England area another nice amount of snow. And Keisha, maybe you will see some of that snow tomorrow too. But no snow for us. Wahoo!

Back to that other screen, in a very quiet office. Not many of us are early risers. And that’s fine with me.

Good morning on a Tuesday. Yep, and DH is a year older, tomorrow. Happy birthday song call will be early. See, he’s an early riser. Ah smart homie I am. LoL
It's a beautiful mild morning here again. The sun is shinning bright this morning :teeth: Sitting in the manager's office half working, half cruising around doing other things. I have most things caught up. Still no computer yet :scared: So I am enjoying all the sunlight that his office has to offer! I love the vitamin D.

Quiet eveninglast night I didn't get to the gym. It took me longer to cook dinner last night than I thought - even though it was tasty! Salsbury steaks, mashed taters, asparagus and ceasar salad was on the menu. Tonight I took out some steaks. I might try a quick marinade on them when I get home before I toss them onto the grill...with probably some roasted potato wedges, a veggie mix of zucchini, peppers, grape tomatoes, mushrooms, garlic, onions and add a salad as well. I have broccoli I need to think about how to use up this week. Maybe a broccoli/potato soup on the weekend with a fresh loaf of bread or buns. I love broccoli just plain in the airfryer with a few seasonings on it as well. That might be with chicken for tomorrow.

I seem to be all caught up at today will be a nice quiet day!!! Researching a few things for Vegas...and Orlando. I want to make a few lists, and whittle them down once I talk to the kids about where they want to all go - since it is a trip for them ::yes:: Doing this...makes me heart so happy and keeps me occupied and forgetting that it's still winter outside.

I am loving the daylight we are getting back already. I sure can feel the difference already, and it's only the end of January!
Decided to go get mid colour appointment for a cut and blow dry, she had an appointment so I grabbed it……
Any appointment like that is a great pick me up! It reminds me that I should see what appointments my gal has for a cut! I'll push the balyage off until late March/April for our Orlando trip.

@Lynne G I love that sunrise!!! When I was leaving for my regular job this morning, it is not a dark drive anymore - but not full sunrise yet ;) to shuffle more papers. Gotta spread out the work today.
It's a beautiful mild morning here again. The sun is shinning bright this morning :teeth: Sitting in the manager's office half working, half cruising around doing other things. I have most things caught up. Still no computer yet :scared: So I am enjoying all the sunlight that his office has to offer! I love the vitamin D.

Quiet eveninglast night I didn't get to the gym. It took me longer to cook dinner last night than I thought - even though it was tasty! Salsbury steaks, mashed taters, asparagus and ceasar salad was on the menu. Tonight I took out some steaks. I might try a quick marinade on them when I get home before I toss them onto the grill...with probably some roasted potato wedges, a veggie mix of zucchini, peppers, grape tomatoes, mushrooms, garlic, onions and add a salad as well. I have broccoli I need to think about how to use up this week. Maybe a broccoli/potato soup on the weekend with a fresh loaf of bread or buns. I love broccoli just plain in the airfryer with a few seasonings on it as well. That might be with chicken for tomorrow.

I seem to be all caught up at today will be a nice quiet day!!! Researching a few things for Vegas...and Orlando. I want to make a few lists, and whittle them down once I talk to the kids about where they want to all go - since it is a trip for them ::yes:: Doing this...makes me heart so happy and keeps me occupied and forgetting that it's still winter outside.

I am loving the daylight we are getting back already. I sure can feel the difference already, and it's only the end of January!

Any appointment like that is a great pick me up! It reminds me that I should see what appointments my gal has for a cut! I'll push the balyage off until late March/April for our Orlando trip.

@Lynne G I love that sunrise!!! When I was leaving for my regular job this morning, it is not a dark drive anymore - but not full sunrise yet ;) to shuffle more papers. Gotta spread out the work today.

I love my salon time!! Even just getting a cut and blow dry is nice, albeit a short hour appointment.

Getting some plans in place is always a good idea, and if everyone has something on there, they`ll be happy.

Dinner sounds good, I wish I liked asparagus as all my friends do, but something I never got the taste for, neither does Tom, but roasted wedges.....yum! And yes, enjoy that sushine while you can, nothing beats it even in winter!!

It`s Burns Night here, so some have haggis for dinner, with tatties and neeps......Tom just has the haggis. I can take a few bites of it, it`s lovely but very dense, so he`ll have that on his own tonight, I`ll make a chicken stir fry I think with lots of ginger, pineapple, scallions, red pepper and cooked in a spicy plum sauce. Burns Night is popular in Scotland for many, but just as many don`t like the dish!

Got a few things going on today, and carpet guys measuring is one, but will only take them 5 minutes, so hope to get out a walk at some point.

I`ve posted a lot of sunrise pictures recently, but I love these sunset images from Christmas up in Scotland, I never got round to posting some of them till a lovely lady reminded me last night by email I should post you)

This area has some of the most beautiful scenery, unbeatable.......hills, mountains and beautiful seaside views, not an piece of industry or mess around.



I have so many more, but might keep them for even duller February days to come!!

Avocado with bacon on toast this morning, might have lunch in one of the cafe`s in the village if we do walk in, they do a moules mariniere Tom loves, it`s not too heavy before his whole haggis dish tonight. I`ll have their smoked salmon and shrimp salad, it`s not huge either but beautiful.

So that`s today sorted........almost calm before the storm of the next few days with the house having decorators in......lots of tea making and endless supplies of biscuits (cookies)




Have a wonderful Wednesday :sunny:
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And the rain cometh. What I’m more concerned with is the wind. 35 to 50 mph winds this afternoon, has a chance to have power outages, and down trees, and blocked roads. Sigh. But on a good note, weather lady said this is a record for the longest time not seeing snow since the last time. Yeah, let’s have a winter with no snow seen. Ooh would be so perfect.

Ah yes, and who do we see?

Why hello camel, yay, today it is a Wednesday. You know, this most getting over that hill that is a hump feeling mid week day, means a Friday is now two days away. And a big wahoo for that. Means my extended lazy days start on Friday. Hehe two lazy days to pack. Eh, luggage still in the closet. I’m a last minute kinda packer. We will do a Target run before going to the hotel. Easy to get whatever you forget after getting there.

Nope, not a haggis eater either Schumi. Happy Burns Night tonight. Beautiful pictures of Scotland.

And so, thankful for the ability to telecommute. Thus, back to that other screen, and I need more tea.

Therefore, have a most wonderful Wednesday today, all.
Good Wednesday morning everyone:wave2:


How is your son doing now? Hopefully he`s doing much better now, I know how hard it is to be far away from family, but when one is sick, it`s even worse, and of course it`s your child which is ultra hard.
Son is doing some better. He is still having some discomfort. Praying he will heal up some more before the surgery. He is also a diabetic so it slows the healing process.

Spoke to him yesterday. He is the sweetest son. It is hard to be away while he is not feeling well.

Robo, good to hear from you. I hope your son is feeling much better. Sending more mummy dust well wishes to him. Hard when you are not there. If you’re around the Dark Side next week, maybe we can meet up. Will have a car, so I don’t mind offsite. We eat offsite often. Hehe, we went to a steak restaurant in Daytona one night.
Thank you for the mummy dust. He needs all the good thoughts and prayers.

Great to hear you are going to get some Universal park time. I’am going to be there a week later if all works out as planned. I want to go to Mardi Gras. I have went for past few years and I really enjoy it a lot.

We went to the city this past weekend to celebrate our gd's 3rd birthday. She is definitely a three yr old now :rotfl: I have to giggle a little, about how we now to get enjoy her, and leave her with Mom & Dad to deal with the attitude and everyday things. She had a great party, and it was fun to watch her play and interact with her daycare friends.
Yes, it is nice to be grandparents and do some spoiling and then send the littles back home to mom and dad. Grandchildren are awesome. I love spoiling mine and sounds like everyone on here that has grandchildren are the same.

I always tell people you love your sweet children, but wait until you have a grandchild it is just loved squared.

I'm officially done my training at the new job. Just with the circus that happened with my training, they have a "buddy" in the building for me that I can ask questions when I'm unsure about a procedure to complete, I can ask her any questions, as she works our desk when there are sick call-outs. I will see how I do now on my own. I have a pretty good grasp of the more important tasks, there will still need to be some review on other duties.
Great to hear the job is coming along and so nice that they you have a resource person to help when needed.

We finally finalized some dates for Florida...we are heading back with the kids late April
Sounds like a wonderful vacation with lots of fun things planned. I second Schumi‘s opinion, you all will love KSC.

How scary! I'll send lots healing thoughts and prayers your way.
Thank you for your prayers.

Enjoyed some school reading this morning, the kids absolutely love reading time. I asked if I could start one I love a lot, an Old Bear story by Jane Hissey. I used to read them to Kyle and have read them to godchildren and friends kids alike and they all loved them. Kids did too today.
What a wonderful way to share your love of reading. I bet the kids enjoyed it.

Got some avocados yesterday, so that`s breakfast with some toast and grapes, lunch will be turkey slices in a wrap with salad and dinner is spicy pulled pork with sweet potato wedges and a large side salad. Food sorted for the day ☺️
Sounds like a lot of yummy food planned for the day.

Decided to go get mid colour appointment for a cut and blow dry, she had an appointment so I grabbed it……
Yep, when you walk out of the hair salon after a nice cut and color one does feel like a beauty queen.

It`s Burns Night here, so some have haggis for dinner, with tatties and neeps......Tom just has the haggis. I can take a few bites of it, it`s lovely but very dense, so he`ll have that on his own tonight, I`ll make a chicken stir fry I think with lots of ginger, pineapple, scallions, red pepper and cooked in a spicy plum sauce. Burns Night is popular in Scotland for many, but just as many don`t like the dish!
Hubby tried haggis when we were in Scotland many years ago. He liked it.

This area has some of the most beautiful scenery, unbeatable.......hills, mountains and beautiful seaside views, not a piece of industry or mess around.
Your sunrise photos are beautiful.

Sun is up this morning. Supposed to be 83 today.

Looking out the slider doors at the Florida Sandhill Cranes. There are a couple of them walking past the palms trees.

Friend asked if I wanted to go to the beach today. Think I will set this beach day out.

Hubby wants to go out to lunch today. He does not request to do much lately so I wanted to make we did some things he wanted to do.

We need to replace a couple of the rugs we have in the house so we might look for those while out.

Spoke with our son yesterday. He is still having some discomfort. He is going to call the surgeon back today. Hopefully he can heal some before he has to have surgery. If that area in his large intestine can heal some and the surgery can be later it would be better. We are praying for him. He is the a wonderful son and father.

Planning to go up to Universal for Mardi Gras if all goes well. I do enjoy Mardi Gras at Universal. The event just keeps getting better. So looking forward to this years celebration.

Hubby will pick our lunch destination today. Wherever he wants to go is ok with me.

I have started pulling things together for our taxes. A little tedious, but I like to get things done early if possible.

Sending out hugs and get well wishes to all the Sans family that are ailing.

Sending a shout out to all the Sans family who are missing on the boards. You are not forgotten. Hope all is well with you and your family.

Have a wonderful Wednesday doing whatever makes you happy.

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Robo, yes, I hope your son gets time to heal. Thank you for the update on him. Hope you enjoy your time at MG the week after us. By the time I looked at hotel prices, I scored a good rate next week, as could not find prices in my range after this coming week. On well. At least the holiday decor should be seen when we are there. One year, I will come during MG. Would like to see the parade and maybe take in a concert. We will also pick up the AP magnet, as said first day to get it is the day we leave.

Hehe, birthday day not only for my DH, but another extended family member’s birthday today too. So two birthdays to celebrate today. January had three birthdays, so one of our having more birthdays in that month than in other months. Sadly, we were at the start of this month, as my mom was a January baby. But a birthday is always a day to be celebrated.

Quiet enough day. Computer asked to reboot again, for updates, so I pushed the reboot now button. Have at it. But was a quick enough update.

Just cloudy out, as rain to start not much after lunchtime. Hence I’m hoping no umbrella needed on my lunchtime walk. Ah. No snow. Happy homie.
Good Wednesday morning everyone:wave2:
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Son is doing some better. He is still having some discomfort. Praying he will heal up some more before the surgery. He is also a diabetic so it slows the healing process.

Spoke to him yesterday. He is the sweetest son. It is hard to be away while he is not feeling well.

Thank you for the mummy dust. He needs all the good thoughts and prayers.

Great to hear you are going to get some Universal park time. I’am going to be there a week later if all works out as planned. I want to go to Mardi Gras. I have went for past few years and I really enjoy it a lot.

Yes, it is nice to be grandparents and do some spoiling and then send the littles back home to mom and dad. Grandchildren are awesome. I love spoiling mine and sounds like everyone on here that has grandchildren are the same.

I always tell people you love your sweet children, but wait until you have a grandchild it is just loved squared.

Great to hear the job is coming along and so nice that they you have a resource person to help when needed.

Sounds like a wonderful vacation with lots of fun things planned. I second Schumi‘s opinion, you all will love KSC.

Thank you for your prayers.

What a wonderful way to share your love of reading. I bet the kids enjoyed it.

Sounds like a lot of yummy food planned for the day.

Yep, when you walk out of the hair salon after a nice cut and color one does feel like a beauty queen.

Hubby tried haggis when we were in Scotland many years ago. He liked it.

Your sunrise photos are beautiful.

Sun is up this morning. Supposed to be 83 today.

Looking out the slider doors at the Florida Sandhill Cranes. There are a couple of them walking past the palms trees.

Friend asked if I wanted to go to the beach today. Think I will set this beach day out.

Hubby wants to go out to lunch today. He does not request to do much lately so I wanted to make we did some things he wanted to do.

We need to replace a couple of the rugs we have in the house so we might look for those while out.

Spoke with our son yesterday. He is still having some discomfort. He is going to call the surgeon back today. Hopefully he can heal some before he has to have surgery. If that area in his large intestine can heal some and the surgery can be later it would be better. We are praying for him. He is the a wonderful son and father.

Planning to go up to Universal for Mardi Gras if all goes well. I do enjoy Mardi Gras at Universal. The event just keeps getting better. So looking forward to this years celebration.

Hubby will pick our lunch destination today. Wherever he wants to go is ok with me.

I have started pulling things together for our taxes. A little tedious, but I like to get things done early if possible.

Sending out hugs and get well wishes to all the Sans family that are ailing.

Sending a shout out to all the Sans family who are missing on the boards. You are not forgotten. Hope all is well with you and your family.

Have a wonderful Wednesday doing whatever makes you happy.

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Robbie, I`m so glad your son is improving, sorry to hear he is having some discomfort, yes, hope it improves before surgery. It must be so hard being a distance away, but you know at least he`s been cared for and will be well looked after when he`s in hospital. Continued good wishes for him and all your family, when one is ill, it affects everyone who cares about them.

Enjoy lunch with your husband, hope he chooses somewhere nice, but you`ll enjoy it`s nice to hear someone else likes haggis.....there`s not a lot of folks will try it knowing what`s in it, but it is delicious, and very much an acquired taste.

Glad you like the sunrise/sunset pictures, we are very lucky where we live it is very scenic in some areas.

Have a great day Robbie.....

We got a lot of prep done this morning for tomorrow, then we did go into the village for lunch, but we drove as the rain was bouncing down, it got so dark this morning when it was on, but now, the sun is shining brightly although it`s still cold. Been seeing some deer a little closer than usual last few days, and thankfully the mating foxes seem to have had enough, it`s been quieter last few nights.

We had a nice lunch in one of the places we have in the village and Tom did have his mussels in white wine and garlic, I had my smoked salmon and shrimp salad, both were lovely. I had a large chardonnay, Tom had coffee as he was driving.....I let him drive today for good reasons...... ::yes::

I have a whole ham sitting covered with a whole bottle of coca cola, herbs and spices and will cook it overnight tonight. That`ll do us the next couple of days for dinner and Tom will have it for lunch too.

He`s looking forward to his haggis tonight, stir fry for me, but I will have a nibble.

Time for a pot of tea.......
Hey all:tongue:been a wild few days here. What would life be without challenges?

weekend trip was lovely, even tho i had to drive up & down various mountains in this mess for 20 minutes…yes, I timed it. Was mid day BTW.

To the victor, go the spoils. Haven’t made a build-a-bear with her in a looong time
you cannot beat Penn State’s creamery ice cream. Made onsite by the agricultural students
Any trip requires a visit to the shrine

Sweated putty balls for an hour, glitchy issues on WDW site to register for our Moonlight Magic DVC thing on 2/8. Glad Member Services was able to over-ride what appears to be a site side issue.

today we had ice/snow/icing again & soon back to more snow. Nothing like layers of lovely, not. The mr has had a bad cough for 17 days. Finally, agreed to get tested Monday at dr’s for flu & covid, negative.

Promptly diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia (not his 1st rodeo) & taking loads of RX snuck out & cleared the main sidewalks while i was taking a show. That man lol. He should be back in fine form soon.

shout out to Mac
So many things to do...but we only have 10 days - 8 days including travel days.
so much travel, so little time. in my errant youth, my gal pals had a joking motto substituting “men”:rolleyes1lol
It`s Burns Night here, so some have haggis for dinner, with tatties and neeps......Tom just has the haggis. I can take a few bites of it, it`s lovely but very dense
darn it, i gotta go google now. Haggis just plain is fun to say and love to hear it roll off a scot’ tongue
Son is doing some better. He is still having some discomfort. Praying he will heal up some more before the surgery. He is also a diabetic so it slows the healing process.
Good to hear he’s on the road to recovery. Slow & steady, as long as he gets there!
birthday day not only for my DH
Happy birthday to your mr! Any plans to celebrate?
Ack, hope DH gets better soon, Keisha. Ack to winter weather and a yay, great pictures from PS main campus. Little one got in there, to main campus. She was not amused, as wanted that true city living. Temple surely did that. Yum to fresh ice cream. We get it from a local dairy farm, that and we only buy our milk and cream from too. Something about just made by the cows in the fields behind the store. Little one is picky as to her milk tastes. I like their half and half in my coffee. Yum. And a wahoo to get that DVC extra reserved. Nice for your anniversary. And we will celebrate DH’s birthday sometime later. We don’t usually do much for he or my birthdays. I did however sing him the birthday song at 4:30 am this morning.

Dumpling Wednesday here. And so, lunchtime walk was to my town business area that is two blocks away ( and even shorter walk l if I cut through the church parking lot, that is connected to the parking area that used to be for our demolished elementary school) and busy dumpling place, where we got cheesesteak and cheesy broccoli dollar priced dumplings for me. Little one likes their Hong Kong noodles, cheesesteak kind. I don’t like their noodles for some reason, no matter what they are mixed with. So I’ll stick with their very good, large, perfectly cooked dumplings. Lunchtime was delicious. And ack, was a very light rain starting as we got close to our door. Was 38 degrees out. The heavier rain will be here later this afternoon, and the temp will rise to close to 50 this evening. .
Hey all:tongue:been a wild few days here. What would life be without challenges?

weekend trip was lovely, even tho i had to drive up & down various mountains in this mess for 20 minutes…yes, I timed it. Was mid day BTW.
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To the victor, go the spoils. Haven’t made a build-a-bear with her in a looong time
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you cannot beat Penn State’s creamery ice cream. Made onsite by the agricultural students
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Any trip requires a visit to the shrine
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Sweated putty balls for an hour, glitchy issues on WDW site to register for our Moonlight Magic DVC thing on 2/8. Glad Member Services was able to over-ride what appears to be a site side issue.

today we had ice/snow/icing again & soon back to more snow. Nothing like layers of lovely, not. The mr has had a bad cough for 17 days. Finally, agreed to get tested Monday at dr’s for flu & covid, negative.

Promptly diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia (not his 1st rodeo) & taking loads of RX snuck out & cleared the main sidewalks while i was taking a show. That man lol. He should be back in fine form soon.

shout out to Mac

so much travel, so little time. in my errant youth, my gal pals had a joking motto substituting “men”:rolleyes1lol

darn it, i gotta go google now. Haggis just plain is fun to say and love to hear it roll off a scot’ tongue

Good to hear he’s on the road to recovery. Slow & steady, as long as he gets there!

Happy birthday to your mr! Any plans to celebrate?

Congrats to your little one....although she`s getting so tall, can`t really call her that for much longer....she did amazingly well and hope she was ultra happy with her performances.

That ice lovely!! She does look happy to be going to eat that, I`m not sure what the shrine is for? I`m going to guess some kind of sports thingy......

And hopefully now your man will start to recover from this!! Tom thought it was longer he`d suffered with it, but fingers crossed.

Photo`s look good....that weather though!!! Never fun to drive in that.

Ah, haggis, most folks will read the ingredients and balk at the thought of it, usually the unadventurous..... ::yes:: but it`s a rare wee beastie to tuck into!! We had an early dinner, just finished eating, Tom spared me a few tablespoons and I shared some of my stir was like a Scottish/Chinese`ll never take off, but we enjoyed it.....

Yes, big shout out to mac.......:wave2:

Beautiful day in the end, sun was lovely but not ideal for cleaning inside of the windows, so will attempt them again tomorrow at the side and back of the house before the sun comes round there, we get the sun all day from around 10am.. I wish our window cleaners did the insides too, I`d pay them quadruple what we pay them now if they would!

Full after dinner, won`t be needing much else tonight, just a cuppa and some tv I think.

Up to series 4 in House of Cards, when that`s done we`ll find something else, or go back to Taggart for a while.

Looking forward to the decorators coming tomorrow to get those rooms started. Bed was picked up today by a couple who wanted it, we dismantled it carefully, it was a solid oak four poster, I hope it goes back together ok, it wasn`t designed to be taken apart really. We just wanted a complete change of look in our room. So in one of the spare rooms from tonight.

Time for a cuppa.
We don’t usually do much for he or my birthdays. I did however sing him the birthday song at 4:30 am this morning.
Hmmm not sure a 4:30 Am serenade is a good thing lol
Congrats to your little one....although she`s getting so tall,
Or I’m shrinking She’s the smallest in her class/gym group. Seems every kid of mine, their contemporaries seem to be taller than the last bunch for their ages
I`m not sure what the shrine is for? I`m going to guess some kind of sports thingy......
Oh, it’s absolutely akin to a religion for many (just slightly tarnished over shameful child abuse scandal). They did take down the statue of their beloved football coach. It always rubbed me a bit in the wrong way they officially call it a shrine
Tom thought it was longer he`d suffered with it,
Seems like it’s gone on almost a month. I made him go take a nap. We are not nappers. Trudged off without much of a fuss
Bed was picked up today by a couple who wanted it, we dismantled it carefully, it was a solid oak four poster, I hope it goes back together ok, it wasn`t designed to be taken apart really.
Had a discussion here a bit ago about getting a new bed. Tabled it quickly, even tho I’m
So sick of the ‘distressed country’ set we have that was so popular then

Same sort of one you reference. we converted it toA platform base decades ago. Have a feeling it would be quite the task to disassemble at this point.

What style did you choose this go round?
Hmmm not sure a 4:30 Am serenade is a good thing lol

Or I’m shrinking She’s the smallest in her class/gym group. Seems every kid of mine, their contemporaries seem to be taller than the last bunch for their ages

Oh, it’s absolutely akin to a religion for many (just slightly tarnished over shameful child abuse scandal). They did take down the statue of their beloved football coach. It always rubbed me a bit in the wrong way they officially call it a shrine

Seems like it’s gone on almost a month. I made him go take a nap. We are not nappers. Trudged off without much of a fuss

Had a discussion here a bit ago about getting a new bed. Tabled it quickly, even tho I’m
So sick of the ‘distressed country’ set we have that was so popular then

Same sort of one you reference. we converted it toA platform base decades ago. Have a feeling it would be quite the task to disassemble at this point.

What style did you choose this go round?

Think I mentioned our bed was solid oak, light wood though and a four poster, yes very romantic style……lol…….but going for an oversized upholstered grey headboard with a sleigh style bed. I didn’t plan on that style, but it’s lovely and the mattress hopefully will be perfect. I do think we’ll need stepladders to climb up into it as the mattress is about 3 feet deep!

You‘ll see something one day and decide to change your furniture then and get your new bed.

I‘m a napper, mostly on miserable winter days though, dropped off for half an hour this afternoon, Tom said my head just went……but you know he must feel poorly if he rumbled off without a complaint.

Yep, kids are getting taller! No doubt.
Oh Keisha, see he was up with me at that time of day. We both like to start our week day routine early. I did get him the coffee he likes after dinner tonight. Hehe, little one was always one of the smallest in her gym too. While she is talker than me, both my kids are not tall people. Guess hard when their parents are not either.

Rainy, rainy day. Was loud rain not that long ago. There is crap on tv apparently. Guess I will look for a movie to watch.

Oh and I have a mahogany poster bed frame. Still like it. Makes our bed higher, but not high enough you need a step.

I so need more tea. But hey, one more day before a nice spell of relaxing time. Hehe, little one asked to go to the one Jewish deli for lunch on Friday. Sounds good to me. Always good tasting foods at both deli places we go to. She’s a fan of matzo ball soup. She’s definitely my soup loving kid.

No one knew what did dinner, so breakfast food it was. Scrambled eggs, rye toast, bacon, and home fries. And I bough butter from the dairy farm store. I think I will start buying it there instead of grocery store. Seems the eggs were more creamy tasting, and buttered toast was more tasty then what the butter I get from the store, which does not have as strong a butter taste. May use it in baking, to see if makes my cookies taste any different.
Good Thursday morning.......

D day again. Decorators will be here around 8am, so kettle will be on for them arriving. They sometimes bring their bacon rolls from the bakery in the village if they`re not ready I always have bacon in for them. Nice guys and they do an amazing job, but at least they`ll be upstairs and not in the hall and stairs like last time.

Got a friend popping in for a cuppa this morning, we`ll have a good chat about someone who seems to think I`m worth copying. Everything I say or do she tries to`s very sad and pathetic to see someone not have an original thought of their own but if I say something....she`s got it too, or she does that same thing too, when she really doesn`t or she buys stuff from the same unusual place`s cringeworthy and everyone has noticed. Trying to compete with someone is always going to fail, she has no chance.

So time to put a permanent block on this person. Ignore is always a good idea ::yes::

Ham cooked overnight, and smells gorgeous, Tom will have some in sandwiches for lunch, and dinner will be the same ham but with some roasted veg and mini roasties and a large dollop of cranberry sauce. And will do tomorrow night`s dinner too.

Avocado on toast again for breakfast, not for Tom though who does give me a sideways glance as I eat it as he loathes`ll stick to cereal.

Might make a chocolate mousse tonight with avocado to see if he can tell the difference, it is very rich and very silky, I wonder if he`ll notice.....hmm.




Happy Thirsty Thursday.......🍸
Ah I this the weather is no longer thirsty this early Thursday morning. We are overcast, with a mostly overcast day, though weather guy said will see some sunny skies in the morning. Partly sunny day I guess. But still warm, 42 degrees out now, given that storm came from the South. Was a good amount of rain we got yesterday, as around 1.45 inches of rain fell. Soggy we are this early morning. But some sun this morning will dry most of what is still wet. So happy well above freezing this past overnight.

And so, glad Schumi is getting her decor update so early today. I like when when workers starts in the early morning, as means they can be leaving early too. Copying another never works out, is so true. Would not have time for such person either. Hope your morning went well, as was busy, and I bet the home smelled good with the ham having cooked overnight.

Ah that normal week day routine today. Up before the sun, very full teapot, and screen on. So glad I’m not one of the cars heard on the roads as I woke up. Yep, even in my neighborhood, the main road not far from my house, with an otherwise quiet time, can hear loud traffic.

A terrific Thirsty Thursday to all. You know:


Yes! Woot! And today,
Yep alarm is off. Woot!


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