Something About Nothing..........#11

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what happened newbie Kivara?

did i scare off?

i'm betting a round of ice cream sundaes she will return
So....what are the dates for HHN this year that everyone is attending? Although I don't post a lot, I'm on all the time reading others posts. Would love to do a huge meet and greet this year! rates are very reasonable..........if you fed me those ribs you spoke about and some of the other dishes especially the cornbread :cloud9:........I'll be there with bells on :drive:.......I don't wallpaper.........just paint........but I'm good at that..........gotta be good at something!!

Pc........we are waiting to see what theme and houses it is before making up our minds if we are actually going to horror nights this year at all........DH did enjoy last year but year before bored him a bit, so if it meets with approval......we'll be there opening weekend for sure. Our last weekend which is 3rd and 4th we have made plans that cannot be broken so we'll have to see...........I think we miss most people with our dates this year again......

I love my new rooms! But my goodness you use muscles you didn't know you had when you decorate! But it's worth next, then hall and stairs I think.....but will get the guy in for that as stairs are so high. Kitchen will wait till after I come back from Scotland. Want a more vibrant colour on the kitchen wall as I can get away with it as it's such a bright room........

So it's a catching up on housework day today, charity is coming to pick up my old table, chairs and unit this afternoon then new stuff tomorrow.....yay!!

Have a great day everyone :)
morning all

mac your are proud & red again! i'm still a hot mess but, as much as I would like my tags back, not about to venture to the true 'dark side'...taco bell

marci - aw, that's sweet.

kfed - your poor FIL. from what I gather it's not uncommon as we age for that sort of back issue to not be diagnosed, people chalk it up to getting old aches & pains. good luck

carole - isn't it satisfying to see how nice everything turned out?
Hi :wave: that's how I felt when everyone agreed to our bonus trip this time.

Welcome :welcome:to our new homie kivara...come back soon...we have ice cream.

Kfish...hope your dad feels better soon...back problems stink.

Carole..I'll feed you whatever you want if you come paint my house...pulled pork, coleslaw and all the cornbread you can eat.

pc...we will probably be at the darkside 9/30 - 10/6 switching over to WDW for 2 nights after that for F & W at Epcot. A big meet up would be fun as I missed a few homies last trip and it made me sad :sad:

I can't believe it's only 4 days till our trip:yay: this will be our shortest visit to date with only 4 nights but any time is better than staying home in the cold.

Happy Tuesday to all:flower1:
So....what are the dates for HHN this year that everyone is attending? Although I don't post a lot, I'm on all the time reading others posts. Would love to do a huge meet and greet this year!
i'll be there in october from sept 29 - oct 16
i have my darkside room but haven't booked the motherside room yet.
and, still have to nail air.
i'll be at the darkside rpr on the 3rd but already set up my plans for that day.
i'll be hitting 5/6? nights of hhn.

would be sweet to do a big meet and greet at the darkside.
i'll make notes when peeps post when they will be there.
maybe we could get a couple of meet ups at different dates this october.

i always love meeting up with new homies!

once the hhn calendar is released and when homies start finalizing their plans, meet and greets can happen.
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I should buy it since its only 23 miles from my who wants to donate 600k to the cause?:duck:
Here we go again, freezing rain and ice later today. A fun time on the roads to be had.

No thanks to the town. Sorry, Tink.

Someday I may be an October visiting homie, but it will be a few years.

Schumi, what a great time to refresh the house. Sounds lovely.

Have a great day all!
hi all...

LynneG, we must be twins as the freezing rain has started now.
i'm going to do a quick run to Petco for cat food.

i have to do this so i wont' have to give them the $1.39 cans of real tuna.
maybe i should try to fee my family the tuna cat food which goes for .50
think they would taste the difference?
You are all so funny! Glad I found this chat thread!
Don't worry, I don't scare easily...but with 3 kiddos in school, 7am comes early :sad2: I log off each day at 11pm, watch I Love Lucy & hit the hay.

And no, ice cream cannot tempt me back, I am doing the 17 day diet right now in preparation for my June trip to Uni!
Thanks for the nice welcome!:love:
You can have ice cream on the 3rd cycle of the 17 day diet kivara...just saying there's something to look forward to. I love that diet since it helped me lose 70 lbs a few years ago...only gained back 20 lbs since so I consider it a win.
Great job Vicki!
I forgot about the ice cream in Cycle 3! I haven't done it in 4 years, it worked well the first time, but I went WAY off and regained 30 of the 40lbs I had, here i go again!
My boys joke with me and say I'm just dieting now so I can have as much butterbeer as I want in June. YUP! :cool1:
Vicki......I'm a sucker for pulled pork and cornbread :cloud9:.............4 days till your trip??? Is Trey's friend coming with you after all or just 3 of you? Hope you get decent weather while you're there.

Lynne.........careful on those roads, sounds a real nightmare.....we're all ready for some nicer warmer weather I think.......yeah house is looking great........but now I really don't want to wait and do the rest of the places I want to freshen up.......DH is shaking his

I went out and bought some sample pots of paint for the kitchen this was kinda light plum/aubergine and a few others.........Kyle came in after I had painted different areas with little squares and he announced........NO more purple please..............:rolleyes1 He claims his is the only room in the house I haven't splashed with purple do have a lot of purple things in most rooms:ssst: or varying shades of the same.

Now planning pulled pork for dinner tomorrow night..........:D
Carole...just going to be the 3 of us since Trey's friend couldn't get his vacation approved at the last minute(after his flight was booked). It was a disappointment but he has a flight credit and will probably join us on our fall trip.

Stir fry for dinner tonight...I'm trying to eat healthy to make up for next week :D
i won't be around very much the next few days.
son is having surgery in the morning and the day after i will too.

post smilies or tell some jokes so our thread won't slip to page 2 or 3.......
when i can, i want to come on and read so i need to find our home

i love you all.

and if
buckeev ever comes back here, hound him to tell the story on how he got kicked out of his room at the motherland.....
Vicki, that's a shame......but nice he can transfer his flight and go in October with you possibly. know we will.........:flower1::rainbow::cloud9::flower:

Thinking about pulled pork and cornbread last night..........first time I ever ate was cornbread was our first visit and had it with voodoo shrimp which was lush........when we went to Bubbalous one night I enjoyed it so much and told the guy it was one of the nicest cornbreads ever.......they gave me extra to take home........nice of him.

Have a great Wednesday :)
Ahh the joys of scraping ice off the car once again. Lots of accidents and slush now. We're getting ready for the "big" snow - predicting more than 4 inches. Lion indeed. And, we get to go back to being in the low 20's most of next week. I am ready for more spring like weather right now.

Schumi - I like cornbread, but my favorite. We enjoyed our meal at Bubbalous too. I go for the brisket more than the pulled pork.

Hope all are doing ok.

Mac,and family - take care. :flower1:

It's raining quite hard right now - so popcorn:::coffee:
Prayers to you and the son Mac. How about some Flower & Garden pics? Heading over to Epcot for opening day in a bit here - supposed to be 87 here today!!
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