Smooth top kitchen stoves?

Black appliances are mine and not at all hard to keep clean. Would go with black over white any day! BUT I had a flat top stove and HATED it. Would not ever want another one.
Another vote for induction flat top. My previous flat top ended up with baked on stains when anything boiled over.that was very hard to clean. I admit I did not clean every day. But, our induction flat top does not do this at all, even if I don't clean nightly (or weekly!) we have had induction about 2 years now!
First, get black appliances over white, I have all black and they don't look dirty to me at all. We had white before and they were so hard to keep clean. I also have a ceramic cooktop, when things boil over we use a razor blade to scrape anything stuck on off. Easy peasy, we use the special cleaner weekly but for daily cleaning we just use a regular old cleaner. I've had mine for years and it still works great, even after the kids let a plastic plate melt into the hot stovetop.....yes, the razor blade worked on that too, it did damage the stovetop but it still works great.


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