So what ya asking Santa for?


<font color=red>all I can say is beer hurts when i
Oct 11, 2005
Just curious....has anyone made out their list for Santa yet?

The top of my list is a riding lawn mower, but quite frankly, that may have to wait for the Easter Bunny. No need to spend, oops, I mean ask Santa for something I wont need till Spring anyway....

So what are you asking for?

Specifically a buffet and china cabinet with hutch for the dining room.

With all the wedding gifts, we're in desperate need of a place to store them all! :rotfl2:

Additionally (or if we . . er . Santa can't afford furniture right now) we're looking at this:

We're planning on going back to France in the next couple years, and want to be able to speak with people more fluently than the last time. :thumbsup2

Specifically a buffet and china cabinet with hutch for the dining room.

Ya I guess I should put that on the list too, since I have two rooms that are literally empty! :confused:

Good luck on the French!
My better half will want some sort of power tool...I already got my Coach Purse early and my son is home from Afghanastan this year, so having ALL my children here with me, I'm one happy girl!!;)
Santa gave us plane tickets to New Zealand to visit family for Christmas! :woohoo:

My girls are 9 and 11, so old enough to know what a big ticket item that was and not expecting tons of toys and stuff. Santa will be giving them iTunes gift cards to stock up on new ipod music for the plane, and some new Nintendo DS games for the plane, but other than that our trip is our big Christmas present to each other!
I beginning to feel a bit like my Grandma: I don't NEED anything, and I have everything I want. My kids however, hate this answer soooooo: Maybe a gift card for Itunes, a toe ring, incense.....
silly stuff.
Equality in California and elsewhere...... But if not that, I really want that pants steamers...... lol
:santa: Santa is giving us cruises. :boat: :sail: We're sailing in May. We asked him months ago, before he got bus and lost the farm on Wall Street.

We're planning on going back to France in the next couple years, and want to be able to speak with people more fluently than the last time. :thumbsup2

have you ever used any of the rosetta stone products? I want to get this for the kids too. and me so when I shop in Montreal I know what they are saying about me behind the counter..............LOL;)

I am asking Santa for a GPS for my car:)
Ooooh, Rosetta Stone. If I were going to ask Santa for anything, I'd ask for the Irish version of Rosetta Stone.

A kimber?

But nope. We're having an unexpected cruise (SOON!) and a houseful for Christmas, so we'll forego the Santa stuff this year.
have you ever used any of the rosetta stone products?

Not yet. Though, I did the Pimsleur CDs which are also an "immersion" technique, but without the visuals. I thought it was a great way for me to learn, so the addition of the visual components should work even better for me, as I tend to learn visually more quickly than auditorily.
I have heard lots of great things about Rosetta Stone :thumbsup2
I just checked out the Pimsleur site............looks interesting too.
interesting how they mention kids and how they just absorb the spoken language............
my kids always change the language on dvd movies, and I swear they are almost bilingual in Spanish from doing this.
I really don't know. All I want is kids, but, that's not exactly something Santa can bring me.

have you ever used any of the rosetta stone products? I want to get this for the kids too. and me so when I shop in Montreal I know what they are saying about me behind the counter..............LOL;)

I'd check on whether they have different versions for "European French" and "Canadian French" before expecting it to help you in Montreal.

When I (attempt to) speak French I use a mixture of European and Canadian French since even in Canada the French as a Second Language education system is based on European French. But, the French that you actually hear and get to use is French Canadian. I had a roommate (in the US) who just thought my French was really bad (which it is now, but, wasn't then) until she happened to hear a French Canadian newscast one day. She was shocked by how different it was--I tried pointing out that I'd told her this before, but, she really believed that my French was just wrong.

I should add...European French will be generally understood in Montreal, it's just not so likely to help you understand conversations between native French Canadians unless you are extremely fluent.
You'd let Paul off the hook that easily???
And I've got 3 guys from the gym all cued up!
:worship: :worship: :worship:

I'm a frigging catch damn it!

And what does Paul have to do with it anyway? -
We said this was a list for Santa.


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