Should I solo?


Oct 12, 2012
Hey everyone! I'm think about doing a solo trip sometime this year. I NEED to go back to wdw, I'm sure you all understand disney withdrawals, and I don't have any one to go with, (my best friend was thinking of joining but probably won't be able to because of money.) I figure going to Disney alone is better than not going at all. And if I don't go alone I don't know when ill be able to go, it will be at least another year if not more.

My problem is that I am an introvert and I've never done anything similar by myself before. On one hand, I love the idea of having alone time in my happy place and being able to do whatever i want without worrying about other people. But I'm worried that I'll feel awkward or uncomfortable and won't enjoy my trip as much.

Any other introverts out there who have done solo trips? What have your experiences been? I'd love any advice anyone has to offer.
While I am not an introvert, I do enjoy Disney alone. You can do as you please, eat where you want, ride what you want, wake up when you want. It's great.

Don't worry. Disney knows how to cater to everyone. And there is usually someone here planning a trip. I'm a semi-local and will always go down for a weekend to do a meet-up
Hey everyone! I'm think about doing a solo trip sometime this year. I NEED to go back to wdw, I'm sure you all understand disney withdrawals, and I don't have any one to go with, (my best friend was thinking of joining but probably won't be able to because of money.) I figure going to Disney alone is better than not going at all. And if I don't go alone I don't know when ill be able to go, it will be at least another year if not more.

My problem is that I am an introvert and I've never done anything similar by myself before. On one hand, I love the idea of having alone time in my happy place and being able to do whatever i want without worrying about other people. But I'm worried that I'll feel awkward or uncomfortable and won't enjoy my trip as much.

Any other introverts out there who have done solo trips? What have your experiences been? I'd love any advice anyone has to offer.

Fellow introvert here :wave2:

I did a solo trip in April and had a great time! I think that because I'm such an introvert, I was OK being on my own and not with other people. It was my first solo trip to WDW, so I was afraid I might get lonely or feel weird about being by myself, but it was an awesome trip. I liked the freedom to do whatever I wanted to do, to eat where I wanted, go on the rides I wanted, etc. While I'm taking my mom with me on my upcoming trip, I would totally do another solo trip! :cool2:
I, too, am an introvert, but am planning my first solo at the end of January. I am looking forward to being able to do all the things I have on my check list, without others thinking it's boring or a waste of time. I do plan on using my Kindle App when I'm dining.

I am a little worried too, since striking up conversations with strangers isn't my strong suit. But I still think it shouldn't be a problem. My biggest worry is that I'll be there solo on my birthday.
I have done 4 solo trips and loved everyone one of them.

I was very comfortable with myself at Disney. No one cares that you're alone, no one notices that you're dining by yourself. I've actually found the wait staff at sit downs to be more friendly and chatty on my solo trips than with others.

The freedom of going solo is awesome. I usually have a few kindle books on my iPhone to read during dinner or when waiting on line for a ride/show. (plus a battery back up for the phone!!) I've also brought a nintendo 3DS to play with while waiting. However, I also enjoy people watching, so that helps pass time, too.

A few times I've seen the envy in people's eyes when I tell them I am traveling solo.. it's kinda funny.

I have ridden everything solo.. with no embarrassment whatsoever. Dumbo, Flying Carpets, Barnstormer.. you don't have to have a kid with you to ride the "kiddie" rides.. it's Disney.. Magic and Merriment are everywhere :)

Go for it and just enjoy the "me" time in the Happiest Place on Earth.
I am borderline introvert...meaning I still have my moments where I don't feel comfortable trying to talk to people I don't know (or even do know). I am trying extremely hard to break out of that shell, basically for my future career, but it is tough. In 2012 I went on my first solo trip for 4 days. I was much more introverted then than I am now, and I had a great time. I talked to my family on the phone every day and said hi to random people periodically through the day. The only "awkward" moments I had was when I dined solo by myself at table service restaurants. It was awkward at first but after a few minutes it was fine.

I feel most comfortable when I am in Disney. It truly is like a second home to me, so going solo worked out great. That said, I would never have the courage to travel solo out of the country or go on vacation by myself somewhere that I am not familiar with.

I am currently planning my next solo adventure for October. I think the biggest problem I deal with is the comments I get from friends and co-workers when they ask who is going with me. They find it very strange that I don't have anyone to go with...(which isn't the case, I chose to go by myself...I need my Disney fix!!!:) ) All in all, I think I worry too much about what others think/say and it gets the best of me. This time I won't be doing table service meals and will be doing more relaxing at the resort. Personally, if you need your Disney fix, I say go for it!!
Another introvert planning first solo in 5 weeks:cool1: (edited when I realized its down to one month!!)

I am looking forward to being able to do all the things I have on my check list, without others thinking it's boring or a waste of time.

I am a little worried too, since striking up conversations with strangers isn't my strong suit. But I still think it shouldn't be a problem.


I am borderline introvert...meaning I still have my moments where I don't feel comfortable trying to talk to people I don't know (or even do know).The only "awkward" moments I had was when I dined solo by myself at table service restaurants. It was awkward at first but after a few minutes it was fine. [/5QUOTE]

Yep, sometimes it is ok but other times I just feel like I am making no sense at all, which of course makes it worse :bitelip:
I only have two TS meals and they are places I have always really wanted to eat at but no else has (thus the need for a solo trip ;) )

Hey everyone! I'm think about doing a solo trip sometime this year. I NEED to go back to wdw, I'm sure you all understand disney withdrawals, and I don't have any one to go with, (my best friend was thinking of joining but probably won't be able to because of money.)

My problem is that I am an introvert and I've never done anything similar by myself before. On one hand, I love the idea of having alone time in my happy place and being able to do whatever i want without worrying about other people. But I'm worried that I'll feel awkward or uncomfortable and won't enjoy my trip as much.

Any other introverts out there who have done solo trips? What have your experiences been? I'd love any advice anyone has to offer.

I think Disney solo is better than no Disney :) And I think not worrying about how others feel about my plans (both just to go plus my plans during trip) has made it even more fun to plan. And I am a planner, carry my trip notebook most everywhere and :worship: it

I liked the freedom to do whatever I wanted to do, to eat where I wanted, go on the rides I wanted, etc.

Hear this a lot and as I've said with my plans think it says a lot!

WDW here I (we) come solo :banana:
I don't feel being an introvert should affect your trip as a solo. I think you are free to engage in a conversation or not. There were times I would be quiet and just indulge myself with whatever and not speak a word to anyone. Then, other times I was in a mood to talk and found many willing people to talk back. I tended to talk with another table at dinner time or while waiting for parades or fireworks. Once in a while I would talk while waiting in a long, ride line. Most of the time I started the conversation rather than the other way around.

I think you can make this what you want it to be. I did notice talking to families were the hardest. It was better to engage other solo travelers or couples when I wanted to talk to someone. It can get a little lonely on solo trips; so, I do choose to talk here and there.

I called back home a lot and that helped with the lonely moments.

I spent a lot of time taking pictures of everything and that would past the time away, too when there was waiting time for whatever.

No one is going to force you to talk to them. That is your choice.
I am a huge introvert, to the point of being anti-social at times. I go to Disney solo and have a great time.

What helps me the most is to remind myself that I will probably never see a single person here ever again! Also, pin trading can be a good way to get into talking to CMs if you want to do that. :)
My answer to this is always yes. You will have a great time, and it will be a really different experience than going with a group. :thumbsup2
While I am not an introvert, I do enjoy Disney alone. You can do as you please, eat where you want, ride what you want, wake up when you want. It's great.

Don't worry. Disney knows how to cater to everyone. And there is usually someone here planning a trip. I'm a semi-local and will always go down for a weekend to do a meet-up

That is definitely something I'm looking forward to, being able to do whatever I want and not worrying about having to compromise with anyone.

Fellow introvert here :wave2:

I did a solo trip in April and had a great time! I think that because I'm such an introvert, I was OK being on my own and not with other people. It was my first solo trip to WDW, so I was afraid I might get lonely or feel weird about being by myself, but it was an awesome trip. I liked the freedom to do whatever I wanted to do, to eat where I wanted, go on the rides I wanted, etc. While I'm taking my mom with me on my upcoming trip, I would totally do another solo trip! :cool2:

Hello fellow introvert :wave2: I enjoy alone time too, which is why I like the idea of a solo trip. But I'm worried about getting lonely too, especially while waiting in line or things like that.

I, too, am an introvert, but am planning my first solo at the end of January. I am looking forward to being able to do all the things I have on my check list, without others thinking it's boring or a waste of time. I do plan on using my Kindle App when I'm dining.

I am a little worried too, since striking up conversations with strangers isn't my strong suit. But I still think it shouldn't be a problem. My biggest worry is that I'll be there solo on my birthday.

That is around the time I'm thinking of doing a trip, late Jan or early Feb. I always feel really awkward initiating conversations with people I don't know too, I'm worried that I'm going to bother them. I hope you have a great birthday trip!:cake:

I have done 4 solo trips and loved everyone one of them.

I was very comfortable with myself at Disney. No one cares that you're alone, no one notices that you're dining by yourself. I've actually found the wait staff at sit downs to be more friendly and chatty on my solo trips than with others.

The freedom of going solo is awesome. I usually have a few kindle books on my iPhone to read during dinner or when waiting on line for a ride/show. (plus a battery back up for the phone!!) I've also brought a nintendo 3DS to play with while waiting. However, I also enjoy people watching, so that helps pass time, too.

A few times I've seen the envy in people's eyes when I tell them I am traveling solo.. it's kinda funny.

I have ridden everything solo.. with no embarrassment whatsoever. Dumbo, Flying Carpets, Barnstormer.. you don't have to have a kid with you to ride the "kiddie" rides.. it's Disney.. Magic and Merriment are everywhere :)

Go for it and just enjoy the "me" time in the Happiest Place on Earth.

I enjoy people watching too, especially in Disney because you get to witness a lot of magical moments! One of the things I love most about Disney is that I am free to be the kid at heart that I am and no one judges you for doing so-called "kid things."

I am borderline introvert...meaning I still have my moments where I don't feel comfortable trying to talk to people I don't know (or even do know). I am trying extremely hard to break out of that shell, basically for my future career, but it is tough. In 2012 I went on my first solo trip for 4 days. I was much more introverted then than I am now, and I had a great time. I talked to my family on the phone every day and said hi to random people periodically through the day. The only "awkward" moments I had was when I dined solo by myself at table service restaurants. It was awkward at first but after a few minutes it was fine.

I feel most comfortable when I am in Disney. It truly is like a second home to me, so going solo worked out great. That said, I would never have the courage to travel solo out of the country or go on vacation by myself somewhere that I am not familiar with.

I am currently planning my next solo adventure for October. I think the biggest problem I deal with is the comments I get from friends and co-workers when they ask who is going with me. They find it very strange that I don't have anyone to go with...(which isn't the case, I chose to go by myself...I need my Disney fix!!!:) ) All in all, I think I worry too much about what others think/say and it gets the best of me. This time I won't be doing table service meals and will be doing more relaxing at the resort. Personally, if you need your Disney fix, I say go for it!!

I'm trying really hard too break out of my shell also, I've come a long way in a few years. I would never dream of vacationing solo anywhere but Disney either, I feel safe there. I'm not planning on doing any TS meals this trip (even though I love Disney dining) partly because I'm afraid I'll feel awkward but also in an attempt to save some money.

Another introvert planning first solo in 5 weeks:cool1: (edited when I realized its down to one month!!)

I think Disney solo is better than no Disney :) And I think not worrying about how others feel about my plans (both just to go plus my plans during trip) has made it even more fun to plan. And I am a planner, carry my trip notebook most everywhere and :worship: it

WDW here I (we) come solo :banana:

I agree, any kind of Disney is better than no Disney at all! I'll probably go crazy if I don't get back to Disney soon! I hope you have a wonderful trip!

I don't feel being an introvert should affect your trip as a solo. I think you are free to engage in a conversation or not. There were times I would be quiet and just indulge myself with whatever and not speak a word to anyone. Then, other times I was in a mood to talk and found many willing people to talk back. I tended to talk with another table at dinner time or while waiting for parades or fireworks. Once in a while I would talk while waiting in a long, ride line. Most of the time I started the conversation rather than the other way around.

I think you can make this what you want it to be. I did notice talking to families were the hardest. It was better to engage other solo travelers or couples when I wanted to talk to someone. It can get a little lonely on solo trips; so, I do choose to talk here and there.

I called back home a lot and that helped with the lonely moments.

I spent a lot of time taking pictures of everything and that would past the time away, too when there was waiting time for whatever.

No one is going to force you to talk to them. That is your choice.

I hadn't thought of taking pictures during down times. I definitely felt rushed taking the pics I wanted on my last trip because I felt like I was holding my parents back. Another pro to solo trips! I'm not too worried about interacting with people, I'm ok with alone time but don't mind chatting either!

I am a huge introvert, to the point of being anti-social at times. I go to Disney solo and have a great time.

What helps me the most is to remind myself that I will probably never see a single person here ever again! Also, pin trading can be a good way to get into talking to CMs if you want to do that. :)

I really want to get into pin trading! It seems like a lot of fun and a great way to get trip soveniers.

My answer to this is always yes. You will have a great time, and it will be a really different experience than going with a group. :thumbsup2

I go alone. I completely enjoy it. CMs are brilliant with us soloists, too.

It definitely seems like the consesnus is that solo trips are wonderful!
I do think it is harder as an introvert to show up somewhere not knowing anyone, and start conversations. Some extroverts can walk into a new place and quickly make friends with half the people in the room. An introvert could arrive, stay, and leave without ever exchanging words with anyone.

None of this should stop you from going on your trip. If you find it tough to make new friends at home, it could be the same anywhere. But, enjoy what you can, meet whom you can, and as a solo you'll observe all kinds of themed details that people in families or groups don't have time to notice!

Another advantage to being solo is you'll have more chances to chat with cast members. You can learn a lot if you get into a conversation with them, and unless too busy at the moment, they are usually easier to approach than other guests would be. Some solos have even made friends with cast members and then met them again on the next trip.
To answer your question, yes you should solo!

I am an introvert. I have done 2 solo trips and a third is scheduled for October when I run the Tower of Terror 10 Miler with another 11,500 Disney fans. That part is scaring me a bit but not the trip.

Nobody knows you're alone unless you tell them. How does anyone know you aren't just waiting for someone or if you're on a ride alone because the person you are with is afraid, etc... Nobody knows and most people don't care. They are so focused on their own trip they don't even notice.

I don't start conversations often but on each trip I started a conversation with a family at the parade. Last year the parents even asked me to watch the kids when they went to the bathroom. (I NEVER would have done that but they did and I happily watched them)

I have done a sit down meal on each trip. I would do more but don't want to waste time sitting and eating. The waitresses were VERY nice. One brought me a huge desert for free and the other hung around to keep me company as it wasn't that busy when I was there.

Single rider lines are great for some of the popular rides, brings wait times way down.

I can't go into all the reasons you should do it because there are too many. Go and ENJOY. :thumbsup2
For me its the good folk on this forum that makes me feel I will be fine for my Solo trip in October.
People at home don't really understand...but I'm hoping to experience more of DisneyWorld on my own,than I've ever been able to do with others
It looks like in November I'll be doing my first solo trip to DisneyWorld.
Still torn about it lol.

Give it a shot, I doubt it'll be as awkward as we think :)
I just returned from my first solo trip. I was there only a short time at the tail end of a work convention. All I can say is that it was great and I only wish I had more time!

I found that it was nice to keep to myself, yet there were CM's and families who were great to chat with! I did get a few weird stares when in line waiting for the bus, but other than that, I did not feel weird getting on the rides or eating alone. Most of the time, I grabbed a quick snack and people watched. One restaurant that is awesome if you feel weird about it is the San Angel Inn. It is dark and cool, which was great for me as I was hot and tired! lol!

I also found that getting on the rides was really easy when traveling alone, and I did not have to wait much on anything! I enjoyed touring and shopping, which my DH gets tired of when it is at the end of the day.

Since I was only there for less than three days, I did not get to soak up the sun as much as I had hoped, so that will be a must do next time I go solo!

Hope you have a great time!
Thank you everyone for posting, sharing your experiences, and giving advice. Most of my fears about going solo have disappeared! I still have some nervousness, but I am definitely going to go for it! Now I just have to figure out the logistics of vacation time at my new job and then I can start planning a trip! I'm so excited for a solo adventure!!
I am glad to hear this helped and you decided you will go. I just hope you share your plans when you finally make them. And it's ok to be nervous. I am nervous for my upcoming trip. To me it just means I am living outside my comfort zone and that makes me stronger as a person.

For the longest time I would NEVER have been able to go to Disney by myself. But, I did it a couple times now and I will be doing it many more times in the future. Whenever you get nervous just picture yourself doing the things you like the most and not on being alone.


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