Someone just tried to tell me that Cars 2 IS inappropriate...

I think that's the issue. Cars had action but not violence. Not even a threat of potential violence, if I remember right (and I'm sure someone will correct me if I don't). It sounds like Cars 2 has violence and even greater potential violence. That doesn't mean it's a bad movie, but as a parent, I expect a sequel to be no more violent than the original movie. It's almost like the producers tried to make a movie that the original fans of Cars would like, bumping it up for a now-older audience.

This is the point the parent who originally posted on FB was trying to make. A parent has a certain expectation in regards to a sequel and parents who are taken by surprise are entitled to be frustrated. I believe this is the nuance that the OP missed when she posted her own opinion. The parent was drawn into a movie that was originally acceptable for her child, was marketed to her child and was then taken aback by the level of violence ( at a loss here, I did not see the movie) that was presented to her little one.
This is the point the parent who originally posted on FB was trying to make. A parent has a certain expectation in regards to a sequel and parents who are taken by surprise are entitled to be frustrated. I believe this is the nuance that the OP missed when she posted her own opinion. The parent was drawn into a movie that was originally acceptable for her child, was marketed to her child and was then taken aback by the level of violence ( at a loss here, I did not see the movie) that was presented to her little one.

While I agree that the film is much more violent than the first Cars movie, I would add that you would see that in the trailers. They showed explosions and shooting and Mater in the cross hairs of a weapon. So unless you just went without checking out the previews/trailers, you shouldn't have been surprised.

I think killing off the parents in a movie is much more horrific. I too still have scars over Bambi's mother dying and my nephew freaked out when Mustafa died.

I also remember the Warner Bros. cartoons. The entire premise of the Road Runner cartoon was that Wylie Coyote wanted to kill him and tried everything he could. They also carried guns (Yosemite Sam) and lots of them drank beer.
I am not saying we should go back to those days, but I don't they those cartoons scarred a generation either.

We saw Cars 2 and we liked it. My 4 year old loved it. The Incredibles is one of our favorite movies and that has people trying to kill kids.
I agree. Bambi's mother's death still haunts me to this day. However, I still love Disney and most of the movies.

I was disturbed by a couple of scenes in Toy Story 3. My 7 year old daughter was freaked out by the scene in which it looked like all the toys were going to burned up in an incinerator. Personally, I thought the violence in Cars 2 was a lot less bothersome, and so did my daughter.

I agree.. the incinerator scene was scary... but so touching!!!:wizard:

Disney has always had the yin and yang... good and bad , scary and sweet in all of their movies!!!

:sad2:and all of the posters who are so overprotective of their little ones about a pretend movie ....are sure having NO Problem being snarky or bashing someone elses 15 year old child ..who simply came here to state her opinion!!:rolleyes:
:sad2:and all of the posters who are so overprotective of their little ones about a pretend movie ....are sure having NO Problem being snarky or bashing someone elses 15 year old child ..who simply came here to state her opinion!!:rolleyes:

Um, yeah, because having a rude signature (with a boast you cannot live up to) is exactly the same as being disappointed that a movie wasn't what you expected... :confused3
I'm thinking the problem with the OP is the implied suggestion that just because, in her opinion, Cars 2 is OK for her, it should be OK for all. Anyone who has even only the most basic knowledge about raising a child knows that all kids mature at different rates, and what might be great for one 4 yo might be terrifying for a 6yo.

I took my 4 yo daughter to see Cars 2 on Saturday, and right off the bat, I was surprised at seeing one of the villain cars getting blown to bits. One minute alive and talking, the next, in pieces. My 4 yo turned to me and asked "Is he dead?" and I answered, "Yep, he was a bad guy." Now, it didn't phase her in the least, and she just kept on watching, but I could definitely see another child being frightened on many instances while watching Cars 2.

The most fascinating thing about this thread is that I don't quite get what's to be gained by someone belittling another's opinion on what's appropriate for their own children...especially on a discussion board that's majority populated by moms.
My 5 and 8 year old liked it. I have no problem with them seeing it. Then again my kids were the ones calling the cat over to eat the baby mice that fell out when we tried to put up our tent.
Yes, they can! If that's your desire for your child, avoid PG films and stick with G. Also, read reviews carefully. I protected my child for a while but he's full on into things like Call of Duty, Mortal Combat and Grand Theft Auto. I've watched the boys play them all. I've voiced my objections and explained why I felt that way...

On the way down to the beach this year, we saw a triple rainbow in the mountains. It lasted for about a half hour and the three boys with me were taking pics, leaning out windows, demanding the roof be slip open despite the rain so they could see. It was amazing and they were like little kids with their minds totally open.

Don't worry too much. :)

I just want to point out, that contrary to what the OP says, Cars 2 IS rated G.

I agree.. the incinerator scene was scary... but so touching!!!:wizard:

Disney has always had the yin and yang... good and bad , scary and sweet in all of their movies!!!

:sad2:and all of the posters who are so overprotective of their little ones about a pretend movie ....are sure having NO Problem being snarky or bashing someone elses 15 year old child ..who simply came here to state her opinion!!:rolleyes:
Well, my DD is 14 and on the DIS. If she had a signature like that I would hope people would give her a hard time about it if i had been unsuccessful in talking her into changing it (I do not think I would force her to, but would tell her what I thought about and that it would not win her friends:rolleyes1). I also do not expect her to get any sort of special treatment on here due to her age--I figure she is choosing to interact on a mostly adult forum and that means she should expect to act like and be treated like an adult. IF, I did not feel that way, then I would not allow her to have an account here--simple really.
and an experienced mom with adult children would know that it is pointless to argue with a 15 year old... because they know everything... :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
( this thread is so funny..."i have children, so I know better" "i have a masters so I know better" hahaha so I though i would throw in my "i have older children so I know better " point)

I have seen plenty of mom's here call out other moms about differing parenting styles... why should the OP be any different??:confused3;)
I have seen plenty of mom's here call out other moms about differing parenting styles... why should the OP be any different??:confused3;)

And I've seen plently of those posters, called out about their posts...why should the OP be any different?? :confused3;)
I just want to point out, that contrary to what the OP says, Cars 2 IS rated G.

Well, my DD is 14 and on the DIS. If she had a signature like that I would hope people would give her a hard time about it if i had been unsuccessful in talking her into changing it (I do not think I would force her to, but would tell her what I thought about and that it would not win her friends:rolleyes1). I also do not expect her to get any sort of special treatment on here due to her age--I figure she is choosing to interact on a mostly adult forum and that means she should expect to act like and be treated like an adult. IF, I did not feel that way, then I would not allow her to have an account here--simple really.

The op has not complained about her treatment (at least I did not see any post like that) and my statement was about the adults posting.... and their treatment of a 15 year old.... of course it is just typical DIS attitude and I am sure the OP had read enough to know what was coming....:thumbsup2
or she is just bored and wanted to stir it up a bit.. LOL
And I've seen plently of those posters, called out about their posts...why should the OP be any different?? :confused3;)

I did not say she shouldn't I just said that it is amusing that overprotective parents who are upset by a movie should find it so easy to argue with a child....:thumbsup2
and an experienced mom with adult children would know that it is pointless to argue with a 15 year old... because they know everything... :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
( this thread is so funny..."i have children, so I know better" "i have a masters so I know better" hahaha so I though i would throw in my "i have older children so I know better " point)

I have seen plenty of mom's here call out other moms about differing parenting styles... why should the OP be any different??:confused3;)

Sure they do, and a smack-down of epic proportions typically follows, which is what the OP is currently experiencing, although probably because of her age, to a far kinder extent. All I know is that when the words "hon" and "sweetie" start flying, it's time to walk away from the discussion.:teeth:
Well, my DD is 14 and on the DIS. If she had a signature like that I would hope people would give her a hard time about it if i had been unsuccessful in talking her into changing it (I do not think I would force her to, but would tell her what I thought about and that it would not win her friends:rolleyes1). I also do not expect her to get any sort of special treatment on here due to her age--I figure she is choosing to interact on a mostly adult forum and that means she should expect to act like and be treated like an adult. IF, I did not feel that way, then I would not allow her to have an account here--simple really.

This. The OP has not come back and said "How dare you be so mean to me; I'm just a kid," so I presume she feels the same way.

I did not say she shouldn't I just said that it is amusing that overprotective parents who are upset by a movie should find it so easy to argue with a child....:thumbsup2

I don't understand your logic. What does one have to do with the other? Why does wanting to avoid a movie that might be upsetting for your young children mean you should avoid discussing that topic with an teenager? What am I missing? :confused3
Sure they do, and a smack-down of epic proportions typically follows, which is what the OP is currently experiencing, although probably because of her age, to a far kinder extent. All I know is that when the words "hon" and "sweetie" start flying, it's time to walk away from the discussion.:teeth:


well my concern about cars2 is where are all of the people? It clearly takes place here on earth... did the cars run everyone over and take over the world?? Will that be the cars 3 prequel plot?? :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
We just went and saw the movie yesterday. I took my 7 and 5 year olds. My kids have been HUGE Cars fans since th first movie. While both of them liked the movie and neither seemed scared, I too have to say that I was disappointed that here is yet another kids movie that revolved around the killing of the characters, death, destruction, and guns. The first movie was great and didn't have to have any of those things to be a great movie - yes there was a good guy and a bad guy but there was not the constant threat of death.

Maybe I just don't get it, but can't there be a good movie that doesn't involve killing off the characters? :confused3
My only "issue" is that they killed a character. They didn't point blank showed it--but it was obvious that is what they did as I think they showed the effects of it or something.

Anyway--I still was okay with the movie..but when that occurred, it caught my attention.

My 4yo was fine with it and he tends to be a bit on the side of not liking mean characters in movies.

It is one of those times where I can actually understand and agree with both sides of the argument. It is up for the individual to decide--that is why they have those websites with all the spoiler information so that parents can decide if it is appropriate for kids.

Due to my one "issue"-I'm not so sure it should have been given the G rating...

Even the Coyote didn't actually die despite all that TNT. ;)
and an experienced mom with adult children would know that it is pointless to argue with a 15 year old... because they know everything... :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
( this thread is so funny..."i have children, so I know better" "i have a masters so I know better" hahaha so I though i would throw in my "i have older children so I know better " point)

I have seen plenty of mom's here call out other moms about differing parenting styles... why should the OP be any different??:confused3;)
Maybe things will change in teh next six months, but at least for now, as a mom of a 14 year old, I think mine often will take criticism from other adults well--it is just me, as her mother, who is clueless in her mind:lmao: (actually, she listens to me most of the time--just not when she is in a teen snit, overall I think she is an awesome kid:goodvibes)
The op has not complained about her treatment (at least I did not see any post like that) and my statement was about the adults posting.... and their treatment of a 15 year old.... of course it is just typical DIS attitude and I am sure the OP had read enough to know what was coming....:thumbsup2
or she is just bored and wanted to stir it up a bit.. LOL

I agree, the OP has not complained about the comments. I just do not understand all of these posters here wanting to "protect" the OP somehow from reading any negative reactions to her words and chastising those who do react. Wouldn't it be patronizing to only say sugary sweet things to the OP, even if you did not feel that way, just because of her age? Personally, I would have an issue with that more than anything negative being said:rolleyes:


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