~Snowbird Chat~

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Hi Snowbirds
I haven't been in the mood to chat on here in a while but I will catch up soon- promise :) It has been a difficult Thanksgiving. A local family lost their 8 yr old son, Jack, on Thanksgiving night. He went to bed Thanksgiving night, woke up not feeling well, took a gasp and died. He had been not feeling well and his parents had taken him to the hospital a few days before. The doctors said it could be lyme disease and sent him home Wednesday with no real answers and a note that he could return to school on Monday. They are considering that he contracted meningitis but don't have any test results yet to be sure. His parents of course are beyond heartbroken. It is such a sad situation. He was such an active and energetic little boy. His nickname in the little kids football league was "Jumping Jack". It's so sad to think how quickly our lives can change. My kids are tired of me hugging them but I can't help but want to hold them close right now. Please pray for his parents and older brother as they struggle to accept this.

Kim, this happened here in August to a precious family in our church. There oldest son started having headaches and not feeling well and within days he was gone. It's very tragic. :hug:
Kim, My heart is just breaking from hearing that. Prayers for comfort and peace especially during the holidays for the family and friends.

Hi Soleil, how are ya?!
Oh Kim! That's awful!! I know when I hear things like that it makes me want to love on my kids even more! I feel terrible for that family! I will be praying for them!
Kim, this happened here in August to a precious family in our church. There oldest son started having headaches and not feeling well and within days he was gone. It's very tragic. :hug:
OK, getting on my soapbox now -

Folks, take these as cautionary tales and PLEASE, PLEASE, get your precious children vaccinated against meningitis. It is one of the fastest moving, hardest to diagnose illnesses since it resembles flu or just headaches; by the time it's diagnosed in many children and young adults, it's too late to treat.

Many states already require the vaccine for college students living in dorms, since it's highly contagious. If your kids go to camp, they should also have it for the same reason.

Thank you for that suggestion, snykymom. :thumbsup2 I don't even know if my kids have been vaccinated for that--I'm going to check!

Happy Chanukah to snykymom and everyone else celebrating!
Thank you for that suggestion, snykymom. :thumbsup2 I don't even know if my kids have been vaccinated for that--I'm going to check!

Happy Chanukah to snykymom and everyone else celebrating!
Thanks! And I just have to post this:
Just wanted to post a book review. Pluto fan...I thought of you this morning! I posted on my FB page, but I know you and I have talked about good books previously! I got Beth Moores newest book a while back "So Long Insecurity, You've Been a Bad Friend to Us"... but, it got to a part where it suggested that you really have some quiet/alone/reflection time. I put it on the bookshelf in my room until I could find such a time. The intent was a little later that week--we were hot and heavy with some things for our business and keeping the kids on track with school. Anyway...before I knew it, a month or more had passed!! Then of course, we were really down to the deadline for our school semester, we were about to leave for Disney, and then we had gotten sick right before we left...then vacation, then Thanksgiving....of course, it's always something when a book like that is waiting!! :) So...long story to say- I really wished I would have finished it when I started it!!! But, God is good, and some things my hubby and I have been talking about (even in another book he was reading) were fresh in my mind and on my heart....so He still had it in His timetable.
Any of you, my sweet snowbirdy friends, who have ever dealt with an insecurity*haven't we all:sad1:* should read this book. I know personally I have some things that really hold me back....in reading this book, I was able to meet some things head on, and start dealing with the aftermath of carrying it around for over 30 years! It was a little bit emotional for sure! but, I am so glad I read it! I have to go back and read certain parts again. All-in-all, I give it 2 :thumbsup2 !!! So...run to your library/bookstore and read it!!:flower3:
Just wanted to say Happy Holidays to all of my sweet Snowbird friends! :goodvibes Hope you are all doing well!

So good to see you :hug:, Happy Holidays to you and your family as well! Hope all is going well for you and we'll see you around more often :cutie:

Snykymom--love the picture! :laughing:

Just wanted to post a book review. Pluto fan...I thought of you this morning! I posted on my FB page, but I know you and I have talked about good books previously! I got Beth Moores newest book a while back "So Long Insecurity, You've Been a Bad Friend to Us"...

Aw, thanks for thinking of me! I just logged on to my library account and requested it. :thumbsup2

Dept. 56 has a Disney village and he got me a few pieces to start me off!! Early Christmas present! Isn't it cute??? There's about 15 pieces in all. I have it by my Disney tree for now. The whole family room has LOTS of Disney decorations! I will take pictures when I get my tree topper and finish the tree decorating.

Baking cookies this weekend and going to see Sarah do a Show Choir concert. She's been at a workshop at the High School yesterday and today. She's loving it! We got about 5" of fresh snow yesterday and last night, so it's really looking like Christmas around here. That and I'm playing a bunch of Christmas music (DISNEY!) - I think I'm officially crazy!!! But hey, it makes me happy!! :santa:
Hope all my snowbird buddies are having a great weekend!!

Hey Meghan - I'm sorry, but I think even my sad old Vikings will beat the Bills tomorrow. My condolences to you and your DH for how crappy they are doing this year!
Hey Meghan - I'm sorry, but I think even my sad old Vikings will beat the Bills tomorrow. My condolences to you and your DH for how crappy they are doing this year!

Well, we think otherwise. :goodvibes The Bills are doing pretty badly this year, but we've lost some VERY close games.....3 overtime losses really stinks, but we could have easily won those games. We were kind of hoping for a winless season so we could get the #1 draft pick!
Well, we had a bit of pixie dust last night. A friend couldn't use her symphony tickets so gave them to us! Saw a wonderful (non-holiday) concert, with a brilliant violin soloist. Then on the way home, stopped at Cheesecake Factory. I got the Red Velvet cheesecake. Heavenly! :cloud9:

Now, I love sweets. And I hadn't had dinner - only a late lunch. Got home at about 11 and dug in. Then opened it for breakfast (yeah, I know . . .) Even so, there's still more than a third left! I don't understand how anyone could eat a whole slice at a sitting, especially after a dinner! :rotfl2: It's OK with me, though - I get to enjoy it again!

Oh, and one week from right now, I'll be boarding the plane for MCO, CSR, DHS and PT (did I use enough acronyms??? :lmao:)


With any luck, I will have passed the exam I'm taking on Wednesday :scared1:, and won't have to think about it again! Now off to study some more. :teacher:
Hi there Snowbirds!

We had a busy busy weekend! Yesterday we got our tree, came home and decorated it, drove around to look at Christmas lights. Today was church, delivered a desk that we sold on Craigslist, grocery shopped, built a little gingerbread village that we picked up at Target, then cleaned and now I'm finally relaxing. There's so much to do before Christmas so I'm making a list and checking it twice to get myself organized!

Thanks for all the prayers for Jack's family. His funeral had an amazing turnout. Hundreds if not close to a thousand came to pay their respects nad show their condolences for his family. It was a 2 hour line just to get in. It was very touching. I still haven't heard if they actually found out the cause of his death but it really sounds like it was meningitis.

Snykymom- Thanks for the vaccination reminder. My kids have received their HIB vaccine that prevents bacterial but I'm trying to find out if there's a vaccine for viral meningitis.
Loved the festive Chanukah cats pic- too cute! Happy 6 more days til you visit your acronyms :lmao: and good luck on your exam!

Shawna- Thanks for the book suggestion. I think we all have insecurities unfortunately. I'm 32 and I still carry things that happened to me as a child. it's so not healthy. I put it on hold. :goodvibes Actually it's the audio version so I can listen to it on the treadmill ;)

Hope everyone is well and keeping warm! We saw a few snow flurries this morning and the kids were so excited! I can't wait until we get some real snow this winter!
Good Morning Birdies!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I felt myself starting to get stuffed up and a scratchy throat on Friday, so I spent my weekend at home relaxing. We leave in 16 days to spend Christmas in Colorado...so excited...it's our first Chrismtas in Estes Park. So I'm trying to avoid being sick at that time.

I have 2 people left to shop for and I'm completely stumped for them. In past years I've been able to come up with really good ideas, but this year...nothing.

Under a year now til our Disney trip!!

Have a great week everyone
Good morning Snowbirds! :goodvibes It looks like we might need a 'Snowbird Chat II' pretty soon! :cool1:

I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season and getting all their shopping & baking done. :santa:

We are getting pounded with snow today, so I am staying inside and starting my baking!

Have a great day everyone :wave:
Looks like most of you had a good weekend! I can't believe all the snow some of you are getting. NO THANKS!!! It's been blustery cold and very windy this weekend, maybe one or two flurries, but nothing major. I wish I didn't like my in-laws so much, cause I would pack up Andy and the kids and move SOUTH! I despise cold weather and I hate wearing coats (I know, doesn't make sense :confused3).

We took the kids to see Tangled 3D (for the cost of 5 canned goods/person). LOVED it. Very cute movie!! Then the rest of Saturday I spend cleaning the house of cat urine-Cornelius, our 25 lb cat had another UTI and has been dribbling everywhere! I've cleaned all of our beds and bedding, the basement floors (concrete), done TONS of laundry and even threw some things that were really saturated out (a few pillows and blankets that had been on the basement floor). We still need to do the carpets and TRY to clean the couch/chair that's in the basement. He evidently spent ALOT of time on those. :scared1: they may be out at the curb on trash day if I can't get the smell out. Thankfully we bought them used and got tons of use out of them, but still-they are super comfy and are great for basement Wii playing and hanging out! :sad2:
I hate being indecisive. I think I told you that my boss approached me about running in the 2012. She's not 100% sure she's ready to do that but it has me rethinking our dates anyway.

I KNOW you gals have experience both with going in January and November. Our current dates are Nov 27-dec 4th. How is the second week of Nov, as far as crowds are concerned? How do they compare to Jan? I'd be willing to consider going Nov 12-19. It would be fun to celebrate Chase's second birthday at WDW, especially considering he spent his first birthday in the hospital.
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