Scott's lame, boring running journal. CW

My girlfriend and I went to Newton, MA on Saturday and stayed at the hotel at the end of the D subway line at Riverside station. We walked to the station and went to Boston for some touring around. She went to college in Boston so it's pretty easy.

Good sleep Sat night.

Up at 5:20am to catch the 6am train to Boston. The night before it took 45 minutes. This morning it took about 20.

Having scouted the area and researched the whole thing, I had a plan. For the men's trials in November I had a plan but it was tough to execute. This time all went well. We got to the spot I wanted an hour and a half before the runners would get there. We were literally the first ones there. After going for something to eat in Cambridge we went back and there were about 15 people there. It was a big intersection so it was no problem. We set up and waited. I was wearing my Goofy had and two 50 in 50 guys started chatting and they ran the full this year at Disney. They were impressed with my maps of the area and the fact that I had the roster for all tha ladies running.

Anyway, fast forward; by the time the runners got to us for the first time (about 3.5 miles) there were a few thousand people there going nuts. It was really cool. I got some great pictures to redeem myself from the men's trials where I took awful ones.

You can probably look up the detailed results somewhere but here is a quick recap from my perspective:
My picks were Kastor, Russell and O'Neill. Anyway by the 3.5 mile mark, the leader was Magdalena Lewy-Boulet. Who? She was in front by a minute after 3.5 miles. The first chase pack had all the big guns. Kastor, Russell, O'Neill, Akor, Dryer and others. The order stayed like that for a while. By the thirs of four laps they had spread out and Kastor and Russell were the only ones in the first chase pack. Surprisingly, Lewy-Boulet was still in the lead by a good margin. I thought for sure that she would slow. By the start of lap 4 (of 4) Kastor had over taken her.

By now we were near the finish line which was about 1.5 miles from where we started. We tried to secure some VIP seating but were thwarted. We blended in about 200 meters from the finish line and waited. As we waited for the leaders, the last place girl came through and was holding her right arm by her side. She kept looking back to make sure she wasn't going to get lapped. The crowd cheered very loudly for her and I think she thought the leaders were comming. I think that she had tears in her eyes which brought tears to mine. She was fighting with everything she had to not get lapped despite an obvious injury. That was awesome.

Joan Samuelson was there running her 5th qualifier. She is a New England girl and you could tell. She must have thought the crowds were crazy because as she would approach the roar would get 2 or 3 times as loud as it already was. That was also cool.

As was no surprise, Dena Kastor was the first to arrive. She grabbed a flag with about 1/4 mile to go and ran with it. She had a nice smile on her face. Lewy-Boulet (who had the 43 fastest qualifier) held on for second and Blake Russell who was passed in 04 by three people in the final mile to miss the last olympics held on for third. The battle for the alternate position was great. They were seperated by seconds at the finish (not sure who).

After I happened to run into my college buddy who was running the marathon on Monday. He is a BAA member and an elite marathoner. I asked him his goals and he said, "top 30 and top 10 american". I tracked him during his run and he ended up 23rd overall. I'm not sure of his american place. He ran a 2:24:31! Wow.

We went to the expo which was incredible. We got a picture with Mr. Hoyt. There were so many vendors there that we didn't see them all. It got crowded so we left. The thing was huge. Even as a Disney smob, I have to admit that Disney doesn't hold a candle to this thing.

That was pretty much it. We walked around Boston for a while and left the city around 3pm

Fenway on Saturday night. Even though they suck I can respect the tradition enough to post this picture.

A picture that I snapped as I was walking to our viewing spot

What our corner looked like an hour before the race

The leader at mile 6

The chase group at mile 6

Some chick was must have been smitten with me at mile 6.

The girl that didn't want to get lapped

Another mile 6 (or 11) pick. All the big names in this group. #1 Kastor, #5 Akor, # 17 Russell, # 10 ONeill, #2 Dryer

This was my corner after the crowds arrived.

I snapped off this next sequence of pictures on the Mass Ave bridge around mile 15. It only looks like I'm in the middle of the street. I swear I wasn't.




400 Meters out

200 Meters out

Another personal favorite

Mr Hoyt, Kathy and Me

I was hoping she would come to us but that was it.

Joan Samuelson
Gearing up for Goofy 09 and my long run is 18 miles thus far. Again, I will not have as much fitness as I would like but have done enough to finish the Goofy. It will be my last for the forseeable future. I just hate going out for 4 hour runs. I will become a 5K specialist after this is over.
It is the night before we leave for the Goofy vacation. My last long run was on 12-3-09. It was 18 miles and a week before that I did 17. Since then I have had two 7 mile runs and a few scattered 4's and 5's. I will attribute it to sickness, my son's sickness and snow days.

Overall, I think that I have enough heart, and fitness to finish but the big question was from my perspective is the desire. Some of my runs ended simply because I just didn't want to go on. I am already thinking that it would be easy to jump off the course at mile 18 and go get ready for the Giant game. I am really interested in seeing what my report will say in a few days. Hopefully it has some picture of me with a goofy medal around my neck but quite honestly, I don't really care which is the scary thing.
the story for today for me was the weather. It was perfect or nearly so. Perhaps it could have been 3 degrees cooler but who can complain about such a small thing. Comming into the race I was very concerned about my conditioning. the last time I did a long run was on December 3 which was 5 weeks ago. Since then I had a long of 8 miles which is why I was concerned. Going into the race, my confidence was pretty low to the point that I was talking about exiting the full marathon course at mile 18 to go watch the Giant football game.

One thing that struck me as odd was the face that I only say one WISHer on the entire course. It was a pleasure meeting Tracy in Magic Kingdom.

Now on to my race report. As is my M.O. I arrived at the WISH meet and stayed on the outskirts of all the happennings. I am an introvert and therapist gave me permisson to hang on the outskirts.;) At about 5:00 or so, I separated from my DF Kathy and headed into port-o-potty heaven. Anyone there in the future should know that the best place to go is all the way down on the left. Two years in a row, there have been shorter lines and fewer lines going to more toilets. I headed to the corrals and even though I have done the walk a few times, I am still surprised at the distance. I walked to corral B and found a nice spot next to the fence where I did some light stretching and basically waited for everything to get started. One of my goals was to get some good video of the fireworks. I failed miserably. Where ever I turned the camera, I just missed the latest explosion. If you need a videographer, I am not your guy! Photographs - maybe. Anyway, getting to the corral a bit later than I usually do was nice because the wait was not bad at all. It was perhaps 20minutes or so.

The gun went off and I think that it took about 3 minutes to cross the start line. Of course Mickey, Minnie, Goofy and the duck of the day, Donald were there to see us off. As usual, the walk/run thing started out a bit tense for me. I try to be very courteous by staying to the side of the road and looking back before walking but in the beginning of the race there are just so many people that it makes it nearlyimpossible to walk without impeeding someone. That means that I usually run more than I should. This year I have gone to a run 3 to walk 2 which really has increased my feeling good. In the past I have tried a 7 to 1 and 4 to 1 and failed miserably. It remains to be seen what will happen in the full but I hope that the half is an indication. Anyway, the great thing about today was that I was at the back of wave 1. About 1/2 mile into the run I was about 100 to 200 people from the back which made the walking more care free. By the time the second wave caught us we were spaced out enough that it was never too crowded.

I was surprised at how good I felt during the entire race and again, I will attribute it to the cool temps. At 260lbs, I really sweat and boy did it being cool help out. Have I told anyone that I thought the temperature was perfect. My goal for the race was not really time oriented. It was more based on feeling good at the end and building confidence for tomorrow. Boy, did I end feeling good and build some confidence.

One of the advertised things about the race weekend was that there were going to be more characters. I didn't really see it until we got back to Epcot and when we got to the out and back there were three that were there that put it over the top. I would say that there were more than last year. I was happy about the amount and different characters than I have seen in the past. If I pass someone I have a picture with, I will usually just keep on going. I stopped a bunch of times today.

Here is the meat and potatoes of the race.
mile 1 13:00
mile 2 and 3 average time 12:47
mile 4 11:43
mile 5 11:55
mile 6 13:05
mile 7 12:56
mile 8 12:05
mile 9 12:01
mile 10 12:12
mile 11 11:56
mile 12 12:02

The whole thing took about 2:43 which was actually faster than last year. I took an ice bath and 3 hours later, I feel tight but great.
For the 08 Goofy, I ran a very easy and relaxed half and 16 okay miles of the full before falling apart and hobbeling the last 8-10 with G.I. problems, blisters and severe cramping. I finished in about 2:45 and 6:30.

This year I ran an easy and relaxed half in about 2:45 and ran about 18 pretty decent miles of the full before G.I. problems forced me to walk the last 8 miles at a good clip. I felt great from 18 to 24 when my G.I. issues forced a few bathoom breaks. Even though my body felt better than after any of the four marathon I have run, I actually finished with a very similar time as last year when I wanted to die. I really wish that I could get time out of my head, especially at Disney races, but it always seems to be in the back of my mind. Unless I decide to qualify for Boston by running a two hour PR, it simply doesn't matter.

I arrived later than usual because the bus man said that my two spectators could not come on the bus because only runners were allowed. Annoyed but undetered, we went back to the room and got the car keys. Me, Kathy and My father drove to the start. My mother and son slept in with the intention of meeting at Animal Kingdom (mile 17.5) at about 9:30.

We arrived at Epcot and more or less, drove right in and parked with ease. I was a bit concerned due to road closures but it wasn't an issue. We parked and went to the family area. I was disappointed that all the WISHers were gone and I could not find any of my WLS people. I waited until about 5, said goodbye to my scream team and entered the staging area. The best place to use the port-o-potties is in the far left corner as there are fewer lines to more potties. The mile long walk to the start was filled with a quiet energy that is tough to describe. I was in the second corral of the red course which was the slower side. I stayed toward the back of the corral and gave some advice to a Goofy rookie, haha.

The fireworks blast off and we were off. I really felt great, not feeling any side effects of the half. I was able to walk my 2 minutes and run my 3 without feeling like I was getting in anybody's way. It was congested but not too bad. It felt slightly warmer than Saturday but not bad at all. The first 4 miles were a bit tight but running through Epcot is great to start the race. At mile 4 I saw my scream team for the first time. We determined that I was in about 11,637th place at that point. (my dad had a clicker). Kidding. Anyway, the trip from mile 4 to about mile 8 is all about setting a good rhythm. At mile 8 I took a bathroom break. I decided that I would take breaks instead of suffering even if it meant a slower time.

Here is another tip. Run down the center of the water stops and gradually move over toward the end. The beginning are simply too congested. Powerade, however, is given out in the first 1/3 of the water stops. When you get to the TTC, the crowd noise is incredible. I got some pretzles from my scream team and was off toward the Magic Kingdom. The pretzles were awesome and didn't hurt my G.I. system. I also had a chewable multi-vitamin and I think that it helped a bit.

The run from the TTC to MK is pretty easy because there is a lot to look at and you have the contemporary hill to look forward to. It really isn't much anyway but breaks up the course flatness. Mile 10, there is another chip check that gives you a 10 mile split.

Kathy and my father were on main street waiting when I arrived. I took more pretzles because again, they were not messing with my G.I. tract. Up Main Street I went. I tried as hard as I could to take it all in. I didn't want look back and not remember it because I was looking through a view finder on my camera. It was a great day. It was clear and relatively cool. One of the advantages of doing the Goofy of running multiple years is knowing where the photo ops are. As someone who likes to get pictures with the characters, It is nice to be able to bypass the ones I already have. On Saturday, I stopped for a great pic with Mickey, Minnie and Goofy in Liberty Square with cool costumes that I had not seen. On Sunday the line was probably 5 times as long but I skipped it. The rest of MK is equally exciting. Once you are out of MK it gets a little tougher. There is a long stretch to the Grand Floridian which is boring but the legs are still fresh enough to keep it going alright. The scream team is there for some moral support.

Here is the best part of the whole day. I missed the mile 12 sign but didn't know it. All of a sudden I see the mile 13 sign and before I knew it, I was half way there. I passed the halfway point in about 2:45. It was the same time as the half the day before. Mile 13 to 17 was pretty good. I was still run/walking and keeping a good pace. I stopped at mile 15 to use the bathroom because I thought I had to. Apparantly, I didn't. I had to stop again at mile 17. This time was for real. With a 5:20 PR, I wish I could know what I could run without stomach pain in every run over 15 miles.

Anyway, my team was at mile 17.5 and it was good to see them. I got some more stuff to eat and left. My mother and son could mot make it so I was disappointed but what can be done. I left there and decided that I would pretty much walk the rest of the race. My body felt great and my mind felt outstanding. My stomach hurt and running was out of the picture. I kept up 15 minute miles walking for the next few miles. Mile 21 was funny. I was doing great. I saw my WISH team and since I was only wearing my hat I was not screaming WISH like I would have been with the shirt. Anne saw me late and forced an orange on me which was funny as I was chased down the course. I did get a cramp from turning to grab it but her effort was very appreciated.

Hollywood studios is another fun part of the course. It is a nice distraction after about 5 miles of nothing. Out near the gate was another WISH group handing out goodies and again, how nice to see some friendly faces. I was pertty content with what I had to get me to the end of the race as I was passing I heard, "twizler" and boy, did that grab my attention. That was a treat.

From there I was still doing well to about mile 24. That was when the balls of my feet got hot and started hurting. Hollywood studios, the walkway to the Swan and Dolphin and on to the Yacht and Beach club were all very pretty and it is pretty east to get distracted. Again, Mentally I was still there but the stomach issues were there as well. I got into Epcot and walked world showcase, still at a nice pace. With less than 1/2 mile to go, I had to ask where the nearest bathroon was. That part of the day was annoying at best but I really must say that I enjoyed this marathon more than any other I have done. The choir was upbeat and great again.

My scream team was at mile 26.19 and I stopped to say hi. I must not really think that highly of running a good time when I probably stopped and chatted for a total of about 10 minutes with them along the course. I guess that I was not really that concerned about time.

I finished feeling really good overall.

As did everyone, I got the mylar, medal, chip removed and loaded up on drinks and snacks. I went to get the Goofy Medal and headed out to meet my people. Kathy had already gone to cool the car so when I meet my family, we were almost ready to go. One thing I had to do before I left was to meet up with Anne and thank her for the wonderful support. She is awasome! What a treat to see her on the course.

I got in the car and headed back to the All Star Music Suite and that was when all the fun started. I was drinking Powerade and eating snacks to rehydrate. I took an ice bath and waited about 20 minutes to shower. The Giants were on and I was watching. Anyway, during the shower my midsection started to hurt. I could not tell if it was muscle fatigue and cramping or a spasm or what the hell it was. I got half dried off and went and collapsed on my bed. I was literally writhing in pain and could not breathe very well at all. I would change possitions and get a second or two of relief before seizing up again. My mother look panicked but that was okay because I was getting there also. I asked for a glass of water and salt which I could not drink right away because of the pain. I finally did and also had two chewable vitamins. In another 2 minutes I was going to have my mother call for help. I couldn't take it and was scared but the salt and vitamins kicked in. The pain lessened a bit and I downed another Powerade as the pain finally subsided. I would say that the severe pain lasted for 10 minutes and I layed there for about 5 minutes without much pain before I had the guts to move. When I did, I was better. I ate everything in the room to try to replenish what was missing. I really did consentrate on electrolyte replacement during the race and rest of the day. I was not sure what caused it. My guesses were weak stomach muscles that were pissed, dehydration or a lack of vitamins and minerals. After talking to a body builder I work with, I would guess it was the electrolytes. He told me that many body building shows have pedialite back stage for what I was describing. You would think that after 4 marathons, I'd have a clue but no.

Again, the whole weekend was great. The 1/2 had to be one of my favorite races of all time and the full was my most enjoyable too. Thanks to everyone invloved!!!
Scott, Congratulations on going Goofy. That is something I can not imagine attempting. You did it though. What an accomplishment! Sorry for the G.I. issues but it sounds like you perservered. Very happy for you!!

I took mostly video during this years races. I regret not getting more photos now but perhaps I can make a video to link in the near future.



















Two scream team members. Mom and future wife.

I just love balloons

Even with a car, I needed an excuse to ride the monorail.

Goofy and Goofier

Donald, Goofy and Dopey

Would you believe that he didn't want anything?

Friday's warm up at Hooters.
I am having a tough time dealing with the fact that I am not doing disney in January. It was a completely monitary decison and I still don't regret it, however, it would be really nice to at least go and support my WISH team. Who knows, maybe I would run the 1/2 as a bandit without taking the water or medal of course. If the overtime at work suddenly comes back, it would be possible to hit 4 or 5 and pay for a weekend trip. I am going to miss being there even though my introvertedness keeps me to myself anyway.
I still feel the same way about Disney 10. Every time I see an ad in one of the running mags, it really makes me sad that I won't be there. Anyway, there is always 11.

I have a half comming up on 10-10-09. That is about 2 and a half weeks away. There is also a local on this weekend that I am debating. I have to do an 11 mile long run anyway. May as well surround myself with the atmosphere and get some water on the course. $45 is a bit steep though for a race that is an after thought.

I took off about 17 days of running around my wedding and It set my training back a good month or so. Despite that, I think that I will go into the Hartford 1/2 in okay shape. My goal was a PR at sub 2:03. That won't happen but I think that I can still keep it at a sun 10 minute mile pace. I wouldn't be "happy" but content with that.
I have started a running streak. As of Jan 1, 2010 I am up to 40 days. The goal is a full year. Not sure if I will make it but I really like having the goal. It has actually made the running more enjoyable because I don't have to debate if I am running that day or not. The only decison is when.
Whew, a full year is an ambitious goal! I'm impressed by the 40 days so far. :thumbsup2
Today is 4 months since I started the streak. My long run since it started is 6.7 miles and I have a new 5K PR of 24:02. That was in my first race of the season. It is the consistancy and my mile repeats about every 8-9 days that have helped.

My knee has been hurting since the 5K and I have been taking it really easy. My next race is in about 10 days and it is a 1/4 marathon. I am not as concerned about the knee with that because I will not have the intensity that I did in the 5K. I have also been doing knee strengthening exercises which help a bit.
I just read your journal - your streak is inspiring!
Are you still "Gallowalking?" (Is that what it's called?) Does the "1" mean 1 minute? One mile? Just curious. I'm training for my first half marathon, and am considering that technique.
I am still at it. It's been over 6 months. I love it. In that time, I have a new PR for the 5K (by 45 seconds) and the 10K by over a minute with a two minute stop to chat with an old friend during the race. November 23 is the date I need to get to to hit a year. I think it is doable because of how I eased into the streak by not over doing it. The easy days are real easy and I do 2 hard days a week.
After I wrote about feeling great about the streak and how good I was feeling, I went into a funk. For 2-3 weeks, I getting out the door to run has been awful. My back has hurt, my shoes were getting old contributing to knee pain and the back pain and the heat has been awful. I dont know if it's worse for someone who is heavy but I bet it is. I hover in the 260 range.

Today, I went out for 6 miles and ended up doing 5 but it was a really good 5. Actually, it was a really good 3.5 but I'll take it after a few weeks of awful runs. Due to the heat I walked/ran the last 1.5 and I really could not catch my breath when I stopped running. Hopefully, this is going to be the start of some good running. If I can get into half way okay shape, I want to run an 11.6 mile race on Aug 7. Two weeks ago, I did 8 miles and was hoping to amp it up from there but since then my long is the 5 I did today. I think I can do another 8 by the end of the week and maybe a few 10's. That will be enough to finish. I also have not done any meaningfull mile repeats in a couple months. I would like to work some of those in. We shall see.
At mile 10 of the 11.6 mile race, my big dilemma was, do I run faster and gun for a PR or do I stay smart and stick to the master plan. My heart was telling me to run faster and my head was saying, "the goal is the streak - stick to the plan". Fortunately my hips and lower back were on the side of my head. I am not sure that I could have PR ed if I wanted to anyway.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to do a report for this race or not. I have now done it 4 times and missed last year because it was on my wedding day. (I picked the day). Anyway, this race was special because my surgeon's wife was running. She works in the practice and knows more about the surgery than he does. I can't say that I got her into running but I certainly got her jazzed up to run at Disney and that got her started. I caught up to her about 30 seconds before the race and had a quick chat before she came over to look at my new son. As she was looking the gun went off and we scurried over to cross the starting line. She had a partner and was about 100 yards ahead of me at the first mile mark.

Leading up to this race, I was hesitant because I was fairly under trained. I had a 6.5 mile long run about 10 days before but with running every day, I felt like I had the strength to finish. Having run a bunch of 1/2 and a few fulls gave me the confidence that I could fake it when I got tired. At every mile marker, I would walk a minute. My last mile repeat day was pretty good with three under 8 minutes. My goal was to run about a 9 minute pace and the walking would increase it to 9:30 or 10 minutes. The goal for the race was to finish healthy and continue toward my year long running streak.

At the first mile I looked down at my watch and saw 8:50 which was a little fast. It wasn't like looking down and knowing that I had blown the race though. One of the real nice things this year was the discovery that many of my GI issues were egg related. When I was offered water at the first stop, I gladly accepted. As a matter of fact, I took water AND GATORADE at all stops. Let me tell you how awesome it was to have some energy as the race went on. I an usually crossing on fumes due to a lack of nutrition and hydration.

For the next few miles, I did my run/walk and would get within 50 yards of Debbie (my surgeon's wife) before falling back again with my walk break. I went through the 5 mile mark at 46:30 which I was pleasantly surprised with. The big question in my head was, could I keep it up as I approached my long run distance?

Between miles 5 and 6 Debbie walked a bit and it looked like she was working something out with her leg. I passed and kept on my way with a simple greeting. A few minutes after I passed her, I really started to reflect on my entire weight loss journey. As a matter of fact I got weepy. It's right in the middle of the race and here I am with my eyes welling up while I make an occasional crying noise. Anyway, it kind of came to me that she deserves one of my Goofy medals. I earned one with hard work and months of dedication but without her there are no marathon medals, no new wife, no new son and no awesome life that I have found thanks to losing the 135 lbs that she was instrumental in. It is a sad fact but nobody wants to hook up a 375 lb friend.

After I got through that rough patch, I was entering waters that I had charted before but not in a while. My hips were getting a bit sore and my groin was getting tight. There is a hill in mile 8 that always makes me quit running. Not just in the race but forever. As the sun is pounding down and I get tired, I have questioned what the hell I am doing. Not yesterday though. I did walk a good portion of the hill but did not lose much time to others around me who was running slowly up the hill. When I got to the top I kind of smiled and began to calculate that I only had about 2.5 to go. Even with the walking, that mile took 10.57 which really raised my confidence.

There was one problem though. My hips were really starting to act up. They felt hot and tight. The battle became, show myself how mentally tough I am by gunning for a PR or stay smart, keep the walk breaks which were now about every half mile and finish with a nice time without endangering my streak by injuring something. Seeing the clock tick by was hard knowing that I had a chance to PR. Luckily my hips really helped the situation. I could not have gone much faster even if I wanted to.

This race was really enjoyable partly due to the weather. It was cool and by the ocean there was a very nice, cool breeze. During the last mile, I really wanted to run more and faster but I could not have been happier with the entire race. I knew that I was going to have a respectable finish and that I was going to be healthy tomorrow. Even though, I had to keep telling myself, "the big picture is running tomorrow", I was able to run a race that I felt very content with. In the final installment of the Rocky series, he leaves the ring having finally satisfied that deep urge to fight and compete. That was kind of the feeling that I had as I approached the finish. There was a girl next to me that I had seen for a lot of the race. As we approached the line side by side I stepped back as she finished slightly ahead of me. There was no desire to finish ahead of her, only a feeling of satisfaction for completing a race in a time that I had not deserved. I did earn it though.

As I exited the chute at the finish, I turned left and stopped. My hips were on fire and my groin was more tight than I thought was possible. I put my hands on my knees didn't move for a few minutes. When my wife got there I used her for support as I stumbled over to the clam chowder and water. Three bowls of chowder, two bottles of water and an hour of stretching later, we left. I did see Debbie finish but she hightailed it to the parking lot and didn't see her after the race. It is time to mount the Goofy medal and give it to the Valin's because they truly are the reason that my life is grand. Like I said, I will keep one but one belongs to them.

I didn't proof read this because I am kind of sick of reading about myself so I hope this is an okay read. I hope you enjoyed.

Did I mention that the race is FREE! This was the 48th running and hopefully, I will enjoy the next 48.
I've read your entire journal this morning & I'm so knocked out. Despite the fact that you're a Yankee fan, I have to give you props. I really enjoyed reading it, & think you're pretty amazing.


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