Seizures in Dogs

I think there was another thread recently about seizures in dogs - you can maybe search that -it might have helpful info.

I have a cat with seizures. He has had epilepsy since he was a kitten. We did all the testing and in the end epilepsy was the diagnosis. He takes phenobarbital twice per day. He maybe has two or three seizures a year. We go twice a year for med level checks and blood work. Otherwise he is healthy and happy.
I agree! Years ago our dogs had ticks and the vet prescribed a very strong flea/tick med (forget the name but it was a liquid you put on their backs). Killed the ticks almost immediately so we continued it. Our older dog had a massive seizure then another a month later. Discontinued the tick med and she never had another seizure. This young dog we have now was on NexGuard. Our other dog has zero issues but we immediately stopped giving this one the Nexguard just in case. She is still having the seizures (as you know) so it wasn't that. But I would encourage anyone else to look into their flea/tick meds if their dog is suddenly having issues like our old dog was. We were so lucky it was the med with our other dog, unfortunately not this time :(
Sorry to hear your dog is still having seizures on the meds :(

Mine have only had 2 seizures so far - first one last September and the second 6 months later. We started him on seizure meds which is also 12 hours apart. He hasn't had any more. Just like you said, I'm worried if or when it happens again because the feeling it leaves me and my daughter is just awful. Ugh.

It is my daughters dog and she hasn't started him back on any flea or tick meds. We were so hoping that was what did the first one and when he had a second 6 months after it just broke our heart.

Is your dog really outgoing? Or nervous? I swear that is what contributes to our dog having them. He is so high strung and anxiety ridden. Labs are known to have seizures and most labs I've know in my lifetime are all very high strung..... wish more studies would take place.
Sorry to hear your dog is still having seizures on the meds :(

Mine have only had 2 seizures so far - first one last September and the second 6 months later. We started him on seizure meds which is also 12 hours apart. He hasn't had any more. Just like you said, I'm worried if or when it happens again because the feeling it leaves me and my daughter is just awful. Ugh.

It is my daughters dog and she hasn't started him back on any flea or tick meds. We were so hoping that was what did the first one and when he had a second 6 months after it just broke our heart.

Is your dog really outgoing? Or nervous? I swear that is what contributes to our dog having them. He is so high strung and anxiety ridden. Labs are known to have seizures and most labs I've know in my lifetime are all very high strung..... wish more studies would take place.
Wow, it's great your dog went six months without one. I'm sure it was awful when it happened though--she went awhile and it probably seemed it might be the end of them :( I'm so sorry. When did you start the meds? I think we waited too long (first seizure last summer). She's having them roughly every two weeks now even on the meds for 6 weeks.
Yes, our dog is also very high strung and anxious!!! She is a small mixed brindle rescue. She gets scared she you open a drawer!
I wish my dog could go 6 months. His vet wanted no more than every 4 month, then she said she'd be happy with every 2-3 months. He went 7 weeks and 6 days, but then had another last night at 3 weeks 3 days. That is 12 in exactly 1 year. His first one was one year ago today.
Wow, it's great your dog went six months without one. I'm sure it was awful when it happened though--she went awhile and it probably seemed it might be the end of them :( I'm so sorry. When did you start the meds? I think we waited too long (first seizure last summer). She's having them roughly every two weeks now even on the meds for 6 weeks.
Yes, our dog is also very high strung and anxious!!! She is a small mixed brindle rescue. She gets scared she you open a drawer!
We are on week 4 of the meds. He is on Keppra. The vet told us that Keppra is what they call a "honeymoon" drug. It works for a little bit and then seizures "can" come back. So we will see how it goes. Praying this will do the trick.

Sounding like a broken record here but I truly believe high strung/anxious dogs plays a big part in this......

I'm so tuned into the dog now it's kind of awful. A few nights ago he was walking around the room a few times and I was so scared he was going to go into one. He didn't. We're changed forever from these darn seizures :(
I wish my dog could go 6 months. His vet wanted no more than every 4 month, then she said she'd be happy with every 2-3 months. He went 7 weeks and 6 days, but then had another last night at 3 weeks 3 days. That is 12 in exactly 1 year. His first one was one year ago today.
So sorry - I can't imagine having so many. What type of dog do you have? Is he/she high strung/anxious like my lab?
So sorry - I can't imagine having so many. What type of dog do you have? Is he/she high strung/anxious like my lab?
He is a 3 1/2 year old Aussiedoodle. High strung yes. Anxious no. Not until his med doses have gotten quite high. Now he is more anxious, just about being left behind. Not other stuff at all. He just think's he is entitled to go absolutely everywhere.
We are on week 4 of the meds. He is on Keppra. The vet told us that Keppra is what they call a "honeymoon" drug. It works for a little bit and then seizures "can" come back. So we will see how it goes. Praying this will do the trick.

Sounding like a broken record here but I truly believe high strung/anxious dogs plays a big part in this......

I'm so tuned into the dog now it's kind of awful. A few nights ago he was walking around the room a few times and I was so scared he was going to go into one. He didn't. We're changed forever from these darn seizures :(
I TOTALLY agree with you about the anxiety. I'm curious--my dog was always a bit high strung, but right around the time the seizures started last summer, her anxiety went through the roof. Like all of a sudden, when it rained she began shaking uncontrollably. Since the seizures ramped up, her anxiety has gone back to the level it was before the first seizure. Have you noticed anything like this with yours?
And I totally hear you about being changed forever by the seizures. She usually sleeps with my daughter but 'chose' us the other night (lol). I swear, all night I was awake ready for her to have a seizure! The seizure is horrible to witness, but then there is all the blankets etc to wash. I had a towel ready. The next morning I ordered waterproof blankets for all of us. I feel like I am always waiting for a seizure :(. Tuned it sums it up perfectly.
I TOTALLY agree with you about the anxiety. I'm curious--my dog was always a bit high strung, but right around the time the seizures started last summer, her anxiety went through the roof. Like all of a sudden, when it rained she began shaking uncontrollably. Since the seizures ramped up, her anxiety has gone back to the level it was before the first seizure. Have you noticed anything like this with yours?
And I totally hear you about being changed forever by the seizures. She usually sleeps with my daughter but 'chose' us the other night (lol). I swear, all night I was awake ready for her to have a seizure! The seizure is horrible to witness, but then there is all the blankets etc to wash. I had a towel ready. The next morning I ordered waterproof blankets for all of us. I feel like I am always waiting for a seizure :(. Tuned it sums it up perfectly.
I haven't had a good nights sleep in a year now. It took forever when our golden died in 2005 to not freak every time our dog moved in the middle of the night. Now this guy.
I can't sleep at all if he isn't in the bed, preferably touching me, because I can't be sure he is ok. He is a restless sleeper, always has been. Tosses and turns and twitches. He used to keep me awake in kennel as a puppy because it would rattle the kennel. Now every movement worries me. Although there are signals that he's good. Big sigh? Nope, not seizing. Sprawled out with legs splat, or totally upside down on his back? Nope, not seizing.
We keep towels next to the bed too, for the drool, or if he vomits.
Funny thing is he NEVER slept in the bed before this started. He used to sleep on the floor, or on his cooling mat, or the bathroom or even the shower. The first two, he was in the shower when they started and that noise was horriyfing. So now that door is closed at night, but since then he always sleeps in the bed now. We have to use the ceiling fan now even when it's -30 because he has so much hair, so he doesn't pant all night long.
I TOTALLY agree with you about the anxiety. I'm curious--my dog was always a bit high strung, but right around the time the seizures started last summer, her anxiety went through the roof. Like all of a sudden, when it rained she began shaking uncontrollably. Since the seizures ramped up, her anxiety has gone back to the level it was before the first seizure. Have you noticed anything like this with yours?
And I totally hear you about being changed forever by the seizures. She usually sleeps with my daughter but 'chose' us the other night (lol). I swear, all night I was awake ready for her to have a seizure! The seizure is horrible to witness, but then there is all the blankets etc to wash. I had a towel ready. The next morning I ordered waterproof blankets for all of us. I feel like I am always waiting for a seizure :(. Tuned it sums it up perfectly.
Our dog sleeps with my daughter also. Actually it is her dog. I wouldn't say his anxiety is worse but what I'm terrified about is my daughter is buying a house and will be moving out this summer. I already know it is going to be awful for the dog. Since Covid began I've been working from home and to think about this dog going back to days alone at a new house scares me. The good thing is my daughter will be just down the road and as long as I'm working from home she will bring the dog to me during the day. But I know I won't be able to work from home forever. I'm hoping my job will allow me to continue a few days a week. What is new with our dog is I can tell he gets anxious if my husband and I leave for a bit and he is alone. Poor guy :(
I haven't had a good nights sleep in a year now. It took forever when our golden died in 2005 to not freak every time our dog moved in the middle of the night. Now this guy.
I can't sleep at all if he isn't in the bed, preferably touching me, because I can't be sure he is ok. He is a restless sleeper, always has been. Tosses and turns and twitches. He used to keep me awake in kennel as a puppy because it would rattle the kennel. Now every movement worries me. Although there are signals that he's good. Big sigh? Nope, not seizing. Sprawled out with legs splat, or totally upside down on his back? Nope, not seizing.
We keep towels next to the bed too, for the drool, or if he vomits.
Funny thing is he NEVER slept in the bed before this started. He used to sleep on the floor, or on his cooling mat, or the bathroom or even the shower. The first two, he was in the shower when they started and that noise was horriyfing. So now that door is closed at night, but since then he always sleeps in the bed now. We have to use the ceiling fan now even when it's -30 because he has so much hair, so he doesn't pant all night long.
You said something that caught my eye - that he is a restless sleeper and TWITCHES. Our dog twitches all the time - like he is in a dream. He also sprawls out, upside down on his back like you wrote.

We've had 2 Goldens before him and they never did that, and never had seizures.

Boy we should all start our own group on trying to figure out seizures in dogs. Scary the similarities we have in our dogs....
I haven't had a good nights sleep in a year now. It took forever when our golden died in 2005 to not freak every time our dog moved in the middle of the night. Now this guy.
I can't sleep at all if he isn't in the bed, preferably touching me, because I can't be sure he is ok. He is a restless sleeper, always has been. Tosses and turns and twitches. He used to keep me awake in kennel as a puppy because it would rattle the kennel. Now every movement worries me. Although there are signals that he's good. Big sigh? Nope, not seizing. Sprawled out with legs splat, or totally upside down on his back? Nope, not seizing.
We keep towels next to the bed too, for the drool, or if he vomits.
Funny thing is he NEVER slept in the bed before this started. He used to sleep on the floor, or on his cooling mat, or the bathroom or even the shower. The first two, he was in the shower when they started and that noise was horriyfing. So now that door is closed at night, but since then he always sleeps in the bed now. We have to use the ceiling fan now even when it's -30 because he has so much hair, so he doesn't pant all night long.
My dog pants too. There are so many similarities between all of our dogs, yours panting and Snowflakey's dog twitching.
You said something that caught my eye - that he is a restless sleeper and TWITCHES. Our dog twitches all the time - like he is in a dream. He also sprawls out, upside down on his back like you wrote.

We've had 2 Goldens before him and they never did that, and never had seizures.

Boy we should all start our own group on trying to figure out seizures in dogs. Scary the similarities we have in our dogs....
I feel kindred with both of you. It is very helpful to read your comments. It really is life changing. I had a nightmare the other night that she was seizing, heard everyone yelling for me like they do when she is having one..then woke up to a quiet room with my husband and other dog sleeping quietly next to me. Our elderly dog passed away after a year long battle with cancer in 2018, our other elderly dog two years before. When each passed, we adopted a young one days later thinking we'd have a break from the heartbreak, meds and constant death watch. Nope.
Our dog sleeps with my daughter also. Actually it is her dog. I wouldn't say his anxiety is worse but what I'm terrified about is my daughter is buying a house and will be moving out this summer. I already know it is going to be awful for the dog. Since Covid began I've been working from home and to think about this dog going back to days alone at a new house scares me. The good thing is my daughter will be just down the road and as long as I'm working from home she will bring the dog to me during the day. But I know I won't be able to work from home forever. I'm hoping my job will allow me to continue a few days a week. What is new with our dog is I can tell he gets anxious if my husband and I leave for a bit and he is alone. Poor guy :(
Oh no, that's hard. I always wonder how many times our dog has had seizures when we were out? Does yours snap completely back to normal afterwards? Ours will have a seizure then be out back running around with our other dog, though her personality is different for a few hours. I wonder if the dogs realize what's happening and remember the seizure afterwards? Or do they just go on with their day after it's passed? Hopefully so if we aren't there to help them. I worry about ours falling off a bed or couch though.
My dog pants too. There are so many similarities between all of our dogs, yours panting and Snowflakey's dog twitching.

Mine pants because he's hot. He has a TON of hair, so unless it's subzero, he is hot. A little less so when he gets a fresh cut, but still warm a lot.
Oh no, that's hard. I always wonder how many times our dog has had seizures when we were out? Does yours snap completely back to normal afterwards? Ours will have a seizure then be out back running around with our other dog, though her personality is different for a few hours. I wonder if the dogs realize what's happening and remember the seizure afterwards? Or do they just go on with their day after it's passed? Hopefully so if we aren't there to help them. I worry about ours falling off a bed or couch though.
Since mine has only had 2 seizures the first one he snapped right back but the second one he had lasted longer. We ended up going to the emergency vet and he seemed more normal when we arrived but with Covid we weren't allowed in and they ended up keeping him for about 9 hours to watch him and he was fine.

I can tell you this - I love, love, love dogs but when my daughter moves out with him I know for a fact I won't get another dog in my lifetime. Too much heartache. I'm just not good with it :(
Mine has always been heavy breather and had a raspy bark, no idea why! She has a very short coat, though does shed a lot. After we adopted her I asked the shelter and they said she had no issues. Tomorrow is two weeks no seizures--I will not be fooled into complacency though!
Since mine has only had 2 seizures the first one he snapped right back but the second one he had lasted longer. We ended up going to the emergency vet and he seemed more normal when we arrived but with Covid we weren't allowed in and they ended up keeping him for about 9 hours to watch him and he was fine.

I can tell you this - I love, love, love dogs but when my daughter moves out with him I know for a fact I won't get another dog in my lifetime. Too much heartache. I'm just not good with it :(
It really is hard, isn't it? I volunteer at our local shelter. I work in cat care but was working with the dogs for awhile. I had to stop with the dogs because I was getting so worked up and upset, driving home in tears and worrying myself sick wondering if they were ok after I left. They are more human than humans.
Another seizure last night. Exactly two weeks. Off to the neurologist :(
I'm so sorry, and I can totally relate. My neuro just said if mine has another within 6 weeks of the last, they want to increase or add another med. He is already on very high doses of two meds.
I'm so sorry, and I can totally relate. My neuro just said if mine has another within 6 weeks of the last, they want to increase or add another med. He is already on very high doses of two meds.

I am so sorry to hear this :(. Best wishes to make it past the six weeks though--keep me posted.
I'm so sorry, and I can totally relate. My neuro just said if mine has another within 6 weeks of the last, they want to increase or add another med. He is already on very high doses of two meds.
It's been 4 weeks since ours had his 2nd seizure and he started his meds (Keppra). Praying he goes a long time without one


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