So... what are you doing for the long weekend?


do something that MATTERS!
Mar 14, 2001
This is the weekend we normally go to the Oregon Coast and go camping. With just moving in though we will be staying here and getting some work done around the house.

I have a great weekend of painting, stripping wallpaper, and just generaly fixing things planned.

SO what are your Memorial Day weekend plans? :)
For the beginning of the weekend it will be cleaning and packing, and on Sunday we leave for 2 weeks in Texas. Monday is my birthday, we will start the day in Oklahoma City and plan to stop in San Antonio that night.
Cleaning, packing, and resting for our trip the weekend after! :banana:
thelionqueen said:
We're going to DISNEYWORLD!!!!

I'm so jealous! ;)

I'm not doing much this weekend. DD5 is with her father for the weekend, so I'll be going out for dinner with some friends Saturday night, then going over a friend's house to hang out for a little while. After that, my dbf will probably come over my house, so we can spend the evening together. I have to pick dd up on Sunday night and I have no plans other than that. I hope the weather's nice! :sunny:
I know I'm doing something this weekend, but I don't know what!

My 30th birthdays is tomorrow, and DH has some surprise cooked up for me. I know we are going out to dinner afterwork tomorrow to Benihana's, I requested we go there for my B-Day. But he has some surprise outing planed for all day Saturday and he won't tell me what it is until after dinner tomorrow. I haven't a clue what we are doing!

Sunday I'm going to plant all the outside flowers. I would have done it last weekend but I was sick the whole time.

On Monday, my friend and I are going to celebrate my B-Day by going out to lunch and going window shoping.
DS's Cub Scout leaders are having their annual, end of the year, parent only party on Saturday. And Sunday is my cousin's high school graduation party.
Chicago526 said:
I know I'm doing something this weekend, but I don't know what!

My 30th birthdays is tomorrow, and DH has some surprise cooked up for me. I know we are going out to dinner afterwork tomorrow to Benihana's, I requested we go there for my B-Day. But he has some surprise outing planed for all day Saturday and he won't tell me what it is until after dinner tomorrow. I haven't a clue what we are doing!

Sunday I'm going to plant all the outside flowers. I would have done it last weekend but I was sick the whole time.

On Monday, my friend and I are going to celebrate my B-Day by going out to lunch and going window shoping.

Happy birthday!!!! :cool1:
we have been REALLY busy with DD's activities - and have about 4 weeks before they start in again. So, we will be home this weekend getting yardwork done. DD wants to have a sleep-over and we will hit the drive-in to see "Over the Hedge"!!!! Have a family party one afternoon as well. So, we will be busy!!! I do miss the old days of camping on Memorial Day weekend though!!!! Wish we had the time to break out the tents and have a back yard camp out!!!

Today is our daughter's last day of school. Her nana (my Mother-in-Law) will be picking her up from school and they'll all have a high-ol'-time tonight. So that leaves just one kiddo for us to deal with tonight. Nana & Papaw live about 45 minutes south of us, roughly halfway between Knoxville & Chattanooga. They're close enough, but not too close.

Tomorrow is our son's last day of school, and also our 16th anniversary. KAMommy's off tomorrow, so she'll take sonny-boy (when school lets out) down to Nana & Papaw's to join sistah tomorrow night. KAMommy & I will have a long-overdue date-night, dinner & a movie probably.

Saturday - morning will be housecleaning & packing for our World trip.:wizard: Sleep in a bit, head to the tanning bed to combat impending sunburn, maybe a nice leisurely lunch... Saturday afternoon (early) we'll be heading down to Nana & Papaw's. Saturday evening will be dinner with Nana & Papaw. Lots of reading and/or napping will probably be the order of the day.

Sunday - morning, maybe church? I'm not very comfortable in that church (Bible-thumping, Fire & Brimstone Shoutin' Southern Baptist - I was raised Catholic so I prefer a much more sedate church service), but I won't fight it if that's what is in the works. It makes Mother-in-Law happy when we all go to church with them, and I can always use any extra Brownie Points with her... :thumbsup2 Sunday afternoon - lots of reading and/or napping. Maybe fire up the ol' laptop for a computer game or two... Sunday evening/night - most probably watch the NASCAR Charlotte race.

Monday - morning. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Repeat. Slow day. Reading/napping. Repeat as necessary. We'll all head back for home late afternoon. Kids may choose to stay, who knows? Next week is a two-day week for us at work, so no sweat in any case. If the kids choose to stay with Nana & Papaw, we'll swing by early Thursday morning to pick them up on the way to The World.

Man, I wasted a lot of space to say 'not much' :rotfl:
SleepyMom said:
For the beginning of the weekend it will be cleaning and packing, and on Sunday we leave for 2 weeks in Texas. Monday is my birthday, we will start the day in Oklahoma City and plan to stop in San Antonio that night.

Well Happy Birthday! Monday is my birthday too! ;)

This weekend I will be going to the Air Show at the beach. DBF has been dying to see the Blue Angles. So we are going to sit on the beach and watch a bunch of planes to some scary things. Last year they had guys jump out of a helicopter into the water and then get rescued. Then they had guys parachute onto the beach into crowds of people! It was actually cooler than I thought it was going to be.

Other than that, I plan on relaxing. The past couple of weekends have been busy (communions, birthdays, yard work...) so this weekend I am kicking up my feet and playing the birthday card.
We are digging out bushes and spreading two tons of crushed brick around out house. My company doesn't give memorial day as a holiday so I'll be sitting her DIS's all day as half the company takes a vacation day anyway!
Chicago526 said:
My 30th birthdays is tomorrow, and DH has some surprise cooked up for me. I know we are going out to dinner afterwork tomorrow to Benihana's, I requested we go there for my B-Day. But he has some surprise outing planed for all day Saturday and he won't tell me what it is until after dinner tomorrow. I haven't a clue what we are doing!

Happy Birthday! Let us know what the surprise is! (if you can :blush: )
And Happy Birthday to everyone who is having a birthday this weekend!

FH's is Tuesday and he wanted to see Willie Nelson. So Willie on Friday, my brother's graduation party on Saturday and my cousin is getting married on Sunday. I can't wait to sleep in on Monday!! :banana:
Saturday--meeting Scout leader to arrange event, training session, run back & forth preparing for event. Tidy house. DFIL to stay.
Take 1 tranquilizer in order to stop obsessing over Memorial Day event & get some sleep!
Sunday--guys go kayaking. Clean house, bake 8 dozen cookies, get costumes ironed, cook, haul chairs, tidy historic house, do the flowers. Cross fingers hoping DH will want to grill! :cloud9:
Extreme prayer for sunny skies on Monday--at least until 11:30 am!
Take 2 tranquilizers in order to get some sleep! :rolleyes:
Monday--event day! :scared: Set up refreshment table, set up chairs (staff of 1!--DS17 thank goodness for that wonderful young man!), walk grounds with music director, herd Daisy Scouts, coordinate! coordinate! :teeth: Lead tours, socialize & coordinate all at once (not easy for for this ADD hostess! :rolleyes1 )--starting to remind me of my our wedding--I've got a long pretty dress on, a poofy hat, will be wearing the same possum-stunned expression, I won't have slept! :earseek:
Monday @ 4:30 pm---will be kicking or congratulating self. :confused3
If kicking :p , take tranquilizer to calm down, if congrats: get home & collapse in to bed--no pills needed! :sunny: , should be too tired to eat or cook! Send guys out to restaurant! :thumbsup2
Must stop DISing & go shop for event! :teeth:

going nuts!
dh and I are spending a nice romantic weekend in Quebec City. :love: Very excited. His first time and my second. I'll get to use the french I spent my college tuition getting a major in.
work in the yard
catch the double feature at the drive-in
host a family picnic
drive out onto assateague island for a sweet day of sun, fishing, and relaxation

love it! :love:
RadioFanatic said:
dh and I are spending a nice romantic weekend in Quebec City. :love: Very excited. His first time and my second. I'll get to use the french I spent my college tuition getting a major in.

Oooh..Quebec city! I love the old city!
Marvelous pick for a romantic holiday!



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