Something About Nothing ... #12

Yep, right guess Schumi and MonyK. On the one that started the fleet of them. Thank goodness for military rates, is all I can say. Am tickled and older one happy not only to go on it, but very happy it is a themed one too. He is not one to humor me and get picture of him with character, but I may have a good laugh or two, at least I am hoping.

Quiet night, and poor little one is sneezing her head off. My plea of taking knock out pill has not been heard. All I hear is screens. Sigh.

Was 34 when I went out to finish errands after dinner. Yep, cool overnight, as last night was a lovely low of 24. Saying expect the same tonight and tomorrow. Not seeing 40 or above for some time.

Oh and a hehe, little one still does not enjoy my comments on her driving and her choice of words for some fellow, stupid drivers. Ah, the joys of the holiday creep in traffic and store hours.

Schumi, I hope lizard weather is back tomorrow. Glad you and family are still enjoying vacation.

MonyK, yep I throw together left overs, never to be copied. Glad they enjoyed your dinner choice.

Have a beautiful night all. May all get a good, restful sleep.
Good Thursday morning here! Left super early for work- expecting snow this morning! Just starting to flurry now! I'll have a nice quiet time before everyone else arrives!

Keisha- great pix of AKL!! and your dinner Yum!!:thumbsup2

Lynne- yay on the cruise!!:cool1: Hope your DD feels better soon!:)

7 more days until Orlando!! :cheer2:

Have a great day all!

Thirsty is the word. Good Morning Patty. I am still crossing fingers and toes that storm system in our area that is arriving Sunday night into Monday morning, stays far out to sea. As of this morning, weather lady says, getting more likely the shore communities will see snow. If the storm gets closer, Monday’s morning commute will feature freezing rain, sleet, and snow for my area. Either way, an all clear will be said, by Tuesday morning.

I need tea. Little one is protesting going to school today. I am going to call the doctor, and see if they will see her tomorrow. Then it will be a short Friday for her, if they can.

Time for tea, ack, phone is updating himself. The iPad already did. Getting used to it.

Have a nice Thursday all.

Lynne hope your girl shakes whatever bug she has
Good idea to get her checked out before school tomorrow to be on the safe side

I know it’s cold all over for all our homies today and going to stick around for more coming days

Went out for dinner for Mexican steak last night
Brought left overs home and when I woke up this morning found out someone ate it up
It was that good and my guess someone figured they could not resist having it for breakfast

Homies, stay warm
Hey, steak is very proper for breakfast. Steak and eggs. Yep. Guess your steak eater left out the eggs, Mac. Hehe. We have left over thieves too.

So happy, an XXL weekend for me. An older one and me day. Woot. Little one scampered out to school. I did call doctor, early dismissal for her tomorrow. I hope it is just a cold and not any sinus infection or other.
Morning Sans family :wave2:


It’s 35 here to start the day. We had a small amount of snow the other day, but it’s all gone now. High here today supposed to be 42.

Think we pay the equivalent of $8 a gallon.

:eek:........WoW.......that is a good reminder to never complain about gas prices over $ 2.00 here. I knew your prices for gas were higher across the pond, but that’s a lot to pay for gas.

Looks like your weather in Orlando will warm up for the next few days. Enjoy the remainder of your trip.

Well, older one was demanding, so most booked. Now deciding which airport and need to reserve the car. Yep, it is happening, just not this month. Next, though.

Great news on the planned trip Next month Lynne you are a sweet mom.

Thank you AKV for the upgrade to a savannah studio. They had me at wart hogs:) I’m literally being drug off balcony each am lol

Nice pictures Keisha and a sweet upgrade surprise.

I need tea. Little one is protesting going to school today. I am going to call the doctor, and see if they will see her tomorrow. Then it will be a short Friday for her, if they can.

It’s the season for colds, flu and all other bugs......they can sure make one miserable at times.....hope the doc can help your daughter Lynne and she feels better soon :grouphug:

Off to the post office and other errands today. Have a great Thursday everyone.
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Good afternoon Sans family and Happy Thursday:yay:...I think the cold is here to stay for a bit. I always hope the weather men are wrong. It is about 30 degrees but the sun is out. The cold will be lingering this weekend and we have plans to take our two friends to Six Flags for our Holiday in the Park. I think they are a little nervous about the cold. We could just go for a couple of hours then leave. The teens have to work and our a little salty about not going. It is going to be weird just us and our friends. We always have had the teens.

Charlie and Liv said that their dinner and pool went good with his father. He didn't start anything even if something was on his mind. I was glad to see them come home and not be upset or get multiple texts in a matte of minutes.

The teens are home today maybe squad is coming over too. It hopefully will be a quieter night.

PrincessWithABlaster Liv has handled her teen years pretty good for the most part.:thumbsup2 I will say that here has been some small bouts of depression,stress and anxiety. I believe this is a negative side that comes with the deeper thinking kid. However, the positive side is that they are understanding and empathetic which is a great quality. Honestly by keeping open communication and lots of support for her we have manged to balance it. I tell her she is more than welcome to go see a therapist if she chooses but she just doesn't want too. Thanks the dinner went good for them.:)

Schumi Sorry you had that cold spell. I am glad that Tom and Kyle made the best of it with Dr.Doom and Hulk. I hope Kyle felt better quick and you were able to resume your trip:thumbsup2. It looks like the nice weather is back again for you.:cool1:

Charade I do love a good a spinach salad. Liv had very good luck with a weighted blanket when she was younger. I think it has a lot to do with her constant moving and sensory issues. Now that she is older she has sleeping issues but it really didn't work for her now. I thin that is a nice healthy way to try to get some sleep. I will keep my fingers crossed it will work.:D

Macraven Thank you and I agree plus a couple of months ago Charlie stood up to his father about visitation and since then his father seems to respect him and his decisions more. Mexican steak night sounded good. Glad you enjoyed it. Around here I have started putting my name and an angry face if anyone touches my left overs!!!:laughing:

Tink Glad your cable is fixed, and he helped with future issues. I understand about pets destroying things. I don't think I will ever have a couch that doesn't look like a scratching post:crazy2:.

Keishashadow love the pics-AKL is one of our favorites and can't wait to stay there with a savanna view. Glad you are enjoying the savanna. PBH looks amazing!!:woohoo:

Monykalyn :laughing: that sounds like fun for the kids. How nice that you can still get romaine locally. Lots of possible mouse trips sounds awesome:banana:! Also homemade mac and cheese is requested by Liv a lot. I also just throw things together and have trouble replicating it. I think as long as I make it she is happy.

Lynne Enjoy your XXl weekend with your older one!!:goodvibes I hope the weather stays good. Ooh a disney cruise sounds like fun:-).

Robo Nice to see you post.:goodvibes Glad that your little bit of snow melted. I hope you are feeling good!:thumbsup2

Patty :rotfl: My newest cat does that same exact thing in the sink!! 7 days and counting:dancer:

I am off to get the teens and some groceries. I hope everyone has a great rest of the day!:wave2:
Okay, steak on the mind. So, had it for dinner. Yep, even with just above freezing, gas grill steaks. Yep, with baked taters, corn, tomatoes and since little one not fond of baked tater, cooked a bag of wide noodles. Not much left over.

Tomorrow, the baking prep and some candy making.

Quiet night, and that is perfect in my book.

Hope all enjoy your Thursday night.
quite caught up on posts again........but glad to see you back at PB Janet........and yes weather was glorious today.........

Had the BEST day at KSC.........what an amazing place! We loved it and had the best time.......spent a long time there and could have stayed longer......but, will definitely go back next year........never expected it to be so emotional.......I vividly remember watching Challenger take off and sadly explode live on tv in 1986. Seeing the piece of the shuttle there was so sad.

And Atlantis was unbelievable to see........we truly had the best day. And weather was beautiful........chilly start but warmed up nicely.......



But, room service tonight for us......Kyle has a bunged up nose and not 100%......not fair.....he hasn’t had a cold for years........why now! But, he’s eaten 2 flourless chocolate cakes......that helps apparently!

Food was good though.......and Christmas Vacation is on........yay! Enjoying a cosy night......

Hope everyone is good..........
Hope Kyle feels better quick, Schumi. We really enjoyed our visit to KSC, years ago now. Looks like a beautiful sunny day. Glad to hear your weather is getting warmer. And nice that you had room service.
Good evening. Well, the weather forecast keeps changing. Right now it looks like we could get an inch or over a foot. I’m going to the store tomorrow just in case.
Tonight dh had his undergraduate students over for dinner. One of his students is YouTube famous. She had wisdom teeth surgery and was still under the effects of the anesthesia and her brothers decided to prank her by convincing her there was a zombie apocalypse. The video went viral and earned her an appearance on the Ellen show.

Not a land Mouse, :sail: one, from Miami. Hence, the road trip detour to stop and visit Harry first. What a momma does for her kids. And hey, my AP Photo pass should still be active. Score. That and RPR will see me at least twice this year. Thinking of another Mouse and Harry visit for next :santa:. That plotting and scheming will be starting as the new year does.
I think B wants you to adopt her and take her on the cruise. I have never given much thought to cruises, but if I did decide to take one I think I would like a Disney cruise.

Cable is all fixed :cool1: the technician put it inside a piece of PVC pipe I provided so hopefully it won't happen again.
Glad you got that fixed. We (mostly dh) would be lost without our cable.

7 more days until Orlando!!
Yay! Have a great trip.

Little one scampered out to school. I did call doctor, early dismissal for her tomorrow. I hope it is just a cold and not any sinus infection or other.
Hope she is feeling better soon.

My newest cat does that same exact thing in the sink!!
My cat has a perfectly good water fountain, but still wants to drink from the bathroom sink.

Had the BEST day at KSC.........what an amazing place! We loved it and had the best time.......spent a long time there and could have stayed longer......but, will definitely go back next year........never expected it to be so emotional.......I vividly remember watching Challenger take off and sadly explode live on tv in 1986. Seeing the piece of the shuttle there was so sad.
Great pictures. I haven’t been to the space center in ages. The last time I was there I was shooting pictures for a photography class I was taking. Somewhere I have a nice picture of the Saturn V rocket.

But, room service tonight for us......Kyle has a bunged up nose and not 100%......not fair.....he hasn’t had a cold for years........why now! But, he’s eaten 2 flourless chocolate cakes......that helps apparently!
Hope he feels better soon. Being sick is never good, but always worse when on vacation.

I should get some sleep. I need to face the grocery store tomorrow morning.
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Yep, get a pep in your step, the weekend is just about here.

Charade, I hear ya on the weather predictions. It all depends on the actual route. We could get 0 or a messy combo, snow, sleet and freezing rain. Eh, when I wake up Monday morning, it will be accurate. But we do feel like winter already. An arctic air pocket is hung over us. Overnights are in the teens and 20’s, mid 30’s during the day, and a brisk wind that makes the temps feel 10 degrees cooler. Quite chilly, as weather guy reported. Last 2 days were boring gray. No sun or brightness to be found. Weather guy says to take your sunglasses today. I will for sure, would be nice to see the sun, even if not at sunrise.

Little one is running a fever. Hope it is just a cold bug. We will find out. She has said, like a couple other people, feels like been sick for a month. Yeah, I agree Robo, lots of bugs and the flu going around. Thankfully, I am sure not a flu. Messing up her sinuses.

Well, the tea is ready. Quiet, and getting bags ready to go to my Dsis. Let the baking and candy making plotting and scheming begin!

Have one fabulous Friday, homies. I hope Kyle is feeling better, sorry to hear sick on vacation.
Morning Sans family :wave2:

Schumi hope Kyle gets better soon. Being sick on vacation is a bummer, but chocolate makes everything better. Of course he has his mom and dad looking after him so I’am sure that’s a comfort also :hug:

Lynne hope your little gets better soon. Maybe the doc can shed some light on how best to treat her today :hug:

Schumi we took our son and family to KSC a number of years ago. It is something to see. So glad to hear you and your family liked it so much. Nice pictures. Will look forward to hearing about it more in your trip report.

Granddaughter came over for dinner yesterday. We ironed her graduation gown and she wanted to decorate her cap. So we did that. She graduates tomorrow with her undergraduate degree and will start Grad School in January. We are so proud of her. She has worked hard.

Taking the advance college classes while still in high school helped her graduate a semester early.

She told me one of her best friends was one of the engineer students at USI that built one of the Mini Satellites that went up on the Space Rocket Wednesday. They received a grant from NASA.

Bobbie68 glad to hear that the visit went well for Liv and Charlie with his dad.

Tink and Pattyw are going to be leaving soon for Orlando :sunny:

For any others who are sick get well soon.

Keisha great selfie of you and your hubby at PBH.

For all others Sans family I have missed :wave:

Have a great Friday everyone.
TGIF! yeah weather forecast has changed to us now maybe getting nothing.:sad2: That means it is further south and DD will get hit-glad she has off this weekend and she requested all next week off for finals. But it also means next week will have some warmer temps without snow cover so yay for that. My poor hens let me know how unhappy they are with the cold and no bugs everytime they see me. All puffed up like a plump feather pillow.

DH wanted to do a day as KSC this trip-I want to wait til June trip when we can spend some time there. I don't think I've been back since I did my own college program at Disney in the 90's! Hope Kyle feels better soon
Must the time of year for the sinus bugs Lynne-my oldest is fighting one too. All the extreme swings in pressure aren't helping either. And YES! to needing sunglasses. We had one day this week where sunglasses needed for part of day.

Keisha looks like she is having fun!!

I should get some sleep. I need to face the grocery store tomorrow morning.
I sent my dh yesterday.

Granddaughter came over for dinner yesterday. We ironed her graduation gown and she wanted to decorate her cap. So we did that. She graduates tomorrow with her undergraduate degree and will start Grad School in January. We are so proud of her. She has worked hard.
Congrats to her!!!! woot! yeah the college level credit in HS makes a huge difference! Mine is still almost a semester ahead despite taking a semester off for DCP. Since she would still need a class her last semester )and couldn't graduate early) she has decided to continue her full load and graduate with double major (and at least 2 minors).

My least favorite NH today-kinda in an admitting freeze so gonna be a slow day. Will probably make excuse and head out early...
Congratulations to Robo’s granddaughter. What an accomplishment for your young lady. Wishing her much success in grad school.

Little one got another yes, so two yeses out of four colleges/ Universities and now, we are still waiting for them now. Seems like the financial aid is about the same for each that said they want her. I think she won’t commit until all 4 are heard from. So thinking early next year. Big smile when large envelope arrived yesterday.

Yay, some blue sky is right now. Hello sunglasses.


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