Sister Wives, anyone???


<font color=purple>Quirky with snack cakes<br><fon
Mar 27, 2006
OK, I'll admit upfront that I didn't watch the whole show, just bits and pieces. I had a preconceived idea of polygamy before I watched...and to be honest, it didn't change!

I could never, EVER be in a "sister wife" situation. This is an emotional issue for me, not a religious or moral one. It's hard enough for me to be in a relationship and deal with my OWN emotions, let alone those of 2 other wives and other peoples' children. To each his/her own, I guess! The biggest question that came out of the show for me (and I might have missed this), is that if polygamy is illegal, does he have one "official" wife, and the others are "common-law"?
Well, I broke down and watched it and my view didn't change at all. I think they are all crazy.:sad2: I could not live that way at all, nor would ever want to.

I am just wondering how he supports all of them? Are they living off of the government? If so, this is wrong on even more levels. IMO
I watched it too.
I don't think they mentioned the legalities on the show, but on a morning show they were on last week, they did say only the first marriage was legal.

I agree with you, it just did not sit well with me. I just don't get the willingness to have your husband be with other women.

Even all the positives they listed (working together, having other moms to share parenting duties and financial contributions) could be just as easily acheived with several monogamous couples living as an extended family. I don't see why this one man is with all these women.

I noticed how they seem to have kept this very hidden from their professional lives, and the greater community, so I don't know what has prompted them to make this public. My guess is that he has reason to believe that the publicity will lead to greater income and he may be able to drop his regular job. If the adults are comfortable with that, fine, but I would be concerned with how this publicity will affect the kids.
Well, I broke down and watched it and my view didn't change at all. I think they are all crazy.:sad2: I could not live that way at all, nor would ever want to.

I am just wondering how he supports all of them? Are they living off of the government? If so, this is wrong on even more levels. IMO

One of the wives works long hours at what seems like a professional job (third wife takes care of her kids) and I think the first wife works, too.
It looks like the women really don't get anything out of they have to share their home with another woman AND her 3 kids?? That husband must go to bed a very happy man each night.

I feel sorry for everyone involved. I would never want to live that way.

I want to be pampered and loved-I don't share...... ;)
I watched it and found it to be completely fascinating. I'm always intrigued by the logistics of the situation and found it interesting that they each had their own section of the house that was their own so to speak. You have to remember that each wife came from polygamous families to begin with, so sharing one man seems perfectly normal to them and their children.

As for financial support, he is in advertising (which can be lucrative) and at least two of the wives work. They all seem to be in their 30's or 40's which means they are quite possibly mid-career and are each making a decent income.

As far as the sharing one man thing - I'm not sure that's something I could do. But I wasn't raised to judge others on whether or not their lifestyle is bad or wrong simply because I can't see myself participating in it. Obviously this is working for those couples or they wouldn't be participating in it themselves. As long as they are happy, that's all that matters.

I'll hang out and see how this series goes. If it turns into yet another reality show full of he-said, she-said, someone gets the screaming-meemies and it's drama drama drama all the time, I'll be cancelling the DVR series and stop watching. I've often said that if I want drama I'll watch the professionals do it.
I watched with 24 yo DD and her boyfriend. We all agree that they are nuts.

"I won't have a toaster because toasters kill more people than sharks." Then she almost sets the house on fire toating bread in the oven.
I watched with 24 yo DD and her boyfriend. We all agree that they are nuts.

"I won't have a toaster because toasters kill more people than sharks." Then she almost sets the house on fire toating bread in the oven.
:rotfl: LOL!! I know! I thought that was pretty quirky myself, but I just wrote it off as one of her idiosyncrases. The family still seemed to love her even though she's got this thing about toasters.

FTR, I don't really like toasters, either. But I limit my paranoia about them to simply keeping them unplugged when not in use.
The only way this kind of circus crap will go away is if people DIDN'Twatch. :confused3
a buisness owner i know is married to a man whose parent (not sure if it's his mom or dad) is from the first generation within a polygamist family where any of the adult kids have opted out of the practice.

the extent of her exposure to it has been somewhat limited-"that side of the family" lives in adjacent state so they don't see anyone from it too often save a family reunion or other event, but grandma and grandpa (her husband's) on a fairly regular basis do visit and stay with them or her in-laws.

she said it gets interesting when they are around, if she makes an offhanded comment or small complaint about doing somekind of housekeeping or errand, grandma will just smile and say "that's the advantage of sister wives-there's strength in numbers", whereas if her husband makes an offhanded comment or complaint about her getting after him to do something or her mood in general, grandpa will shake his head and say "that's the disadvantage with sister wives-there's strength in numbers":rotfl::rotfl:
I watched. I think it seems like an interesting show about the way people live. I would not want someone coming in and telling me that because I am a single mother I shouldn't have my son (I have seen poly arguments go that way in the past, that they should not "drag" their children into their lifestyle)
But the lifestyle is definatly not for me.

I think I will continue to watch. I love social doc shows. And as long as the kids seem happy and healthy and they adults aren't being forced into it. I'll watch
I didn't watch it because i was taught if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all well.... lets just say if i said what was on my mind just from the previews i'd be kicked off the dis boards.
It is SO intriguing to me! I think they seem to be okay with it because they grew up in that type of family so it seems normal to them.

There is something so degrading to me about being one of three wives. Even though he seems like a pretty nice guy and says he makes time for all of them, I still think it isn't right. I'm definitely not judging them but I just don't think I could ever do it!
I found it quite interesting. I wouldn't automatically condemn it just because it's not something I could personally do--I could never live like the Duggars, either, but they seem happy enough with their choices. (The families on both shows.) If anyone was being forced into the lifestyle, then I'd have a real problem with it.
watching now and I'm intrigued. I love "Big Love" so this is like a real-life version for me. Could I live this life? Not in a million years. Do I condemn them for doing so? nope. They are all in it voluntarily and seem to be happy with the family they've put together. I'd rather see something like this than someone be married and divorecd a few times with kids in each my ex-husband.
One question I had as I watched the show - if there are so many "moms" around and the work is shared, then why was the 16yo son of that one woman essentially acting like a "mom" at 6am in the morning, making breakfast and getting 5 other small children ready for their day before he could do his thing (go to school or start his homeschool studies or whatever)? Didn't they say one of the wives was the designated SAHM, who didn't work specifically so she could care for all the kids while the other ones worked?

DH's comment about the whole show (watched under duress, as a favor to me, since I watch EVERY.SINGLE.EPISODE of "Swords" with him!) - does Cody ever wipe that s**t-eating grin off his face?

Well, it may just be me, but It doesn't look like any of them are happy about this new woman coming into the picture. They may like the way things were, but all of that is about to change. I almost felt sorry for them.


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