Seizures in Dogs

Of course you can't help feeling the way you do, I truly understand this fear. Worst part is there is nothing I can say or do to take this fear away.

There is a reason you got this dog. Fate knew you'd be the perfect person for him, and you are. Not many people would care the way you are and would just "give up" on the dog. You truly are amazing in all your doing.

Have you tried the Purina Pro Plan NeuroCare dry dog food? It's expensive but is known to help with seizures. We bought 2 bags a few months ago and our plan is to start our dog on it when he has another seizure to see if that helps him go longer between seizures......just a thought for you to try. Reviews were really good, especially from people with seizure dogs.
I will ask the neuro about it when they call me back this afternoon, they haven't ever mentioned it before.
Let me know what they say!
She did say there is a study showing positive results in some dogs (with our luck, he will be one of those that it doesn't help), and said we can try it. She said she doesn't mention it early on, if meds are working for a dog, because of the cost.
all his neuro tests are good, now we wait for his bromide levels. if they aren't high enough we have to increase it. I don't know how that will work. He gets 1 3/4 with each meal. He used to get 2 1/2 once a day, but he puked up dinner every night. So if we increase with each meal, I am concerned he will start doing that again.
If that doesn't work, there is one more med they can add. She doesn't like it, but it's about all we have left. She said some dogs just can't be controlled, and then it's quality of life at that point.
Did I mention this is our 2nd dog with seizures? And that we lost one prior to him from cancer at 9, and years ago, the best dog I ever had died at 6 from an unknown liver issue? Sorry, there I go again, it just seems we have had our fair share at this point :-)
Well his test came back. His bromide level is at the top of normal so he is maxed out on his current meds. She/we really don’t want to add another until it’s a last resort. So we are going to try the food and pray this is finally the break that goes our way.
Well his test came back. His bromide level is at the top of normal so he is maxed out on his current meds. She/we really don’t want to add another until it’s a last resort. So we are going to try the food and pray this is finally the break that goes our way.
I am praying with you!! Please keep me posted. Thinking of you and your pup all the time.....
Just had to share this pic of my baby (we have two dogs but only one has this matching mate LOL). This guy is the topic of all my posts here. 626623
Hi everyone. I’ve read through all the posts and hope you don’t mind one more joining you. We have a 14 year old Bichon/Maltese/Poodle mix who recently started having seizures. So far he’s had three grand mal seizures in less than three months, one since starting phenobarbital. His first one lasted close to 10 minutes but with his rescue medicine the second two were much shorter. We just did blood work to check his phenobarbital level and he’s at the very lowest end of the therapeutic level. His labs came back last Wednesday so we’ll talk to his vet this week about increasing his dose a little to give him a little more protection since he had a seizure just a few days after his 30 day blood draw to check his level.

We have a great vet and she will help us for as long she can but because our guy is 14 we are choosing not to seek more answers. I hope we can keep his seizures at bay for as long as possible while enjoying what time we have left with him.
Just had to share this pic of my baby (we have two dogs but only one has this matching mate LOL). This guy is the topic of all my posts here.
Oh Erika - so happy to put a face to the many posts here. He's adorable! Still praying for him and hoping the new food helps out - keep me posted. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Hi everyone. I’ve read through all the posts and hope you don’t mind one more joining you. We have a 14 year old Bichon/Maltese/Poodle mix who recently started having seizures. So far he’s had three grand mal seizures in less than three months, one since starting phenobarbital. His first one lasted close to 10 minutes but with his rescue medicine the second two were much shorter. We just did blood work to check his phenobarbital level and he’s at the very lowest end of the therapeutic level. His labs came back last Wednesday so we’ll talk to his vet this week about increasing his dose a little to give him a little more protection since he had a seizure just a few days after his 30 day blood draw to check his level.

We have a great vet and she will help us for as long she can but because our guy is 14 we are choosing not to seek more answers. I hope we can keep his seizures at bay for as long as possible while enjoying what time we have left with him.
Of course you can join! Any information we all can share about our experiences only helps! Knowledge is power. Positive thoughts your little guy's seizures calm down.
Well his test came back. His bromide level is at the top of normal so he is maxed out on his current meds. She/we really don’t want to add another until it’s a last resort. So we are going to try the food and pray this is finally the break that goes our way.
Happy New Year to you - thinking of you and your pup and wondering how things are going?
Happy New Year to you - thinking of you and your pup and wondering how things are going?
Awwww thank you. I have been wanting to update, but afraid to post for fear of jinxing. He started the food back when I posted, and he is now 10 weeks and almost (2 more hours) 3 days without one. That is 2 weeks and 4 days longer than he has gone since they came back after we took him off Pheno in fall of 2020. I am hoping it's the food, and not a fluke, and that we finally have something going our way!

How is everyone else doing?
Awwww thank you. I have been wanting to update, but afraid to post for fear of jinxing. He started the food back when I posted, and he is now 10 weeks and almost (2 more hours) 3 days without one. That is 2 weeks and 4 days longer than he has gone since they came back after we took him off Pheno in fall of 2020. I am hoping it's the food, and not a fluke, and that we finally have something going our way!

How is everyone else doing?
OH MY GOODNESS - you made my day! I am so happy I brought up that food to you and I'm praying it is working and I truly believe it is!!

I'm happy to report that our dog has gone since LAST JUNE without a seizure!! He is actually my daughters dog and she ended up moving out last April and got married last year. They have a beautiful home just down the road from me and our dog is SO HAPPY there. Also, she has been working from home since September and her and I strongly feel that is what has kept him seizure free. If she has to run errands on the weekend she will drop him off with me and he is forever looking out the window for my daughter to get back. We are both worried when she has to go back to the office (looks like beginning of April). I keep telling day at a time.

Keep in touch - very happy for you!!
15 weeks! And dh and I went out of town together, for the first time since they came back after we had to stop Pheno, and he didn't have one while we were gone. That right there is a huge thing. He had one when I was in Florida and two when dh was in Az last fall. Which could have just been a total coincidence, as he doesn't usually give a hoot if I leave the house LOL.
On the not so great, his bromide just went up $20 a bottle. A bottle lasts 17 days. I just calculated, and not including the $118 a bag food, his meds alone are currently $134.75 a month. Yikes.
15 weeks! And dh and I went out of town together, for the first time since they came back after we had to stop Pheno, and he didn't have one while we were gone. That right there is a huge thing. He had one when I was in Florida and two when dh was in Az last fall. Which could have just been a total coincidence, as he doesn't usually give a hoot if I leave the house LOL.
On the not so great, his bromide just went up $20 a bottle. A bottle lasts 17 days. I just calculated, and not including the $118 a bag food, his meds alone are currently $134.75 a month. Yikes.
Oh my I am so happy for you guys!! And you and DH went out on the town - that is super! I'm so happy this dog food is working - and it has to be that!

We had bought 2 bags for our dog and decided to start the food when he has his next seizure but he hasn't had one since last June! So we just gave our two bags to a friend whose dog has seizures. I'm excited to see how it works for them also!

Are you trying those Rx apps to see if you can get the Bromide cheaper?? Talk to your pharmacist about it, sometimes they can work wonders.
Oh my I am so happy for you guys!! And you and DH went out on the town - that is super! I'm so happy this dog food is working - and it has to be that!

We had bought 2 bags for our dog and decided to start the food when he has his next seizure but he hasn't had one since last June! So we just gave our two bags to a friend whose dog has seizures. I'm excited to see how it works for them also!

Are you trying those Rx apps to see if you can get the Bromide cheaper?? Talk to your pharmacist about it, sometimes they can work wonders.
The Bromide is a strictly dog formula, so it doesn't come from a people pharmacy. It doesn't even pull up on GoodRX or any of those.
The Bromide is a strictly dog formula, so it doesn't come from a people pharmacy. It doesn't even pull up on GoodRX or any of those.
Oh darn. Try emailing the manufacturer and explain your situation. Worth a shot as maybe they will offer some sort of discount?
As of noon today, 4 months! That's 10 weeks and 3 days longer than he has gone before.
Just popping in for an update :-)
As of noon today, 4 months! That's 10 weeks and 3 days longer than he has gone before.
Just popping in for an update :-)
THAT IS SUPER NEWS! I saw you left a post and my heart dropped thinking it wasn't good news....

I am SO HAPPY for your pup!! You should really email Purina and tell them about your story and how the food is working!!!


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