~Snowbird Chat~

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She definitely needs Mickey ears to accentuate that already adorable smile! :rolleyes1

Oh, my brother is a HUGE Disney fan. I got this emotional lecture on how much he's been looking forward to buying his baby her first pair of ears.

Sooooooo. Okay, Dad! You've got it!

I was rather hoping that he'd want to pull into the Disney Parks with her ears on her head already. Alas, no.

And thanks. :D She's definitely currently taking after Dad (and her aunt!) with her dark dark hair. :) Everyone told me that she wouldn't do well being held by me (since I'm on crutches and couldn't only hold her while sitting) and that she'd just just start screaming. She disagreed with that and spent quite a bit of time smiling at me. :D

Disney with a baby is going to be VERY different, but I think it'll be a lot of fun. Especially as the aunt. I can't wait!!! :love:
Oh, my brother is a HUGE Disney fan. I got this emotional lecture on how much he's been looking forward to buying his baby her first pair of ears.

Sooooooo. Okay, Dad! You've got it!

I was rather hoping that he'd want to pull into the Disney Parks with her ears on her head already. Alas, no.

And thanks. :D She's definitely currently taking after Dad (and her aunt!) with her dark dark hair. :) Everyone told me that she wouldn't do well being held by me (since I'm on crutches and couldn't only hold her while sitting) and that she'd just just start screaming. She disagreed with that and spent quite a bit of time smiling at me. :D

Disney with a baby is going to be VERY different, but I think it'll be a lot of fun. Especially as the aunt. I can't wait!!! :love:
Well, that's a relief! I thought for a minute we had some non Disney people. Phew! I can see his point. You do know that traveling to Disney with a niece means that you must take her out one evening on your own for some quality time with Aunt Sarah while mom and dad have a nice dinner alone. ;)
Disney with a baby is definitely different. Chase was 10 weeks at his first visit. I thought it was going to be easy . . . Wrong-o!! How old will she be at trip time?
Disney with a baby is definitely different. Chase was 10 weeks at his first visit. I thought it was going to be easy . . . Wrong-o!! How old will she be at trip time?

9 months! It's (obviously) not my decision, but I think there are better things to do with a baby in July. But at least at 9 months, she'll be a bit more sturdy!

At first, when we were planning this trip (it's to celebrate 40 years of marriage for my parents!), my brother said "oh, no, don't ask for connecting rooms! No one wants to hear our baby cry!" Over the weekend, it was "so, you did request them, right?" Heehee. They're driving, so they'll have a car. I think we're planning on motoring back, a LOT, since we've all been a zillion times. I think we're all planning to take turns babysitting, though my parents have first dibs on that. I look forward to going back in a few more years, though, when we can have a girls day out that she can actively participate in!!
Kim~congrats on the scrapbook and start your planning sistah!!!!!
Mindy..glad you got your dates picked...I think he will love having a bday at Disney!!!!!
Sarah...l saw lots of cute baby stuff when we were there..little onesies and such....and the baby dolls of the princesses-when they are babies!! toooo cute!!!
Kim your book is fantastic! :thumbsup2 I wish I were that creative/crafty/patient. :sad2: I've done a few photobooks on Shutterfly, and I never realized you could use your own page backgrounds. :confused:
Kim-love the book. I was checking it out last night and Keaton came up-he kept asking "Who ARE those people?" like he should know you:lmao:!

Paid in full last night, so we're at 44 days! :woohoo: Just wish that meant my CREDIT CARD was paid in full. :scared1: Chase bank is going to LOVE the money their going to make off of this trip! :rolleyes:
Now I just have to plan how we're going to do the Christmas box. I found some certificates already made on the DISign boards for Free mickey ice cream bar, Free $25 at the Lego store, Free Build-your-own lightsaber...not sure what else we're going to put in there or how exactly to do it! I really need to get my other shopping done so I can focus on this!!

Have a great day Birdies!
Ladies, drive by question:
When ordering the Photopass CD is there anything I have to click to get the pictures added to the CD, or do all the pictures on my account automatically get added?
I'm about to order it, because my 30 days is almost up, but I don't want to do so and have the CD come up empty.
Ladies, drive by question:
When ordering the Photopass CD is there anything I have to click to get the pictures added to the CD, or do all the pictures on my account automatically get added?
I'm about to order it, because my 30 days is almost up, but I don't want to do so and have the CD come up empty.

I don't think I did anything to add the pics to my CD. I had pre-purchased the CD, so it was in my cart. After we added the pics and borders to the account then I just ordered the CD and it came with all the pics on it!
Just enjoying this Friday...we are still in PJs!! Today was my sleep late and do NOTHING day!! Kids are a little hyped up by now!! But, I have looked forward to today all week!!! But,about to get it in gear....need to go over my Christmas to-do list....wrap my nephews gifts, head to the library.... yard/garage cleaning tomorrow.....
Took ds11 to the eye dr. yesterday...needed some prescrip eye drops and guess what....he does need glasses!!! He was rather excited...especially after he got to pick out the coolest boy-frames ever!! I will post a pic in a couple of weeks after they come in. I think hubby felt bad for him, but if glasses are the worst that ever happens to him......!! I had glasses /contacts until I was 26 and got LASIK....anyway...his vision isn't that bad...he may even stay at this prescrip and not change....hopefully!! He can read things far off and see way better than I could at that age...I told him yesterday at his age I couldn't even SEE a billboard, let alone read it!! LOL anyway...that's what is going on in my world this week!! Hopefully I will post my next travel day on the TR this evening!I would love to finish is this weekend!Got lots more pics to download!!!!!

I don't think I did anything to add the pics to my CD. I had pre-purchased the CD, so it was in my cart. After we added the pics and borders to the account then I just ordered the CD and it came with all the pics on it!

Thanks Shelly. I tend to over think things. I should have ordered it a while ago, but I had some missing pictures that they never ended up finding:confused:. Oh well...I ended up with 149 pictures with edits, so even though we ended up paying full price (we for the photo gallery CD...) it only ended up being about a dollar a picture.
TRYING to get motivated to get up and clean. :scared1: Planning on shopping most of the day tomorrow (all...alone...:thumbsup2) and would be so nice to come home to a semi-clean house!! Had some leftover coffee from this morning (ick) to get some caffeine in my system and it hasn't worked yet. May have to make a fresh pot! Then I'd probably still be doing this :surfweb:. :rolleyes1 (Yep, I'm still procrastinating).
Shawna~I love days like that. Nowhere to go and nothing to do! I was hoping that my day was going to be like that but no such luck. I had a make up appointment this morning for work. Then I had to get Chase some eye drops. Rylan had pink eye earlier this week and passed it on to his baby brother. LOVE school germs.

Nearly finished with my Christmas shopping :) I have one more thing to get for my nephew. I'll probably get it tomorrow. I'm going to find a Steeler's case for the new iPod Touch he's getting for Christmas. I am really looking forward to Christmas this year. Rylan is going to go nuts with all of his goodies. Chase can hardly wait to open presents. We have some things under the tree already (for family) and we're having the worst time keeping him from tearing into them. Now that he is walking, he has become quite the character. Not sure if it's a good thing yet LOL
I'm procrastinating right along with you, Jenny! :laughing:
My mother-in-law arrives on Wednesday...for three weeks! :eek: She is a lovely person, but three weeks is a loooong time. But we haven't seen her since we left the States, and that was a year and a half ago already. (Well, DH saw her several times when he was in the States last spring.) Anyway, I have some serious housekeeping to do. But it's a cold, gray, wet day, so what else is there to do anyway? (OK, I'd much rather DIS! :rolleyes1)

Mama Snowbird, we're just about ready for our new thread! :yay:
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