Something About Nothing ... #12

download.jpg Sans Family:wave: .... I hope everyone is having a great day and getting ready for tonight. I just got home from being with my dad all day. I have to cook then give the kids a ride to trick or treat. Just wanted to stop by and say "hi" It is not to bad for weather today. In the lower 50's but better than 40's LOL!!

Monykalyn Thank you for the congrats for Liv:goodvibes

Robo Thank you for the congrats for Liv it was nice and lively.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy halloweenpirate::firefight:jester::clown:!!!!:D
Monyk. How often do you hear someone say I made some beer last night? Bought one of those barrel brewing kits for the mr a few years ago. Let’s just say it was supreme waste of yeast & time.

Hot tea break. Soon will order the hoagie/pizza for just me & middle DS to nosh on while waiting for the ghouls to arrive. So far, so good on weather but it’s looking threatening. We have large trees in front yard, set up my goodies under them so they may survive a sprinkle or two. Admittedly Such a big kid when it comes to today lol.

Can I vent for a moment? I don’t like to talk about politics. I rarely even discuss politics with people I agree with. Two of the therapists in my office and I are on opposite sides of the political spectrum. I have made it clear that I don’t want to discuss politics with them, but it seems like they try to go out of their way to engage me in conversation. Today one of the therapists insisted on watching some political video on her phone while standing right behind me. She finally realized that I was trying to make reminder calls and went into another office. She still had the volume up loud enough that I could hear some of it. Ugh!

I want to thank everyone this thread for keeping politics out of the discussion. This is always a fun place to post. Thank you all for keeping it that way.

Mac wisely laid down that law when creating this thread, it’s a safe zone. The written word in message forums can easily be mid- interpreted, better to avoid the subject entirely here. At times the Universal vs Disney debate can get as heated, if not more so! Have noticed more than a few people have developed a rather unhealthy attachment/identify myopically with a theme park; to the point where it can almost define them. Quite an odd phenom!

I was a political party committee woman for decades and still work the polls. I enjoy responding to the call to help register folks in voter drives, which (in our neck of the woods anyway) are not party affiliated. I’m thrilled to see all take advantage of their right to vote, no matter what party affiliation selected. My motto has always been: if you don’t vote, you don’t get to complain :). Well, not too loudly lol

To each their own, but it makes me sad and a a bit puzzled when people state they don’t want to discuss politics or religion with their good friends. Notice I did’t say co-workers or casual acquaintances. Healthy discussions on hot topic subjects (not debates) are engaging and interesting to me, others shrink from it. I find it interesting to hear other people’s outlooks, but still generally stick to my own convictions.

Unfortunately, the country has become increasingly decisive, especially since the last general election. Politics can be a very sore subject these days, even i tread a bit lightly. I always respect the right of others to express their opinions, but it has to be in the proper forum. There is a time & place for everything...surely, that doesn’t include work where you can’t exactly escape those pontificating. A whole other layer if they happen to be your ‘supervisors’ etc.. You may want to express your concerns to the HR department. Surely, they have a policy in place to govern that, good luck.
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Monyk. How often do you hear someone say I made some beer last night? Bought one of those barrel brewing kits for the mr a few years ago. Let’s just say it was supreme waste of yeast & time.

Hot tea break. Soon will order the hoagie/pizza for just me & middle DS to nosh on while waiting for the ghouls to arrive. So far, so good on weather but it’s looking threatening. We have large trees in front yard, set up my goodies under them so they may survive a sprinkle or two. Admittedly Such a big kid when it comes to today lol.

Mac wisely laid down that law when creating this thread, it’s a safe zone. The written word in message forums can easily be interpreted, better to avoid the subject entirely here. At times the Universal vs Disney debate can get as heated, if not more so! Have noticed more than a few people have developed a rather unhealthy attachment/identify myopically with a theme park; to the point where it can almost define them. Quite an odd phenom!

I was a political party committee woman for decades and still work the polls. I enjoy responding to the call to help register folks in voter drives, which (in our neck of the woods anyway) are not party affiliated. I’m thrilled to see all take advantage of their right to vote, no matter what party affiliation selected. My motto has always been: if you don’t vote, you don’t get to complain :). Well, not too loudly lol

To each their own, but it makes me sad and a a bit puzzled when people state they don’t want to discuss politics or religion with their good friends. Notice I did’t say co-workers or casual acquaintances. Healthy discussions on hot topic subjects (not debates) are engaging and interesting to me, others shrink from it. I find it interesting to hear other people’s outlooks, but still generally stick to my own convictions.

Unfortunately, the country has become increasingly decisive, especially since the last general election. Politics can be a very sore subject these days, even i tread a bit lightly. I always respect the right of others to express their opinions, but it has to be in the proper forum. There is a time & place for everything...surely, that doesn’t include work where you can’t exactly escape those pontificating. A whole other layer if they happen to be your ‘supervisors’ etc.. You may want to express your concerns to the HR department. Surely, they have a policy in place to govern that, good luck.

I agree Janet......with friends it can be fun!!

Before my best friend passed away 2 years ago, another friend who was the same age as me passed with bladder cancer......and her and her partner and I all used to work in the same site before we moved away......they followed a few months later and we lived close......we actually didn’t get on when we were in Scotland........but became really good friends and lived 5 minutes from each other.

We were polar opposites politically of each other!! You couldn’t get further apart if you tried........but, we always had discussions about politics......and actually at times found we did have some common ground. So, yes, with friends I can be acceptable.

Workmates, public forums and casual acquaintances no.

And yes, cannot believe there are people who don’t vote!!

And yes, the Universal/Disney thing gets ridiculous at

I’ve just eaten some crab cakes, couscous and chicken drumsticks and have a glass of wine with spicy potato chips and dip right now and all I’m thinking of is your pizza or hoagie!!! What is wrong with me..........:rotfl:

Halloween is starting..........time to slug some wine!!
Mac wisely laid down that law when creating this thread, it’s a safe zone. The written word in message forums can easily be mid- interpreted, better to avoid the subject entirely here. At times the Universal vs Disney debate can get as heated, if not more so! Have noticed more than a few people have developed a rather unhealthy attachment/identify myopically with a theme park; to the point where it can almost define them. Quite an odd phenom!

I was a political party committee woman for decades and still work the polls. I enjoy responding to the call to help register folks in voter drives, which (in our neck of the woods anyway) are not party affiliated. I’m thrilled to see all take advantage of their right to vote, no matter what party affiliation selected. My motto has always been: if you don’t vote, you don’t get to complain :). Well, not too loudly lol

To each their own, but it makes me sad and a a bit puzzled when people state they don’t want to discuss politics or religion with their good friends. Notice I did’t say co-workers or casual acquaintances. Healthy discussions on hot topic subjects (not debates) are engaging and interesting to me, others shrink from it. I find it interesting to hear other people’s outlooks, but still generally stick to my own convictions.

Unfortunately, the country has become increasingly decisive, especially since the last general election. Politics can be a very sore subject these days, even i tread a bit lightly. I always respect the right of others to express their opinions, but it has to be in the proper forum. There is a time & place for everything...surely, that doesn’t include work where you can’t exactly escape those pontificating. A whole other layer if they happen to be your ‘supervisors’ etc.. You may want to express your concerns to the HR department. Surely, they have a policy in place to govern that, good luck.

Believe it or not, we have no HR department. The place where I work is not is group practice. They are 4 independently practicing therapists who share office space. I am the receptionist for all of them. Two of the therapists only work nights and Saturdays, so I rarely see either of them. It is the other 2 that annoy me. Therapist 1 ownes the office building and makes most of the decisions for the office. Therapist 2 is the more annoying one when it comes to discussing politics.

My mom is one of those people who has never voted. I don’t understand it either. Whenever she starts complaining about something political I just say, “Well, you could have voted.” And she usually changes the subject. B is missing being able to vote by 8 days. I’m going to encourage her to register once she turns 18.

Another thing I will never understand is the Disney/Unversal debate. They both have their good and bad points. I will admit that I have always been a huge Disney fan. I actually enjoy all of the planning that leads up to the vacation. In the past we had only been to Univesral as a side trip from Disney. When we did an exclusive Universal trip back in December I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I think, for future trips, I want to keep my Disney and Unversal trips separate.

Patty - Have a great trip.

Lynne - Love the cat pictures.

I want to go to Wingapalooza and then to Schumi’s house for dinner.

It won’t be long before the few kids we get start to arrive. We are giving out full size Hershey bars this year. It would be such a shame if we have any left over.:D

We will go out for supper after the trick-or-treaters are gone. Dh got some of his overload pay today. We could go back to where we had our anniversary supper.:sad2: $$$$
Heck I have never told the kids or my DH how I vote. I voted every time except for one. When my older one decided to arrive on Election Day. Made him happy though when young. School District closed that day, as most schools are polling places, and he got off for his birthday. Older one has come with me to vote when he turned 18. I told both kids to always use your right to vote.

Dumplings and noodle from dumpling place soon. Waiting for it to be made. Then welcome to the kids. Candy ready and pumpkins carved. Waiting for sun to go down to light them.

Yep, Schumi’s for dinner and MonyK’s to party with wings and beer. Woot!

And yet, I’m still nibbling.........

Picnics always sound so delicate and proper...........but, we are nibble fans!

Is it bad I’m now thinking of dumplings and noodles! We don’t have places that do that close by......would need to make my own.......

Wine is dulling the fear of Michael Myers!
Thanks Janet

I vote every time there is something to vote on
Local level, national level

But I would gladly tell you how much I weigh before I disclose who and what I vote for on a message board

Lol........I maybe wouldn’t go that far with the weight reveal........:eek:

Yep, every time voter here too........

Love when they send canvassers round the towns to bother us........they always ask.....may I ask who you’re voting for..........I smile and say no you may not, mind your own business!
I made a quick dinner caserole up a couple of hours ago

Having goulash and cornbread for dinner

Mr Mac still taking his nap

Hope he gets up soon as I’m ready to eat.


I have plenty of candy for the trick and treaters

(I buy double so we have some chocolates in the house for us later tonight)
Quiet night here! Loving all of your Halloween decor & treats! And your dinner choices! Pizza night for us! No trick or treaters here! It's damp, rainy, and our road has no sidewalks so we usually only get a few kids. I guess the crummy weather has kept all of them at home! Hmm- what shall I do with all that candy I bought??:laughing:

I’ve had so many kids pounding on my doorbell and now does not work

(This happens every Halloween)

So I’m sitting on my front steps to toss candy to all the kids that come into my yard
Caravans of cars started pulling up and parking in front of my house
They let the kids out to go up and down my street

When the kids get every house in my block done, parents then drive up to the higher level of our ridge

It’s a fun entertaining time for us!

I need to unload a lot of this candy as I will be the one snacking on it if I can’t give it all away...

I bought the good chocolate candy bars and some peanut butter cups and lots of sweets for those age of 3 to 4

They seem to love m&m’s bags
I got home around 6:30 last night. $200 of candy was gone in 45 minutes! Lights off and watched Saw.

Well, we got around 20, only because 2 of our neighbor kids brought a bunch of friends. Three one's came, then the huge gang, then 2 came. All lights out by 7:30. All came between 6 and 7. How nice was that? And while I had a bunch of candy left, at around 7:30, my DB called, he's out of candy, so older one took what was left, and now we have nada. That's fine. We still have some candy bought at that mall store, so I am sure that will be eaten quick. I do have to remind my DB that I want my bowl back. Candy was a gift, not the bowl. I really like the bowl, so why I want it back.

Yay! Yesterday, the temp soared to 70 in the afternoon, was almost too hot. Then after the sun set, while jacket was needed, was a perfect clear night for the kids.

And another ya, another taste of Spring, with the high of 72 today, and mostly sunny. We'll pay for it though, by Saturday, rain and highs in the 50's.

Since it is warm, drink up homies, it's a Thirsty Thursday after all.

:rotfl: and since we love to talk about food: upload_2018-11-1_6-42-49.jpeg . So order Italian, and have a drink or two. Enjoy your Thursday homies. Just think, tomorrow is Friday. :dancer:

Another trip to an Exotic Port-O-Call in the books...(Betcha Milwaukee ain't been called that in quite a while...)
Curds and Brats..NOM.
Now..Onto THE REAL Exotic joint!!!
Here we come MCO!!!
Piling up those RR points!!! :sail:


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